HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-05-27, Page 11WEDNESDAY, MAY 27th, 1970.
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Leadership Course
-A-t ArKingshddije
Many adults and youths of the
area, spent the: .weekend •, from
Friday•evening•, May 22nd to
Sunday afternoon, . May 24th, :in
t e gym ofSt. Joseph's school;,
. Kingsbridge taking the. Christo-
pher Leadership Course
-What is' the Chris opher; Leader-
ship COurSe? First
eadershipCourse?'First of all, it was:'
founded in 1944 'by Father :Keller.
;`of New York City, .buriras'open•
to all people ; regardless of
nationality,` colour or religion.
• Thecourse is non-•rofitable
with only'.' a small fee charged 4o work,. were Mr,. Clare Wilhelm.
cover the texts given to partici and Mrs. Stari'Reitzel, of •
pa_ntsl .•. -- __ Kitch-ene.c;..:and_Re-uered_Faaher .
Its purpose is to develop self- C. R. Hergott , Spiritual:Director ,,
confidence and to. develop . also from Kitchener, who gave,
through practice, two essential inspiring::spiritual talks at the
shells of leadership; 1.' Communi beginning .of each session.
cation'. -.the ability to 'speak. The' course opened with 'Introd-
effectively in front of.a group,1 uction_,'when each panic pa-nt.-w
by overcoming nervousness. and " called ,upon to introduce himself
rtrm -si-1 Hum• and talk briefly on his work and
anity - the ability to understand, family and why he is taking the
get along. with , and: win the co.- . con*. From then on, lessons .of
pe-ra ton of other -people: -Norm "speed reading, spea1ii:ng. ith an•
ally, the 'course is given in ten • :exhibit ; proper introduction• of
weeks with one lesson pear week s guest speakers, and public speak -
but ,
peakbut, occasionally,: a` crash.dourse ing, were 'instructed' by: the lead
,is given in one weekend;, ers, followed by -the participants
The instructors, who kindly giving two minute talks. After
give their.. time .freely • to this ' . ' ' each talk , ,they •were evaluated
by the leaders.
The final session :was a; speech
prepared by everyone on•their
Christopher ProJect; "which' meant
what progress they felt•they.bad
made., or what results they hoped
to'achieve, ,either in homes;
work; or in .Community'act'ivities.
Following the:talks; each :one ,
:was given a ballot to• vote on
who they felt gave' the Most
inspiring talk:
970 Models
1969: PONTIAC 2 door hardtop, VBaiutom:atic, power' steering
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1969 -PC ' ' • I ury , ' oor •ar top,' ' , u . power
1969 METEOR, 4'door sedan, V8 automatic, power steering
1968 FORD Custom 500 4 door, 6 cylinder 'automatic',
s1968-CHEV4 door, -6 cylinder automatic
1968 DODGE, 4 door,, 6 cylinder automatic
1968 FORD, V8, 4 door, 'automatic
1968 CADILLAC, 4 door hardtop;.
1968 PLYMOUTH Fury 1I, 2 door hairdtop
1968 DODGE S00, 4 door,. V8 automatic transmission
1968 PONTIAC, 2 `door 'herdtop, V8 with full power
1967' FORD Custom 500, 4 .door, V8 automatic • '
1967 'CHEV:Stationwagon
1966 VALIANT, 4 door
1984'CHEV, 4 door, V8 automatic
John Austin was 'the winner and
was presented with a Christopher
,Everyone received a• certifi-
=:Comments from_the-roup
proved :that they all felt:the
course ,was .worthwhile and very
rewarding. • .• •
'Area, residents taking this
- -h rlyd' -'
GtristQp o-�-----ership-cou�s�e-
were Lorne Cook, R. • R. 3 Lick-
noW; Mrs. John .Howard, Rayrnond
Hogan, Mrs. Leo Courtney,,
Mrs. •Antone Van Osch;.John
Austin; Ralph. Austin, Dan '
Dalton, Nolda Miltenburg, •all
of R. R. 7 Lucknow; Mrs. Joe
O'Keefe , Mrs. Eugene 1?rayne,
Clem Sterner of R,.' R; 3 Goder-
ich and Mrs:, Delbert.Wilson, R.
R. 1, Ripley.
Calvin -Brick
• .Messengers:
Calvin -Brick Messengers held
'their May meeting on Sunday in
the church. Pianist was Marian
McGee and Leader Margaret Rober•
tson. •.
The CalFto Worship was given
by Marilyn Robertson; Doug
Shiell read the Scripture and, Alice
•Beecroft ledr in -prayer; '.,
Patsy Shiell 1 and. ,Lori . Thompson
received -the offering and Mari-.
lyn• Robertson gave the Offering
Prayer. Dennis'Thompson gave
the Herald Report.
The story of the Canadian
Indians Today was given by Mrs.
Lawrence Taylor after whichall
.went to their classes .for further
study.' •
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surface of the soil and gets into 'rnent in time,,labour and equip
---action=fast _t_th_,this,-method:-of �:;r_ne.pt. callyouiao'cal Co,bpetatiVV=
applica.tion the corn gets maxi- • now and plan to' imirove your
mum • benefitfrom the nitrogen profits this season.,
St. Nle lens. UC
On Tuesday afternoon,. May
12th •Mrs Simon. de Boer opened
her home to the 'St. Helens U.C.
- ladies . __ Twenty A -dies
�-' ttt roll (ail with a •
ausweCu ��.�� ,.�:...
verse containing the word 'kind
Mrs. Charles McDonald read the '
scripture 'lesson.
• Mrs, .Gor-don--McRhe-rson took
the topic on '.'Kindness", Mrs.
Don•C7rneron read a poem anti.
M. 'Frank McQuillin led its
_ I
from . L.111=C1 research
Fertilizer Programmes and. Services
for the Ontario farmer'.: -
Reg'isMred trade Mark
uckflowDIstrict C
Phone 528-2125
prayer, "Everyday Religion!' .
read by Mrs: Ross ;Errington.••
Mrs. Lorne Woods had cndi�
the worship service and conduct -
[-ed•-a--contest--on "Persons in the,'
Mrs. Torn Todd conducted the
vastness 1neetittg: • ,Anyone wish
Ding to donate used :clothing to the'
bale May leave it with Mrs. W,
1, Miller .before the end 'of May,
A work tlanned for May
1:9 dr:- 72kt th-et:ui-nciust•on: a. saiiyr
bulbs and plants was held. Lunch
was served by Mrs. Lorne Woods
artd Mr.. Gordon McPherson, ,