HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-05-06, Page 7WEDNESDAY, MAY '6th, MO • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN • _ ._. _. •Trousseau •For Tea .___ _. . ' .. . ,,• „ NOW . , . . . OPEN MONDAY • . THE 7 THROUGH A.M. .., .. . . ... TO FRIDAY . 10PM. .:. /'CAMPBELL A . . . m.. .. r ,. . .Alvcsnl~ l±;ord'on . _ Y� • ot1 Saturda with in honour of lner Mrs. Fdwin Hewitt Wall and Mart ; `on guests . Jantee Hayes. and Barbara trousseau played' omtsse.a 1 Band �io. W. NEWS Wall entertained: a trousseau daughter Marion., assisted Mrs., in receiving Wall, Joanne. McQuillin hover tea ' the d s`--• • , L '-4Pt •• . S,T, LUCKNOW _ .'!. Pr - 4,4, '"4r ` w 4' �� //�( (�, �//A�/ !�y� JAS T w •. . . • We Have A Complete,' � t.. ,� Selection, Of : � 1�AH�DLEY� . ., • •_, - • , . OURBANQUET;teawereMrSJiipHewittofR. ft w�'d,`d1TTg grfrs 'Pouring- i� rclj'ne • 7' - ., r , PRODIJCTS /..` — • .• ,�` ' � ROOM iv NOW OPEN ATNOON . -' ; ' r,'*9I1, .� r' 'Q° For T, ravellers. and Business Mens Lunches, . TABLE SERVICE THRO=OU.T . . . . -`., - .. --- •.-- -- . ' .. • WE THANKYOU FOR •YOUR.PATRONAGE IN THE PAST AND LOOK FORWARD.TO SERVING YOU.IN THE FUTURE _}3, grauaoth.et_gf- the groom to be Mrs: Bob- - - ', D av•is of U� ion•, aunt of the bride- to -be and Mrs. Dick .n1 %t 1r lin.. Serving in the afternoon were Marlene Hayes, Nancy Davis • •' •and Jayne Arthur and in the 'E�°� -.evening Carolyn MacGillivray and Mary Lou. Wall. Sandra •. Davis was in charge of the guest book. Those assisting in the • _ ����� N , I ,� � GIFT SETS — BATH SALTS ----SOAPS SOAPS — COLOGNE �' f �nd Debut Cit .• 1200 4 5.49 `r>.; CEF . OZ, REG $6:00 FOR ; CEF. 200'1 OZ, REG: $2.00. FOR '$1.69 , CEF 600"4 OZ. REG: $5.00 FOR•$4.39' ' L Care Of ' •. .� - •� Was Hnrtir.ilti,rnl Top -it FGuEsxs' Roses . nstrumenta.l was *even b Nanc Walden followed h e trio Y.. ,Y "Mockingbird l•i•ill ,; sung by. Gail Jamieson , Mary ,Henderson and`Elizabeth Newbold; with NailCV• Walden as accompanist. �. Mrs. Ken Cameron assisted •byi . . kitchen were Dorothy Mutch o.f • Clinton, Mrs; .Stewart IvlacGl= Wray, Mrs, .Eldon' Welsh, Mrs. Ira Wall, Iv1rs.•Bert Moffat, "I\1rs. Harry Arthur and .Mrs.. Keith.. �. a e rthur .• • Arthur.. attended from L1nlQn, Clinton', Seaforth,.Goderich,: Auburn,. Belgray.e W.in Ilarri CEF 600 1 OZ: REG. $1.7.57,40:0$:,.....4A9, . . • r... �/� 4,r•, � "' r y vl EMPRESS' HOUSEHOLD:GLOVES. •• Re 98c 7 $� 9C' • BLi1ETTES' ;INSU.LATED. GLOVES . • . ,�.. :The Luckiiow and:D,istrict-Eton- icu.ltura;l Society Met, in the Leg-' ' ion Hall ort:Rfionday,• Ap'ri1..27th ' ' with an attendance of Over sixty . members., Tle .president.; Mrs:. • Alex Andrew opened the meet- ; Mrs 1NillurBrown, 1\1rs:• Gonion �� Kirkland and Mrs, •Warren Zinn,` presented a very interesting panel discussion on; the planting and/ •. care of roses. Elmer Limbach .accornpanied. Miss HelenThomp-• , ,• Ripley, Kincardine ,'P�inkerton', Teeswater,a•nd surrounding, conn- mu'iiity. • Mr', and` Mrs: Don Nichel�of • Westonspent the week -end witfi Mr. and •.\1rs.: Dick •.McQuiliin: eg• -• 9. • CLAI.ROL''INSTANT. CONDITION 7TREATMENT FOR TROUBLED HAIR • Reg. $3.00:- . X2:.49 r y. ing'with "O Canada ” with Miss ;son for'two pleasing•solos.. Barbara is spending this week••. _, :. __Nancy, Walden at the: piaino.. - '' There •were two'rec•omnu nda- that we. have tea - Trs. Donald McKinnon describ- ed. the highlights of the trip to .S ain and' Porti al, which the ' p gMEP�INFN , witty -her ha.rer,ts. Mrs•, Dick Mc;Quillin and • Barbara visited on Sunday with , f-o-r— �PF.F DSTJCK--DEODD,RAN-T .' • e' ' . ,t•ioiis.i. :tables and a•sale table at.Nlay 18 Flow- ' er Show..' 'Mrs.* Clarence Bell; , . :�1rs., Jirn'.McNaugliton and .Ada: Webster were :appointed to look ' after'the'tea •,tables and %:firs. ' Jack Hall and Mrs. Ewart Taylor ,McKinnons. and.Mr. and,Mrs, •' Jack McDona h •took•this ast• g p winter.:� 'She also showed Mian interesting slides taken on their,: tqur.... •Mr. • • .: Mr. 'Fred•A1cQuillirr accorrlpan- . Mr: and. Mrs.: Harold. McQuil]�in and,family at Benmiller, : Visitors .With: Mr, and Mrs., Geor a Youn on Sundaywere g d g' 'an. Mrs..Ciark. Johnston•, Belgrave • .Bel rave •. Janette Johnston of London. and Betty Johnston, Clin ' FOR MEN ' • , Reg. $1.39 ' ____ __________ $1.19` AQUA VELVA SPRAY"DEOD.. FROSTY LIME / ICE BLUE - , • --ied-b •Mrs...Clarence Bell lave' an . ' interesting account of, the District 8 Annual nneeting'iii'Clinton onApril'l8th and mentioned the idea'of tia•viiig Triiliu'rtl iturkers at'Horticalture' flower• .beds; The -his-wife- -.la.yed 'm'outh : }� P Y organ s.elect•ions:. The courtesy remarks were iven Mrs,. Fred. \'tcQuill n: by r rim cot n'tt :e comp- The p ag nim e p rised of: tilts, Morgan Henderson , Mrs.. L : C;. Thompson, Mrs'. ' . Fred \tcQiiillin Mre, Stuart ... ton Greg Sandra Gardner• of • Imucknow spent the w"eels-end with their grandparents M`r:,•and Mrs•; •,•• Wes Young: •Mr.'and :Mrs, Pete'i' Steer and Tracy of London were week -end' .' , Reg. $:fi.50 r . ---- $ 9 I.2• • . •and TEAK SHOWER SOAP , •Reg. $3.00 $1.69 • _ MENNEN SKIN BRACER . , , , ,� • 1111.iiic ial sta'tc iuenr was read, and . Ja,niieson provided a. fine program, • visitors with Mr. Mrs. Philip eg:-135 - --- -----_ 1.19' ..', • The 'progr•am •wa. chaired by . Mrs: L. C;'::Thotlipsait;. a piano which was Much enjoyed hy. all present: :.� Steer. • Mr:.and Mrs: Larry,He,ndersori and familyof London sent" the �en" and Barbara.Rathwenhome: a trousseau tea May/• 30•at.'her �•.: A delicious lunch•wa's enjoyed by all -'_ l - wee with Mr: Mrs_._. ___ _ __,_.__ -- - ' • DRQ, SCROLL • �/ EA �' a n ''�• NATIONALLY, ADVERTISED - 12-'95 , .�,�,,,.d,A• , ' Blosse Ko:yle and Gary.: - Mrs.: Earl koyle of L•angside c and 'Mrs, Wm. Brown of Lu know Wingha /are patients in: m 'and District Hos ltal, We wtsh them• P cov r both a speedy re e y Rev...F, R. Hawkes of Bluevale was a: dinner guest with Mr, and, Mrs;: Gordon Wall .and .fa.tnnily on, Honourea At Bridal, Shower . . A Community bridal shower was held'in the •Lueknow United Church Fellowship 'room, for Barb- . a asion'.of e forthcoming* the oiaTe toa`tht'red Evans He in. Those in ,charge' were .hIrs • Roy* . . Hav•en.s ,` Mrs. Clifford Craw ford olid Mrs.. Ha:rve:t' l�✓ebster. . ' F`oilowing• is the poem which , wa s written arid" read.. by= Mrs, ,'• 'Harvey Webs er: Dea r Barbara we -your friends have !`._...s-� together .., To honour and`;reet Vola and wish ;, . ` P:.'.� : •SCROIL.. '.. �, r,. •�, .0•\ w , Several in'this comrriunity are confined to their home with. Mrs. Clifford Crawford was 'in charge of the following program; a game of "Musical ) ou'fa r weather in the riiarrted wife you plan so soot to hegin '. . hegin ' • ,t �, tnur -ats . w—tt-_ ahou't 2.0. ladies takrng -da with a Ma ,y � .,hi A H E ��::.::::::::•:..:::.. PANTY, . OS »Kingsbridge • . pari and directed by Mrs: Jack t�icK im; a duet .by. Md. , wide happy grin- . , We •know our furor e husba. . • y' husband , to �'Joy-��t--a-t3d-M�-:I��v-ey- iNe• stcr, . ,i ,� or 'eernes'' an' In ,. ear :' :: • :<..:.. � ..:...know With Firm Control In Leg and•:Pant . Leg Y •:. •Catherine �, • \ : •... $.95 • .,ven �:,::all +�•1 Sheila Sinnett and Judy Tigert of the'Orioles• were to charge of rhe . rneeting for •the' April 30. Gulides; • Debbie•, •1st KingsbridgeI the tree rth Maize openedting with , a humorous readingli. Mrs: L. C. Thorn sori;' a •vocal solo p by Dunsrl o.solo uir a pian by Mary Ellen Ha Piano accomp.animent was by Ivtrs: Wes be a fine •man, , he chosen as. wise as 'W he can•f h lovel and irl Hors kindto Ygirl e his tlls. • ... • has -�h�se ' ��,� • t ''i ', • ,_ °:/.. S C 0 LINT ' prayer. , . Captain Ti err and Lt, lv1cLen- Han took: inspection. ' A Kim's ' p garile'was is ed•with the Kiri g`• g P Y Ritchie, Barbara was asked to come, to' the decorated: platform and Mrs. 'Terry Rothwell .�itned •a lovely_ H to d wn. o a 11s g his.pills, , . • O SO �1m5 ho brow T south t w d -t' o and• list' ro . `1+, i a i 3 •t '1 • V , _ • . _ ' '. ,, _ , N. ALL • CASH •. PURCHASES .' ' AFTER. : ? PM. FRIDAY NIGHTS _ Jig -tiers and:scarlet tanagers tied .for'first' place: Lt. McLennan outlined the items of food to be e brought, to the h1other and Dough- ter banquet to be May 21. ' Kin• fishers. were inre of corsage on Barbara; which was '. • Mathes. •A made by� Mrs. Jas, , , presentation poem was read by Nits. Harvey Webster and the many and beautiful gifts were' -. '1 41 w.I ca urax__.:__.. To comfort and south hiiii•frotnT his head to his toes . What bene'r dotllpanion would a elan choose Thati a well trained imurse to chase ' 11 itti,. Ear; ft ., ,char _...__ .: �. • • amp ire •r Tobring the 'meeting to a erose 1 ebbie 1ai7e and Iv arTar- �, et' Frayne lid in Prayer followed . • b Y Tri s .. We welcome.Cath ,~ y p ' y and Mary Ellen Havens.. . Wayne Atkinson Mrs, y Trry Terr RathwelL» i\irs:° Tony Jol11r- stone and I\liss'�une'.Ackert assis� • • / ted in opeiiin and. display the i So with these diary gifts, so pret- ml tied y 'Good wishes and prayers are tricky. '. ed u inside p ,i�. z t �f l __. _�_ ' . LOCKNOW _ ttllpsoil T liviti�, in We also meeting, b�cic to Guides after �,odericlr for the w.mrYte r. nis's:ed Lt. hinnett at our • . , g• t.. gifts, � Barbara thanked ail. for their gifts..., Fier mother , Mrs'., treraldAt vit ellinvited all'1.,rescnt to ithw, :., hat• you and your loved One will s Band man)* • \,c a rr • , • � l y •lnay happiness and JO) Outs= ' vieit h then tears, , • y,, .