HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-06-17, Page 13• • ,WEDNESDAY, JUNE; •17th, 1970. [�elateS Train Trig Qf Eskimo Group KINLOVGH NEWS , Mrs. GeorgeGraham was hostess to the Anglican Church Women at ' her •home on Thursday' ':afternoon: Mrs., Roy Schneller presided and'opened the meeting vvith.pxayer. Mrs..J , n Srnitb •read the scripture. Prayers followed. A special prayer wasoffered for a member whois ill. Ali repeat- ed the Lord's prayer.. A very fine meditation prepar- ed by "A•C ones Mrs. Howard. Thompson. hristian•on his knees" was .give n . by Mrs. Jack Scott. Every, nswered, the roll call with a scripture' verse containing the word "Glory" ., , Mrs, Howard Thompson was. appointed.Prayer Partners Secretary to finish .oui the year;. This was the office which' was held by the late Mrs. George • J.MPOI118#11•14.164PA%1111Eatirir7". 'MN" THE. LUCK1tlOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • chaperoning a ,group of Eskimos of various ages, These people: had been patients. in a sanitor- um.. They were taken by train from Toronto to Mooscnee. He showed some pictures on a view' master of.the oldest Angli- can church in that: part of the country. The hangings were made of skins and beautifully • done inembroidery and bead: work. Moosonee,is extremely interesting to our ladie sfor since our W.A. was, organized in 1913' bales-have--been-se-nt eaeh fall-to� Moosoneeuntil last: year when. a new assignment was made .and now the bales go,to Saskatche- wan and to St...Monica House; - Miss'.May, Boyle .thanked Mr. :Odendahl •who was a most inter esting speaker.. Mrs. Jack, Scott ' was also. for doing up the Church table cloths following the Johnston-Haldenby wedding Miss May Boyle gave a reading "God's loytng presence' and •':The cross above" was given by Mrs. 'Jim Smith. A ,Bible picture contest .was conducted by Miss Edna .Boyle. my' own blessings :was .read b:y•Mrs. Area People To Aftend Conference • "Build up your courage', help others do the same and 'so confid- ently face the impending 'violence explosion' of the, seven ties. So say have just announced' plans to attend four. days of instruction. at their conference in Toronto July .30 to August 2, Announcement cane-.this'w•eek-from--Ha-ns-Sp1ett ,, presiding minister of the local congregation. "Feeling the urgent need to be mentally fortified for the future sixty-one local delegates plan to join the: 16, 000 witnesses- expeO teal from Southern Ontario a.nd.. Eastern Quebec ," Mr. Speltt. said. "Whole. families, including even little ones, will .attend as a unit • recognizing the, need for' each :Member to -receive instruction .on their ,respective role in,cement- ing the family into a' closely -knit unit;,' ready. to ride put the impen-- ding.per•iod of anarchy." The Toronto' convention'is one• of ten•scheduled for Canada , in- cludintersMfrom St, John's Newfoundland to Prince •George -Ha-3r. — Jack Scott .. Rev . 'Dile ill closed- the„meeting witri prayer and the ,B• C. The program is designed St hne ler gave a splendid report of the South Saugeen ' , Deanery meeting„held. in Wing- • barn, . which the ladies from: here att tread -t .__.._glacy survey findings .of the bean.- ery. , The Rev., R. Odendahl • told a. most interesting experience rhar he artd-_his `vie diad while benediction:•e • to instruct rhWitnesses on.• 'o advancing their ministerial .pro- gra rn of aiding: many more 'to become "Men of Goodwill Mrs •William Cox gave„the • courtesy' remarks'. 'A lovely lunch s se-r�d 'by'the hostess assisted. by her niece Heather Hewitt. `• •The July ,meeting will beheld at. the.,home of Mrs.'Howard Thomp- M son.rs. .$1.59. HAI . KARATE AFTER HAVE LIME E REG.. $2.00 REGULAR REG. $1.7S $1.69 $1.69 *: SERIES 3 MEN'S _COLOGNES THREE SCENTS. • a TROPIC LIME, ESSENCE ORIENTAL AND NATURAL LEATHER ALL IN ONE BOX = REGULAR $10.00. $6.00 REALMONT SHAVING BRUSHES Reg. $1.35 For $1.19 Reg. $ 1.79 For .$1.49 Reg. '.$2.59 For $2..19:. 'ioolo7,' mo oom ltil,,ims,i)of'1 ir•A ,, hili 4•}'(iiims64.4' Full' line of Yardley products for men GOLF BALLS for $1.13 3' for $1.19 B. CAMPBELL LUCKNOW 07rdson___ Is U.C.W.Spaker PAGE THIRTEEN Gode.rich- Motors .(Ford) Ltd.. South St., oderich 524-7308 or 7309 EXCELLENT SELECTION FAIR PRICES ' Financing Availa OSED CARS .1968 FORD Fear -dam;• orma tc r to inisb led n aqua, a one:. owner car. Lic. 36456K. x2377 196'7 FORD Four -door, , finished in °presidential .blue, Lic. J62176:. V-8, automatic. $1677 :1.966 MUSTANG Two -door hardtop, One owner.' IoHmileage, new paint, V-8, automatic, radio, console; Lac. E9449. • 19.95 1966. DODGE -- = Foiir°do r,=-finish-ett=in red; ,Gcyhnder;--automatic: -�be J61870. . WHITECHURCH NEWS On ' Wednesday Whitechurch' United Church. Women held their June meetingat the home. of ' 'Mrs . Albert'•Coultes. Mrs. Russel Gaunt .prepared the•theme of the 'meeting .Membership and Community Friendship. .Mrs. Milian Moore led in..prayer.' Mrs: Russel Gaunt gave a reading; ; The •• • •e church. Mrs. Bob Adams read the Sc ture. Mrs.. Ezra Scholtz gave reading = Helping• each .other tff . . •e '.•. • 1961 Ford .F100 - 6 -cylinder, radio, one owner, still under warranty. Lic.. • 18-1256: $1695 Goderich. Motors (Ford : ,) . Ltd. South St, Goderich 524-7308 or . 7309 St. Helens :UCW • ST; HELENS NEWS Mrs. Don,Carneroi opened.her• home to the St. Helens United 'Church Women's meeting; On 1Ii�1er opened the worship service:- . eryise • • A panel discussion; :"Serenity rip a , from the Soul" was given. by in Mrs.. Mintz, Mrs. Frank McQuil- .tide,. Living in our own ,Community. Mrs Millan :Moore reada poem • Mrs. Russel. Gaunt then introd- uced Mrs. Grace Richardson home from San Salvador to speak; Her :topic was What is that in Thine- Hand'? This topic provedio l�e_v_ery tirr e y. lulls- sionaries'need-money' but that is only a. small part of their need. They need the.•good.will and : prayers frorn.those a:t•hom'e. 'Grace told how happythe mis- sionaries are when they go to the mail box and find 3 or•.4 letters there from home No matter what' the physical health iseach one can pray. Prayer issotne- thing that is needed all over the -wotl it ; tc l-ls•-rn-J`a tes--Gospei they 'want fervent prayer not just to. -day but everyday. . ' Grace then had a question and answ-e-r peried on.her community where she lives, where coffee., cotton and sugar are the main exports,, On. account of the hilly areas oxen are used: to till the land, Mrsr-Rusteel' GaU71t 111aiilced Grace and presented her with,a gift,. Mrs; Scholtz closed this. part of the meeting with prayer for parents and children Mrs, Milian Moore presided for.the bus- iness. Mrs. Albert Coulter gave the treasurer'.s report, The 'roll call was answered by eighteen members and one visitor, e !I se Isobel Miller. Mrs.. John Cam - eron read the scripture'lesson /taken 'from St. John 15..' The topic, "Friendship” was . given by Mrs. E. W. Rice and Mrs. pon "Cameron read a:poem "friendship'. Mrs. Rice closed .with prayer, • Isobel. Miler presided over the:business period, in the' absence of the president , Mrs. aarbour ' It, va,s. decided to send the re- - ng port io^rt-ot our-a-lloca tion the treasurer. A "request for supplies to be, sent -to; A.nggoJ;s was-rec•e -ved-------I*' August ; the U. C. W;. will enjoy a picnic on the church lawn. Mrs,• Chester Nicholson and Ms. Cameron served lunch at the con- clusion of the meeting,. Court, Sepoy The C.O'. F. Court Sepoy •M50' . held a. pot, luck •supper in the Luck - now Town, Hall on•Saturday -Juane • Last year On June;l, C,ourt.Sher- wood' (Mens) and `Court Sepoy (Ladies)amalgamated under one. court . After a . short business meeting, cards. were enjoyed-:. Ladies high • went to Pearl Jamieson, mens i hgh. to Jinn. Arnold. The mernbership had• been• divided into groups of two. Each group were o visi mern.ers o e congregation previous to Anniver-, sary Sunday and personally extend Ian invitation t� be present at. the Anniversary service. Each reported at this meeting as.to how well their visitati6ifliad been= accepted. Mrs. Garnet Barrier read a ,letter requesting assistance. ',needed in. Angola Mrs,. Richard- son ichardson closed the meeting with pray- er; . . • . Mrs. ray-er:Mrs. Millan M ooze'gave the Courtesy remarks. • The Birthday Tell was then enjoyed' by a11. 4 Sit/LES JUST AGupy( Ti/4T SET 41 LOT Of Tib/Nog STRA/GRIT' 1/4 LUCKNOW PHONE '528.343/ s•�