HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-05-20, Page 1• U. .r $5.00 A Year In .Advance $2.00; Extra To U.S.A.. •- LUCKNO1N,. ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, MAY 20th, 1970: Single Copy 154� 16 Paws Ridgeiown Grad •ROBERT Mac MILLAN ..'. E2obect lvfaaMllan, son or Mr. and: Mrs., Patrick MacMillan of.:.'' R: R 1, Lucknow ,' is„ a 1970 grad--' uate of the. Ridgetown'College.'of- Agricultural Technology; He recefv-es-h-is_d-ip-larna-a• Council Tails About Livestock At May Meeting Mach point of discussion<at last week's brief •May Lucknow coun-' cl meeting was about livestock, How ever , counc it 'w'ere not' concerned .about markets, and• prices as is often the case when a group of men discuss livestock.. The matter of concern at last week's council meeting was, : whether or" not local residents will be allowed to continue. to contravene the 19,67 bylaw passed by the yillage which .prohibits the feeding of livestock in town. Six or eight cases presently exist in the village which are in violation of the 1967 bylaw. All council'were in agreement that °part"time- and!hohhy farmers 'should consider their. 'neighbours' property and fresh air and should, under no circumstances, be feed- ing livestock -in residential areas. in the village. • t -the However,'counci1 were i�'v ded Graduation Exercises On Wednes day, May 20 •, when. the speaker ' will be Hon. Wm. A. Stewart, Ontario Minister of Agriculture .and.Food Everett Biggs, :Deputy, Minister, will•'present the diplornas. Philip Stewartis Injured In fall- Descending Ladder. Philip Stewart of Lucknow is .a patient:in' Wingham and District. .. ! - from a ladder at his home last • Thursday. Roy Graham of Lucknow was doing some repairs.. to .the roofof e • GG _ 9 'been on the roo;f,with him deter- mining what:would .done. ' He was coming'down the ladder. when hetook the, fall , taking the.. ladder with him tothe ground:. Roy .was still. on the roof and Mrs'..' Stewart ; with the aid of a neigh • bout' succeeded ;in. getting. the. ladder back up so Roy could .assist •----Plmlip-was-removed to• Wnighan:: ...Hospital by ambulance. He sus- tained no ,fractures, but received ' bac-•k-injury; . He struck kis-head, in the fall and Cut his tongue which required Stitches. to,close ; Mac (Bell Named EdmofltonM • ' Mac Bell well known to many in this community :,.• has been appointed manager of the train .ova o to in .Edmonton.. Mrs. Bell is the former lean Bissett of this area, •The Bell:family moved from• . Saskatoon to. Edmonton on Friday •Margaret has just completed her first year in a four-year course in home economics at the .Univet. sitar of Saskatchewan. She will _._ ... --return to •Saskatoon n- the --Fa 11 -W - Continue her course. Their son David, who will be spending the sumther at the George oncrief farm at Amberley, will be attend. ing high school. in Edmonton. on the -:question of depriving a mari.of his livelihood -by closing a barn which had provided his liv.i'ng•for iiany-e; Councillor Newbold was absent from.` lastwee•k's meeting and the matter, of enforci.ng'the bylaw will receive further discussion• When a full council is ,present. Reeve Joynt advised council that "a' sidewalk inspection would.. be carried out in some areas in the next few weeks'. •• • Building TnsPector. Alex Havens was present to discuss various e • law recently passed. Mr.' Havens was recentlyappointed building inspector at an.annual salary of $400.' • Theworks department truck, which was advertised for sale by. tender •, was sold to George Mon- crief of Amberley for $400. • Three' Couples On. =O.tawa,_'Tr-ip Mr. and Mr's. Robert Moffat of Lucknow , Mr:. •ancLMrs . Au:bre-y. Higgins .of Dungannon' and Mr and Mrs. Walter: •Alfon of Luck now enjoyed a Senior Citizen's• bus trip to Ottawa. They joined two buses at Walkerton with Senior Citizens from five other clubs, eighty in 'all, ' T -he -y -toured -the- Roya-1--M4nt and the Parliament Buildings where ROSS Whither, M.P. for '• Bruce, addressed them in the Senate, Library a-nd_ryta-de -a_t•- ng - -- rrients'for them to see the Dignit- aries enter the House of Commons and -see Parliament open and • metribers speak.. ... T:he= --a-.Iso-ha-d-a to:u -o,f -Ot-t& w which included Sussex Drive , • Park Way ; River Road ; Rideau Hall, R.C.M.15, Barracks ,•the Prime Ministers home and other laces�of �' ter st e..�retux ed home by The Thousand Islands and crossed :the bridge into U.S. A. They found this a sight well worth seeing; All agreed' it was 'a wonderful trip: Graduate,Nurse Recommend 4% 'Dividend- Payrn.e.nt e flj:OU1HJ:d. Thjird nnual Banquet The third annual 'meeting of . the Lucknow & District Credit • Union was held; at .St. Peter's, Parish Hall. on. Tuesday , May 12," attended by 43 members,and guests. Guests were welcomed and. registered by Miss Lynda Walden, Lucknow's CreditUnidn Queen: Barr -y -Hackett vice—vr-esident,- acted as, master ,of ceremonies for the ,evening ,'a'nd .proposed the toast to the .Que.en.`, Rev. Glenn . Noble -led in.-the'blessin-g. Adel- icious turkey dinner was prepared and' served by the Anglican . SHARON COURTNEY Sharon Courtney,•.daughter, of Mr. and Mrs.' Leo Courtney of Ashfield, was among thirty =six -graduates-from he Hospital School. of. Nursing.. in Kitchener The graduationexercises took place at the Fairview Cinema on Thursday', May 141h. Complete Two R�ul Est�te dale Two area real estate sales.were recently completedby Mrs.. Rosa -. lind • Hodgins of •Kinlough , agent for Wilfred . Mcinte.e Real Estate Delbert -Stanley of the 10th of Kinloss 'urc ed •the. 'rn merton�farm on concession A in Huron Township near Bruce Beach, ed the ladies and Barry Hackett then introduced the head table.; Mrs:: Ford. Cunningham , Mr. • and Mrs. Barry Hackett',, Mr, and Mrs.. Aavin• Alton , John Skipjack, Glen Atkinson,Miss L nda. Wald en and .Mr and :Mrs. J. ' W . Mc- Laren. Also'titroticed were•Al' • • 'Lennox'. from Curia. Mutual Insur- ance Society; Mrs, Tom .Pritchard, assistant treasurer; Jim; Arnold:,., chairman o.f,the Supervisory `' Committee; and .Grant C hisho.Trri,: chairman of the, Credit'Cornmit- tee.. • the second annual meeting.It. was .moved by Mrs. Barry Hackett and seconded. by John Skipjack • that the minutes be adopted as read Mrs. Ford. Cunningham • read the report of the •Board of Directors, Reg, Jones, read the Education and Promotion Commit- '• tee Report , also.the Insurance' :'Report.,... The _report. of the. Social_ •Cornrnittee was read by Mrs, Don Pannabecker..,''Jim Arnold gave the Supervisory Committee's • report and Mrs. Glen Atkinson . ;. . CONTINUED ON PAGE '8 Youth Dies After: ' Being Injured • The meeting wasthen turned,' :over to the President, Mrs:.:ford Cunningham. ' Mrs. `Reg Janes,' ' Secretary; read the minutes of David Baynes:, i9---of-West Nissouri Township,', died Monday of last week in 'Victoria Hospital, • London ,".as: a result of 'injuries. ' he suffered. in a fall from. a.silo April 30. • Mr. Baynes wasworking'dn. the : farm of William de Boer about three miles east of•Luck- . __naw on Highway 86, when -he apparently slipped as he began, to .descend•a silo ladder and dropped 48 feet to the .ground. ' ' He was taken; to Wingham District Hospital with serious internal injuries and a broken leg and later. transferred to Victoria Hospital. • David Baynes'• mother was the former :Shirley.Chamney of Marn- och in East Wa;wanosh Township. '_�i-i�•tnoth • Chamney ;'resides at Avoncrest Hospital Stratford - e Frn On Kinloss Farm • Harry Lunday' sold 50 .acres in , 'Culross Township on the county .• -r •. • ' 1 to Dr. 'Helen Cheyne and Mrs.•' Mary Swediuk of .Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs.. Glen Bolte 'of Kincardine' formerly of Downs: - view , ownsview, recently purchased the'. faith of Calvin Robertson on the •ncession of -Kinloss: . Mr: Bolte is also driving a Teeswater•Creamery milk 'truck. Huron Chapter Honour, Scott: Rei n Fri -clay ' Two hundred people attended a dinner and reception on Friday ' n ---evening of -last -week arranged by ---- Huron Chapter 89, Order of the Eastern Star; Wingham. The din ner wasin honour of Scott Reid of Wingham, Grand Chaplain of the GrandChapter of Ontario. , Pictured left to right are: Jack <Reavie Wingham , Worthy Patron -•Huron-Chapter; Mrs...,Allan •Mac'. •lntyre, Lucknow , Worthy Matron Huron Chapter; Stuart Davison, Sca rboro ; Worthy Grand Patron, Grand Chapter of •Ontario; .Mrs. Arva .McKenzie , Sarnia, Worthy Grand Matron, ,Grand Chapter of ,. Ontario;' Mrs.. Scott Reid, Wing, ham, Past Matron Huron Chapter; Scott Reid , Wingham , Grand Chaplain,',Grand Chapter of Ont- aria. Advat ce •Times Photo