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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-06-03, Page 8
T' • IJ PAGE EIGHT THE; I UCKNOW SENTINEL,.LUCKNOW,: ONTARIO. SOUTHAMPTON • C1 U MIXED CURLING. SPIEL SATURDAY AND SUNDAY,. JULY lith and 12th ... ENJOY A WEEK -END OF FUN AND MIMED CURLING For Information Contact: • MRS. D. MERCER, SOUTHAMPTON, ONT. Phone (519).797-3249 P.O.: Box; 150 LucknowWilI Have Baseball Lucknow will' once again see• some baseball (hardball) in the community as a local Pee Wee group has been organized. Don' Dennis will be head coach.. It is hoped that at least .two local teams,' aid . possibly more , will operate in a local "house , I $ ' league" and that some' exhibition games' will be played"against ' • other. towns.; Practices will ' commence this. Saturday, June' 6th at 10• a.m. and ey ery Tuesday at -• 7�pm.and Saturday at 10 a.m. after that. More helpers are still needed. Iper 1 •ee B ll Hunt -err. 11. WHI1ECHURcH- • Anniversary services were held on'Sunday at Calvin -Brick Church at 11 a.m. with Rev. Hugh Wilson of Exeter. guest speaker. The Junior choir sang. t uo-a-nthe-rns- H isses--Joyce. Coultes , Doris Coultes and' Kathy Chandler sang accompanied by .BROO.K. SIDE HIGH SCHOOL PREVIEW On May 26., .F: E.. Madill. Sec- ondary ec ondary School had a grade eight nightfor the parents.and the stud- ents who will,go. there:.. The stud- ents •had a tud-ents'+hada tour of the school while -the parents had discussions in,so a .of••the classrooms with • the teachers, 'After the tours,and disctissions the -students had c-hoeo late milk and doughnuts while the _parents had coffee and'dourgh- nuts.: The night was very informa- tive- and was enjoyed by everyone. d. B e cued samples of flowers , • moss bark and leaves. After the pupils arrived back'at the school they saw a film strip On these things and were able to identify some of them.. Class two took a sitnil- at'trip on Friday' May 29. VISITING TEACHERS Miss Ritchie from Ripley and Mr.' Orr from Wiarton , : who will be teaching here next year, Visit- ed alliast week at-oursahoaoL. /They helped the teachers ,• exarn. ,ined the different methods of,. teaching and the pupils reacfionss to these different methods. They compared one .grade 'with another; KINDERGARTEN FIELD TRIP Kindergarten class on e went ,on a field'trip to Howar lake's Ripley Girls Win bush on May 22. `Th class col-. Ie First Ball Game •In the first game of the season,, Ripley Junior Girls. Softball team won 37 to 24 oyer Harriston. . Susan Farrell and Joan Culbert shared. the pitching duties, with Gail Courtney behind the plate. In•spite of strained muscles from field day, the girls 'did very well. There are .some promising players coming on , ani ahe elii under • Jack Farrell, coach, is,looking forward to a good s.eason. • Following is their schedule: • June 4 :- Ripley, at Chepstow ' June. 9 • Clifford at Ripley une - p ey at. ormosa 4une 6 _tvrrt,_-Eor_est at Ripley June. 3'0 =Ripley at, Hanover July 3 7 Chepstow at Ripley' July 7 - .Ripley at Clifford • .Jul,y 10 . Chesley at Riple e.July 13 'Ripley at. Harrison • July 17 , -' Formosa at Ripley July'20 Ripley at Mr,. Forest July 24 - Hanover. at Riple July.,,27. - ,Ripley at Chesley AT -hone 0 •1 • hope they enjoyed their visit. • APPE • by three members of the Room. .Twelve _caass-_Loree Gaparnie, ' g Sharon Tigert and David Farrish. Seven girls of the class played a recorder number entitled Flow Gently Sweet Afton. Two.songs • were then sung by the class; Kelli' grew's Soiree and. Streets of Lar- -ado. Bill 'Wilkins took'a solo part in - El Char' -which -:was...sung_ by the boys. . Linda Hayes and Shirley Phillips gave the 'Bible reading and all the pupils of, the school joined in singing Tell me, the Stories of Jesus. Gail Pritch- ard gave a short report on.the amount of money we have raised for our foster child , Victoria. Jackie. Collinson introduced the film Child of Darkness; Child of Light, a productfon of .the Foster Parents Plan. After the film the assembly closed with God Save the •Queen:' Chalmers 'C.00. WHITECHURCH NEWS Chalmers 'Presbyterian, C.O. C.. held their meeting on'Sunday in the Sunday School room after Sunday School: with an .attendance Of 13. The call to worship was TOUR OF CENTENNIAL CENTRE ' At 9:17, on Monday, May 25, r the -gra -de seven -and erglri Mrs. Sidney. Thompson. ,Music for hymn singingwas supplied by Kathy Chandler pianist and • Mrs. Sidney Thompson organist. Those attending the trousseau for•Joyce walkerson Saturday • from. here'.we•re'Mrs. John•Gaunt;. ' Mrs:. Albert Coultes and Mrs, • . Alex Craig. f4: Your brakes -cam make a crucial difference.. Insure your safety, the safety of all with a :r..'a:aA rani - .�.avv what brakes are about. pupils' left Brookside School for the.Ontario Science Center in Toronto We drove to thcknow then Winghath , and made good . iime :to Guelph where we stopped for gas , and' a break We reach- ed'the Science Center al 12:35 where we got.,into groups of four. or live and;had lunch in the•cafet- ..eria, Until 5 o'clock we walked through the large buildings displaying Space.,. Canadian.. North, Life ;: Science Arcade, r spar -a-tio•n-a-n-ra-rry-athar. •exhibits "For most of these we: had to pushbuttons or crank things to find out' what they were about. Ai 5:15`we.-enjoyed a, imeal. in the cafeteria, which was served to us by waiters. We started home once again or -1.41e 401 to :Guelph, and reached "the . school at '9:27. A11'' of us enjoyed -this-trip. ___. _ VICTORIA DAY , . What' does Victoria day mean?' This is'what many.people.wonder. and shout Vknow On May 18 a holiday was held to celebrate. Victoria, day.' The next =day When the pupils return-, ed to school the teachers inquired of them what the holiday was relehraring:_ The .stndents'name to the conclusion that' it'was to 'celebrate the birthdays of the British Monarchs throughout 'history.. It is held •the Monday immediately. preceding'May' 24 to provide people 'with a 'long holid- ay weekend.. May 24 is .used • because it •was .Queen: Victoria's birthday. Queen. Victoria was' the longest reigning British Monarch. Our present queen,' Elizabeth II ' has her ,birthday on April 27. Vic, toria day is also called CorX mon- wealth Day • G RADE: EI-C7H-T •-A-F,M-R,Y Room Twelve of Our school presented `their assembly on Fri- day,. May 29. .Lynda Lyons acted as chairlady, hey opened, their, programme with "O Canada"., This was followed by three skits, entitled the "Doctor's Skit" ,' "Clothesline Skit" and "Wrestling. Skit". The last skit was written • • WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3rd, 1970 • SI I BROWNIE REVEL CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12. This routine was carried through until all 3 groups had covered all a-ctalites With the end, drawing near for this lovely day , we had a light - lunch around the campfire of. cookies and freshie. Following 'this we had a sing song of some of out favourite songs.. .A general cleanup of the camp site was. done .Before the Teeswater--' Brownies boarded.the bus for home, .they gave the Lucknow.. Browniesand leaders a, Grand Howl to express their thanksfor• a lovely day and good fellow, ship.. given' by BarryElliott. b Douglas Ross read, the scripture °Prayer was giuen by David Elliott followed.by the C.O.C.:hymn. A reading Grace for Gardens was given •by Jean Simpson. Lori Purdon read the minutes of the last meeting. Kendra Purdon, received..d e offering with Bobbie Ross giving the offering. prayer. • `Mrs, Archie Purdon gave the Junior story and•Mrs. Simpson. gave the•Seniorstor-y.. The meet in 'closed withthe singing of a¢ Tiymn. GODERICH 30 THE SQUARE PHONE '524.7811 ALRCON D,LTI_QN.ED, FOR S1LMOR.E._DAYS Thurs., Fri., Sat., Sun., Mon., Tues. '.' June. 4, 5, 6, 7,.8, 9 2.ahows Fri. & Sat starting at7 30,&9:15p.m. One showing only on Thurs., Sun., Mon:. $t Tues. starting at.8 p.m... .CONSIDER THE AWARDS.,: • BEST SUPPORTING BEST 'SCREENPLAY •. DYAN CANNON -New York Film'Cntres • PAUL-M•AURSK-Y and: LARRY TUCKER: —New York Film Critics ' 'Nationa) Society. • of•Filrrl C'rittcs NATALIE'WOOD•'ROBERT CULP BOB& CAROL &TED &ALICEI ELLIOTTOOULD• DYAN CANNON T- • PAULMAZURSKUDIARRYTUCKER•QUINCY•JONES • M.J fRANKOVICH'LARRYTUCKER•PAULMAZURSKY•TECHNICOIOR •Nj 1 .:. .. . TECHNICOLOR -6 w t _ AND -MORE HI -FLYING HI-LARITY ©' TECHNICOLOR• s 1969 Walt Disney PtodUCtions One Showing at 8:00 'p.m. On Wed.,Thurs. Two Showings at 7:30 and ,9:20 on Fri. and Sat..