The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-04-22, Page 10PACS TEfK.
Chalm�r's.. W.M.S., EIokl:Thankofferirig;
Chalruers 'Women Missionary after the Resurrection. He talked •
Society held their April Thank- with 'Thomas and Peter And asked
offering at the home -of Mrs. them Why are•ye troubled? Be- .
Andrew Gaunt. The President hold my •pier`c'ed hands and .feet.
lylrs,' W,alla.ce_Cona gave the call_ he Resurrection is a most
'amazing story,'. The cross and .
tombare symbols of Gods. love,
Hope-is•given by Christ. '.Our
resurrection has: become a certain-.
ty. He that believeth in Me shall
never die.: If ye believe life,
death and resurre.ction.all•point to
the. Son of God. Mrs'. Gaunt
concluded with a Quizz on the
:Resurrection. All sang the hymn
Christ Arose and „Mrs. 'Earl Cas ,
lick closed, the meeting with
Grace was sung and the hostess
and helpers served lunch. , .
to • worship. Mrs. Victor Emerson
led in prayer. The roll call was
AD answered .by .seventeen giving, a .
Bible verse with the word Resur-
•A discussion centred., on
cleaning of thechurch to be done
prior to the Presbyterial' on. May
14 and Anniversary: On May 7th
they will have a cleaning bee.
Arrangements: were made for
the Maitland Presbyterial meet-
ing_. I�rirs._Jas_._,Mclnne ,, Mrs.,_ ..---
Wesley Tiffin and Mrs.. Bob Ross
were .a 'corrimittee appointed"to
look•a fter the dinner.. ` •
Mrs::'Johnston'Conn gave the
treasurer's' report: Thecollection
was dedicated by.Mrs..Bill Evans.
Mrs-. RobertRoss read the scrip-
turL. A reading,, The Grave Could
. Not •Hold.Him' was given. by.Mrs.
•Albert McQuillan. "
A reading. Easter Thoughts was
given by Mrs. Wesley •Tiffin. All
`oined in sin • ing Thi Old; Rugged
The topic - Look to. the Cross
was given by Mrs. Wm. Purdon.
Mrs: Mewhinney gave the •poem •
Ilrhe Dawn. A reading "Singing
was given by' Mrs: Bill Evans;
"Alive for Elton- more". was given
' by Mrs. Jas. McInnes; "The Leg-
end of the Easter. Lily" by Mrs..
I .i sel Ross. •
Mrs. Andrew Gaunt gave an
Easter Message - "lie :is . Risen" ..
Christ was, onfearth forty days
Whitechurch YPS.
Whitechurch LP..- held their'
meeting Sunday evening in.the
United, Church.. The President
"Ruth Elliott presided. The `min
utes were read by the Secretary ,
Marlene Weber.,
Plans:were'made for a Record
Hop to be held in the near•future.
It was decided to continue the
meetings on Sunday .evening.
Joann Laidlaw and. Marlene
.:tier were'In-tharge-of the
•worship Service.' The call to
worship was given by. Marlene
Weber, . .
The Scripture 'was read •by . .
Joann Laidlaw.`. Hymns were sung •
and the :meeting closedwith the
MTh's Prayer.
Several game& were then enjoy-
Elect fiVew Board
Members At Annual
Six tables of euchre were: play-
ed at.LangsideCommunity Hall
on Saturday evening. High prizes
went to Mr. and Mrs.. Bob Mann: '
and low prizes to Mrs.;'George
• Young and Keith Bregman The
annual meeting was held and ,
two new mernbers .elected to the'
board were Mrs. Bob Mann and: •
George Young., Mrs. George.
Young will be secretary -treasurer.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Steer and
Tracey of London spent the .
week -end with his parents Mr,
and Mrs. Philip Steer.
Rev. Horace Braden of London . .
was' a dinner guest' on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Bob 'Bregman•
and family..' •
Several. from this community
attended the Whitechurch Insti-
tute Old Titne.Dance on Friday
Doug and Brian Wall attended '
the Junior Bowling banquet' on.
' Friday evening in Lucknox+::.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan .Miller of
Toronto spent the week -end at.
their. farm home at Larigside..
Clarence Stokes and daughter
Elizabeth of •Wingham 'visited
Mr, . and Mrs. Gordon Wall and:
fa.rniiy On Tuesday evening.;
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Day and,
two sons from the • Ripley' area
moved to. the• former Bill Scott
home at Langside. Other new
residents in the community..
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon.' Coblentz.
and family of -St. Marys • to the
Graham Moffat -farm. We'wel,
come them all. •
readership in
feed and animal
health service
Good- serviceis just &little more than ' Tying
out a jobs. ,It's the little extra care going into
the•service• that really counts .:..the second,
oo�k at an order, ,7 . a re -check on a load, an •
extra phone call to make sure something is
O,K.. , things like that, •
It doesn't Mean ,we won't make mista .k,Wei.
probably •will. It does mean we feel badly
when' a mistake. is'Imade and italso means
that care is taken that• it -won't happen again,
Speaks On China.
At Thankoffering
On. Tuesday. April 14th', the St.
Helen's United; Church Women
held their Easter Thankoffering
with ladies from'.Lucknow ,
Trinity, Brick, Donnybrook, Dun-
gannon and Whitechurch as guests'.
Mrs. Tom Todd ,opened the
meeting and Mrs. 'E. W. Rice
:presided at the ,piano throughout •
the meeting. The scripture les'-
son was read by Mrs. Frank Mc-
Quillin and Mrs. Gordon McPher-
son gave the meditation: Isobel
Miller led in prayer. The'offer-
tory prayer was given by Mrs.
Wm. Rutherford.
, Mrs'. Don Cameron introduced
the guest speaker,. Mrs: J. E.
Hummel. She spoke of her .early
life in_ China_ ilier parents. were
missionaries and after. being. edu.-.'
cated in Canada , Mrs. Hummel
againreturned to China. .She •
displayed• many foreign costumes
and,modelledthese on several
Mrs.• •Gordon. McBurney :Of Brick.
Church gave'two readings and
Mrs. Donald Hackett froth. Trin
it.y also had a reading.: At• the
'conclusion .a dessert lunch was ,
served by the St. Helen's ladies:
resentation To
Rev. Robeert Nicholls, B.A.
APRIL 26th
10.00 a.m. Sunday School
11:.00. a,m. Morning: Worship^
For• Shut -
11:30 a.m. T.V. Program
New Dimensions, Channel. 8
The April meeting of: Pine
River U.C. W: was held in the • .
church on Tuesday April •
_f_ourtee.nth:.. ith an attendalice....of_ '
twenty-five.. '•
Mrs: Leonard Courtney/was
convener for Christian Steward. -
ship, and presided for the' meeting.
The roll call was answered with
a Bible. verse containing' the: name
of a 'tree or plant..
Mrs. •Leonard Coutney gave: the
scripture reading and prayer. Pot.
lowing Mrs. Bill-Ke-rnptonts
reading Mrs. Doris .Holland gave
an interesting topic' on the Indian
situation. .In her remarks she •
.stated that the educated Indians• •
are .anxious tolearn and have
more confidence now. 'Many
more Indians are attending Univ-'
ersity she said, Mrs.; Holland was
thanked and presented With a
gift. • •
Mrs.::John Day who is leaving
sur communuy was iso -presented
with,a gift in appreciation of her,'
activities • in the 'U U.C. W. After
the closing hyimn ancLprayer
lunch was served by the hostesses
and an exchange of bulbs and
:plants followed,.
growing animal
health service
That's the kind of care we pledge to give you•
and all our customers. - ' • - '
You getit With every order of ;Shur -Gin,
• St Augustine
• C.W.L .
Mission. Expo May 1, 2, 3
"An Exposition. of the Mission ,
of the Church •
'Presbyterian Church
Itev. Glenn Noble, B.A., B.D.
• . Minister.
Phone -528-2740
APRIL 26th
10:00 a.m. Sunday School
` 11:00 a.m. Morning Service
„ . SUNDAY, MAY 3rd .
t .l
The . Rev. R., Odendehl
• Rector:, •
APRIL 26th .'
•Easter 4
On: 'Sunday, April 26th. at
ii a.m:, Bishop H. F. • Appleyard
l: administer . the ,Apostolic.
Rite of Confirmation in :the;
Church 'Of the Ascension, Kin -
As this Service involves the
whole Parish; the regular Sun-
day_Services_will be -withdrawn,
in ' favour of having one: com-
bined Service. .
• .
The ,April.meeting of the St.
Augustine Catholic Women's '•
League was held on Tuesday ,
April .7th. .Fr Bonnici opened
J,:W..Van Sternpy o t:'.„._
10:00 a.m. •(English)_ .
230 p.m. (Dutch 2nd and
5th Sundays). •
•D:enominational Radio Broad-
cast, "The Back To God Hour",
every .Sunday: CJCS `( Stratford )
— 2:00 .p.m.; CFQS :(Owen
Sound) = 6:00 p.m.
Mrs. Jerry Van Aaken; Past Pres-
ident Mrs. Gus Redmond.,
Correspondence was read b'
the meeting with praye... Mrs.
J. Hickey the president was in
the chair. • ' ' '
• Congratulations to the execu - -
tive of the C.W.L. 'for the •1.970-
'•cnn The exec , i .fq.t...n_._...
1969-79 'season are going to .
retain their positions for another
'year.' They are as follows; Pres-
ident, Mrs. Joe Hickey.; lst Vice
Pres; Mrs. Johti Pranken; 2nd
Vice Pres; Mrs, Cyril.Boyle; 3rd.
Vice Pres; Mrs, .Raymond Boyle;
•Recording Secretary, Mrs, Why.,
Kinahan; Corresponding Secretary.,
Mts.. Wm;,. Redmond; Treasurer,
° a
a a
Franker and •:Mrs. Neil Stapleton
audited the: books .for -196979 -
and they reported then to be
correct. The annual C. W, L.
Convention in London. was dis -
_..�. �_.. .—...--_L..-._rte...,-.-.._...._.-.i_,_._.,.�..�:s r.._.-.....-. .r,.i...-�.r...,.».I..,...�r�..-��...ti+,-t.! .......r,...;:1::,_
Anderson flat
Products Limited
LUCKNOW .. PHONE .5.28.2026
cussed. rihe slower and plant•
sale was also discussed and a
date for the sale will be set by
next month, •
- Fr. Bonnici gave an.
enlightening talk on "Holiness'
and ?bedience"' .
Lunch was served by the ladies
and, a social hour followed.,