HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-05-06, Page 18PAGE EIGHTEEN COMMUNITY FORUM Noble Thoughts, and Nicholls' Notions train people to Jive worthwhile lives inour society, So we -teach history so we will know.7hou:t our past and hopefully lecirn'from"it; geography so we will know where. WHAT A(§OUT MARRIAGE. . One of the tasks of educators (and I iric fide parents and -church- es and schools in this group) is. to 711, - THE' LUCKNOW SENTINEL, ,LUCKNOW,. ONTARIO NO. 1-21QLB,•. SEALED Asphalt Shingles,. 12 Colours From Which To Choose - ALSO NO. IS BLACK • ASPHALT' FELT ROOF -CEMENT EAVE• STARTER GALVANIZED RIDGE • .ROOFING NAILS,ETC: ASPHALT --SHINGLES ADD BEAUTY ANIS COLOUR.•TO YOUR ROOF ST.1AWREN,E. CEMENT PORTLAND 'AND MASONRY. In' Poly Bags N ER PHONE P3.731:1$. • LUCKNOW 1 I 1... 1 LOCNALSH we ,are in' relation to the rest of the world;. mathematics so we can buy and sell.ancd build machines" and develop logical and abstract thinking; health so we can take care of our bodies;; and 'so on,. And, in spite of the criticisni leveled at educators, we have done very well -in this task as far. as we 'have gone, But one of the biggest ,failures iti education is ,that we train peopleto.do. every' _thiag_else except the one thing that most people will be doing;. getting 'married and becoming parents. • We prepare people :.to live with coniputors but we' do nothing to' prepare people to live with a marriage .partner. We 'teach people how to raise live- stock but we donothing to teach them how to raise children. ' Many couples who come to be marcid have no idea about marriage responsibilities or how' to. get along with a marriage pa,rt•ner.,'Love ,• which.might be. called that special kind. of feeling"-which'makes them break out in goose -bumps, iso enough , as far as they are c.onc'erned But these'goose,bumps will,never pay the bills when the going gets tough, or..carry couples through the crisis of -sickness or help • •them through the monotony of'" routs& living which Conies, to all marriages at one time •or another. Nor:will it help with the irrita-: tions which. create conflicts • between two people. Often the • only education they have receiv- ed for marriage' comes from the • parents (this .is only good if the parents' marriage ha's: been. harmonious) and the •mov.ies and television (which usually give a distorted .picture of life in gener'- al). Does it` not seem strange that in our society. we demand that *people pass a• test .be fore they:can get -a-licence ;to drive ., 'a car; and yet .we .allow anyone 1of age to buy a licence for'ma.r riage- withous having any -idea- what ideawhat they know about •marriage and what it takes to• make 'it • WEDNESO.AY, MAY 6t 1970': f0R CONnNUEDHEATING: COMFORT TOP QUALITY ESSO HEATING EQUIPMENT (No down payment, 10 years to pay) HOME; HEAT SERVICE ` AT NO, COST TO YOU RoY HAVENS Plumbing •and. Heating. Phone 528-3012 Lucknow ESSO OIL BURNER SALES and SERVICE ' HOME HEAT SERVICE.„ work? 'The same difficulty applies to ' parenthood. As a minister 1 am . in contact with many new parents who are frightened by the 'pros- • pect of parenthood. They have no idea ho'w�to raise ciiildrre� — Their• only knowledge 'comes from the example of their jarents and they are not certain that their parents methods of child-rearing were. the best. Often poor parent - :hood is perpefuatcd bcca 'onelinowLbetter.aw 4s Of raising children. The amazing thing is t so many children turn out so well-inspite.,of.. their. parents! But how much `better job could :be done if potential parents, were formally, trained in .the best methods of parenthood. Is marriage a right that' every-, one:should have regardless of their readiness for it? Should ,every couple be allowed to be parents without knowing about responsible parent•hood? • I think We'' should; demand. a standard for: marriage arid parent-; hood' in our society and require people 'to prepare for 'these. im- portant steps in life. Couples should have to pass a ;test before• their marriage';to ensure • ha-t--their--nna-t'riage. w ill -ha -t every chance to succeed. 1 believe that: such training begin- :ping in the early years of formal training would go,a long way in preventing so much divorce and marria_e breakdow and in `•rov iding better parents•for coming generations of children, car AT1!ENTION The cominunify was saddened ton Saturday morning', when the .news was received that .little • Dean Gibson, son of Mr: and MTrs . Ernest Gibson had .passed a 'way in.hospital in London. Dean. had been in poor healthfor abotit• a year and.bad. been .a. patient • in. hospital many times during the. past year Sympathy°is extended the•parents and sisters as well as to the other' relatives..,• `.: Eldon Eradle} a=iid '\irs . coli. e: 1c Cha rles \.ere iii. •Guelph. `cr ','eH 'a s where the'v'attend- ec `fi.�c,�.Co - _ rire�it'� ot` uelph. oh.r S,.:41e\; Was a ;nest at • a'‘,• t:C:cir ir. i;i. sor o;; Satur•- za-, ai; :.'calle : at his :E ;2 ori \ re. Crta\.a whe:i hewC:ks.4 . `a r.d\•t* ilav€;' het r::i1:s \' in: the M..O-_aT \. ^:tslitlei s ifi'e1ci zravellinz the roads, and the e,. -usher ca.n be hoard earl\• •inthe .emir. , keep- ing eeping the t r uc.1<s supplieci .\. ith , `kra\,rif :a een Braine}•., the d ner o;. a pat,'ett uinia rigs , i.as pryt.,c .'hen tht\ presented Iter With l�a1 .4.4uiriia pig, a white. e ;e . in. earl\ Aril. 1<::t ex.citc:.• when «1;z presc.'nted.'her W it1; fcn ;.,t,.e •. ha:hits. 0 . inti,`\' s. l\mlt,las 1ienr\ we“rc guests ,1t a r&ddil at Riee LwiI<i� c ti`rr,%Turdav,. ir. ,frtd. Mrs , David 'l t-dd spent Su d,” ti5i.ttog. in List ot.t1. Ji r i M! fohe.n.'irw.1 nes ;.i\ tet 'rorilnto, W is the Time to • )Plan Your SEED GRAIN: GRASS SEED RO G R, FERTiUZER Y-our-eoFaperative offers -you a-Tcomplete line�f-quaility- fertil--� Supplies: of _'top quality seed grainare limited this spring . due to iters. Contact : them now and arrange.for •'delivery or;'. pickup' the wet:harvest season .last ;'year. Order your supplies. now! of your sprint requirements. . Lysing Departenent of ,gricuItuxe2eoonuriendaliox s_as a_basis— he will ' recommend a mixture . Of high . quality name-varietk seeds. These will be blended with prescription accuracy in the . exclusive •CO -.OP. Seed Mixer. . • Customspreading and'.equipment leasing Got a tractor. but no spreader? Need your fertilizer applied^l"ast?`Then• see, your CO-OP and arrange tom` fertilizing service. you need: 'QUALITY AND SERVICE ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT COMMODITIES OF YOUR LOCAL CO-OP. THAT IS WHY IT PAYS TO SEE YOUR CO.OP' FIRST. Your CO-OP 'BULK SERVICE CENTRE is , stocked ,: with fertilizers that meet your •requirements, ready for immediate pick.up::: • ALSO AVAILABLE 401 A ANHYDROUS FOR YOUR CORN REQUIREMENTS DSTR idr