HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-05-06, Page 19WEDNESDAY, MAY bth, 1970 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEI,., LUCKNOW, ONTARIO- Dun g:c'nnon c�u leSO f ears Marred M. and Mrs. Lorne'.I'vers. of Du n-ga ta-pori-c-e-le-b1-t cd thci . golden wedding anniversary Q0_ Tuesday ,;.April M'rs. Iv,ers. is •the..forrr e'r Flossie Elliott;; youngest daughter.of the late,Mr.:'and, Mrs. James Elliott. Lorne •is'tli,e eldest son of the late•Mr. •and Mrs. Wni. • Ivers , 'both of West , Wawa'riosh • • township. Iv`Ir,. and Mrs. Ivers were mar-' ried at the,horne of the briders parents on April 28, 1920 by the Rev: Hisey of 10e United'Church and farmed on the 4th,cone ssion • • sof West Wawanosh until1.931 when they moved to Dungannon.. Lorne workedfor the Township of WestWawanosh for 26 '.ear and .for 20 years of that time he ' was road superintendent: He, retired in'1965.• Mrs.. 'vers. has been an active District She served •on the . : = . • • • .•. •. • e . . LL. _L. IL -for nigh -ye-a r& -and r also was an active meniber.of. the U, C: W. ,Mr. and Mrs. Ivers , attend 'Dungannon United ;Church.' �• Mrs. •lvers'was secretary-treas-' iter of the: G.oderich .Rural Tele- phone Companyfrom 194i'untih, '..the company was Sold L1111958: • Mr and Mts. Ivers have no family., .bU•I to Jim lvlillion,,,,a .nephew, it was,home. •• He came to live with them 'when a child during .the first year of their niar-' ridge, :following the death of his'., parents: •He remained .withthern ` until he enlisted 'in September • 1939in thesecond. World War• ENGAGEMENTS ROSS - VAN DER HOEK. Mr..' and Mrs:, 13as van der . . Hoek, R. R. 4, Ripley announce the engagement of their, daugh- ter Cathy to Mr. John F, boss of Qrillia , son of h1r. John Ross and the late Mrs. Ross of Or•i11ia.. The marriage will take place on Sa-turd:ay-; Ju!neLgh atm o'c lock in St..Andrew's UnitedChurch; Ripley • HELM - RATIIVELC The .engagement.is announced. of Barbara Joan Rathwell of Tor,on- 'to daughter of.:\lrs, Gerald Rattawell' and the'late .sir. Rath- well .of Lucknow and Evans A. He'lin Of Toronto, son•of•Nirs. �1W1Lh1a.In,IIeIni f Lucknowand • the late Mr. Iielin.' •i'1 c.nrarriage will, tol<e'pla. ace on: Satiurda.v,.jute Uth at three; -o -''clod: in Lucknow• • United Clitirclt.. :llrARIUS - 1t:1 NCL:Cl: :qtr, and\lts° Charles liancock, P'Ic'1<erirt :t pre 't he r.ti;tnt of their: dau htcr I3c'rnalle.tte At;nts'.,'to 111 P,:rta1 1°1arris 'soh' of tad•.. 'rri Ilarris of London. „The Inarriai e will take plac'C on.Sattl.rda\ ,•.X1:1\ .:10 at . iii. in St.* Peters: Cathedral' Loitdein; Ontario. . . as many .friends•an t neic hhourst ca11itt •ai•-their hurtle. rlrtton r the many .gifts received wa a. pole .lariip and bow.1 from their 'Dunga•n ion friends. 7 .,On Wednesday , .April 29• they ,were guests of honour a..t.a dinner • party at the home• of and N1•1- Wilbur liWilbur Brown of. Lucknow w•tth tweanty-six guests'.present. Cecil: Bla.ke.w•a's Master of.Ce.renionies... K. •.K. Dawson asked' grace 'and :Girvin ,Reed proposed' the t.oasi,`•ta. the'bride. and .groom Frank • •Thbm.pson thanked 'Mr. and Mrs.. ii-Lnew-•r ra B1+ 4411-I•H4.1 i r� 1'-h[ i Stratford; A province of Ontario scroll front Prime• Minister,; John °Robarts P.P. :were received.: The couple had many cards and.phon.e .calls of congratuiations, as we'll And has served as president of the Dungannon branch and. also President of the Huron West CERTfF1ED EED pQT.AT� Mrs. Melvin Reed read an ad :dress. arid Mrs. Robert Stothers and' ' M rs •A, J . Sherwood. present ed the honoured•couple•'with the' gi .t•,o a crysta. '.ow an eac .a . etip and'saucer.- Lorne and Flossie both expr.es sed their t11ynks and appreciation 'for the •party . • Euchre was eai0Y- ed after ,the dinner.' The comntunitY' extends best wishes to. them for many riiore happy. anniversa ries'. PA0* NINITUN WAREHOUSE 4110, ..';• 1 'YOUR COMPLETE HOME DECORATING CENTRE. DRAPERIES FLOOR COVERINGS inlay WALLPAPER AND PAINTS LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PHONE 528-3434 OBBLER,O. SEBAGO, KATHADIN, RED PONTIAC, NORLAND, KENNEBEC V. mow. PACKAGED. --- --GARDEN;SEEDS . ;_ .N11$SION EXPO •'CO.NtI-i' 11-1Z-D-F-KA4 .440 1 1 who demonstrated •iten.rs df interest from India' aria showed slides of their. wort. during the 'lunch hour.per i:od: 1)r. Cathar- ine Whiit.ier spent ':1-7 years in • 'India and heir .sit er .32 yc•,i rs .: Both a i•i' riow.,re°t it c d C IIT..STANDAR.Qr.Y.NO. 1 ALFALFA SEED WITH .1% SWEET CLOVER • 60c PER LB f lr .`/rpt,%U4•1••1,.m►,,AIN,i,,.•••t,41111.n ••41481111.,. n p.•..,i�.+ +l is e., L UCKNOW PHONE 528-2903 • ••err■ :of -the chur'ch.• On Friday !Tight, Saturday night Sunday: n7:,orn•ing. during Sunday r trig a r•r church and Sunday`aft7rnoon.' the local effort put forth into this, Mission. Expo, was on, view in the... :Sunday School roorns.and'.•the Christian Education Wing, . Lticknow..Unit•ed Church groups",. :as well•as groups.fconi •Trinity and 'Thu:ngannon 'United Churches' . c-ornObined to present: through -ells; p1ays.ttie ttiicsion. work o•f• • the church. • Those-par/ticipa.ting were Dun- gannon un-t annonTyros and Explorers ,. • wel1 a lltillilt n1 lrt�li:t; L G, , •C:atiad an.Indians; Trinity t'. C. W. , Church, Vocation; Trinity Sunda)• School,. Bong i• ottg; Liicktiow 13. C. W. , Unit '1 • Sunday' nicirtiing ;' ,ires't span k'- or at I:ucknow L:naicd church •w,,as Rey., I3rirce E•atoii•, 'Dr, Catharine _Whittier s't kts•:i United Church and at Nile and, 17r Jcau Whittier spoke ii • Trinity' :i'nited Church and at• St. Helens. `71;`-'` Tett rcesottii ; ii Ong with ..• Mrs: Bruce. Ea=ton, were. back at the Lucknow United Chu't:ch on Sunday it fternooti for a panel mod't:ratc,d lit Rev. Robert l ic•1'ty 0 i and coneethiug.l IsSi i i Wark in• India. Questions from tile audience were answered by the; fou rsOttre: the panie';-, children were shown two films ori Africa and India,in the barcment Supply and 'Clothing Bales; Unit. • 2, Christian .Fellowship; Unit 03 Citizenship; ,Unit 4,, Christian and Stewardship; C. G.l,. T. ,' reco.ncil;. iation and poverty,';. Lucknow United Church• Primary Class, Japa n;.. Luc know Board of Stoew a'rds B,razi1;. LucknuFTS.esclPn ,• Congo... • Many hours of hard work went into the: preparation of the -va r iaud-ila jh=ilae - . clear insight into the. missidn work of the Church, Much of •interest,was.gained:'from .the talks•, slides and private conver- sations with'.Mr••.and Mrs. Eaton and Misses Whittier. Residents 7 • of this area who took time to look • and listen lasts weekend shotald .now more clearly realize what: is being done in the field of mission• an' work in India herd other lands' Professional Nursing' Carr 24 .•houts daily Dining Room' and Tray Service, Metnber Associated Nursing homes Inc, Ontarig; • ssociateOntario 1�1em�unicpally ILiC� osopdtZal"� Assoca►tion ' Licensed by ` Ontario Department of Health MARY• .R NEWBOLD, REG. N.• GEORGE' A. NEWBOLD; ADMINISTRATOR Drawer 22atl Phone 528x2186 LUCKNOW, ,ONTARIO . L *,==',xj