HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-05-06, Page 1• .waF4iu. amnr ItasMt ••• (....2•••• $5.00 A Year In Advance -- $2.00 Extra To U.S.A. IL,U,CKNOW, ONTARIO , • WEDNESDAY, MAY 6th, 1970 Single Copy 115c 20 Pages ••• t • :"! )1. • 1111c 1\t, Honour Certifiectie. • • Mrs: Bill'FinlaysOn of Lucknow Child Passes , • the former Judy MacKay of Huron Township,. received .an Advarice•d• HonourCertificate at the 471-1 Club Achievement bay held at• • HiliCrest Pubiic School, Tees- , wateiOn Saturday. To gain the award. Mrs. Finlayson completed eighteen courses over the past nine years. ,• •• • She Is an assistant 4-a club leader in Lucknow. . , • • , : Kinca'idine News Photo. SOriously•Injored:48 Foot Fall From Silo. . • • David Baynes, 19 -Year-old St-. Marys youth, remains in seriOus condition in Victoria Hospital in London as this is written on Mon- day evening'. He was injured in a fall from a • silo which was under construction at the farm of William de Boer , ' on Highway 86 about three miles east ofluCknot.q.. • • • The de Boer farm itvloCated_opt, posite Rohrer's COuntry &1arket •.and is known to many as the forrn7 •er Ewari MacPhersOn Sarin or the Jack MacMillan place. • • Mr. Baynes isuan employee of Schoonderwoerd Brothers who X./ere building the silo for Bill de Boer. Four men were working on the project when 'Mr. Baynes slipped on rhe outside ladder of. the silo and fell about 48 feet to the ground below. He Was re- moved to Wingham Hospital by ambulance in'an unconscious condition and later in the day •Thursday was taken on to . Victoria Hospital iii London. ' The silo was almost complete at the,tiMe and has, now been completed to a height of 60 • feet.. •• Baynes'suffered a broken leg. internal injuries and shock in the 'fall, • ' Mani Evans Is Elected As Grand Superintendent Stocker Sale • Here On .423 head of cattle were told, at the .stocker sale at Lucknow Com- munity Sale on Monday. / Seven steer calves consigned. iby Jacob Rohrer of West-WaWa*- inosh , averaging 430,113s, were sold to Bob Jewel of Goderich for. Four steers averaging.715 consigned by George Lockhart of Kinloss, were sold to Joe Dauph- 'in of Dungannon for .33.75, TwO heifers, averagng 535 lbs. were consigned by. Fred McQuil-i '.1tri of West • Wawanosh andsold toEWan MacLean Of Lochalsh for 34.75. Culbert Brothers of Dungannon were the top buyers purchasing • 91head.of cattle for $25,00.0% . . Willaam Exians. of Whitechurch chapters in an area of Kincardine, ICam'MaeDonald,Bob Macken - has been elected as Grand 'Super:, Goderich, St, Marys and Stra- zie; James Little, Gordon Fisher,. , intendent4oHuion-Thst-i-itt at - • , Jim -Boyle and -Ken Ca me ron-; • the 112th•convocation of -the ' Royal •Arch Masons held in Toron- to Monday , Tuesday , and nesday �f last week., Bill was elected on Tuesday 'and installed_onAge_dnesday with • Dean Kenneth Gibson, 4 -year- old son of Mr and Mrs: 'Ernie Gibson of the Amberley area •died ori Saturday ,at War' Memar- -i-al Children's Trospital in London following a long illness.. The funeral Vvai held on Mon- day at the MacKenzie Memorial, Chapel in.Lucknow with burial in Oreent011 Cemetery. dutiesto commence at 'once. .'• He has bOeh a member of the Lticknow Chapter for many years and served as 1st Principal in LucknoW in,1967-68: The, Huron..District includes nine Three Girls RO:cefre.•Proviii0iat.ffellhoiors.- • • Attending the convocation in. Torontofrom the Lucknow. Chap- ter were Mr. Evans, Wes Joynt , • • •. • • • • Boyle was the•last member from the Lucknow Chapter to serve as Grand Superintendent • and this. was in 1959: •• .41 ThretDOYTMistionliipoi4Acriflit.-170. • ..4 Its Creators, Words OfThree Retutneol.. • Missionaries Outline Real Needs Of India The Mission Festival, held at the Lt-re-krt0w-Una-e ChurLh last - weekend., 'was described .by Rev. Bruce Eaton, a•rettirned•mlision- ary from India who played an • important part in the three day. cvcnt, as berng rhe bet f US kind which he ha'cl witnessed. . The Festival got underway on Friday evening witha youth\ night which featured the, film ; "That all may, be one" along •with•folk singer George Jardine and friend of London, formerly of Wingham: Dancing followed to music by records _A good crowd•bf yOung people was .on Saturday evening featured -slides: and a -fall< by -returned missionaryiiRev. Bruce. Eaton who i played an mportantpart in the 'well drilling operations in Jiidia. severalyearsago. He now /1.' .4 • in the United Church ministry at Orillia.• . • . Present Saturday evening were !retired medical missionaries ,Drs. Jean;idCihtiTWhiftiffr CONTINUED bN PAGE 19 • • • Polke Waiting For Kintail Beach- -- Young Party Goers .• . •• Eleven area•young people had • • their evening's funturn into a' ;1141 bit •of a nightmare' on Saturday*/ • . • when they were caught in the act at the Stothe'rs family 'cottage at Ross Whichee TO Kintail beach., • Represent Canada , Ross Whicher, M.P, for the riding.of Bruce , has.been chosen 'by the Government to represent., -trl-44-4e-,4,4n4s-t-e=r of Veterans Affairs, the Honor- able Jean7Eudes Dube and Jed Baldwin M.P. , Houseleader of the Conservative Party for one week.of celebration in Holland, A _Igitsknne-Patt-to-k Btu-: County Home Economist is shown on the left presenting Prov- incial Honour Certificates to, three area girls at the 4-14 Hotne- making Club Achieveinent Day': 'at Hillcrest SchooL, Teeswater on ..Saturday-.- ThegirIs-r-irorn th left, are borothy Van Beers, 17, ctaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Van Beers, R. R,'4'1<in9ar- dine; Janice Hodgins., 17, dangly - ter of N1r. and IYIrs, Eilison 110dgins, R. IL 2 1401yrood; • . 17-,•'-datightler-of— Mrs. Stewart Mullin of tuct<now. Provincial Honours at awarded. for the completion of twelve 4-H projects. Sentinel Photo 191Wergit_k alelireTairT;Zitl"irzlZi ersary' of the ending 'Of the. Second 'WO* War. • This commemoration is being hosted by the Dutch Government,. LMrWhith Orripanied by his wife. He had a very long serviee in the'artny during the war which included Holland, The Canadian delegation left last Friday morning for Holland. • • Dan Rose Of Emo and ,Mr. and Mrs . j.DShu1iajdsjus Andrew and,Donglas of Clarkson • • were .visiting N1r: and Mrs. Steve Stothers of Luckno‘;vsOn the week- end_and while --- a visit to the cottage at Kintail. • They couldn't have gone to Kintail at A better time, as they found evidence of unauthorized occupation of the cottage and the g. With the assistance of the , police., a trap was set an a eleven young people were nabbed., along with a good stock of potables'. We understand that a carload of late-comeri to the play were n)ore than a little surprised to 'find the police 'waiting for them rather than the anticipated.even ing'syeVelry, • • • • • • 4 , • • ••• ••• •41 ••• ••• •••• ••• ••• •••