The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-04-22, Page 11WEDNESDAY,, APRIL 22nd,: 1970
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Ashfield W.M.S.
Mrs. Richard West was. leader
for the Ashfield Women's Mission-
ary`Society held at the home of . .
•• Mrs.. Ewan 'MacLean She opened
the meeting with a poem. and:a
prayer'.• Mrs. Jim West read the
Scripture, and Mrs. Donald Simp.
-r son called.the roll which seven:-
'teen meinbers and one 'visitor
answered with a verse of hope. •
The' Worship Service from the
:Glad Tidings on "Resurrection"
as g venJay Mats. JimLWest
i ichard West and'Mrs. . Colin..Mac- `Stewart..
Gregor, .Mrs; Gordon Finlayson A reading ":God's Garden" was
On :Really Living". given' by Mrs. • Robt. 'Bregman..
The roll call was'answered by the
Mrs., .Ewan MacLean conducted payment of fees. Six members...
.the business of the meeting, were present and three visitors'.
Plans•were made for a bus trip to The offering was received by
'Toronto onaIV ay `28. Heather-Young-and-the-prayer-w•as
given. by Mrs.. MacGillivray..
A reading•"Rock of Ages" was
given :by 'Mrs .- A; Hughes, Mrs...
Welsh also gave a .reading entitled
-"-Tw-o=Queens--of Caiabar%Mrs.
D. 7McQuillin. gave the closing;
prayer. ; •
Mrs. +oung thanked Mrs. Welsh
for the use of•her.honie and lunch
and a social time followed.
Langs'ide W KS,
The Langside ,Women's ,Mission-
;ary'Society held .their April •
meeting at the home: of Mrs..
Eldon Welsh. Mrs. 'Wes Young
and vrts . WTn Orr''preparred the
The meeting was opened
by the president with the call to
worsh the•- ipu.tnoee" wa's
repeated in.uriison. The scrip
ture reading wasgiven by; Mrs.
Lloyd Moffat '.F ''The meditation
"God's Long Way Around" was
taken by .Mrs.'. George Young. .. '
Prayer followed:by Mrs.; Rout.
At Huronvew
Trinity Young People's society
presented 'a musical program on
Sunday evening at, Huronview , ...
Nancy Kirkland is employed
on the week -end at the Riverview
Drive -Inn Restaurant. in Winglam.
Mr, and Mrs W G: Hunter •
.visited Ivir;'and`1Vlis.' Vernon Hun-
ter on .Sunday and both couples -
.attended the movie "That All
May Be One" produced by
the Berkeley Studio of the United
Church shown in the. Lyceum
The"atre, Winghani at 2, p. m.
This was: a very worth -while film
to see.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Steer and
infant daughter. Tracey Elaine
of London spent the week -end
With:'Mr. and Mrs. Peier.Cook.
Wanda Hunter of .Windsor spent.
a.few days last •week at herl.home.,
Mr. and, Mrs, . Jim 'Hunter and ' '
Wanda, and Mr. and ;Mrs: Frank •__
.Ritchie motored to 'London on
Sunday' a.fternoon,. from there
Wanda returned by train to Wind
sor to resume her studies.'
Calvin -Brick
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Mrs.' Mac Murchy listed the re -
• quirements of the bale; and Mrs.
Ross gave the treasurer's .report
Mrs.. West caosed.'with prayer,
and .the 'hostess and committee
'served lunch,
Ail eisengers' : .
l Whitechurch 'United Church:•
Messengers held. their 'April meet-.
• ing on Sunday at 10'a. tn, in the
Sunday School roomduring church
Linda' Moore. gave the .Call to
Worship - By loving kindness.
better than life,rriy lips Shall
praise Thee. The ;hymn•-
Fat er'Jead-me_dayby da•y was
read by all.
The scripture was read by Linda''
Moore Clare Weber led in prayer
The .offering was received ;by .
Richard. Moore and: the offering
'prayer was given.. by Murray Gibb.
The secretary ;Earl Thompson read
theminutes and called the roll
' Messenger Buttons,ivere given to
Linda Lawrence and Cindy Moore..
;The next.rneeting, will be May 17..
' 'Mrs, Ivan Laidlaw•.gave the
Jtinior story and Mrs. 'i-larold,
Quipp told the Seniors their story.
All sang God Sees the Little . •
Sparrow fall. Janet `Laidlaw gave
to benediction.
The•Langside.Y.P:S. met at '
the.. home of Mr. 'and Mrs..Eugene
Conley,.:Lucknow, with 16-i1i
attendance,. Doug Wall presided
,and Carolyn MacGillivray was,. •
,s-ec Feta-ry , '
In the devotions •Simon• de Boer
'read the Scripture , Agnes Conley
.gave the meditation "The •
.heart of the matter" and Carolyn
1 liVrarg. Cl—i7t player: - r
Murray Moffat 'gave a reading.
"It's the .little things that count"
The real call was—answered with .
a verse of scripture containing,
the word truth: .The offering•was
received by Rick Conley., with .y
prayer by John Visser. .The next
meeting will be at the home of
KW Milt'
The history of. the Mohammed
religion was given by Mrs.' G.
Wall. The meeting closed with
a `hymn and the Benediction. The
Books of;the Old Testarrient were
received' and a gassing game
was played. '
Ross Moffat moved a vote of '
thanks to Mrs, Conley,
Calvin Brick held their. April\
Messenger meeting. Sunday fore-
noon in the church. The leader
giving the call •to'worship was
Mari'areMcGee: Janette :Whytock
was pianist.
The theme of the meeting was
Jesus Loves all His Children
.Hymns were sung fitting the
theme. ••
. '
Doreen:Taylor read the scrip
ture. Prayer Was . given by Jim
�c ee, lona . ie an ' 1c
ael Moore received the' offering..
A poem was given' by Joyce Tay-
lor.. Jane. Sh'iell gave -.the; Herald
The Story - -The ScT ho m the:-
Hollow .was given by •Mrs..Lloyd
Whytock... After the story all
went to their classes for further
study on the theme.
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Nonpured`On 40fih Anniversary
Congratulations to Mr. and =
Mrs. Ben Scott who celebrated
their 40th eddi iversa-ry
last week. • A surprise. tea was
held at the ,Community Centre on
Sunday afternoon to honour the .
cwhere manyf
duple r
, w ... their o
neighbours• and relatives.gathered.
Visiting with .Mr. and Mrs.
Francis Boyle ami d farm y. on
1 Sunday were Mr. and Mrs, Earl
,Elliott and family and Mr. ,arid.
Mrs. Burton. Collins.. '
• Deepest sympathy is extended,.
the Haldenby •fa'rnily .on the
recent passing of Mrs. Geor e g George
•aldenby-.of--I iniad
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Stark of
Kincardine were Sunday guests •
lof Mr. and Mrs. Cecil' Sutton
:and boys. • •
eMrs;- George ---Emerson spent
Saturday afternoon, in Wiarton,
where she visited with her mother,
Mrs.: John Bell and .Walter Need -:r
ham in the Nursing Horne there
.:Bonnie Boyle visited with
Margie Collins o•n Sunday..
--Hearh� -Boyle vis -iced lastweek.
end with Mi. and Mrs. Aurel
Armstrong, and.boys.
• Miss Margaret Robertson of •
Lucknow. spent the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Don Robertson.
' Mrs: William McInnes and.;,
Diannev:sited on nday with
Mr. and: Mrs. Claude Dore Sr.
of Bervie and Mr. 'and Mrs.. Bob. •
Thompson., Mr.. and:.Mrs. 'Harvey
Thompson, Mr.. and Mrs. Billion . '
Collins'and Mr. and Mrs.. Don
Dore and their families at
Wes Brooks• visited. on'Sunday'
!with Dick'McCosh.
Mrs. Don Dore returned home nr
onFriday. afterspending a few
s:in Kinc,aidine--Hos 'i. • ptai,
Cathie Vickiand Frankie
Dore visited on Saturday. with
their grandfather.Claude Dore
Sr. .of'Bervie.
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