The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-04-29, Page 7WEDNESDAY, APRIL slth, '1170 t= &et . ritr a' .1111 111,.&.111.1F i2.110111r4.1i61111011.1411M THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO •'1 For The Inconvenience • While extensive. mproxements ire being �iad�ta _ih�.l4ckn idro- Electric Systenn,;it Oat be netessar to impose ;Hydro Interruptions in the village, 0 0 With the' completion of the new line .work in town, as well as extensive Work done by Ontario Hydro to the north and south, it is anticipated that. improved service will .be available in the future. . Until. the local work Is. completed, we apol ogize for any inconvenience it:. has caused . and thank you for; your co-operation.. 4444 OQO000 >O<X O.40 LUCKNOW HYDRO -ELECTRIC SYSTEMT.t 6.30 L -ea . ue HoI g• :AnnuaI..Dinner At- St. Helens • ,The• Ladies 6:3{ Bowling. • CaiTotS:T'Op The Town and. Country Bowling- • The Town'and Country Bowlers' bowled twice this week..in order to be..ready .'for gar•.dening and outside work On Tuesday.Vera Purvis was high .lad°ywith a i196.'sing.le and a, - . 1. and social evening at the :St . - :Helen's Hall, 7, p.M. Monday , April l7. A lovely, dinner was enjoyed "by al�"the ladies present. Two • lucky draws were made during• the dinner and•.were won "by Maizie gathers and'Jessie Joynt. Each lady ,was presented with.a •: small gift. Dora. Brooks ,"on behalf of the league, expressedthanks tothe ladies of. the St. Helens Women's .instittYte tor• rhe li -i(Zi s] Ir�f 1 .and Mrs. Ross Errington replied. Following the: dinner the .presentation of gifts and trophies. was held and a short business - meeting. was conducted :by the • President; Jean Phillips. •''•Kath leen MacDonald gave the Treas- urer's report: • Presentation of the "Bud.Hami- ' ltob Trophy" was made by Mrs. Fred Horton.of the Lucknow. Bow - -� -,..ling Lanes -to the- Capta°n of -the�Daisies, Grace Elliott, winners • .of theregular season's bowling,, to which Grace Made a fitting Winners of the regular season's bowling were: High Team, Dais - leg; Runner up, Roses; High,single of.840, Kathleen MacDonald; ' • High triple 'of 757, Jean Phillips itg,dverageof201,.ivtrrith Mackinnon;: 2rid. High' average , 187 , Mildred Cameron; 3rd High average 186, Jean Phillips; Low team; Asters.' Winners of the, Play-offs were; • .High tea ill Roses;'llunner'up, Asters; High single and High.triple, 286and '742, Marion MacKinnon, whti very graciously. presented' her high single award to •M ldren Cam. __ ladies 9;QQ league Present. Trophies AtAnnual: Dinner Fifty-three rne,rnbers of.the• Ladies 9:00. Bowling League turned: out for, the wind. -up ban- quet on Wednesday evening"April 22 at the Anglican Parish Hall, A delicious. turkey dinner, was served by the .Anglican ladies', which was enjoyed by° Lois Walden, the President, was in charge .arid assisted by• several; league members made many, lucky draws during the even ing.. • .Trophies.. were presented to the • following; High Season's trophy was presented to the Oranges by , Donor" Eunice Cunningham; High Season's Individual trophies were presented to the Oranges by Mary, Lou Barger; Tillie Wilson replied fittingly; High °Season Average; 'Joy Dennis , 20 nights for an 'average. of 198,- presented'by. Barb Sanderson. • High Season single:. 'Trudie . Nelson with 'a'score of .321, pies•-° ented'.by Kay Crawford; .Season's High triple to Joy L?ennis.with a .. •score'of 788, presented by Kay; •Crawford.. • . ' ; Individual Playoff trophies' were 'presented:to the Apples •by'. ..Kay Forster Bev Bev Thompson replied; Mrs. Horton• presented _the -Silverwood- .-troph:y:-to the-- --- Apples . High Single 'for ''Playoffs'to . Mary Nelsonw-th-•a-seore of 324; presented•by.Joy Dennis; High Triple, ;to Kay Crawford with a score of 709 presented by Barb. Sanderson; Most Improved. bowler, a 'pin presented: to Anna Johnstone who improved• 22 pins , prese-nrezt-by Mary C1. -Ian i Improved. new bowler, went, to. Dianne Carter:, whoimproved • • Bowlin•g League •• Presents Trophies April 18th., found• all the Luck now -Dungannon .bowlers out for :the .evening in all their spring finery. 'A lovely supper was • served by the Anglican ladies, ;and a dance followed: with music • by. the Country Boys.. A good time was had by all. •The trophy presentation was made between the supper 'and the dance ' Winners. of "A" ' group in the Play-offswere the ,W.olverines '4 .. with the Beavers being the Seasons High. "B". group in the Play-offs; 48 pins, since the 1st of the year , presented by Lois' Walden Tillie Wilson presented a crying towel to Mary Lou Barger. Mary Cleland thanked .the Anglican .ladies for the' lovely. supper and Mrs...Roulston" replied.• Mrs Horton was presented with a gift by Mary Nelson. ' . Kay Forster•presented a'gift.to. Isobel" Mullin•for the player who rria,de the Best Effort, • Mary 'Nel- son presented Lois Walden with a gift .for• being a A 1 •Preside-ir.--' Kathy Gibson presented Mary Nel- son with a gift for•'acting Treasur- er' The 'treasurer Mary Nelson gave her yearly report followed.by the election of officers: . Maudie Fisher_, President;. Vice President' Eileen Lavis; Secretary, Shirley Bolt; Treasurer Joy Dennis. ' • It. was decided to start bowling September 14, 1970. and have . December 21st off. The league will. have individual •handicaps. again. Winners for cards`that followed Were: Dianne Carter and Made line Altoi;,_..._.�_ -- It's all :over for another'season,,, ladies, see you all, next fall.. PAGE SEVEN went to the Coons. Individual • trophies went to the following Ladies.high single. (for the. year) Mary Lou Barger; Ladies high single (for the playoffs).., Mary Fisher; Ladies high °triple , Mary Fisher; Ladiesmost improv- ed, mprov-ed, Muriel Ritchie; Mens high single (for the year):,.'Lloyd Hodge; Mens high single (for the playoffs), Bill Nelson; Mens high triple , Bill Nelson; Mens most improved ., .Lorne Cook; Mens high average, Jack Caesar; Ladies' High v.erage ; •Marian Mac -Kinnon, Draws of the.evening.w.ent to • Gord Nlontgornery and Jack Mc Donagh.. The League was left with a deficit of $27.00 after all ' expenses were paid. It was voted that Trud,ie Nelson take over the books for the nexi season, , This social evening wound up . the season ' 69 -;'•70 so we 'will see everyone next September. Happy and safe holidaysto everyone 00.0. 0 04. 0 00.0 •.000.0.0000, 0000 AMBERLEY .Mrs. Glen Campbell of Amber - ley was a; patient in Kincardine and District Hospital over the. past week. Mr. and Mrs:• William•Pace of the second concession of. Huron; ,are the proud grandparents of •a son born to Mr. and ' Mrs. William R. Pace of Kincardine on April . • nineteenth. ; . Rev. ,John C. Hill is spending' a. week,wit'h his' daughter Lynn.. Hill of --the "Pas'-`-. Man toba., 'Dennis Courtney underwent • surgery for a tonsillectomy at Kincardine, and District"Hospital at the week end. • 'Brenda Humphrey spent. a week's holidays at her home on 'the second concession o Huron i Brenda is currently in training,at. Victoria Hospital., London: • tvl.el. King was high man with a 201single and a 374 double. "Points won: Turnips 0`• Carrbts .. Potatoes 0 and Lettuce 5 y0`n Thu-rsday lsa-be-1 Tiffi•n-.-bow-1-� ed the high single 60 76 and Mabel. :Steward high double of 301. • Forthe men Clarence Bell bowl ed a 205 single and Harry Lavis a double of 33.5. Team points won Carrots 2' Turnips 3; Potatoes 2 and Lettuce 3.,.. We have a final °standin of Mel King's .Carrots 12, Earl Swan's, Lettuce 11, fack'Campbell s ;. Turnips' 5. , and Henry Caller's P:otateesT2. Congratulations winners and' see 'you, all atthe banquet Tues -d.a:J,.7_1vla y-�-a t: _rhe kttg ie a n Parish Hall at 6.30.. exon who was a very. close second •. improv -rd bnwier Kathleen MacDonald; ' Officers for the.•70/71 season were returned by acclamation and arca .ent, Je Phillips; Vice President., Norma IvlcDonagh;'Secretary; Anne ptirn- ey.; Treasurer , Kathleen Mac.Don-" aid. ivlildred Cameron thanked the c e . enjoyable and successful season arid' hoped that all the ladies would be able to return to the league next fall. the' evening concluded with the playing; of Court Whist with Ella Hackett winding high prize and Pearl Nhirdie 2nd high..Nlariori Campbell and Isobel Gaunt were lucky draw.winnerS 6 SHUR•GAIN t feed And animal health service leadership in nutrition 0 continuous research 0 management skills 0 growing animal health service CAR E THAT MONEY CAN'T BUY. YOU GET IT WITH SHUR-GAIN SERVICE. Good service is . just a little more than carrying • out a job: It's the little extra'care : going into er•y� .: ,i` co nts :—thc second look at an .order a re -check on a Toad, an extra phone;call to make sure something •is O.K... , things like that. • ht�`doesn't mean we- won't make mistakes.: e� .probably will. It does mean , we feel badly when a mistake . is made and it also means hat it won: t pen again: That's the kind of care we .pledge -to give you and all our customers: u • et it with every orderof $her -4`. ' s . UCKNOW PHONE 5Z8=2626