The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-04-08, Page 11WEDNESDAY, .APRIL, 8th; T970: " THE. 'LUCKNOW. SENTINEL, -LUCKNOW, ONTARIO CONSIGNMENT STOCKER SALE Lucknow Community 561e' Monday, May 4th, -1:30 • p.m. Accommodation for; 400 ,head Robert . MInsh PHONE RIPLEY 395-5230 'OR L' UCKNOW 528=9912 AUCTIONEER'S Emile MacLennan Allan MacIntyre' Ripley W.L. Eiect Officers'Ai .Annual Following a pot luckluncheon on friday', April :3rd, the Ripley :Wotnen's Institute held their Annual meeting with•Mrs'. ,Finlay .t\tcLeod,presiding The roll call was ."Payment of.fees". Mrs. Lock reported•,on, the .Dis.= trict Directors meeting., which. wa.s_ ,e1d at Reid' s Eart)er-s: C3ttsh ions: made at the "Accessories In the.Horne'' 'Course were asked, for display'a•t'.District . Annual. in •Arm ow ori May• 22nd.: a A succels a—emelire a'nd bridge on-.rhte£ riny pn .• 2nd was. repot,- • • -.ted by Mi. Watt• Culbert stating__ that •there were 11 tables. • The Course•"Clothing and Tex - 'riles•". was asked for and w-ilL-.be,_ held; in the Fall.. Mrs: `Wrii. Ic ay conducted •:elite election of tlie. following' of.- fivers:• Past President , •Mrs.. \'alter. Lock; 'President , Mrs. Finlay \.1 c Lead -,—See -ret -a -r y T • . Mrs. '.Walter ;Cul.bert; Ass't.. S• ec- retary; Mrs'. Graharn Cook; Dis- trict Director,' "Mrs. Walter Locke; Branch Directors,, Mrs,. Joe Scott', Mrs.: Neil M/IcLennan;'Miss Chris- 1' -ne. -Robertson , •Mrs.. Frank Scott. • Mrs: Francis Gemmel.' Conven- •erbf Agriculture and Can. Indus- tries , ,\irs. O. \1cC;harles;'Citiz- enship'and Education, Mrs. J. Kir•kpatrick; IIistorical Research and Current'Events," Mrs. Oute.rbrid e;' Curator ;Mrs: D. Nlc - I)onald , Resolu'tfons ,. \.1.rs.' Donald Blue;' United Nations 'and ''Culiuxal Activities ,, \lrs. Earl Lohnes. Plans were made for the Dis- trict• Annual. ,.A delegate to Con- vention is Mrs. Finlay.McLeod. Auditors'for 1070' are Mrs. Mary McDonald , Mrs, Hazel 1.1cDon - ald; pianist , Mrs.' .Francis Gem: - mel; assistants Mrs.:•Irwili, Mrs,.: Ross 'Ma rtyn;• DistrictDirectors alternate , Mrs. ,Florence. Kirk- patrick. 'Volunteers were asked to assist at tuck •shop'lii hospital. and plans twere' made to, attend on May..lst and 2nd ' 'God Save. the Queen was sung • ' and lunch was served, ' • Honor Parents On • 47th Anniversary LF GROVE -W Congrattilati• ons t� Mr. and Mrs. N1acLane of Kinlough wh'o•cele- b7afed their .47th anniversary. A. dinner was heldaat the home of •.Nir. and Mrs. Stuart Lane to' honour..the couple. Those who Lane and Hugh , \1r: and Mrs.. Campbell Browri and fa•rnily, of " PAGE ELEVEN HF PcF`PP[ DNORM c.• -r, Hf.PCI?iPPEEOCHItDREN AT .41 J `AL'[2tE$E"�FAhTSINFIRMES';�J • - PARTIAL LIST•OF CONTRIBUTORS TO.THE LIONS Easter Seal Fund 'Robe . l:le'1r t • R. SOLI , l I. 1), (Bud.) "I'hotnpsorr, Ton;,' Van ()sell, Donald \1acKen- •r_re, Dynes Campbell, P. •\lenar'y, Dona l.d \lac Kia.tnari ; Wallace ,Wilson, Ira I)iclde, Orlc rrd Rich cards, Lloyd \,loffa.t ; \IcNaughioi,i• Howard -flamer., Purney-, Alvin Irwin , Russ Ritchie Nits, W R. Hamilton. .Martina Sutherland, Nit: and . \Irs; J. Froo,k, Alex Hackett Jr, Duncan •Farrish.,• 13;F. Greeri; A:. ------- Iacictt's Sunday School, Peter Van .Tor ,We-bster•, Cyr•il. Brown;. Angus Nlac'Letinan, Frank d,1acLen nari,,E.t'hel \icDona ld., Q;rant " Eckerjswiller,'K'en Alton; Ernie. Gibson,'Wm. E•.. •Andrew, Stan M.uslard,'T , "VT -McIntyre, Jaclr Fisher, A; E. McKim, Vvrnon Hu fiter ., Don• Ca rrreron. Gordon McPherson,,Ra1ph Cam- eroti , :Dorothy .Nk Leod , .Grass.• Far;rish; Mass Mary ilcLeod ,Thos. Hackett , _Go don Ntoiu onrtary, Ntrs..,Mary. \1.ialer., 1adga.i Watson. YOUWANT MORE SERVICE • MORE QUALITY, • MORE. SAYINGS Household Items. ' RIT FABRIC TINTWOOLITE COLD: ANDIIYE -1 WATER WA&H REG. 39c 35.c. REG. $1.29 $1.09: • SUN'' COUNTRY AIR FRESHNER " 3.SCENTS — REG. 89c 79e ' , 41.10,00101/11.1!:41.11114p4=1.11.40111,441.1..11,4).41.1.04111111.t/IIND‘oliMir...INI.1 • • H rrzr & .Br.Aurry AIDS! LISTERINE TOOTHPASTE. 4 LARGE TUBES PER PACKAGE — •REG. $1.69 $L39 • LAVORIS MOUTHWASH AND • GARGLE, `.:.".---- / - 22' .FL OZ- REG. 0.69 , $1.49 •1 ti*Needs: • BABY'S ,OWN COUGH :, SYRUP. Strati -troy and. Mr, .and Mrs:. Wil - . red .Constp-r W-ittg. N1r.` aiid \,lrs.. Arthur Patterson; Gail and Brenda , Mr and Mrs... Keith Hubbard Mr. arid. Mrs. ' Gordon Patterson, Raymond and David and MY.:. and Mgrs; Burton Collins, spent. Sunday with Mrs. n rew'Patterson of Ripley..,;.: Mgrs. Geor.ge.Einerson and \!r. , and . Mrs. Cheste r Campbell' visit ed in•Wiarton on.,Sunda y'Vi.th. Mrs,. John. Bell. . Bonnie 'Kerry, Heather and.,'; ,Corrine Boyle, visited::recently. .it •Kincardine. Mr, and. Mrs. Fra•ncis:Boyle Crop insurance protects ytou :against the .hardy Ufa. bad year the weather, plant disease and insects. F-axr t-ita•g is -rick-y busi-ness-••Q-r:•ep—pro 1 this, cona:p-retiens-ive c-aver-ag-'e f -or Ies-s -t`han----- d uction - —duction. costs increase :stead•ily_year• by half the cost, ' year. .In 'Contrast, crop yiel•ds vary `No -claim ' .discounts'? - can reduce depends 'rg ng•laely:on topredic'table natural rerniums b.Yas mueti as 25%. hazardvs hichy_o.�t can't, control •Rrrt now' l? __...�: you can protect your 'investment in seed, Premiums :are deductible - At tax. _fertilizer, sprays:, etc,w...w:ith clo:p.i:nsurance,, time, your crop insurance premiums can:be Crop insurance guarantees your production iisted as deductible expenses: -•--- so you cancover your 'costs. .• ' For peace of mind - find 'out how crop,. Rates arejow. -- Feder4Land..�Prpvineta:f. _insurance care_J3e_tiefit.-yaT o yo.0-r__ Government participation means you. buy . local agent -7- he.s,listed below APPLICATION DEADLINE MAY•ist (SOYBEANS AND WHITE BEANS JUNE 1st) • 'Crop Insurance details and application, forms available from: M R.R.EARL fIODOINS 4 KINCARDINE —PHONE 395-2298 REG. 79c 69e .DIAPERASH OINTMENT REG. $1..98 $1.69 • CAMPBELL .ST. • LUCKNOW V and family and Mr. and Mrs.: Fred. Fowler spent Sunday ,after noon with t'lr a•nd Mrs; Atirell. Armstrong and family, where they celebrated 'the birthday Of, 'Heather 13o.yle. Robbie. Sutton visited. with his" randnrothest,•Mrs. Willex King of Bervie. • I7onaTir ore', Cathy', Vicki and Frankie sPent Sat.u.rda4 afternoon with Claude Dore Sr: of Bervie.. , • .Fan; \-1'c Na h , 13a rba ra Pa rker and Geraldine Rowers visited with' • Mr. and Nits.: I)dn°)7ore acid fang - il.y on •Sunday.• • • Congratulations to ,1r: •and I\1rs: Bob Thompson (nee Judy Storgard) -ori tlLett-`weddii -ci on Saturday.. Folks frorii this coinmun'•itti° enjoy ed 1114wrecepriOn in Ripley Town 1Ia11. 'Tose from here who attended the Square Dancing in London .• Mgt. w,„eek'werp Nir.aud 'Francis 130yle. and. Nir.. ansa N1rsV' Burton Collins, ,Visitors with Mr..and Mrs. Ccr'il Sutton and •boys •on; Satur.= �da•-w.4u e lr, a net--r'vlrs :--1 _i•1•ber- --- I.fodgins.of 1ti'inghani,• .\1rs. 'I3essie Farrell, Warren and C,reg'spent ;Sunday with Mr', and Mrs.' Francis Boyle and family, when they celebrated .Kevin's birthday, ”. 3 Month Holiday In Florida i A°NGSIDE NEWS N1r. and N1rs. ••Arnold .Scott:have returned from a• three motith holii- day in Florid -a.. _.:. The ..'l'_LangsideL_W- I11,.:5.. m.eet-ing.:.. will. be.'heldat 2'p /rn. at the home of Nlrs. Eldon 1Jelsh.on • , Thursday ,'April 9th.-. *NIT.. and Mrs. Jim Morrison of Frllovvdaie .'v isrt-edtxrt- Frida\ with` Mr. ;and Mts.Dick McQuillan. Saturday evening visitors at .the:. . same home C.tere Steven Mac Nay �z laal�er1e. moi+ klar_old fowler__ _. -_ .._. an•d'Janice of. St. Helens, Brian and Doug Wall of Langside. >\lany•pupils from here enjoyed. .holidays Thursday :and Friday . . yes uularrl-_ through• the heavy roads due to the storm Wednesday night; Margie Collins visi'tect on Satter° day evening ning with Bonnie Boyle. Mr, and Mrs. Don .Dore and family ,spent •Sunday afternoon with Mr., and Mts. Claude Dore Sr of'Bervie, i ERIE ENT AT WINGHAM H1 Ele�nor Reed iteruk DANCING NIGSTL Featuring "Mugs and Jugs" on Draught