HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-05-27, Page 171 WEDNESDAY, MAY 2 7th, 1970 �� rr�•A�f ,-N# tri77 ;;71:,ii THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARiQ CHOICE HOME KILLED BEEF. AND PORK. VORIC HOPS 83C—LIC HOMEMADE SAUSAGE. 63c LB BACON ENDS , 63c LB. BUTT PORK ROASTS . 65c LB. PEAMEAL. BACON - 93c LB. W. E. DELIVER . ••••••••••• .•:. ••••••••••••• ••••••:•••••••••• LOOKING BACKWARDS. . • THROUGH THESENTINE.L..FJLE$ WITH MARGARET THOMPSON ..•:•••. ••••••.•.:•••:..••:.•o•••••••: 20 YEARS • AGO MAY 1950 Gordon Brooks purchased, _J.. Wilson's.trucking business. The Brooks •family; who had ` • been living in• Huron Township, Moved to' Lucknow.... .Mr. and Mrs..Bu.d Hamilton moved from the Anderson Apart -ments to,their.n.ew home;, the - former J idle residen e , 'which•they had made intoa two • family duplex. Clair Johnstone purchased Herb.McQtiiflli.n's residente 'near' the flax mill. It had been ten- . •` anted by M'r, '.and Mrs. Robert. Armstrong and family. Hector Purdon, Who had been in charge of Purdon's Bakery • for some tirine bought the local.' business, front his brother Athol; ` A pair'of Lynx were 'reported to have been seen in.Greenock swamp near itrversdale.. The Instutute Grace was sung.. Mrs. J. McDonagh Gives Travelogue DU•NGANNc.N NEWS The Dungannon Wo`me n's. Institute met on May 20th at.. the home of Mrs. Wilbur Brown. There were 15 members present 2 absent and we had 4 guests. The .Opening Ode ,was sung and. the •Mary Stewart. Collect • repeated.. The roll call was cheerfully answered with a blue's. chaser. ' A short business period followed. On Thursday', May 28th a car of ladies will be going to St Helens with 3.delegates for the. district annual. On June 2nd we are to . cater to .a banquet in the base- Ment of the United Church for •the .Tiger• Dunlop Sunshine Sisters;. An invitation was accepted to a .lilac tea in the Carlow Hall on June 17th. The Motto was given by Mrs.. Fred Young arid was, entitled. "Don't. itch: for something •you are not willing to scratch for"'. The Topic was given,by',.Miss eeth-McConrrell; -" We7shouid resolve•to conquer' temper', tongue and conduct The ladies were, -,pleased .to be given the..opportun- ity to see Mrs: Jack McDonagh's • slides on Portugal; Lisbon, Spain TF—Plinorca Island..' • • a .proposed District High School at Lucknow was submitted at a gathering of distri.ct municipal 'officials held at' the'Lucknow• -Recreational-.Centre. / USED TOBEA . -MEET-CIE/NM BUTTNFY HAD TOF/REME...• :C' / COUIDN'TKEEP' MYM/ND ;INTNEGUrr ANLEY'S and the hostesses Mrs. Hugh ,Mc- • Harvey: Hall. sold his restaurant 1i' Whinney Mrs. GrahamMcNee know tcriai ey-- an Mrs. Wilbur Brown: served Treleaven' of Dungannon: - 40 -YEARS- AG.O .. • MAY 1930 cake and ice cream and the meet. ing closed. by singing.' "The. .Queen -"r'. The next .meeting will beheld June 25th at the hoine of Mrs. Alvin Kerr. • A: representative deputation of Kincardine Morrison' head - ed . b,y Mayor Nlorriso1 placed - be'= •fore the Mayor and. citizens of Goderich (at a prearranged meeting) a proposition• with regard to paving the .Goderichto Kincar dine section of the Blue Water Highway. The radio broadcasting station t was .discontinued, having. given its last 'performance .on- Sunday May 4th. The reason given was: "that, capital necessary to make nec-essar i'ITlprove'nre-nts" >ot forthcoming and that should the necessary funds be subscribed by interested parties within a month , t,he.'station would resume ope-raridti fter` one month of silence a 'station lost 'its 'licence. • 60 .YEARS AGO 'MAY; 1910 A new Library Board was organ- ized. Officers elected were: Chairman, J. G, Murdoch Vice Cha ir-r-nanV r-F'T-xeleavo►':;--- Secretary , G. H.. Smith; Treas ,urer, G, A. Siddal; Book. • Coirimittee.,. C. F. Ewers W. E. . . .PAGE SEVENTEEN LOTION OF ALOE: ' WITH COCOA BUTTER FOR ; EXTRA DRY SKIN REG, $1,50._ Our Price 41;29 1 OI.L OF ALOE.. MOISTURIZER REG.. 4 OZ. $2.95 Our• •Price "$2.49 2 OZ. REG. $1.75 ..Our_...P 5e41:.4.9 0114.01=14,1•1104.09..,410#10.0.6... pee. 4.4.4mitsto orineorrileutle JOHNSON BABY. SHAMPOO • ; li OZ. — REG: $1.39 Our Price . $1.19 • 1FLUSHABYE .. HYGIENIC DIAPERS 24's' MEDIUM AND *TODDLER SIZE ' Our Price $1.43 Newborn. Size $1.31 .� }� JOHNSONS SELF SHINING ' ESQUIRE: SCUFF-KOTE. SHOE POLISH• ••, POLISH BLACK;:: BROWN ,44.10 -WHITIB $LACK, BROWN -AND • WHITE- REG.39c . .REG. 59c Our Price 3;3c' Our Price 53c H. 13.. CAMPBELL ST. LUCKNOW --- r5 HITECHURCHia Hosp.1tal Rev. c.lacence d at r""N1cClenagha n of • Eight ladies from this area spent an enjoyable afternoon at Blyth on the occasion of their, 60th •W . I, anniversary: Miss Sharon Young and others'. spent Saturday and Sunday in Len -en in competition wi London area students. in accord- ian and guitar duets and bands. • ; Dpngannon who is slowly ixriprov Misses Barbara and Jean Camp- lig after surgery.: berrsf London spe i he week Mr. and'.Mr Dave'Sand-erson-- end .with Mrs. Robert Ross. • . . . of St. • Catharines spent the week Mrs. Ezra Scholtz arrived home end with her parents Mr., and ton -Wednesday after spending a-1vrrs;- Ken- Currie: few days. in London with Mr. ,and • Mr, and. Mrs, John. Murray of Mrs. 'Cameron Simmons. - Sharon .visited on Sunday 'with Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs„ Mrs: Charles-Tiffinjof Wingham. Tan, Laidlaw on the arrival of 'a -baby girl in gingham: and District Hospital•..on Wednesday. May 20 ,- a sister for Janet. Mr. afnd Mrs. 'Fre.d Tiffin visited Friday with'"Mrs. Charles Tiffin of Wingham . • Mrs. Milian Moore and Mr. and Mrs. Garry Duncan were in London on Thursday. Mrs. Moore Mr. and ,Mrs. Elmer • Sleightholm , Phyllis, Janet, Lloyd, David attended the wed -- ding of edding.of their, son and the latter's brother Elgin ;and Miss Betty . ICairns'of King City on. Saturday. - in king City Church. . The rec- eption in the evening was. held at Aurora. • • 1/ NN 4.1 't o an r into • ==• 0 • • A.co.mplete fate of agrfcul:tural chemicals is on display at_y-our _Cooperat ve__Manefactured i n Canada to meet • LUCKNO P KIN E 528.3430Aaiuppomumms The Lucknow•business men.,' agreed , beginning May 16, 'to. close"their stores at 6;30 p:m: on Monday and Friday evenings of�each, Wee.ic,. •Up:.:until_then Lucknow business places were • open six evenings• a Week. There was considerable d'eve1 opment in the Bell' Telephone System in tucknow. Seven 'new. phones had been installed and "contracts signed for several, snore Fora two-party line $15 per year was the rate in Lucknow, •.Canadian conditionsWeed Killers and Pesticides r' are your most effective nie'ans of crop'•protection'•' Where. required, your CO;OP'saleslit"an mil offer .expert advice and gtiidance on.any control ntoblems, • For bigger yields . more profitable. COOP • II . ee®. • 1 • i FREE / Pocket.Site'Weed • 1 Control Handbook ▪ Next time you're at. your' 1 ▪ Co-operative, pick up this ',handy, up -to- . ......� daie_quide on the.._ Td`�Fiemie� sefect,on and • n •at your 'CO-OP' ;Store' now. - ♦ . cation of CO.OP . Se Weed Killers' • Reprster d bade ,rtarA `ems me. rT d. Phone' IStFICt: -2125 0011 Agricultural Chemicals Protect Vour Investment