HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-06-10, Page 18SAVES THE Lmm;Now SENTINEL; L.U4 KNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10th, 1970 INTERIOR LATEX: FLAT: INTERIOR. :SEM...1. GLOSS :.F .. • INTERIOR.. HIGH GLOSS. • OUTSIDE. HOUSE` PAINT[°' E]'' • O-UTS1 Pittsburgh Paint now ,provides you �with 5 o the most popular paint finishes. with .exceptional quality, at a thrifty low price. dOGn1OTE L ENING June 4. They opened with." -0 Canada" and Susan Tigert gave the bible .' reading., GLEN :and FREEMAN• OLSON CHOICE PIT RUN GRAVEL , CEMENT GRAVEL. CRUSHED GRAVEL:, SAND STONE AND FILL HAULAGE_ Dungannon Ontario land this DUNOANNON Mrs. Ernest Pritchard,o.f Toron- to, oron-to, accompanied by her cousit t-. Mr, ,RoblValker, B.A..of Ottawa who teaches problem childten i.e..culturally deprived; also Dr Alan Wright, and•Mrs. Wright,, M. Sc. ., off' Toronto, spent apeas- ant week-end--v-isiting the -Pent- • land families• inathis area. Dr. Wright is a lecturer in astronomy and 'is also engaged in space' - -research in`10 kTL)nive s ter: Roger Pentland of Thessalon' and .11iss'Donna •Pentland of Lon- 'foir.Tsperrr the wee IK=erfd'-ar their - home. } eir-,home. • ATTEND ORDINATION. • On Tuesday;June 2, Frank and Laverne Pentland of Dungannon. were present. in Regina at the Ordination Service. for'.Rev. Karl -Sievert of Asquith; Saskatchewan-.-_ Mr,. and Mrs. KarlSievert forrner- ly lived at. Dungannon and so a congratut-a-tory 'letter and small gift 'were' sent 'to :him there.. The Peritland brothers. plan:to visit., other. friends,and-Aela-tives. while,, - away. ••.Mr.. and Mrs... Roby. Pentland of Detroit visited :Qrs. Laverne Pent A great many children and. . adults participated in'the,17 mile waik'athon Saturday froth Brook- side.. . Congratulations are extended to Mr: and Mrs. Roy Finnigan on their 25th wedding anniversary. • Relatives and friends. were their _guests Saturday evening at Carlow Hall.' • • �lrs. J. 'M. Reed and Girvin Reed were guests, of •1' 1r. and Lorne•Eadie.of Holyiood on.Sun day. 'Sympathy of tIiis 'community ' `is'•exte nded;-ro Rev:- a nd Mrs-. T: Ure Stewart of Sea forth,.whose•••. son-in-law died Saturday, also sympathy is extended to the rela•' tives of the late .WrnCook .of Chesley. ' We are"glad. y1aurice Ivers:.is• home -again -from -the -Wiri-ghani aitd • Distrrci ,hospital following his bout with pneunonia.. l Ir,: ands //Dwight Iidtian•i , Johnny and Gregory of Bruce field visited on Sunday with. Nirs. a .a y.Be.r_e.,a.nu._.fa.in ity ; Mr. aiid Mrs.. Alan McNee of. Ajax visited on Sunday with Mr. a. and'Mrs: Graham McNee. Two Brookside Students AtteNd Science Workshop In London •AT:SCIENCE WORKSHOP on materials such as .crushed. ice, Two pupils Joanne Thompson and Torn'. Barger, went.to .London last week with our'Science ' • teacher Mr, Finlayson. The school :they. ii.isiteil'"fut a few day's , was Sir Frederick Banting Second- ary School.'`.The first day, they .'were: told -what activities wuere to take place at the workshop the; next•thr-ee days. The same-day.•, they worked on the Inclined Plane. The second they experim• e•nted with different temperatures boiling waterand paraffin. wax. The third day. they .were •able' to .choose any.' topic they -wished. Joanne'and TOrnietided to test different kinds of ax such:as'' liquid'•and pa•st.e.- The last day Mr. MacLennan went down.to Lohdoii'withthem acid they worked' an a -chemistry project. They -.:found it to, be --very educa - • ,tional... • 'ROOM 5 ASSEMBLY Room 5• assembly was held on. CHOICE HOME KILLED BEEF AND PORK: SPECIAL I1Nt T-BONES SIRLOIN 2' lbs. 99c ... _____________z.°.__.. .$1.29 1.29 PEAMEAL BACON PORK CHOPS WE :DELIVER 89c Following thisthe pupils sang "God Sees the' Little Sparrow Fall" followed by the, Lord's. •Prayer, Twd choruses "Sii e.rca`liftagil stic expialidocious" an.d "A'Spoon • full of Sugar" were' sung this was followed.by'a'filrn called, -lien nor . A square danc.e:.cal- led•"Pretty Girl" was performed. Aftet•this a group sang "A Hole. in My 'Bracket" A play called "Mod ern Tnettcs"' included Patricia Petrie "pla lifgBetiyatifdlBr a F Arnold play.ing•Uhcle Ezra. Then the, class sang ' I'Bought 1\1e a .Rooster" anad "Who,Di.d".' They closed .their 'ask mbly with "God Save the Queen``; •• WALKATHON .REGIS.TRATION 'On Thursday, June 4 our school' -e-gist-ration:for-theeri who were -walking on. the Ash- field Amazonian Aid Walk. . Ones :who forgot their sheets • or did not register .Thursdaydid so Friday . 130 pupils, registered from our sCt oo1. ' AMBERLEY Mr'. and Mrs. 'Do na•ld and Mr.. and Mrs. John C'. Mac-.. •' Donald of Ripley motored to King stop at the weekend where.,they met P. T, E. F. David Courtney.. who is sailing on "Fraser" ' on the Great Lakes -as far as'Thunder Bay. • Miss Myrtle Phillips of Goder- 1. ich is ,visiting_with relativesat •This is :Corn Planting Time. CORN .OIL -is ava Table in-4-5-gallon-drum-lots-or—You-may— bring n-4.5-gallon-drum-lots-or --you--may bring in your container for smaller amounts eeeeeeeee:eeeeeeeeeee - P Tractor . • :You won't be .sorry!.This is :the'.first SINGLE oil wh ch can: lubricate ALL parts of a, tractor AND serve as the hydraulic fluid, ALL the yeariaround . . it is the ' ' : SUITABLE FOR :TRACTOR -GASOLINE AND DIESEL 'ENGINES AND A WIDE RANGE. OF TRACTOR TRANSMISSIONS -AND H DFLAULIC :SYSTEMS _. • ONE CAN OF OIL IS ALL YOU NEED TO HAVE IN YOUR GARAGE . eee'eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee:eeee e ey, • At Pine River United Church on Sunday, Peter Walden and Larry, Irwin were heard in a pleasing dutet, William Blue of Detroit visited with relatives in Ripley and I Amberley over the past week. • GASOLINE.-- STOVE OIL— FUEL OIL AND DIESEL 24 HOUR BURNER SERVICE ° . WHOLESALE. RETAIL OFFICE 528.3006 RESIDENCE 528.3616 OPEN :DAILY 7 A.M. "lb 8 .P.M