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$5.00 A Year In Advance — $2.00 Extra To USA.
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17th, 1970
Single Copy 15c 20 Pages
Lucknow Thefts
Attributed To
amine u nom
• • Reports, have Just conte to light
• of thefts from twohomes in Luck -
.now on May 5th and May lth. •
It. is believed that magazine sales.
men, working the village, were
:responsible for the theft of a Wal. -
let containing $300: from one
Lucknow home and another•wallef
...containing $30 from another. • .
Provincial Constable •Ed_•;_
'McPhail:of the OntarioPrOVincial
Police 'in Kincardine told the.
Sentinel Tuesday that the tbefts
, • had just come to the attention •
of.police and that they are Con-
: , cerned that others.,,in the area •
the saine suspected salesman of
• If you had a similar situation
happen to you you are urged to
contact constable McPhail at
Kincardine at once. Your :names
•will be treated as. confidential.,
:.'.Con•sfable McPhail alSo'advlsed
.The Sentinel Tuesday that a war•-
• rant is out for:the arrest of a -
fourth -ma win connection wit t e
recent H., and I,3.• Discount rob -
ter), in Lucknow. • : '
. •
• '
Goderich Graduate
GeOrge (Sue)IHumplirey,
of St. Helens was among the •first
class,of nursing assistants to grad-
uate from the •Goderich Psychiat-
ric• Hospital.: ' ••
• The graduation exercises were
heldion-June-5-t-h-1.9:7-0.-a-i-2. 00
,p.m. .The clas's consisted of. •
twenty students.... • • .
. . -11-nton
. _
and:Mrs. •c.;eorge.Htimphrey were
chosen tb represent the class for,
week.eekiuJuLy, at the :Children's:.
Psychiatric Research institution. in
London.: • , •
Died In London•
Miss Marion Macdiarmid of
Landon passed away at. Victoria
Hospital On Friday , June 12th:,
*le was 81. • .
-1 - a -ry ce witbe conduct.
ed on Wednesday (to -day) at
'• MacKenzie Memorial Chapel,
• . Lucknow with interment at South
Kinloss Ceinetery, ,, • .\
a :
Councii Hear Legion Delegation,
Grant Building Permit To Scales
• .0.•
• •
de1egations-Isrere-he4 at
the June meeting ,of LucknoW
gage council. • .
Harald Ritchie and Brock Clel-
and ,,representatives from the
Lucknow Branch of the Canadian
Legion, advised council of a
change in the method whereby •
the Legion will be supporting the •
Lucknow Recreational committee
August 1st Is
Suggested For
The .Ontaria•D.epartme•nt of!..
E,du..ca.1.ion•has_41irrive..d_the Work-
ing drawings for the additionto
the 'Lucknow andDistriet Public
School. • • '
Following approval by the Iltuce
Board of,Educatian at a recent
meeting the plans were presented
to the department 'andappraval•.:.
has rii-)W-Been received at that
Nekt step is to call tender § on'
the additien and, renovation • •
prcigrarn. .• ' •
Final approval is need.ed from
the Department of Municipal Board • a fter
the tender is let beforeany con-
struction work can prreed.
Earliest possible 'construction
• start now appears to he 'August,
and minor-hoOey prOgr'a.rn in the ,
future. Harold Ritchie presented ,
the council with a cheque for •
$125, •the balance of the Legion.
hockey commitment for this year.
Brock Cleland, speaking on behalf
of the Legion organizatiop, advis-
ed council that in the future they
would not be making an annual.
dOna'tion to recreation and sport
• through :•the Lucknow Reerelation
committee, but planned to contin
ue to financially support these
ventures in a more. direct way:
; .
The "Legion will sponsor one bus
ta swimming classes this summer
a. rate of 24 trips at $15 per.triP"
(a total of $3.80). The Legion •
will channel this money through
the .local recreation Committee
so that the full grants are avail-
able, with no stringsattached.
Signs, advising that the Legion
are responsible for this one but,.
Will be placed on the bus
both the public , and Legion •
WHAT' IS....THE....FUTURE.:: • • .
• • . .
• A buffet supper. followed at the
,Humplirey home. Thine who
attended the graduation and
supper were, Mrs., Jim Nugent of •
'London,. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hum
• phrey and .Sandra of Lucknolv ,
Mrs, Don Pannabecker cif St.
Helens, Mrs'..Delbert Nixon and
giris of Lucknow ; Mr., and Mrs,
Don Nichali'and Stephen and Mrs.
Phylis Hoffman of St. Catherines,
Many gifts and cards were receiv-
ed by Mrs .....Humpbre
I'lonou etiong School
Miss He1en----.L-r:4hernpsanw-h-o-
. will end a 45 year teaching car-
eer this month, was honoured by
her teaching _staff , present and
former stUdents, parents'and
• friends at an eveningin her •
honour held at the Lucknow and
District Publit.SchOol on Thurs.-,
• "Helen Thompson:Night" was• •
arranged by fellow members of
• 'her teaching staff. From 7 until
ed friends in her room at the
ed. tea and cookies. .•
:Helen graduated from Stratford
Normal School and her first teachr`
ing positio.nWas 'at S. S. 4 Green.
ock Township where she remain- •
• ed for a year.. She spent five
This article has been Wriiien
and contributed by the •Lueknow ••
Agricultural Society.... • • •
• • In years gone by ,•the L'uckho,
Agricultural Soeiety•has. operated •
-,Ifitittra:gre-at rriou.nt of sure
and 'people •have given their.
wholehearted sUppart•torealize
t14; It was fcit Thar -the
fall fair was a part of coinniunity•
living and hlp.ed pi -ph -late. all' •
agricUIturalacd. doinesticaspecis,
of•the stirrounding areas.- .
The time haS.corne Wlen tfie.
present Society begins -to question
• the future. of the fall .fair.• • No
ong r,are they getting •the full
support of the population,. either,'
• yeas at S. S. 3 Kinlos.s•before
going to'Hanover Puhlic School
where:she taughtfor the 'next
tWenty-two,years. Seventeen
years ago she returned to her
P ayground Leaders
Eleven applications were re-
ceived for the positions of play -
Recreation Committee. • •
Lucknow council 'dealt with the
• applications On Tuesday night of
last week.
Loree Campbell of West Wawa -
nosh, one of last year's Jeaiders
and Elizabeth Ritchie of LucknoW
were chosen as the two girls to
head the summer playground
this year. •
0 „ $
has taught until this time.
, A newly formed diuSical group
• of .Kim' Cowan Rick and Eugene
' ha-r-cf-r-gfoug4411-;-*-13ria
Keith and Jamie Elliott provided
music as the people gathered
through 'the evening.
.At .9 p, , Ass thompsott
ered4o,the,seat.olTtho' tibart,t,
on the.platfOrmon the arm.of
Gordon.Cayley, vice- prineiPal
at theschOol.. Miss Lorna Camp.
bell, an aunt of Miss Thompson,
accomparde.d herto the platform
on the arm Of Mrs, Norman Mi-
ka, a teacher at the sehobl.
Helen's mother, Mrs., Robert
personally or financially. The •
monthly meetings are attended b.y
'only a few faithful.sup.porters1; .
'whereas the general public is'
always Welcarne. Thenumber Of
active-direttors is so small that...,
a geat-.1ietiad• is -placed. upon-,thase-
who are willing to work on fair . •
day . Things would go more: •
rura smoothly .iL•alargel--ritirnber• of
People. would offer their services.:-
• . . ,
-Financially, , the fair:lacks .-
enough support from ,surrounding..
.... , . h.4.0.4.... I
tow nsh i ps and business-placesi'. .. 7 ••
ate on t1Tirbasbave.
that theyeannot 'continue to oper-
a result, their' funds are s�. low .
.. '
. ,
. ••• ... . . . .
Lions Club Has New Slate Of Officers
• Officers of the Lucknow and
District Lions Club were installed
at the regular meeting last week.
FrOnt row', seated left to right
y0 *a... •
are Rugg ButtOn, ,past president; .
Grant Chisholm the new presid-
, ent; eg ones, s.erretary. -
Standing left to right. are
,Terry.Rathwell, treasurer; Bin
Nelson, 1st vice president; Jerry
Priest4, secOnd vice president...
Absent was Gordon'Brooks, third
vice .president