HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-04-29, Page 20PAGE TWENTY rift7.14AWIPtrAlt 1=11.1V4:4''''. -11,,I ' .THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL; L'UCKNOW ONTARIO CHOICE HOME ISILLED• BEEF AND PORK, HAMBURG PORK CHOPS HAM 'ROAST 69c LB. BOLOGNA i 490 ` LB.: T-BONES : a • 65c' LB.... 79c LB --- $1.09 ;LB. Try Our HOrne.Made Sausage *.* * * * * *'* * * CUSTOM KILLING • *'**.** * *.*_*** .**rt**.**'* WE (DELIVER R O.D.AF. NEWS AND VIEWS May 15th is the deadline that the O;M.M.B, has set for receiv- ing applications from Industrial milk shippers wishing to enter the Group 1 Pool by' 'the Graduated 'entry system. Page 31 of the March issue of the Ontario 'Milk Producer magazine is an appli- cation form that • may be . com- pleted and sent to the Q.M:M.B. Toronto office. Applications post- marked later than May 15th will rot -be -accepted. ' ' • Hog prices are lower. It is more important to make sure you ,get all possible returns.' Last year 7,600• hogs were : marketed: from Bruce County either too heavy (over 180 lbs. dressed) or too light (under 125 lbs. dressed). Most. were too heavy. With an average price of 34c the . loss per pig . was about $4.50 or over $34,000 in total. This is more than enough to buy every. hog farmer in Bruce a County a good set of scales;:. andreal fancy scales at that. Weigh your pigs and market them to . yield carcasses 165 180 lbs. This will give you an, opportunity to earn more per hour than the most rid- iculous idiculous ' labour union's demands. ' If one wouldbelieve the' prog • nosticators, ., many farmers , will Tbecome insolvent in the' next few ` years. Costs are too.. high or the overheadwill eat you up. Those who ' will fail...are those..._ who are. marketing 500 hogs'from a setup designed ,for 1,000hogs per year, harvesting 9 10 • tons' corn silage per acre when it should be 18 tons,. owning , 0 1 1 in mac nery , When : $15,000 -would -do. This_can- .be measured in Capital:. turnover or . the ' number • of • years for gross income to equal total capital:' investment.: Average to high: 'net income shouldbe a 'turnover Dairy . — 3.1 = 2.4 years., Beef Cow — 5.4 — 4.1 years Feeder Cattle — 2.3 1.9 • WEDNESDAY, APRIL, 29th,; 'l970: RIPLEY ABATTOIR Custom Butchering - Curing and Smoking Cutting. and Wrapping - Sausage Making —.Fast .Freezing HOGS AND CATTLE. ON MONDAYS • CATTLE ONLY ON WEDNESDAYS With Two Big Coolers; We Are•Able To Hang Your Beef From: 1. To, 3 Weeks. — Whatever Your, Requirements Are For Home Freezers We Sell Choice Home Killed Beef, Pork 'and .Lamb In. Any Quantity At .Lowest Marketing Prices • ALL MEATS ARE. GOVERNMENT INSPECTED FOR YOUR. • PROTECTION CHAS. HOOISMA,' PROP.. ABATTOIR' 395-2905 STORE 395-2961 years Swine — 2.5 -- 1.7 years Where .does your farm business rate? Maybe if you, know you are off base, you may be , able todo something about it. Keep the over- head under foot.. The . season' is late. According to the calendar, early or, late seed- ing does not make ' much' differ- ence. Early or late`for the season does make .a difference. If ,wea- ther permitted seeding grain or,. corn by . a certain date, whether: mid-Aprilor mid-May . and, you seeded 2 to 3 weeks later, you could -expect -a -reduced -yield:. There is much: publicity regard- ing no tillage corn. It works but make sure .yourprocedure is right. Fertilizer placement, .cover- ing of .seed and weed control has Spring €onc�rt By Primary Classes The•school's Spring Concert , was ..held on Friday, evening, April' 17 with a large crowd in attend- • artce•,' The pupils of the school'.,• saw the concert the day before • roiir of the•:entire building, Many of 'the children were surprised when they ere 'allow.ed: to' look • through the -window ,of the nursery, and see:a classmate's -new baby to be right. s for yo .milking' cows. .Milk production 'and profit will suffer if . you neg- lect the mineral content. If you feed legume hay; feed a mineral o .. ., a ciuiri and Phosphorus. If • you feed' mainly silage, feed .a mineral 2-1 of Calcium and Phos- phorus. The reason • is • that leg - „i umes are high in . dalcium while grain, silage, etc.' is not, On the average, 2 lbs. Of mineral should be added to every 100 lbs. of grain mix. Are you thinking of modernizing your beef housing or feedlot?- Do not be carried away by publicity from the south. We need more thought to, keep the facilities free. of .snow. Mostly we need covering for” a bedded, area and a covered feeding .area' as well. Also, since we have more snow, we need to build roofs designed for a , heavier. snow load. Yes, building for. beef . housing is more: expensive here , than-thq--leratur-e-fromthe-U.S... indicates, but to build cheaper is in the long run false economy. wnen ine .renearsai was n.eia.. ., .sister. . p - -• __. _-O:ne: of th•e: kinder rreir-classes-_'___ . acted o.ut The Three. L;ittle'Pigs •: while the other one told the story of Goldi ocks and 'The Three ; Bears; 'Room Two'''two) . • . • • and • Room' Three (grade tw:o and' ointl ate .o .erat.12,:. .t three) J y presentedp. ta, he� leta le`—TownBARRIE, "T'he chtss;"Iound,'•these lours both inter.esang and informative. They arrived back at the school. at 3.'00, RUMMAGE SALE FOR VICTO1tlA ' ':A rumnnage sale organized b`y room grade; eight;; • was 'held ' ' i OF APPLIED : 'ARTS .AND ' TECHNOLOGY ONTARIO ' Y�. �; 4 ' Singee.. Ro.orn. One (grade 'one), g ) , sang, a, number of interesting , songs with appropriate actions and;performed:a• 0411 The Antsy • CanTe \tarch;rL: en Friday , April 24 in'thc auditor- lum at ten O'clock with:the junior • wing corning in first. We sold', a number of articles," Books, "nit Hats`, rocs, cloth:es•.and es, eciall'':: . P •The".children� . . ,. ISS'NOW' ACCEPTING ,APPLICATIONS': FOR ADMISSION TO THE. . FOLLOWING . PROGRAMS. OF•INSTRUCTION TO fiE OFFERED IN SEPTEMBER, 1970 • ''' ; � 3 =YEAR DIPLOMA PROGRAMS ...c ' Two' ;rade'two pupils were the actors in a e i The. Census Taker. ' fioom Four <<Censutti'ree and four)' presented a number on : the tone bells_ 'and a dance tailed. sarnicle Bill.. The last nu -called .. ' The Sto y of Hansel and Cretel', wa.iv >,:Rocs n 'Four', candy sold.wc11. brouc;h.t thin *s for the 'sale which. ; -..• �•�zre dis la�ed on tables for'the' P children to look over'aiid''see if • there was an��thing they wanted •to hu} We aimed' foe $50 and.made . 1 which;will.go to, the Victoria ' Fund. the school'.; adopted. child.. • . A6GY ART AND INTERIOR DESIGN • ': ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY ., . GENERAL ARTS AND SCIENCE . MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY .. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION . (MARKETING) RESOURCES' TECHNOLOGY •. .: 2.- YEAR DIPLOMA PROGRAMS ' ART, .AND INTERIOR DESIGN. LEGAL •SECRETARIAL' en • alio: COMMUNICATION, ARTS • MEDICAL SECRET • ' i tr e� the ro;.a ';::e.' Cons: ;u- e"'tULR1)SS-tOR ... •la;ian•' .-MINISTRATION' a.e. owe to• tne,, o. chil • Oren and t,eirteache as well -----•------ and l'e�n, 14 Sunday visitors with.tilr: and,. • ARTS AND SCI EN � .� . .._ --•- . GENERAL f CRE ARIL AR LAW AND. . SECURITY AD T'ELNI ELECTRICAL � CLAN RESQ OPERATION' RT OPERA .ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN .. �:: Ca the ,,,us'rc °.e11 er To -?- er eetiorts'. .'�1r�, :Tom Stewart we.re`•:C1r: and"• M': s. Gerald Stewart',l'rs. Ellen Coessell and .Susan. all of kinca'r.- :GENERAL BURNESS7A CMINTING) : SURVEY. TECHNICIAN. NERAL, BUSINESS MARKS GE •MECHANICAL. DRAFTING • TECHNICIAN ' ( TING:) i Feld Trip'For . Geode e WO Class Held r;i„ to •the \ ' Line. \.r` . Eva' ' .'.acPher$on and far:ll, and• . Stanley ' .anler•and family of Kinloss. . '' . Mr, and. ; r,, ken Tarr and ; fatt:h and Miss �' -: -__.try 1 • YEAR CIjRTIFIC • E PROGRAMS � • ADVERTISING :PROCEDURES' ': .. � .MEDIA• PROCEDURES • GENERAL SECRETARIAL :RETAIL MERCHANDISING• k INFO( ..: Radio and. Telt isi4r tatler.'c,as planned f<: ;he "a, e c1,: ,': under the .. .trrisl�t9 of `,Y.s. • Irvin, who each,s • �`�'- 4 all Qi t'allacetur,:: spent the �,een.er.0 with :,::: and Mrs,.ADi1111SSION'REQUIREMENTS, E1^:er etedicti.` t MATIONffiABOfJT-�THESE PROG-R`AMS; INCLUDIND FEES -AND IS AVAILABLE BY.COMPLETLNC ,AND. •MAILING. THE COUPON BELOW:• .' • M:., S .1;•..•-:,--.77Ile .child-enalso toued the �\.,`„.a° . arr`istric: " Hosnral, r • cThr: field :; �a� it �1Lb.a. tOG \.1,, iti:\O.a1•4.�les • Course t'trs'a-� _., r:�; �.u_........-_._. a „_ Jame. -ialdenb\ anu zi 1�p:c emr end\rs torBu• :ow 'family Oakville, � and �r •.krt Caz.p,elland i1ror :Kincardine. •� ,,• , �..,_.�d- .. i THEREGISTRAR'REQUEST i iGeorgtanCollege,o, � FOR.• 401 Duckwotth Street, i • APPLICATION ;. .�.y�. __.»—,.._.-..—._....�.,r__.. ._�--e were i:t to re ' , studio wt e': ty .,, lewcw all the roorri •: The class was also anew y . ed ,to see the •o�r n�• Cartoon . p <- a House in.proz,:ess. The pupils _ _. _. ..v. _...._.__... _:,...,,-...--- t,. . 1� of kltiloss spent Sunda; ever+i ith t,� n� w and `•s.James. Holden; and ki�.L; . Sunday lsito:s,with"t,s:.. l� r Haldenby were �r..., abrl. VrS, ,._. ._..._. -�'�.�._. ......_._...__ >..._.._..,,.,...._::�.._.t�..`.r_.•�z.:v.,_x.....-x. _u_.t__. $r><`l g- i ' O' p i. Please forward an • a . "rication formand i. y i' programs. application information. -about .our 1970-71 . ams. • 4, ' o i i 'i . then are their lunch in the station • dafeteria. After this, the children walked• to Win ham and Districty g 'Hospital where they enjoyed.a John Lockltiart, of port , Elgin, and Mrs );ted Frietndorf of Kitch ever, ,Mr, and :Clts, Ross lrw i n and family, Mr.. and Mr's. Delbertl Hedley and family of,Kiniodt*h. t NAME i .' T •1 t'• t. ADDRESS:, 't r t•�'� war :•e:x.r_