HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-05-06, Page 11Insw now, a'■!061WER i; LEO.it "`.Akan. i ►�.'T ' WEDNESDAY, MAY 6th, 1970 THE. LUCKNOW SENTINEL,' LUCKNOW, ONTARIO urcbl)rms bion ladies JR.eCtive Mementoes The ladies of .the former Zion United Church who were imernberS of the United Church Women for the past number ofyears,,number- ing 32 ,;Sat down to a, pot luck dinner in the basernent'of Ash- field Trinity Church; After the • dinner President Mrs, Charles Wilkins and Secretar7y Mrs. Allan Ritchie tookchar:ge of the prog- ram which opened with a - hymn "Faith of Our' Fathers" . 'Script= ure was read by Mrs; Allan Rit-. chie• w ith meditation by Mrs.. Eldon Ritchie.. and Mrs.' Alan Barg- er, Mrs, Wm.. G. Hunter closed with prayer.., The Lord's Prayer was repeated in Unison. Mrs.,' Charles Wilkins. spoke .especially.' to the foriner•.members who had successfully. carried on the work of -Zion United Church Women with the assistance of • the members of 1969. She_clgsed with a popr1 "Not Growing Qld'' ' A reading. What a Grandmother is" by. Mrs. 'Charles .Anderson was enjoyed. . The-programcame to a close with the comrrmittee MIS,. Frank "• Ritchie ' anti Mrs. Gordon' Kirkland 'presenti'ng gifts of.a cup and saucer (in one. pattern) to each' •One that was still a Zion mem- Mrs. Marshall ibso Harvey Ritchie, Mrs,. Jir1i.Hunter, Mrs. Allan Gibson., Mrs., Robert Helm,. Mrs. Peter Cook,. Mrs. , Eldon. Ritchie, Mrs. Lorne Cook, Mrs, John .Hunter,. Mrs-;; Bruce, . :Ra,ynard, Mrs. Lloyd Hunter Mrs:. Frances Wilkins, Mrs. Gordon Kirkland and Mrs,. Frank Ritchie; The former members received gifts as they moved away. • Associate members were also remembered with a cup and sauc- er (in one pattern) Mrs. Hummel, Mrs, William Hclm , Mrs. Mary'. McCauley, Mrs: Thomas Hackett and Mrs. .Sari Reid. There were7 absent=Mrs:.Jake Hunter ,. Mrs. Marshall Gibson, Mrs.. Earl Swan:, Mrs. Thornas Hackett Mrs, Sam Reid, Mrs., George Hunter and_Mrs,. Gordon Kaiser.. It was decided that the balance ofua special fund would'be'turned •over to the Children's Aid Society; Goderich. It was voted•.with a 'show of hands that .the pot luck meal- would be held the. first Monday in April', 19'11. 'The .Officers for 1971 are- as fol. - low's: President.; Mrs. 0, A; Hack. ett; Secretary,, Mrs. Allan • Ritchie; Program; Mis, Hummel Social Committee, Mrs.:•Harvey Mia. C --lar l- i eerson., and Mrs: Wm • Those, receiving cups and saucers we're: Mrs.' Charles Wilkins; Mrs., , klackett Mrs; Alla-n• • Ritchie, Mrs.: Russel Swan, Mrs. Douglas Raynard ,. Mrs..Wnt.. G. Hunter Mrs. John'Gardner., Mrs.: Mrs. John McDonagh,',Mrs.;, • Graydon Ritchie , Mrs 'Ma•ry - c'Cattley.and Mrs..-Wna,-�G�.. Hunter spoke a few •chosen words • in appreciation of the •very. enjoy- able _afternoon. Kinlough WIMIS KINLOUGH NEWS ' Eleven -embers and two visit- ors attended the regular meeting of the Kinlou:gh Women's Mission- ary Society:, which was' held at the 'home of Mrs. Don Bushell. Mrs. Frank Maulden opened the meeting with a -poem , The "aim'and purpose was repeated by all ,. followed by' prayer. The roll call was answered with."A sign.of Spring's.'In the busin- ess part it was decided, that all sign.a "Get Well" card for Mrs." M. McPherson whois not so well at present and we hope for a speedy recovery. As the Rev.. „and,Mrs. 'McKinney will be away for a Sunday in June and will not .be •able to' be. in the pulpit the members: of the W.M.S. will try to conduct a'service and some planning was done., Mrs. F. Maulden.read-the May Meeting and "reminded. the -mem- bers of the Sale. The.;prograrn. was taken from the Study Book and the topic was "From Clan nishness to. open,comniunity" and was well pre eared and iven b Mrs,. Gordon.MacDonald. Sever- al questions were asked. and then discussed; The, devotions. were token by Ls. D. McEwari, who read from., the book',of Judges., cThaprer'11 on the life of•J.ephaphtlia and a' • contest."/Bible Women" was given , followed by the -Lord's, Prayer repeated in unison. Grace was sung and lunch was served and. a 'social hour was spent, APPLIED ARTS AND -TECHNOLOGY BARRIE,.. ONTARIO W IS NOACCEPP'L TING APICATLO.NO:R S-F_ADMISSION-•1-H• TOE-FrktoW NG— PROGRAMS OF INSTRUCTION' TO .BE OFFERED' IN SEPTEMBER, .1970. YEAR,. DIPLOMA PROGRANMS ART AND INTERIOR DESIGN GE RAL ARTS .AND SCIENCE BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION. BUSINESS; ADMINISTRATION •(MARKETING.) 2 --- YEAR DIPLOMA PROGRAMS , ' ART AND INTERIOR DESIGN COMMUNICATION ARTS GENERAL ARTS AND SCIENCE LAW' AND' SECU,RITY. ADMINISTRATION • RESORT OPERATION ' : . • GENERAL. BUSINESS.. (ACCOUNTING). GENERAL, BUSINESS__(MARKETING)'.'.... CIVIL TECHNOLOGY . ELECTRONIC, TECHNOLOGY MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY RESOURCES TECHNOLOGY LEGAL SECRETARIAL 'MEDICAL SECRETARIAL.. . • SECRETARIAL. ARTS 'E•LECT1IC-AL-TECHNICIAN . _ _.._. ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN • • , SURVEY TECHNICIAN �. ....MECHANICAL—DRAFTING,-TECHNICIAN 4. ANGLICAN. CHURCH' LUCKNOW AREA. PARISH The Rev. R. Odendahl Rector MAY 10th. SUNDAY AFTER ASCENSION St f Paul's; . Ripley 9::30 a,m: Ascension, Kinlough 11 a.m. St. Peters,. hucknow -130 p.m., Church School 10:15 a.m. St. Pauls, Dungannon 3 . pm. Alternating; with Christ Church, Port Albert PAGE ELEVEN; LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Rev, Robert. Nicholls, B.A.. R Minister MAY 10th• • •CHRISTIAN FAMILY SUNDAY, 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11;00 a.m.. Morning Worship Sacrament Of Baptism . 8:00. ppm- month Group. . ' POINT TO PONDER "Human beingsUsually ' measure up to whatever level of idealism has • been presented by spirit, word and deed in the parental. homes from, which they come." Charles C. Selecman ' LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN• REFORM ED. CHURCH.- . J.. W. Van• Stempvoort • Pastor • Services: 10:00 a.m. (English) 2:30 p.m. . (Dutch 2nd and 5th Sundays) VISITORS WELCOME' Denominational Radio . Broad- cast "T 1., . 4 „• every Sunday:.CJCS (Stratford). GFOS---(Owen Sound) . 6:00 p.m. hitechurch YPS WHI'TECHURCH NEWS Whitechurch Y.P.S..held their meeting Sunday, evening at 8• o'clock• in the Sunday School --room of the 'Presbyterian ChurchT with an attendance of ten. The minutes of the last meet- 'ing were read by the secretary. Marlene Weber. Plans were fin- alized -119r a Record Hop Friday evening May 8 With dancing .• from :lam m' to 1 a ni. • Whitechurch ,Community. Meme- orial Hall. 'Jane Laidlaw and° Darlene Simpsdn werea commit-.' -tee appointed to arrange prizes ,oLcertain dan rps Ruth Elliott - Lucknow Presb terian. Church Rev. Glenn Noble,B.A.., B. Minister Phone 5282740: MAY 10th. CHRISTIAN FAMILY SUNDAY No" -S day TScdho • 11:00. a.m\... Morning Service Sunday School will meet at 10:45 to : attend the • Church Service; when attendance awards will be passed', out. • Guest.�peaker' . Mrs.. Jack Pollock, Goderich 6 Young Folk Join Langside Church "LANGSIDE.'NEWS ` --Langside•congregation was well -represented at a joint pre- paratory service at Whitechurch on Friday evening. Six young • people became members of Lang.: side Presbyterian Church at this service." They are ,Agnes Conle.y.. in Carolyn Mar - illi ray�Rass-°A ef- . 3. received the collection. John Gibb had•chaxge of the worship service.' 'Hymns were sung. The meeting closed. with prayer. , Charles Thonipson then show= .ed the filmCrusades for Hunger. YEAR CERTIFICATE PROGRAMS fat , -Simon and. John de Boer and Doug Wall.. BAPTISMAL -SERVICE On Sunday, Rev. E. R Hawkes ;of Bluevele , the ;lnterim--Moder: ator, was'infhbarge of.the church. service', when .the sacraments of communion and baptism were • administered: Bradley: George Young', son of Mr. and Mrs.' George .Young•was 'baptized. Ken Young. of Paincourt•spent 'the week -end with his parents Mr. and Mts.Clidff Young and_ family,. • Mrs. Bob Da.vis•; Nancy and Sandra of 'Union were week -end Visitors with Mr. and Mrs`. Gordon Wall and family. ' .• Mrs. Cliff Young and Mrs. Jirn etigside Y.P•S . The 'La ngsade Young People's-= Society meeting was held on Sunday evening at the home of Mrd1vl ' B bMli D Wall presided. In the devotions, the Scripture w•as read by Brian Wall and the' meditation "Living' Faith" .by John Visser. Prayer was given by Marlene 'Mann. .ELfteen answered the "rb11 :eal1--- with a Scripture verse :containing the word follow... Th:e minutes were read by Carolyn MacGilli•- `vray, The-ne-x-t- - ned for May 24 with Robert„ Breg- 'ma•n and Russell Young in charge• of the programme; A record hop Whitechurch on May 9 was announced sponsored by White -• .,. ADVERTISING” PROCEDURES GENERAL ,SECRETARIAL MEDIA PROCEDURES RETAIL, MERCHANDISING • INFORMATION ABOUT THESE • PROGRAMS, ' INCLUDING FEES AND ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS, IS 'AVAILABLE BY" COMPLETING AND MAILING •THE COUPON BELOW. THE REGISTRAR, • Georgian College, 1 401 Duckworth Street, • 1 Barrie, Ontario REQUEST: FOR . A!PLICATI0N i• 1' Please 'forward an application form and, information about..your 1970.71 i , programs to: NAME : ' ADDRESS: ' • •. I •. j ..an rs, o a n. oug Young spent Hall. Fiirris on "The Crowd" and "Smoking and Drinking" were presented and were followed •by discustiO r. 'The. meeting closed with the Mizpah Benedic- tion. • Mrs. Mann, Cliff and Marlene e . v . - • • 'attending a. trousseau tea for Jayne Maxwell, at.. the home of her parents. • • ' • 4ardsPiesenfed At Brownie Meeting Fairy Queen was Margaret' Mac- lntyre. Mary Lynn' Cayley received her Golden Bat, Brenda Arnold rec- eived ec-eived her Seconder Stripe. Janet, ---.•71•0 •4 =er 1. all :.-.. eri®.Velaf:MAevfY,• 1111.1. test,. The Brownies worked on crafts. We closed our meeting, with. chimes, • • • served lunch.. 'John de Boer moved a vote of thanks to, Mrs. Mann for having the meeting,.