HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-04-08, Page 10PAGE TEN
psi 1rrt,` ,fir•
urd) fltrnis
Ars: Allan Graham
Showed Slides Of
The Holy Land
The members of South. Kinloss,.
Women's Missionary Society
thea_r• ApriL.ni'eeting„ Kornbined• •
with the Easter Tharioffering •at
the home of Mrs, Evan Keith 'on.
April 1st:
Mrs. Harry Lavis opened the
meetingby, reading several Easter
verses. .Mrs., Fraser McKinnon
acted as secretary and .read' the
minutes of the previous meeting.
Mrs'. Frank. McKenzie gave the
treasurers report. 'Donations to
the bale are to be given to Mrs.
�A'llan Maclntylre before June.
The Bible Study from. Job ' 28
was: conducted.by. Mrs. Douglas
Graham: Twenty two members;
one visitor and six 'children attend-
ed the meeting.
. The poem 'Map of, Palestine'
.written by Mi'ss.Dean'MacLeod
was read by,, Mrs. Ira Dickie..
Mrs: Allan Graham showed her
slides of the Holy Land where she
,visited last year. She told of
man-y-=pplac-es-of-inier-est in --Bible .
times and
modern�day Holy
She was ...
anked and
presented with a gift by Mrs. Al
lister Hughes'.
• Mrs..Lorne Sparks •favoured with
a solo. lvlrs. 'Donald J.. Maclntyre
was in charge of ttie Prayer Circle.
Brian Keith played organ selec-
tions c Mrs. Harold Campbell:
gave. the offertory Prayer. Mrs.
-Ted Collyer gave the courtesy
remarks .
The ladies sang 'He lives' and
Mrs. Glenn'Noble closed the. meet-
Presbyterian WMS
The W.:, M. S. of the Luo•know
Presbyterian Church, islet April 1st
to the Sunday School Room of the
church. A goodly number of the.
ladies turned.Out.... numbering 22
in _11,
Mrs. Ross McMillan .conducted
-the-t ing--And-ope-ne.d-wrIthy- -�
repeating a verse and a prayer.
Hymn 582 wassung., followed with
the Bible Study taken from. the
latter part of Isaiah,. chapter 40.
and given by Miss N. Malcolm.
The roll call wasthen taken arid
nswered with a verse containing
the word' 'faint'. Thanks'for gifts
received .were acknowledged.'
The Visiting. Committee was
heard from.
Prayer Was given' by Mrs. R.
McMillan, A -hymn was sung , .fol-
lowed with a duet given by Mrs.
B. Gibson. and Mrs.. A.' Loree ,.,
namely•"/The Old Rugged Cross"
which. was much appreciated. A
paper on Current: Events, taken
from the Glad Tidings, was then •
presented; by Miss ie Jpt ston.,
which -proved quite interesting.:
The Prayer Circle was given by.
Mrs. J. Smith.and Mrs. H. Ander-
son. • •
The.Easter' Message"was•given
-by Mr -s: -N-:-Johnston , and taken ---
from James; 5th Chapter 16th •
verse to the end. "The Way of
Prayer"', the Prayer of the right-
eous mangy. avai1 . th ch' prayer,
is the.most'comfort.ing thing. we.
can use to combat evil. • We:
should pray for•one:another. A.
hymn was sung. a nd Mrs. R. Reid.
Closed the meeting with prayer.
Whitechurch UCW
Whitechurch U . C W. held'.
their April meeting on'W.ednesda'y
at 2 p.m. at'the home of Mrs."
Russell Chapman..1..1rs. Clifford
`Laidlaw was in charge of the.
meeting and opened• w.. ithh;the sing-
ing of a hymn
Mrs. Elmer Saleightholm read a
poem 'Living Prayer. :The Scrip
ture was read by lvirs..Harold
94P -P•,
A '.panel of three ladies led in
discussion. M.rs. Sleightholm
took the part of Dorothy; Mrs,
Quipp was Diane, Mrs. Cliff Laid
law was Nora.. Dorothy and
Diane were, looking: for peace and
serenity of soul. Nora told them
how to; find it. • .
Mrs, Cliff Laidlaw gave the
topic Calrnnes's , Peace and
Serenity. One way to obtain
this. is to• organize your mind
relax completely and be comfort-
able in a chair or on a bed `and
quote verses. from the Bible or a
.favorite hymn. Everyone should
take a few minutes each day .to
relax. Our thoughts -tell on Our
face if we• are', irritable or under,
nervdus tension.' "Relax add t•
seniles wreath,your' face. People
relax and,enjoy worship on. Sun-
day but :hurry. and worry all Week,
forgetting that Sunday' relaxation
.can happen every day.if we but
Ike the tirne.: The mother busy
with herr housework and. child-'
ren if she will'take'a look at her-
self and,ask God' to help her 'be a
e much. rage betterhorme►naker•,.will find that
she'is'aided. Ifer children .and
husband 'will notice the difference•
in. her and through her their home.
life will be brighter too. Peace:
is there if you but ask God's help •
and put your trust in`-Htr. In •
,ing with prayer. .
Mrs. Ted Collyer, NTrs.'Ira'
Dickie and the hostess served
lunch. .
is now' available
0 NTifs,FiloTheJewishFaith
Get the c
om n1ete s��of� . .
Ontario's provincial -
financial picture. This . The Langside 'Young People's
irlforrnation:i•s availabl'e in • ", Society met on Stnday evening
at: the home of Mr,and 1rs, ' •
Pave Moffat. Doug ‘Va11 presid-
ed. In the devotions the Scrip-
ture was•read by Marlene Mann,,
and the mediation was given b)•
• Miff -Mann on aster. he secret-
ary Carolyn MacGilli.;ray read
the minutes. "
Presbyterian Church.
Rev: Glenn Noble, B.A,, B.D.
Phone 528-2740
APRIL 12th.
10:00 a.m. Sunday School,
11:00 a.m. Morning Service
Sunday School Teachers„.
Meeting, Thurs., April. 9 at 8:00
J: ' W. Van .Stempvooi
Pastor : •
10:00 a.m. "(English)"
2:30 p.m. (Dutch 2nd and.
5th Sundays): ”
Denominational Radio • Broad-
cast, "The. Back To God Hour'
every Sunday: -CJCS. (Stratford)
— 2:00 p.m.; CFOS (Owen
Sound) — 6:00 .p.m:
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8th,. 1970.
v Robert .Nicholls, B.A.
Minister •
APRIL. 12th.
; 10:00 ,a.m. Sunday- School
11:00° a.m. Morning Worship
For Shut-ins
11:30 a.m T.V. Program`
New Dimensions, Channel. •8
COMING it' ,
Mission: Expo May 1, 2, 3
`Anposition of ' the Mission
of t urch".
The Rev. R. Odendahl
Rector • , ; •
APRIL 12th
Easter 2
'St. Paul's, Ripley —
Ascension, 'Kinlough 11.a.m
St. Peters, Lucknow..=1:30 p.m.
Church School - 10:15 a.m.
St.. Pauls, Dungannon .- •3 p.m.
Alternating with Grist Church;
. Port "'Albert •
-do-ing 5rhis-she will -find Sereriity:—
Everyone can find serenity and
inner. peace if they trust God and '
look' to Him for strength. Mrs+
Laidlaw ledrin: prayer;,
Mrs':' .Millan.;M.00re presided
for the business "*Roll call was.,
answered by 18 giving a verse of a
favorite.hymn. 'One child was •
present,. Mrs.' Carl . Weber. read
-t-he correspondence; -44rs A 1•ber-t-
Coultes gave the treasurer's::
report. Mirs,1T:7-Coultes gave the
courtesy remarks: Nits. Moore
closed the nie.eting with prayer.
The Travelling Basket. was then
passed' around.
-SodeiyDiscuss ..
'complete text With
supporting papers—or in
'an easy -to -read simplified''
fort that presents all the.
leu d g e---high+i�
Ton am. aftwo
The Hon. Charles MacN.aughton, ,
Treasurer and Minister of Economics, 1.
- Queen's Park,Toronto 182, Ontario. •
Please forward i
mai -w. sB a%.iZ.
Presbyterian Record , was answer-
ed by 20 inernbers, the offiering;-"
was received'by Rick Conley with,
prayer by. Naricy de Boer.
Mr.,. Lewis and :sir. Hoffman of
'7irr.'I 50r.Ri3.ii -
sed the Jewish, faith with the
Young People. They 'also showed
;pictures of'lsrael.
Complete -text and supporting papers
The,1970 Budget Digest •
-•- Budget 'highlights'in simplified form '
i• � •
.CITY.,,.. .• ... ,....... °
L'........, .: .... ... — .:_:.... in661..
Cliff.Marin thanked,the guests
and Mrs., Moffat. The :meeting
l.� " closed with a hymn and the �1iz-
i . pah Benediction. •
A contest was conducted and
• Ilunch was served.
SpeakerFor Easfier
There•was a good`attendance
when the Lucknow United Church
Women. met in :the Fellowship
Rooth for:the Easter •Thankoffering
The president,, Mrs. Vernon
Hunter, opened,th'e meeting with
an Easter' Reading a,nd h•ynin, he'
scripture was read. by Mrs. Ross
Cumming. and the medita-tion and
prayer. taken by Mrs, _Mel: Kiri;..
A11 enjoyed a=piano instrument,-
alJay ' 'Joanne _:.T.liorripsoiirand a. •
piano and tr'uinpet duet by Brian
rand-ft1014 i'ritchard .-
,•Sp:ecial speaker for the occasion
was 'Mrs; R:_ G. Nicholls: who -
chose die interesting subject ,
What happens whh:'we die?"
in which; she dispelled: the fear we
associate with death and, instead
gave us the faith, hope and con-
fidence that we shall triumph
over death throtigh'Jesus' promise
cause ive e•sliall,live
Mrs. Harvey Houston and Mrs.
Baynard Ackert sang the duet
"Lead me to calvary". The. offer
ing wa.s. received by M•rs..- Rina;ld
Alton and Mrs.' Lawre'nce' Ma-c-
.Leod and dedicated by airs. �tini. .
Wharry. '
.-„The ine-eting c.losecl .Wrtha4L
Easter hymn .Ind .prayer and lulach
w.as served•by inentbers'of the •
eveniit.g units.. •
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