HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-06-17, Page 15WEDNESDAY, .JUNE 17th,, 1970 THE LUCKNOW-SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • /111 111E111M ■ ROCl/IIS1111.IIIE111 III 111E1m11 111AI1itOtIIEIIIEIImIIIr11I 1 ipt How do you want your At your CO -OP -you can have your Nitrogen any way you want it. J ust talk to the Crop. Product Specialist, and discuss your . . requirements withchim. He'll advise you. Aqua Ammonia for corn side dress or pre plant. With 3" to 4" depth of application. Nitrogen is available when needed in the early stagesof grgwth. Convenient to use. Custom application services available. Anhydrous, Ammonia foi.side dress or pre -plant ori cp rn. Apply, it yourself or. askat your Co-operative about custom application - to meet your. ,requirements, • ii4th Anfliv�rsary At South Kinloss KI,NLOSS NEWS. At the well -attended 114th ,Anniversary.Services of South Kin- loss. Presbyterian Church on Sun- day Rev. Gary Morton 9f Burling- ton was the. guest speaker, 'The,' subject of the morninn.,sermon ' . was "Whai we'stand.Yfor" based on Paul's letter to the Corinthians 14) -and -the evert ing was "Rern€mbering Names". • The choir under the direction Of Mrs. Lorne Sparks with pianists: Miss Linda Sparks, Brian Keith, and Mrs. John Needham provided. special music. Soloists were Frank MacKenzie•and Rick`Pritch ard. A•duet was sung .by Mrs. • Steer and. Mrs. Sparks.and the choir contributed two anthems. The church' has all been re-,dec.- orated and was further•enhanced by .beautiful season's'fiowers • arranged by Mrs. Alex' MacLeod and a basket arrangement donated by Rennie Graham. Mr..and Mrs. Harvey Houston visited Sunday with Mr. and, Mrs. -Hioara a-`1ar1-ofOwen Sbmzd Mrs, Murray. Tuck and .Scott: of Oakville spent a :few da_y_s: with..- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Doug las Graham.. Inglis MacDonald of Scarbor- w ee -.- nd guest at, the home of Ivir _and4vI s.,: Ira Dickie_._ Rev.' and Mrs. Gary 'Morton and Iwo were entertain.' e un ay at t e ome of Mr: and Mrs. .Frank MacKenzie and Mr.; and Mrs.. Douglas Graham. -Jack Maclnt:yre 'of Wingham visited Sunday with Mr.' and 'Mrs.. Ted •Collyer and attended anniver• Or if you prefer: for top. dressing fall wheat, hay, pasture; corn, and corn stover, ' CO:OP spreaders..'. '• available for either., own use or custom spreading. PAGE PPFTIEN • FAST; COURTEOUS .. ►ryCleaphig s At. SIEGRIST'S, LUCKNOW MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY PANNABECKER'S, ST. HELEN S MONDAY; WEDNESDAY; FRIDAY TSLRTER'S. STORE, .AUBURN ry TUESDAY,.TI#URSDAY' SATURDAY' •sa:ry..services..at..South .Kinloss.. Brian Keith is spending.a few days, in Toronto and' plans to visit' the. Science Centre. Rennie Graham of Toronto ,was a week -end visitor at the'home • _of•Mr, ,and Mrs.. Allan Graham.• • Miss. Heather MacKenzie is'• working at Canadian Keswick at. Port, Carling for"The summer•. .• Sunday visitors with Mr. and .Mrs: J. Needham were;. Mr..and Mrs:. P. S; MacDougall of Mark- dale-;-Mr:and-Mr-s. Have MacDougall 9f Bayfield , ` : and Mrs. Lloyd, MacDougall and Audrey -and Mrs.:7-AH-an-Mae-Doug all; Heather and David. ' 'Mr . and Mrs. Elgin Johnston of Wingharn,.visited Suridayeven-. :ing with. Mr, and Mrs. Ira Dickie ,and family;, WHITHIjRCH;'± The 40th. Kennedy reunion •picnic was held at Morriston'on ,Saturday with an attendance of around 50.` A large birthday cake adorned: the 'table for dinner ' • -w.: 1"c, -was-prepare' qrt eocca-. occa- sion:, A programme w:as enjoyed -;—A=ttending from here -Were, Mr, 'and -Mrs. Bob Mowbray, Mrs; .Albert McQui1lin Mr. and Mrs. !George .Kennedy.:and. Miss Annie; -Ili v're •1•g. a •disrtarice were Mrs,: -•Leap ;Farquharson of 'B C,. , Mr. and Mrs. Bob figure ,, Sault Ste.. 'e „_Ruby. McCarrol, a Themer! missionary of India , .anfi a nurse ;of Georgia , U.S: Thepresident for 1971 is .Bob Lyons ; Lucknow.and• secretary treasurer ,• Biil•Ken'nedy .of l<incar- •dine,' . C.O.O.p 'Phone 528-2125 CROP PRODUCTS fling yeumged- or ver-ytitii g" yOirgr 111i111111■11lII1 UlIIUIImi1IUl•1111IIEI1i i1i•iiiullii•IIiIIIIi11111111MI1.1ai11*111.1111111alt aitli, Bill Park Anniversary Arm Fracture At Ashfield Church • ' .On Saturday `13i11• Dada: suffered a brokelr'arrin at his .wrist and wilt -1 be' off work'for ,per.haps three months. Nara, Bill Pork returned Bowie 'from •Godericli' hospital n Siinclny. hitt i5•n.oL_tat .w.. -l1 yet' • Harvey Culbert is a patient in Wingham and Di'strict'Hospit- al since Thursday with a blood Ken Ohm 'and Heather along .with. Mrs.' Culbert and Lynn visited • Harvey in the, hospital: 'congratulations to Mr., and • Mrs,. Wm, Stewart who were,. 50 years married on June Oth. • Mr, and Mrs; C.' C. Anderson from Winnipeg and their daugh-• ter Mn.sKent WaIkefy of Lorette ,' Manitoba are holidaying with: ,Mr. and Mrs., Chas. Fowler. Norman ' McDonald of Re:dale also spent die week-e•nd with them. N1r. and Mrs. Chas.:row ler acrcnnpan- ied by the above relative's visited with Mr, and Mrs, Torsi Fowler. and children at Parkhill ori Satur-' day evening. Aniliversiiry servic,cs at Ashfield .Presbyterian•,r.'liurelt'werc well rttendc.drw•itli• forniic•r ttic.!m?e:{s' • •present front 1:Zil:lc:•Y'; Iucknou And c oder.icii., Rev. Robert..lrlltstronl:' of St. 'Andrew's Wi►}diitii preach- ed inspiring sermons on "'A Gall. to Serve:'. and "Ile Who Meets.. Our. Needs: Soloists 'were Miss Corinne MacDonald and "Miss Sharyn'Nlowbray. The choir sang two ant erns .wit rs. un- can Simpson as organist and dir- ector. Visitors front A:lberta-on Satu•r••- day •with;Mrs. Gb1in lClacGregor were Mr, and Mrs; MacDonald ,. and •Mr. and Mrs. Arnold MacDon• old and four children. Mts. is 1)onald Was`forT cr').y•c;race Mae., •nta_ 'Mr, and Mrs.'treorge Ma'cGt'eg- or of.11attiiitorn \isiled r4lativcs here last week end, r•'i Ladies` •Caitrp will be field this week from June 1P -. `21 at Camp Kinta:i, • • Nits..`` tldy Macdonald is a pat- ient'.in'Goderich Hospital., RTS—AND—TE BARRIE, ONTARIO '. INSTRUCTORS REQUIRED TECHNOWGKAITECHNICALDIV1S1 ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY ELECTRICAL POWER. _. To •teavh courses in Rotating Machines; Power Distribution; or Industrial Electronics. • Qualifications: P. Eng.; 5 years iiidustrial experience preferred. LETRO:NIC-S_—� . ' To. • 'teach courses ' in' Circuit Design,. Coin- municatiotts, Control Systems, or Industrial Elec- tronics Qualifications: P. ` Eng •'' 5.. years industrial 'experience preferred. . „ • CIVIL' TECHNOLOGY SOILS MECHANICS AND FOUN.D'ATLONS_;-__ To ,teach Soils/ Mechanics. and Foundations and Highway 'Technology Courses.. • • Qualifications:. P... Eng. ; 5 years industrial. experience preferred. U -RV -E -Y` -T ECfrNTCTAN-15ROG,RAIVI To' supervise students doing Survey Field Works. and' Computations: .•, . -Qualiffcativns experi ce as• a -15afy Chief or graduation faom an applicable Technical Pro- gram with related 'experience... _ME f if CA.LLTEcHNoLOGY' MECHANICAL. TECHNOLOGY ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTSMAN To teach courses. in Mechanics, 1Vlanufactur To teach courses in Architectural and •$trust= ng Techniques and .1VIachine Design. ural Drafting.' : ` . . / Qualifications:. 'P.'%Eng. '5 yearsindustrial Qualifications: eligible.. for certification as: a experienc preferred. , -. Techrucia- or T chnologist wi-thle- t-ens-ive-rexper-- • . • ience at a senior level. APPLIED, •ARTS. DIVISION ENGLISH AND: HUMANITIES.-._. " ' . •SOCIAL SCIENCES To teach English; • ,Communications, both written and oral; Xjunianities.• • Qualifications Masters Degree preferred.:. To ' teach' Sociology 'and 1, or Psychology courses to students in several 'programs,' :.. • Qualifications: Masters Degree; 5 years in- dustrial or related experience preferred. US- N - • • , , ECONOMICS AND SUPERVISION' Qualifications: B. Com. or equivalent, 5 years business experience preferred, DUTIES TO COMMENCE ABOUT AUGUST 17, 1970 • Applications, it'cluding resume should!be for vairded"to: DUCKWORTH STREETTHEDRAINEORGIAN COLLEGE Ljo1 BARRIE, ONTARIO