HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-06-17, Page 3WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17th, 1970. • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW ONTARIO • O♦♦•+++f♦. N::•+++•;•,•:N:♦++•:•+•+•:t•:t +.:•••:N :...:44N.♦ PAGI TMIRO: II E45V �N 7/11 P00kE7800/( - OOD 5/Ib7#VCS RE�& WHITE 4. BEST BUY! FEATURE!: = REGULAR 11 -oz, - MINIATURE 101/2 -oz. • LOWNEY'S 'CAMPFIRE • _ MARSHMALLOWS Pria4ag Save 1;8ci INSTANT COFFEE..... "20cCoupon :in Each:JarR 10.O;. Jar louse ',REG. 49c VALUE! - 6c .Off Pack! 7 GOOD LUCK - Sok Pock 14. Pkg. Two 8-0z. Tubs 32.Oz. Jar BEST BUY! = FINEST ORANGE PEKOE • 60 to Carton 5cOFF PACK ,,. --FEATURE!- Save -19ci LYNN VALLEYSTANDARD Jill PAIR 22x42 .= WHILE THEY LAST' ' rz E. D. SMITH'S: SHOP WITH NO PARKING PROBLEMS '.. USE OUR NEWLY PAVED PARKING SOT AT -THE -REAR -OF -THE ENTER THE. STORE FROM THE REAR OF: THE BUILDING SAVE 17c! 28-0Z. BOTTLES ocktiiI 2 RoII Pocks, • F 0 R. 19-0z. Tins BUY -OF -THE -WEEK JAFFA-.. QUEEN N44e4:•+♦:N:N:N:N:N:N:N:♦ N4•♦ •:N:N:\•♦S •34,+•:N:N:N:N:N:N:NDN:N4N4•++++N;N:N:N:•+•:• +N:N:N*N:N .3.4441N:N:N:N4N:N:N:N:•♦:N:H:N:N:N+N:N:N1. ♦:N:•-•::M:N+N:N:4♦ N ♦ 71• . } Mrs. Ford Cunningham returned to her home at Lucknow last week after two _weeksin..Win`Sham.. and_ District Hospital following an. • appendectomy. • •• Diana Leddy ,-St_._•Augustine and Donna Thomson of White= Charles Webster of Lucknow is a patient in S • Ma;ry's. Hospital: in._k tchener_ where he underwent gall bladder.surgery on. Thursday of last week. He Is progressing quite well. ' '. Mrs. Gln of .Ites o ,grave and Mrs. Allan Scott of . Barrie • church spent the week -end with ` visited with'Mrs. EwartTa for their grandparents Mr., and: Mrs. y ' Raymond Le.ddy Lucknow Lucknow on Tuesdayevening Mr ' and 'Mrs. Bob Finlay,'.San- — nd-Pnow•, attend ed the 58th wedding anniversary. of Mrs, I inlay's aunt and uncle, ° Mr. and Mrs, .William•MacDon- . ald of Brussels. The event was held on'Sunday. , June .7th.. • 'Mrs• Dora Chislett returned to her home in Lucknow on Monday. of this week after four weeks in ,Wingham: and. District Hospital,. Bo•b Fisher; of Lucknow is, a, patient in Wingham and District Hospital. ' • :., Corinne MacDonald o'f Ripley and S:haryn Mowbray of_ Lucknow were guest soloists at the. Ashfield` ,.Pres.byterian Church anniversary. on Sunday.. Mr, and Mrs. • Allan McCharles and two girls from Montreal, Mr. and Mrs. 'Donald McCharles and two -children from Brantford and John McCharles df Petrolia were weekend visitors at the home of Mr. and' Mrs. Olive{ McCharles of Lochalsh. • Mrs. C harles • Robinson of Lucknow has returnedhome after two weeks in Victoria' Hospital , and also with Mr. and r n„,,, ,,e L°ndonwhere she underwentA M Ackert and family of Holyrood surgery.° and •Ivlr. and 'Mrs.. Morgan John - ston and 'family of Ripley. • Mr. and Mrs, Roy Keane of Stratford. visited on Saturday vening with Mrs•, EWart Taylor ucknow. Ralph Haines Jr. has:completed his Class A 1vIec' lis- 'cense -with Inter-provrncial.Seal. Ralph and his father Ralph Haines Sr., operate a Blue .Sunoco Station in Port Colbou ne , Mrs. Haines Jr•. is the former Mary. Allen and many people .will reniiember Mr. Haines r.•, w Kinloss for, some years. v George and Peter Smith and Helen Courtney of Ashfield at - 'tended the wedding' of Margaret Bonner and Bob Smith on Satur-. .da'y, lune 18tH at St.. Joseph's Church, .Stratford. A reception followed .at the Stratford Country Club. • Mr. and Mrs. Milton Pollock •and Mr. /and Mrs. Orville McClinchie of Bayfield., Mr, and Mrs Gordon Brown of Kitchener, Mrs, Rae Dahmer, Owen Sotxnd, Mr. and Mrs. Ra1ph'Haines Jr.. of Tort Colboiirne and Mr. and Mrs. George 'Marr ,. Dorchester, visited recently with W. L. MacKenzie and Mrs; Jessie Allen. Mrs. Peter Carter, Holyrood, returned to her ho. me last, Friday evening after ten days'as •a . ,patient in the County of Bruce. Hos.ital in Walkerton. Mr, and Mrs. Ted Collyer and Chris spent last week -end. with. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Collyer. , 'nuc'know. . Chris remained' for the week: • Mr. and . Mrs..Harvey Webster of Lucknow recently attended the c.hr_is_tepin: • . -it: Jason Terrence Pym., son of Terry and Nancy (Webster) Pymrof Wa terloo . The christening •took place at St. John's Lutheran Church, Waterloo. 'Also' present with other relatives and friends were Jasonfs great grandparents mt. and Mrs.. Williarri Pym and his grandparents M'r. and 'Mrs,, Wallace Pym of Kitchener, National farm Anion, Huron -Brute: Local, HoId Regular June Meeting Weed spray and baler twine .prices,,were quoted•'•by Jack. Ver- hulst.at the Huron -Bruce Local 335' of the National Farmer's Union in the Lucknow.-Tow-n-Ha11:-- .on Thursday, June 4th. Three, rnember.s from .the Dist- rictmay attend the 'Farmer_ • .Labor Teachers Conference' at the -U. A. June 21, 22. The program•this year is on ,"Pollution" Bob MC,.. Nainindicated a,desjre_ to --: attend _._ from Local 335."..... -. . Highlights of the brief present- a-b-i-ne.t-by-he--- :N;F. U.• were discussed. Be- cause of the control of farm prod= ucts.by. international .and•nation al corporations, many of .the farmers problems are beyond. the. 'power o provincial governments. Greater efficiency on the farm has led to lower farm prices.... The •desire of the Canadian Gov- ernment to iave a .c eap 00 policy"has been at the expense of .the rural community, the . brief stated, .Governments at ail levels should realize'the import„ ance of maintaining the,family farm. .cetwe.en and 1968-69, the .number of ",. milk and cream, producers;'in Ontario :declined t2.6.' , produc-, tion declined only4,57o Increas- ed efficiency should mean im- proved prices, Supplementary allowances,toIow income and. 1 welfare recipients for milk, and .. - . introduction of school milk, pro- grams; .were urged to increase the domestic market. Farn-i `land taxation was. discus- -sed-at iscus--sed- at • length: An -'investor In: • farm landreal.estate pays educa-, lion tax., an investor in .corporate shares .does not pay. education •,. tax.' More' than 90 clo, of rural ' -yottitr- eYviirg Clary ectuc� ate, • tion migrate to urban/centres, • which reaps' the benefit' of:the educational syst.ern, Removal -of •• etlttoa.xion:,:ta.x from..farm4an.ds...was....•.•. requested by the 'brief. • • •.tack Verhulst.'spAe of his recenr .trip to :Saskatchewan where mount- ains of wheat lay in the. fields. One farmer. had• 70 , 000"bushels of. wheat and no Money,to buy his. groceries.. Many 'farm houses are abandoned , some small towns; are completely deserted. 'Huge hog barns are being, built by 'many farmers.. They are to Turn t emir g flFinto hogs,, even at.a loss., in order to obtain some revenue. •."A discussion was held by the members on education tax.. The National Office had investigated • e • egal aspects of withholding education tax.. It was found that,. where an individual withheld school tail , the municipality could stilldistribute the tax received where they saw fit., Arrangements were completed to obtain and distribute 40 gallons. of milk to the Ashfield Amazon- ian Aid Walk on June 6th."