HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-05-06, Page 4PAGE' POUR THE LUCKNOW :SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • WEDNESDAY, MAY 6th, 1970 • • 49 U* 1 roact r Noon tAN' RI. • 4-1•• 54e3 EES •-• • 4•• N. ell ••••--"•""""' "'"'"'"t• "'"f a -• --- .- --- - - - ---- - - fob" c; ' D•••14 risincr'. 110'1,./iL, .Ir Supreme ~no -2 W -2 i E11 tut MIAMI% . 130 . RI APA . ANN.P.A0 2$110 gli":4416gitliS. d 1,:I,9:I..,F..1•:_i1-t.-.1.,6L.0:ew19EAT::R:.iCec,sOn„H.5_Ia„..FNt1.FG.4A, 0,4WE01.mE1..:•3M4;m5eIT:•97l1i1, G -'$190W,10b1,iWg.t11Go:4o".oOAo,t,R1l " 4Gs1t. .iaIt1to5kg,2,ein:,t,uC0r . 1941.•21.0„W1.90 0, 9 I 37,IW,A9,l,31r,431,e ?1 1b-i-rsp,p,Rr.-iAJF-•9To4S4MM191A-a)nGAISWlI'-lIRNGI.end.N44Eyat.itTNnwssIH5oIme„L:r Pft 7 &PG &Well AWit" "r"gAAeno 1 10 m Pm:C1::4:00l ,101%E 5dPi iJ0s)-,:ar• i,:r01- .39;71-,li_firt1.:,e5,t,rs1 .0r.9 .14 I4°a2i.4 m:L1..S 0nt5- 1i :; . y41?IW _ti !LP' WC5 FFri„.,. 4,‘f9l il 9i10A V't4I tir'h Vel,e9e 04i9 -I1 C. we... W Wade A 9c, 3111 Madmen IMO WWI '(CIA 1 W. instal Apencr. I 1 MCY 04mM; E 4 MU 540 CASHIER-CHECKEk 491 1^1! PA1 EST L IN Er 1990 CLERICALS4CCTG $70:05 • IT4G7TAILEFiS-FO. -- or rent. See the. new MO. Apache solid state camper, Book your ren- tals early for the summer . season. Bumstead Metal Fabricating, Wing-. ham .357-2272. , COMET' WELDERS (180 aAnd 300 amp.) compressions, glanders, fer- tilizer.augers, power bin, cleaners, rods and accessories. George Mes- senger, area representative, R.R. 1 Ripley, Phone 395-2815. Smith Roles Ltd., London, Saskatoon'. Try •Comet before you by. • FOR SALE oats grown from reg- istered stormont seed, cleaned and treated. $1.50 per bushel. John Col- lins, R.R. 3 Ripley, 12th concession ,of Huron 395-2841. ' • ' • • SAWDUST FOR SALE -- good bed- -• ding ,for•feedlots. We can load you ...•• CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING or deliver. Craig's Sawmill, Auburn • Every_Tuesday__n' a d Thursday_ phone 526-7220. • Pigs and Cattle, Tuesday • Cattle only, Thursday in by 1 p.m.. • BILL'S MEAT MARKET • FORTSALE -- good first" and second litter sows due soon and a number iirdiunks-:-Johniton-M-aclaeod-rRip•-• _FOR 'SALE - 21" Admiral Con - 5 -2632. sole T.V., reconditioned. Greer T.V. and Electric, phone• 528-3112. . • ANT Y-OUR-MOME-PMNTED___ • in or outside • GIVE BILL A CALL Lucknow 528-3814 THE TEESWATER NEWS - is available at The Lucknow Sentinel, 10c per copy. If you are interested in the Jews of Teeswater and Dis- trict, pick up a copy. WOOD FOR SALE - hardwood' slabs, truck load lots. $4 per cord; soft wood, $3. Craig's Sawmill, Auburn phone 526-7220. CEMENT GRAVEL'- .pit run gravel: top soil .and fill. Burying or removing stone piles.. Phone Symes Bros. 528-5203. •• -BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT • Contact Lloyd' Johnston, R.R. 3 Holyrood, phone. 395-5390. •FOR SALE - 20 Hereford yearling Calves. Phone 357-2279 evenings or Saturday. • • vACUUm CLEANERS Sales and Service for all makes. • R__K. Peek, Vamia, Phone 262-, :5748 FOR --SALE 357-1670. • - • .,• FOR SALE ' - .1960 Chev '1 tall FOR- SALE - quantity of mixed . • track, cab and chassis, goad can- grain. Edbert Bushell, R.R. 2 •dition; piano, needs . some repairs, Holyrood, phone 395-5212. • • .• cheap. Jack McGuire., R.R: 5 Luck-, . now, phone 395-2827.: • • . FOR SALE - Beatty. automatic .‘ feed and manure handling equip• - . FOR SALE -- 13- run ment, ;stabling and pressure . • SyS- power lift Cockshutt geed drill, tem*. Contact - Beatty Farm Ser - priced reasonable. Leo Murray, ,vice Centre, Clinton 482-9561. ' . Holyrood, phone 395-2821. • PICTURE FRAMING our spec- ialty, wood and Metal. Maxwell SED FOR SALE Climax tim- • Fresh . dead cows over 1,000 Photo •Studio, Wingbam, 0 James o y, at 12c 'lb, trefoil at 45c •-lb. Snyder,: proprietor, phone 357-1851. Lloyd Johnston, R.R. 3 Holyrood,. • • DEAD STOCK......... • .0 • .00•0.4111••••••••...: FOR ---SALE COMING EVENTS WANTED._ SINGER SERVICE, , SUPER CASH BINGO WA • Repairs to all makes and models; . LegiOli •11-alF,----buele-now-0--every .tac -SINGER CO. OF CANADA : game - winner take all...14 reg - to rent, a farm for ••Phone 357=3730 after 6 p.m. • alar games, $10; each- 2: Share the cWrAor anDd• li-:-pasture. Contact Cliff •Wealth games. A $30 Special. Jack - Huffman' , RR. 5 • tic now phone FOR SALE - eight can Eaco. milk poeGame for $105.00 on 56 calls or L k • ,357-26 on Saturday after 6 p.m Lackriew, 528_0095. , $25 consolation prize. -- , ARDA'IS BUYING LAND . cooler, '$125.. Bloss Koyle; R.R.... . . . / KINDERGARTEN .. . for -the Farm Consolidation Pro - AIWA is noW' buying farm land will also 'buy rough • Kindeit RatEtGenl$TRReAgTisttOrNation will gram. We be held at Brookside Public School, and waste land for other uses. Res- am-. ident owners over 55 may retain a .to...):3 p.m. for Townships of Ashfield TbursdaY, May 7th from ••9:30 life lease on their homes. All sales and West • Wawanosh including both are cash. For full information Sales and ServiceOn new products; Thursday, 8:45 p.m. Pot of Gold 'rood, - cattle •for grass, Con - shell, R,R 2 Yoly- ne 395-5212. REFRIGERATION SERVICE Guaranteed service to 41 types • Complete appliance repairs at . • , BURKE ELECTRIC. Wingharn 357-2450. Eleetrical Contractors I•I Appliances- Motor Rewind • N°rth Ashfield and Brookside write, phone or call your nearest • 24 Hour Emergency Service • school areas. All parents with child- Ontario Department of Agricult- • • ren who were born in 1965 should ure and Food"Office•' FOR SALE .-- boy's green dress attend and bring a birth certificate ' jacket;rune wringer washing mach- or other proof of age. WANTED -- 8 to 10 head of cattle ine, automatic pump. Mrs. Eldon ..._-____ for pasture. Contact James "Dev- Wraith, •Lucknow, phone 528=3115. TURKEY BANQUET - • ereaux, R.R. 2 Lucknow, phone CHOICE STRAWBERRY PLANTS fruit ideal. as fresh fruit or for freezing. • Large , sweet- berries, freshly dug plants as you order, phone before calling for plants to • allow time, for digging and trim: ming. $8.00 per hundred plants. Phone 397-3325, Percy Lucknow and District Credit Union Anglican Paris • uc ow MAY.12, 1970 -7:00, PM. Slides - Mr. J. W. McLaren Tickets $2.00 • -- • O LIONEL THORNTON. • DANCE Lionel ThOrntun and asa FOR SALE - 'choice hay,- 30c a bale; a camper to fit 'a % ton truck. Phone -5297653. - -- • • $500.00 DOWN, balance $8,500'.00 for house in Whitechurch, 3 bedrooms, all modern conveniences, or will lease (reasonable) contact Graham Martin, Box 181, Parkhill or. phone 294-6308. .• • 1 • FOR SALE - good -Mid or soft wood slabs in 10 cord loads. We de1ivei>App1y Borden Litt phone 392- • pounds, $12.00 each; dead horses, $20A0 -each;• oFer-500Peunds • cording to size. LORENZ REMOVAL D.URHAM . Call Collect 369-2410 • • SEPTIC- TANKS -CLEANED__ Vacuum' cleaning and. pumping of Septic tanks, Ronald Forster; Lucknow, phone '528-2346, manu- facturer of cement septic 0 tanks '•and 'well 'tile. SPECIAL • • Glads and Vahlias still- at sale •price. For all your gardening,needs ,visit your local Co-op.. •• " LUCKNOW :DISTRICT•CO-OP • •• o FOR nhon395-5390 • SALE - 2 furrow Ferguson • • ' • plough;• 3 .point hitch cultivator: FOR SALE --'• a Westinghouse Roy Einberlin 528-2703.. , wringer washer in good condition.. Also a Short coral ,bridesmaids dress size 10 - 12 and Matching bead iece worn onl once. Mrs.Wstra 395-5341 a_fter• 5.pan. alogue FOR SALE - Refrigerator, Servel • electric family size, $50.00. Apply 2136.. • • • • • FOR•SALE. Car,,1966 Comet Cal- iente 4 door, 8 cylinder, automatic' traqmisgion, power steering. Roy. -Emberlin 528-2703. FOR. SALE - Pride, seed corn, early and late varietieg. Wallace. Wilson, &R. ,2 Auburn, phone. 529- 7580: . • • • 4 00 SILO AND ROOF EXTENSIONSIPOR SALE - 7Q0 pounds ked .kriyone wishing to have extol- I Clover seed, cleaned '4.5c a lb. slots on their silOs, or 'Tools., please Phone 39-2869.• call or write.' This. call be don -nos ' Gorge 'Wraith. 'Box '85, Goderich:.;FPR'SALE - used cenient forms, Phones Residence 324-7002 or Shop ' priced reasonable. Itoy Schneller, 524-6511. phone Ripley 395-2221. • • • TI:TE LI.TROW SENTINEL -- is ' GLENN'S' ALUMINUM SALES• - for sale at: NIel.Stanley's Supertest Windows. doors. screens ' and FOR RENT pasture for 40 head in Lucknow. Pick up an extra copy grilles. Railing' •-. aluminum and ..sof cattle lots of pasture and water. from lt,:lel. ' • : wrought iron, interior and exterior. i $4. per head per Montli.,BloSS Koyle . . Alu'ryti.nurn iidin Estimates . . 1 R.R.''5 Lucknow, 528-6095. DUMONT ALUMINUM ' . g 1 • . ---' •---S-ALES ANDSERVICE. windows. . Licensed and bonded. nine years . . . L • • . • doors. •awnings. sidings. P6r , free ' experience. Financing aVailable: .' estimate call Roy Emberlin, your local dealer. • . . .. Box 274. Lucknow; dial 528-372a: ' 357-1987. : I for- a dance: Friday, June 5th, 9:30 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. in the Ripley District High School . Auditorium; Sponsor - ea; by Ripley Tire Departine- vance Sale Tickets $8.00 per couple, $4.00 at the door! Tickets may be purchased from any member of the Fire Department. . • BAKE SALE ' A_Rake*Sale___Wiltbe held on Sat- urday, May 16th at 11' .m.'at the former Johnston • Restaurant. ' in Lucknow. Sponsored by the Kinloss U.C.W. 1 • •+ • COUNTRY Music, LOVERS • Enjoy a fun -filled week -end, to Wheeling, West Virginia, May,16-17, coat $44 single, .$40 double or $38 for four to a rootn. Price includes over night accomodation and re-. served seat for the Jamboree. For further information call Mrs. Jack WORK WANTED - all kinds %of . carpenter work, kitchen cupboards, tileceilings, wall panelling, • con- crete. house foundations, pit. silos, free estimates. Roy Schneller, Kin-. • lough, phone Ripley 395-2221. WORK WANTED -.-- by a licensed 1 .0 •I O. • 1 -media • kinds of truck .work, cars and farm •, equipment: Contact. Ed Wiersrna, R.R. 1 Holyrood, phone 392-6416 •WANTED a lawn. mower, hand .• or gas. Contact G. Meurs, Ripley O R.R. 1., phone .395-2328. • HERE'S YOURKEY TO'A •'BIG INCOME MAIL TODAY! • The W. T. Rawleigh Co. Ltd., Dept E - 271 - • 4005 Richelieu St., • Montreal 207, Que, Gentleinen: • I am interested in the world famous R,awleigh Line on a ) 'Part time basis, ( ) Full tiine basis; ' " send me FREE cat Gordon Wall R. 3:Hc4yrood, phone. 528-5183 SHOW AND DANCE •• „ g Dance of the Carlton Show Band . FOR RENT Stars of T V Pig • and Whistle at Address . . Plan- to attend the. Show and "fme • • " FOR RENT • -- 35. acres of.. land, ploughed last fall; „Burton Collins. R.R. 3 Ripley, phone 395-2841, • RASS-PQI-RENT-S-li-Lot 1 Can. 8, West Wawanosh, will' carry 11 to 15 head, good'. water; good :shade. , and good fences. T, An- -dersonv-phone--524-840- . the Hanover Coliseum on Friday, •• May 15th at 9:00 p.m. Advance tic- City kets, Adults $1.75. ,At the , door, Adults $2.00; 'Children $1.00. Spon- •' sored by the. Hanover Agricultural Society. Tickets_available_from the _'. secretary,. Box. 310; Hanover. • TEDFOUND 7- a black female dog, part I . hound no .collari_good with 'child ..... ren. If not claimed, by' owner in FOR RENT - 88 acres of pasture TENDER • ' • . " five days will give to a good home 1) land: good water and use of barn, PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS Phone. Mrs. Neil Stapleton; R R 2. -, e-520-7-422-afte 1 . a eat4onsre--i/Mted-frorn--:-Aublirr 529-76M :. • Plastic' coated single decks Iron-, • $1.19 up0 as well as double' decks ' and euchre decks, euchre caMs, 'MOBILE HOMES only in at The Lucknow • Sentine. l' " heTVAf WPM, $911RIPM WO! CRYSTAL sa• rily aCcepted. • MOBILE HOMESALE THE BRUCE COUNTY BoARO: • . . • ' At* ' OF EDUCATION THINKING OF A MOBILE HOMEBox 90' ,• . OR RECREATIONAL 0/E1-3./CLE? THE NIENESET • * ch • 1 ..esley, Ontario Piano Tuners competent to tune - -; • proximately 108 pianos in 84 schools :which Intolerant'' trees are those.. and make minor repairs to ap- •• AugUgt. A statement of the •general enduring. : ' • grow. "Tolerant-. trees .are sha.e- require cOnsiderable Ilea to in Bruce County during July and ondition. of_each. piano' will. also. be.. 'required. ' • • . Reply in writing not later ,thanj' May 20th, 1970 giving rates and a. •brief- summary of eXperience. ' ELLIOTT'S ED MILL • • • • RX. -447- semi-automatic Cable • Cleaners unbeaten. fo•- hog barns, thain cleaner bunl; feeders. silo unload Gt u- 0 -0 'E*-17.1-01WE-COLJR-T--------- • from For a better deal. drop us a. AIRPORT ROAD, GO.DER1CH • TOWNSHIP OF HURON' "lint or telephone • TENDERS FOR REMOVAL OF i LUCKNOW: - Plciine. 528-3500 , . ers, hog equipment. fans,„ bulk : . RUSTON. . tanks, Hawkeye • cast iron hog. feeder -and -heated oattlik.-watrers-t........M___ogiL.E•. HomEs_:Lto Westeel,Rosco Steel Granaries, Al-' 547 PLAINS RD„ EAST .so handle' complete line of Clay; ' • BURLINGTON Pushbutton Farm Equipment Lynn, ' Tel.„(Code 416,! 632-0400 Lowry Amberley, phone Ripley 395-$286. • • Agents For E GLEN•nALE MTAILE HOMES C.; Lt). PI.Lad.N._.•TRAVEL TRAILERS AND O .Tht.TOK CAMPERS •Phone. 524-6638 *or 524-9895 4- On' Wightman property, lot 40,1 O Concession A,. The successful bid- der to remove -shed-Vitt-Lela-Tr-IC property IV May 20th, 'renders to be in the hands of the undersigned by 6 p.m; May 13th, 1970. • bave Moore Road Superintendent SEED GRAIN - FERTILIZR CLOVER AND' GRASS SEE$ ----4Mbced_roOrder • • Grain Cleaned and Treat.od • Trucking