HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-06-03, Page 16PAGE
WEDNESDAY, JUNE :+rd, 1970
For sown.counsel and a fair, price on a monument
Correctly dam' from quality Material, -rely on
Pat. Willman, Prop.
Establ:'shed Over Sixty Years
5, ' RIPLEY ill LITES 4
!, EDITORS: • Gail. Lock, Jean McTavish, Robert Rooney 3 .
PHOTOGRAPHERS; ` Mary MacCharles, Bruce Aitken 4:
Grade °t0 Students Raise About $200 In
Waikathon, For Caribbean Is1an� School
• TWENTY. LONG MILES!! District 24 (Waterloo) attended'
If you happened to drive along thin Award Award Day.
the 8th concession: or highway.21's' . While there they learned now
i.. • on Saturday., perhaps you saw •to program computers d operate
some energetic people walking / the key punch, machines• in'a' •
„along the side of the road,. These lecture on computer science..
E: were sixteen students from .Grade The new found knowledge was
10.. •The walkathoq started at •:. put to use in the key .punch and-,
8:30 a.m. ; after meetings at.'
computer' rooms of the Math
`,.the school. The first ten miles. Building. After lunch the .three
rr .
went-ck1 Mr.. Robert -Dam---: students toured the University
stria and Mr, Reuben' Burnett sup- under the guidance of, Mr.
lied: refreshments along the route. ; `Coultes. When•aeveryone had •
They ate dinner at the Frosty gathered back in the Math Build
King in Kincardine. where Mr, ing the awards were. given.; Stud
MacArthur supplied them with ° ents from, the John Diefenbaker
free pop. After eating, they High School;•Hanover., took ..
be, gan the long walk 'back to top honours •both as a team and
Ripley. • It was 4;30 p.mby, the in the individual student category°
time the last ones came into While in the lecture room. every.
Gordon Hunt •-
Receives. Degree
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Cranston '
and Corrine' attended the gradua-
tion exercises at the University.• of
Waterloo on Thursday. Their son-
in-law,. Gordon Hunt was among
• those receiving thea 6,A -._Also._
attending the graduation were. Mr..
and Mrs. Wayne Grigg of Guelph ,.•
who entertained attheir home '
Mrs. Frank Mc. Quillin and. Mrs.'
Gordon Finlayson of Lochalsh
attended the Graduation Exercises
of Stratford General Hospital on •
Saturday afternoon. The graduat-
•ing class of, 1940 ,attended in a
group and.. were later entertained
at a dinner party. `
Mrs. Norman McDonald is a
patient, in Wingham and District
Hospital., .. "
. Almostone hundred ladies
attended , the District Annual, of
the "Huron'West District of the.
Ripley. ,There were a few with one enjoyed an hour lectureon
terribly'sore feet and blisters by • "Historical Mathematicians"
the end of that time which concluded a vera interest:'
This walkathon'was to raise ing day.
money for a school. in Si. , • BLONDE BOMBSHELL,: ..
Vincent.` This is one of the Wind.' Grade 12• student.. Judy: Hodge,
• ward islands in the Caribbean ' is representing the Ripley Legion
which is greatly in need o a Auxiliary as •Miss Mid -Western
junior high School. This project Ontario -this week at Niagara
ir.olved all schools across ' • • .Falls in. the MisiDOminionn of
Ontario. Canada contest. J.The final
The Grade 10 students .would' : judging is to be i!une 3.. All her
• like `to thank all thosewho helped) c assinates and filends: wish her
by s nsor'ing thluck
Theywere able to raise =approx - PERSONALITY OF THE -.WEEK
imately. $200 for the school. JACKIE JOHNSTON -,Jackie •
t exist,' Anyone .:
--- —MATH CONTEST — =- 0crairns to -have -seen her is
Sher Pollock, Elliott Court
, just avictim of the mass delusion
ney and Mary MacCharles, 4.c- sweeping the district, if you are
companied.by their Math: teacher, one Of these ;unfortunates, we
Mr __Coates, represented RDHS ' , suggest-.that=you.. see_aLgood_hea_4-'
at.the'University of Waterl000n shrinker.
s Tuesday, May,26. The top'thr.ee TRACK AND FIELD RESULTS - '
students in•the`Juni& Mathematic
.al Contest,from each school in -
• The boys. cotnpleted. their field
District 23 (Owen Sound) and day. 'competitions last week. The
, results were as follows; •Senior
Champion - Donald Martin
40 points; Runners-up '-. Reid'
Liddle and John D. Coking - ,38
points.,each; Junior Champion
Allan MacKay - 45 .points; Bunn-
ers -»p - Elliott Courtney - ' ..
j. 30 points and BryanBol • ' h
TOR 24 points; Midget ChaChampion Barry lviacDonald =
Runners -u :San
IPAIR 32 points and Gary Farrell wit • h
21 points • •
Senior; Triple.Jump - John D.
® Coiling 34 ft. 11 in.; Shot Put
Women's Institute on Thursday
at St. Helens. Mrs. Harold "'
Gaunt , lst . vice .president of the
D riot- pr-e-sided--over-the-entire:---
meeting and the St. i-ielens ladies
served the Meal.
The Junemeeting Of the W.I.
will be held at the hall on Thurs-
day afternoon at• 2 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Thompson
of Brucefield visited on Sunday:.
with Mr.„ and Mrs. Gordon Kirk: -
.land and Nancy. Mrs. Thompson
formerly Grace Pepper was,a:
former resident of this commun-
ity.. Her sister•, Mrs. Pinkney
(.Mo-lly) lives in Walkerton_and.
Mrs...Mustard ,(Doreen) is of
Brucefield. Their parents. Mr.
and Mrs.. .William Pepper and Wil-
illiam Jr. are now. deceased: Prev
ious to the Pepper family moving
to Brucefield tofarm there, they
were on the farm then owned by
the late John F. 'Andrew which
is snowowned by Wm. G. Hunter.
Mrs. Mel. Henry of Pine River
all Property. Owners. in .I uron County
In accordance with tire -We d Control A-ct . Ria. -1960; Sec.-
3,: 13, 19 and amendments thereto, that unless noxious weeds
growing On theirlands are destroyed by July 2, 1970 and through --
out theseason, the Municipality may` enter upon the- said lands
and have the weeds destroyed, charging the costs against the
larid-.in_taxes,_assef_.ouLlnthe_kct. • .
The co -v ration-of-a11--citizens-Jis-solicited .�
ALEX 'cHESNEY, :Weed Inspector; .-
.• County of Huron . '
visited .on Monday with• .Nlr. and,
Mrs: Henry--G-ardn-er-and-Lane
• Mr. and.Mrs. Frank. Ritchie
were in Guelph on Sunday to visit,
Mrs. Mary McAuley who is a .
patient in .Guelph General Hosp' it=
al since •Friday., •
Mr. ` and .Mrs. Robert Helmand
Tom, Mr. .and °Mrs .:. Frank 'Ritchie
and .Mrs. Frank Riegling were in
Hamilton-on-.uesda-y at.:...the Crest
:Mount • Funeral Home toyconvey
their sympathy to bereaved
family:of the late Lyle Ritchie.
They also visited Mr. and Mrs. •
Clifford -Eastman of Burlington
and Mrs...Ivla.ry "McAuley at Acton.
Mrs. George 'Huntet of London
was brought by ambulance to
'Wingham.. Hospital'•on Monday
we're vacationin
with you!.
Boyle With
Oh y. es, Tex -made will be along this summer as always
w . . in the sports shirts father wears, mother's' bright ••
42 points; dresses, the.kids'shorts and sweaters, the' canvas of their
' runningshoes th�etar on the luggagei ^�' ,
the headlining and tire fabric of the family car . just to
mention a fet! ways. You're more familiar with Tex -made
sheets,vtowels, pillow slips and other famous consumer
Dern- ez.oi . 91 LI sea
01n, •
Junior; 440 yd. Relay - Bryan
Bpyle , Elliott Courtney , Murray ,
Hill, Allan MacKay 54 seconds;
Long .Jump - Allan MacKay 17 ft
10 in.; Hih Jump Bill Tranter
5 ft 0 in. , Discus. = Elliott, Court
ney 96 ft 5 in.; Shot Put 12 lb,
John Farrell 34•ft 't
Midget; 220 yd L Barry
Maddonald 25. 8 sec.
hundreds of hidden ways:. Drive carefully and have
a good timer
domnion textile limned
The Fatiric Peop�'e