HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-06-24, Page 6_+ ,___ ;.... , _WAIF PAGE 'SIX THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL; LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24th, 1970 RQoD. OF THANKS WANED HELP • A.F VIEWS Married_C Couple• . M I h - • .. o Dr: Corrin, ' Dr. � NEWS AND �� In Ripley. Church. . . ,_ , !! . `t °shl ti�. M�r` i ; �• r '" •� ' McKim and nursing - ham Staff at Wing- ham and District Hospital while • ' I was a .... ,,� patient A special thank all. •"•the ' :; Y .gh ou' toneighbours and friends,readydrained,' :. .who at home and .helped • offered help while " • a . hospital- I w sto : ized.. • Frank Alton, • • _ ¢le o:T ion ,. :Most of Bruce •• Cou far; m. my land needs' drainage,. •11 not al It :Is utter follySt, dragmodern, expensive, aqui p, ment over inadequately drained land. For rxiany, years the excuse . R VAN DER HOEIC _OZS - .• ... A ndrew's United Church ,' p • y Rt le ,decorated with bouquets of iris, lemon lilies and spires and whitepews, wasUP bows on•the the � i ' ' ��� , 1, . TO HALF PRICE • , " 'E > �` ► ,� F.. • w FOR $ , I wish to thank m - many friends' �. - i •and nei hours; foryletters cards,, KINCARDINE �g ;.. ,, -, fio ers._ and_ gifts while...-L_was is --..__ was that the and machines were With full= .not available, Now, th 7 time. ditching 'machines. . , . . betting"for the wedding of Catharina. Cornelia van•der Hoek t Ross Q •, Y FILM PROCESSING •, SLACK O` WHITE . , . ,•:� ...•t. ,,, ' %' ; '` E '... i• _ _ - .. , .. , : DI�'TI�LCT - • Wingham;�Hospital, also those who � _ • visited me andprovided me with: HIGH SCHOOL ' "trans i transportation -era1:-on-on- ar-t-time-basis ou-can a P �. Y ,,get ,your drainage done when you .June . Wish, '• , • . .lurch � ; :. 6.th at,7 0• cl..ock, - Ttie bride"i's, the daughter of Ivlr, 's Ex sura .Ss a:nom .. • . -.... ZO '-�• 1 tis —= 85 cents: .35 d '.cost' ` 9 f.; `` ,.; ' . ' •. " Po -to--and--from-•--hos- pital. Their •• kindness was very. A l in' i much appreciated. Thanks too to . pp y writing not later- Elders of .Presbyterian Church, than • July 3, : 1970: giving ' age Wingham and Salvation Army for • and experience, - their.• visits; The nurses.. on second floor of hospital and Dr • Corrin • THE BRUCE COUNTY & ._ e. i p iDrs. Corrin _ ._• and, McKim for their care of me;• BOARD.' OF EDUCATION.. ;,very Thanks so much. BOX 190; Mae McKendrick • CHES.LEY,- ONTARIO, •the You {can borrow • 75% of the' at 4%, less " than half the . going rate of interest . It 'just has .. to be the best investment if it is needed: • White muscle disease in calves is the ex ression of lack of Vita A Amin •E` caused by lack of one trace mineral, ,Add Vitamin E to . feed-if, on home grown feed. and Mrs. Bas C: van: de•Hoek of • • Ripley, The groom 'is the• son of John Ross and the late Mrs:, Ross of Orillia.- Rev George N. Ball performed the double ring cefemon ,. g Y Given in Marriage 'b her father g y the. bride ,chose•a floor-length,' • KODACOLOR • 8. 'Exposuro $2.12, ' • • 12 -r;4.86, 20 -x.50 . By-pass "middleman .store= keeper, send DIRECT to. ro- ' cesswg; plant' and save up ao • ; t qe " Send film, cash, cheque, • he o ATTENTION:, M. F. WEDOW Mrs. Cyr .. Campbell . wis s t . • express thanks for cards; flowers 'hospital: . On the other hand, don't be taken•gown in,. by a shotgun application of ' of•white lace over satin with.' empire waist:. She wore a four'- gth or money order along with • this ad to: a d gifts whileshe as ' �, . � • . n . � w in ...• - Thanks also to Unit, 5, U.C.W. All trace minerals. Too much. of cer=- fain minerals either to the soil tiered :shoulder-len veil and carried a white Bible "crested with. • CLINTON: PHOTO OLIN• ' • SERVICE ,_ ox the can do_more •iris _ _ - . _- _._ was-deeply a reciated.' pp •,ate � r WITH A ' _ ..how _anirrtals harm than: _ _ .. lily--of th-e-va-lloy--and--bloc _ CLINTON, ONTARIO t w ;. • Jack Hewitt wishes to express ' n exp s thanks for cards, ; ifts and visitsp g , ,. %�' while: he was '.hos itahzed in. Wing- GET YgUR MAIL �� 1Atn Ail �. , ' Bruce -County :Junior Farmer Field Day activities will be hfelti � • at the Walkerton District' Second- . s w t e m rs fro•m"whfch•-fell h.te r a e a with blue i ris petals. •Maid- of hoitaur was .Miss •Karn � , .. a • • • Add S%'ta •to chegoe •- x and 1.Sc . , fax__ ' The , Lucknow '.Sentinel • ham and Victoria Hospital, London. Special thanks in iso- Kt::••,,:•:,::•>:::. -:, ,•.:,,,:. - ::�:>:,.:••••;.;.::<;::::• • :� � . - ary School, June-19th for 'indoor'Doreen-van derHoek- of Ripley,,_. , ' Tjme 24, 1970 � . "to , nurses•, lation. All was deeply appreciated, skills and Chesley : Memorial Park, June ' 20th for Track and sister of the bride. She wore a floor-length gown of golden yet- h1--activitief= =you 1 wish to express thanksto . all • DON'T • MISS for cards' ifts flowers and visits : THE g : w, ARENA. while in. Wingham: and District ' Hos ital and St Mar 's' Kitchener. M1 p .. y WAREHOUSE. SALE . Special thanks to Doctors 'Corrin ' • ,;;;, �. OF and McKim' and nursing staff. `' Charlie: Webster WESTINGHOUSE' thi • , •Bruce County Junior , Farmers ark enthusiasm,* l h asm, come. to these• events and see for yourself: We • have' an idea this organization. is a growing and developing move-' ment..Bruee'County Junior Farm-.; • • e •sent-1 •_ Ow-:p-o- yester: - • -. -ern' waist,. ; : Bridesmaid's,were Miss Joan : Pol•lard of 'Ripley and ?vlrs .' Donna , b r Camp ell of•O ill' Th wore floor-len th owns of.• ", g g wvi h--corsage-of el ow-sweet 'heart roses. For•travellfng the bride.wore n ' ur The a navy blue ,pa t •s couple ;w.ill reside in Orillia . , ,NIrs; ,W:alter Forster and:Mrs... •; - - •s ; .f' .. We wish to express thanks: to our Pe . change delegate'. from: Northern apple: green polyester c�epe with = : d - .= ':-dc all'.'thc flower arrangements and.: g M1: ,•• ami y; neig •ours' in. rien. or " IN THE KINCARDINE ARENA. • cards and gifts and to all who help- '• ed to Make our 25th g An-•. ,. Julie 45 o June 30th inclusive Wedding M1 :9 a.m. to Y0. P:ir• daily • ' ' re and = Mr. John Wilson• T. ey are. able to share ideas• with this top 'young farmer of the United • • rr.'wis• The three' attendants each , ca:rried•nose ays of.yellow dais SHOWERS 4 . su -___ . , . � .. • itiversary�-a-�lrappy=oecasiori:-- � _ .. --- _ Ea' ,t P' '�_ . >' ' ' • ;Gordon :and .Agnes Lyons • Free. draw On •a portable West- • " ` ' •• •inghouse' :dom Modern farm. buildings must be designed to: last and not fall down murns••and-w re. olden..button g mums in their hair; e _ _ �••-was'liahotired �` • .Prio•r,to her :marria e-'rhe. bride 3; ..g. at.a"•comrnuntt' ' • y - ' television . set, • Draw Mrs. Oliver ,MeCharles' wishes to made last day of'.'the: sale. This $: express sincere thanks to all the. is the 'largest 'sale' of a li� b PP •• friends 'and neighbours Who sent, antes and furniture..eer,.•.held.: `floral. tributes, baking, cards and in Bruce' County: It On. Avant ' • ' , ' :, rformed •• man . acts of kindness to Save;•don't miss` this, Pe .. money during the first big • snow storm or` wind storm}'. Unfortunately, a few . 'p have.• They a15o Sh uld have the right amount of s ace for live- o and .- feed• distance from Groomsman ,was Garr Cam be y Camp- 11 of Or•illia., Ushers were Keithvan der Hoek of RI ' le• y,, '': brother,o,f the bride:a'nd Rob Ross. of Grillia brother of the room , g shower held in "the United Church • Ripley.. A pro.grarn included a' • singsong.;, musical numbers' by. Marian GaMble,.,Mar and g NancyMacKay;. _• a Contest'by y, y , . 1 - du ing the illness .ann -dr the -tti ne . even .• .' • MsM ': of the funeral .of her father, . Mr. YOUR •WESTINGHOUSE ,' • ' George' McGillivray.. These . manRipley � ' : APPLIANCE. DEALER :. . • 'will acts of kindness will long be • rem- A. E. GREEK emebered by: Mrs. McCharles, tier • . '• • � . famil and•. her sisters: ,• GLAMIS" PHONE. 353.5500' i YX1.50; •• other: •.buildings for fire safety, etc; 1970 edition of Code. for. Farm � Buildings covers all'•,this:• Can be: ac uired from , National Research q Council : of Canada, . Ottawa 'for or ,get • in ,ouch' with our Miss Corinne MacDonald of . was or anist . g Moore 1� y g Reg of Ripley Was soloist, • • A dinner was held at the Legion •. Hall, Ripley., A rete do follow; Julie 'and Dianne Stanley, a read= ing by oliveri.:NfcAuley; a trio by. Caroi and Joan Pollard a'nd'.Linda Culbert:.. Mrs, Walter Forster`.• ' • ' • was master ceremonies. Tti'e, ' bride,-elect was assisted •in open- r; •,. • We would like Ito take this - op- P..S• -- Conway Furniture will M1 > 1.0 d l' 1 4 • ! , , , ye, • have a com• 1 te' li1 e e e 11 A ieultural En ear. . . gu gin 7 uld cye '.e ed in the Ripley Town Hall with 11 , • -. . . • !•. s 1 . itng her gf fts by her Sister Karen t` 'i ' 'neighbours ,in the . Holyrood area fps ` gs •at 'this...Sale, same * . .. . for the 'gifts xihich the resented • time, .same lace. Y p P a ! to us and,would•be pleased'to•have' , • • •• them visit .us at anytime . in our , •• ., ' , . c .. protein " supplement by making hay or. haylage• fill that gap;. plan to'start,haying n 't,I t than'mid= June. Most alfalfa is. well advanc-i I' muit. • Th •• ••.1D'de's mother chose a. lilac d'r'ess a jacket ensemble - and •. On Saturday, afternoon: ,v1ay 3tirh he: girl•f • 'of Joan Pollard for aamisel atn ous new home:• '. ..., 'fpr 'this time of Steer shower to again honour the bride- again ed year. - yeah . -- Srieer-ely—. • Mr, and Mrs. Mark .Johnston , et-t i gand-fied n mnilk-cows-re- .quires early cut .hay or- haylage:• -to-last Residual effects of 1 -lett : • :. : ,. We wish to'express our sincere'ear.:It ... • . thaiks to -relatives, friends and'dry' former neighbours for• the beautiful • � __ • 'URGE .-� Many discount -haylage .mainly beep beta ase it..wasn t put in till July.` eau :ase, •it •you: are, 'wintering •horses it doesn-t- crops ofa grain. are evident this is y always n.a .bit risky:• is .bad This year due to _on • flowers cards and other. pxPres- . • , • Bions .of sympathy at the time • of ;.: .. .. -� : -. ,. ,' • .. ' '--beef --caws-or , ` matter , so -much. ' Early cut hay, . _ ... particularly legumes,• is an, excel- ---weather.�wL�z .abs ,:_of..atcazine.. t eding of grain the followinow ear etre t_.in. ex- g Y p .. .+ :sive • the . asset of our aster Marion" Macdiarmd. Special thanks to the v.. Kenneth ReRooney.: ' orence olden_._ • 1) .. --~" �� < lent .source of otherwise .•expen-• protein. The weatherman "often Intervenes ' so.. in : order' � toy . • . .tremely , dry • 'conditions. =Bruce 'Count l Milk', Committee f • is king •for arm. girls. for the iv r and Mrs. Carl McCien: a'- n viii'ted• on S g 'Sha l u.nday w ith. M r : : Stewart rto f' Water-. and Mrs, Mack St w `. '. . , . Margaret. Macdiarmid � ge . mos s arfha ni a-w,eek early rather than a week late ' ce Pr-Coupty a •y—Prune Competition• Single girls, 17 years oo and n e: return tt~ '_.- irent-to --- p plattsville/to visit Mr, and Mrs,: :• . .. DONATIONS FOR. WALKATHON The As i 1enation _..._ _ --_ _hf a d_walkers_:-.MILKING: :._. would like . _. ,an•�.who toa ress their sincere a r ''. -. t ::. , •. �. � PP aria . • • ;_ : ,. •, • . tion. to the following organizations• ' • for their •kind 'support;' ', ._ Money-. donations;. St. ' H • . At P PARLOURS. ..-. STANCHION PIPELINES BUCKET MILKERS Weed. sprayers are in full'op- or should be. Most crops - P are 'sprayed too late for •best re- sults. Soil' is dry ••;this year So • ubl do a up. on•the water c• o•mpared ,or over whose home is on .a dairy oris in Bruce Co f linty areinvited: to `apply at the Ontario Depart= merit of Agriculture - gr Culture and .Food office, 'Walkerton: , Harr •Moss :Ivan, and Mrs,. Ben � e ria gh ' had been- • ' vin 'there ,a few 'Weeks , $ � h me accompanied them. o •. Women's • • Institute, Trinity ChurchPUMPS ,• Ladies, KingsbridgC a h o 1 i c •• � Other donations, Wbmen's League; 4ed Bakery,, y s Weston s. Bakery, Bartliffs Bake Wittich's Bakery, • VACUUM STEP ' SAVERS •BULK TANKS • • Burns Meat, National Farmers Un- WATER C o o low 0 . ilk s.. F ` . •ion distributed ,40• gaL milk that was donated by ,Andrews" and Gar- diners Dairies (Goderich), Silver- EQUIPMENT At ' • • • ° - nc I •woods, 1�Teilson's, Bissett's (Cash); • .:...... _. __ _. ...._......Mccnrm c is Cults,—C9Gga. 1a� r •ervtc es �. e n Hallowen Farms, T e e s w a t e r' Creamery, Kincardine Cream Pine River Creamery; Mrs, Don-• • aldson's General Store, St. Helens General • Store, Arnold Stothers, K.• Dawson, Petrie's Store,' Bill Van T o • S UniOadera' • .,. Silage Cone ars ' •' Y t t • . . • •a - ('On r o ,Health S�rwtces Irsurdnce. Plan '' ' „ :.1.,,..k-ieev,e . men Store, Alex Andrew. ' .'--eiFFeeders eA:4w! • , USE _• Sr SA� ' Y, N D T A irk KMART1NPresented. ,3,44408 ' KINCARDINE ONTARIO CHIROPRACTIC In 1A 19 . The Public' Interest The " By ASSOCIATIO T •