HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-06-10, Page 2PAW" TWO THE. L UCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, JUNE10th,• 1970. r , T11C: LUCKNOW. SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO :'Tide, Sippy Town" — On the. Huron -Bruce Boundary Second Class. Mail Registration Number 0847 Established 1873 — Published Each. Wednesday. Afternoon Memb.r of the C W.N A. and O.W.N.A. Subscription Rate,, $.5.00 .a. year: 'in advance to the U.S.A., $7.00 Donald C. Thompson, Publisher: ; WEDNESDAAX,, JUNE 10th, 1970 • 4, A.JOB.WELLDQNE..'. A job well done is how we might describe the successful' Ashfield, walk on Saturday which raised $3000. The committee in charge, under chairman -'Dan. Dalton, did an excellent job of organizing the event. The walkers showed determin- ation and a keen interest, and the number finishing the. 1 miles no• doubt surprised many. Finally,' the sponsors again showed their gen- erosity in assisting others in foreign lands and their local community. The sponsors, sometimes the forgotten ' people in a walk of this type, deserve a special word of praise. Well done Ashfield. Your community spirit is really showing. 00000000000000 •0. 4:.00 SPORI'SHNEWS....REQUESTED' y n • •` • T,his.._is the:_tim�ofear_whe..,, : �e ca. .. numetous schetiules-.pet talnjng .to. ball' teams from the surrounding area covered by this news- pape1' We are': glad to 'print them and assist the teams and fans.in this r manner., However, we hope that the interest in team publicity will ex- tend into , thesummer and that we will continue to.receive: reports of k ” ball -games -as -they -occurs: We-ar-e-glad-to-provide-the-space-for-report= ing these games. We hope thateach team will • appoint a representative who; will get in touch with this office following each game We'd like to read about your . team's games in" these columns. The offer . stands, All , we ' need is the co-operation and interest ' of one member of each team. 00000 0000;000 00 000000000 00000 0.0.0 000 0 0.0 0 0 Dear.Don, On behalf of, the Ashfield •Arra- zon:ian. Aid Walk committee , I would irtzelo e-xpresrom7Vprema tion to everyone connected with the walk last Saturday. The." whole day was, 'for.want of 'a ,word, fantastic. The vigor and. e e urination '0'f -the walkers,- no matter how great their suffering, the willingness and empathy of the • organizers woven together with the 'generosity' and •selflessness-of•the sponsors and donors, made it a joy, • for us to be a part'' of 'the hap •00000 • inunity can:do when,possessed.. Withthe same, genuine concern, :both_ for their.-.ow.n.and_for_others Thank you and see you a.lh on the 28th. • • Dan Dalton. 1 On Saturday' evening, June 6th'. a dinner was held at the Parish Han,. Lucknow:. to_ -celebrate -the. fiftieth, anniversary of Mr.. and .. Mrs. Dan Nicholson of Lucknow. Present for the occasion, were the 'twenty-four 'members of their family.. .Although an offi' ial • "Open- House" was not hed on. ,the Anniversary date, to e. 9t, many .friends and relatives called ;at their. home . on,Tuesday after .noonand evening to enjoy a • social time with them and their pIg110 R�:C11'tit `Held Sa`�urday Piano pupils of Mrs. Wm. Scott of Lucknow presented a piano recital' on Saturday evening in the .Lucknow Presbyterian Church Students. from grades one=to-tetil participated • , • pen- n»ring the evening, Iviargar Norma arid Marilynne Maclntyre fav'oured with a.vocal trio and Nancy Waldenplayed the organ; At the regular June 2nd meeting of Ashfield Council, the By-law et, The walk was one visual demon stration'of what 'a "capable corn= meson family-` Congratulatory messages were. receivecl4from the Provincial , • Government in the form' of a plaque presented to them by . Murray Gaunt; from Ross . Whicher, , Member of Parliament;, a telegram from the .Prime Minis-. ter;. as well as remembrances .from the Village of Lucknow and Ashfield Change To N�v.. Tax Collectiontlute • for 19'7b tax colleeti$nssssed, Taxes -will be paid • in one instal= ment due. November 2nd., 1910, instead of December 15th.: The penalty for non payment on this 'date wily be 4. . and the shirt interest of 1 %o per month will be added..• Applications for Tile Drain loans were accepted for Gleam Walden, Doug. Drennan and Jim Nelson. The Clerk was instructed, to inform farmers wishing Tile Drain loans that they,must have their applications approved by riienced ltoad accounts atid•general accounts were approved for pay- ment: This .includes $12,512,50 • payment of Interest on debentures. g� at}rin kri�.w District . gub�ic Sclfool Will .Be At Home Tolle Public. On 29 Kindergarten Register At Rip1e� .Twenty-nine pupils registered for Kindergarten at Ripley -Huron Public School on June 4th with the teacher Mrs. Betty Elliott. The name of the child., with, the parents name in brackets, is asfpllo. ws . . Kathryn Jean Boyd (Glenn)„- in Roger ,Boyle .(Fr•ancis).,. Rob- ert Gordon Cameron (Gordon), Larry • rnest Coiling (Donald), ona F1van Cook (Ivan), Robin Louise Eisenhofer (Bill), Kenneth Blair Elliott (Bill), Andrea Jean .Farren (Jim), Catherine Anne Fluddec (Joe), Michael, Murray,. 'Hunter (Murray), Jacquelynn Ann. Irwin (Bill), Terry Robert Irwin (Ronald), Olive Roberta, Liddle (Mrs. Jack), Ann Marie MacGreg- or (Norman), Franklin' Blair Mac Lennan (Finlay), .Nathalie Isa- belle :Mews (Gerry)•, ,Robert Dow: las Ivliddelkamp (Albert), Janice Christine' Needham (Jirn)., Ken- neth Dale,Robinson (Kenny), • Shawn Patrick Rowland:(John), Gary.John Rutledge • (Bob)., Jeffrey'' Robert. Scott (Bob), Michael Janr- es 'Scott'(J'im)•; Danie1.Rich•aid • Sine -1v FEl-r er- • Angela -Chr=is-- terse Stewart '(Archie) , Shelley. Ann Stillwell '(Austin) , Jeffrey Thomas Stubbs :(Bill), Michael Moore. (Doug), Thomas Jaines MacNain (Bob). friends . Mr, and. Mrs.. Nicholson were married June 9th 1920 at Kincar- dine. 'Dan was born and raised in the Ripley district: and served • in the first World. War . Mrs. Nicholson (Alberta Ivliller) was born ' on the 10th of Huron, later • residing in Kincad.ine.• Follow- ing their marriage they farmed for two 'years west of •Kinlough before moving; to the farm on Highway 86, west of Lucknow where they resided until moving t9 .Lucknow in October .of 1957. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson.have a. family Of .five, Mrs. Jim (Isa- bel) Hunter of Ashfield ; Mrs. Lorne (Margaret) Ritchie of Huron Township, Mrs. Bi11.(Don- alda).S,iniah of,Seaforth, Mrs; Don (Marion) Gillespie of Kin-. 1Qu.gh.-,_'.Ken. of l.u_c.know and twelve grandchildrlen NGAGEMENTS HOGAN - RIEGLING • Mrz and Mrs. Carl). Riegling of 'R R. 7, Lucknow ,, announce ,the en a ern'ent-of-their'dau h-- .ter, Karla Anne to -Mr. Thomas John Hogan, son of Mr., and Mrs. Dennis :Hogan, of R. R. 3 , Lucknow. The marriage will take place on Saturday, ;July .11th 1970'at three o'clock in St. Jos-' eph's Roman Catholic 'Church; Kingsbridge , ' Ontario; •• Announcernent GILLINGHAM McDONA•LD, • ",Mr. arid Mrs. Tom McDonald wish to announce the marriage ofrheir aug er ma ae ; . to Mr. ,William Gillingham, son '. of Mr...and Mrs. W. J:. tilling ham,, Gander Bay; Newfoundland. The marriage took p ce i.ai itch- ener on May 29th, 1970. . UCKII .I 1•4!4.0;amoo.iirtisivivask)aribi' 140644110;4401,4,4 CASH AWARDS , 7-10 - •10 :0'0' ..P.M.• • IN HONOtJ'R OF MIS HELEN•L: THOMPSQN • . Who is retiring after 45 years of teaching service to Bruce and Grey County, , for Brookside School. Council adjbur.ned to meet July,. ithat8p•m ' DONALD M. S1MID8 7N ; !RSDAY,.....iGHT JULY 1 6th e • Interested musicians, entertainers, 'etc, apply by letter Or contact Al : iamili01n, Luckno'4, Walter --,Arnold;- R--Luclmaw, o -_ Darnall MacKenzie, .R.R --1 Dungannon, ,please state your en- tertainment JULYlit DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS • FIRST 15 ---ENTRIES ACCEPTED