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Federation To Supply Life Guards
Ashfield Township :Federation; as follows.
of Agriculture met at' North Lunch.. (serving of same and
Ashfield Public School on June providing extras such as Ice
8th at which time .plans for the Cream, etc.) Mr. and Mrs..
picnic were made.The picnic Ralph Cameron, Mr. and, Mrs..'
is to be held Sunday, June 28th Warren Zinn , Mr; and Mrs.
at. Ashfield Park, with organized. • George Moncrief,
ball games, races,.gamesr prey-
enation of, Certificates, for those
who participated in the Walka.-
thon programme;.- picnic•lunch..
will be a feature ofthe •afternoon.
The—Federation of.Agriculture-
will have Life Guards on hand for
supervised swimming.'
Committees. were set up for .
.the various sections of the picnic
Mrs., Gordon Elliott of Wing-.
ham. spent the., week -end with Mr,
and Mrs. '-Walter Elliott and fa:rn-
ily•and 0ttende-ct °an-niveTsar"y— -. ;
Rev. R. D. A. Currie of.Wal-
, laceburg was a, dinner guest with .•
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elliott and
family and a - supper guest with
Mr .a-nd�Mrs.z -Donald-7.R ss• -and-
Mrs. W 'J. Coulter `of Wing
haat was a Sunday anniversary
:visitor with Mrs. Robert Ross.
Sunday Mr. •and .Mrs. 'Boli,
Mowbray were,carl-ers at iensa-11
:, on Mr".' and Mrs. Palmer, where
they visited with Mrs:.. • Margaret
But er ,. of San•Prancisco•and Mr.
• I
and• Mrs. Thompson of Toronto.•
• After this call they proceeded to
Reeses Corners to the home of
Mr. and "Mrs. Bob .'Stacey ,
wherethe relatives had gathered
to surprise Mr. and Mrs. Relison
Falconer of Sarnia to celebrate
with them their 25th:wedding
anniversary,. -Brian Falconer who)
passed his ,grade on ` his years
• work returned hot:he.with them
for a visit; . .
—Friday-v.is-i-t rs with Mr. and. Mrs)
Wesley. Tiffin were 1VIr•., and Mrs,
Larry Hendersonof Guelph.
• Mr. and Mrs: Kenneth Hopf
of London were 'Monday visitors
• r. -t rs�--Ji.-..-.—.T�nrte-sem
Allan Falconer'has recently,
accepted .a position at Malton
airport. He is wished success
by his friends here.
Anniversary guests with Mrs;
las: McInnes oh Sunday were:
Mr. and .Mrs.• Orville Hastings,
and family, Mi. and Mrs.' Gear
e Stanley and family. of ;Luck -
now.and Mrs.. Dorothy McKague`•
of Teeswater.
• \1:r • and qrs. Wallace Wilson
and Wanda .of West Wawanosh•
.were Sunday evening visitors with.
:.�r and Mrs;,Wesley
Cha l-m'ers-•Prest)y ierisn W 1. ' •
will hold their June meeting on
Tiesday June 23 at the home of
• s. Johnston Conn of .Wingham
"fit Elroy Laidlaw and Mrs. •
‘,...alter Elliott have charge of the
Ball Games, Mr. and: Mrs.
Vincent Austin, Mr. ,and Mrs.
Joseph•Buell, George Smith, Dan
Special Events, Mr. and Mrs.;
Russ Irvin, Mr.. and Mrs, Grant
Farrish, Mr. and Mrs, Bob Irwin..
Special Presentations, Pan.
Dalton: •
Tea and Soft Drinks, . Mr.. and
Mrs. Ross Eedy, Mr., and MIs..
Oliver McCharles , 'Mr.. and Mrs.
Bill Button.. "
A committee was also named
to meet with Colbourne and West
Wawanosh Federation to discuss
joint meetings. The committee
is Ross Eedy , Duncan Farrish and
Vincent Austin..
Many projects, were discussed:
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17th, 1970
and support to the Recreation
Committee was decided upon with
the Federation to finance the pro-
curing of Life Guards and investig-
ating the possibility of having
"Safe Areas"• fenced off. at Ash-
field/` Beach,
The next meeting is tobe held'
•• July lath at Ashfield Park. ,
Visitcrs on Sirdayn with :.:r.
and ' `,rs.. Wesley Tiffin were `"r,•
and *Mrs. Dave Moffat Ross and
Bob of Langside Misses Brenda
and Gayle Henderson and Cathy
Gilkiflson of Listowel, Mr, and
Mrs.. Allan Falconer of Mallon.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McKay
In. Ontario, we Still have a choice.
Unplanned ,expansion. in .our Prov-•
ince could lead: to an unpleasant
way :of life. Our large cities could
become plagued with runaway pol-
lution or parking . lots instead ,of
.Parks• fs
Ontario's less•devcloped areas .could.
develop in all: the :wrong ways"''
For. Ontario;, that kind oLfuttirc
simply ism t good ;e Tough. That's why,
ve''re already,involved in programs
of regional'i government' and con-,
Conservation, . -rural areas can 'be co-ordinated to -
During 1969, the province invested .encourage more equitable growth and.
more than $7 million in 38. Conserva- : development throughout the . prov-
tion Authorities to help make sure ,ince. With these larger pools of
'.your 'children can tell a tree from .a talentand money' working on our
telephone pole. As further life in: future; we' have a 'better than ever.
ties -bane—ac-uaired-cha.nce,taLgun-r-antee test possible
and. protected almost 82,000 acres: of environment for all.. our. people. '
. forest and helped plant more than a { .
million`young'.trees: , Re;ional Government and plan-.
_Itegionnl Governor t iiia canitelp4u,c &Vld a better .t iiiee °.
,A new system of regional government But to do that, i e need a strong
is .being; -studied and implemented in economy 10' .support our good 'Mien-
many:parts of Ontario. Under this new tions. One way' tohelp: when price `l
system; regions combining urban and and qualiti' compare, shop Canadian.
•Pioaeer•ViIlage, near Toronto, is one
of more than 150 conservation areas
in .Ontario. To date; ivv rrei -
municipal spending on conserva"tion
has totalled almost $150 'million. The
result: more than•..35000 acres of un-
spoiled .land safeguarded for our
Bertha MacKay of 'London were
'Monday visitors with their sister
Mrs. A. E, Purdon'and Mt,.. and
Mrs, Bob Mowbray; Bertha plans
on leaving on ;Monday next on
a 'tour of the Erropean, continent .
where .she will be joined by her
brother Rev. and Mrs, . Angus
�° .►:. - An . efficient affordable and. inte
t n 1 o lc 11ew_ regionai gre tedtra.nsportation system is just
school. boards Will moan tlae.best' One of the factors to be considered >i
possible. education for, your child no long' range'regional planning. Other •
matter what size your community is. factors . being. studied to give every-
These are benefits of regional pro- gone a fair share in', Ontario's future
i = n of ria n-fi t ose _ ,
-ra-to-s-al-re=ad-t-n•-e�. -; _. .
Canada's life style'of tomorrow presents many challenges. But it's "Ontario's style to meet these challenges today.,
overnm'ent: of Ontario
bepartrnent of Trade and ncvelopment