HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-04-08, Page 8PAGE, EIGHT THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ''Mens 9 p.m. I't -. • • Jack Caesar is this week's high. triple bowler with 751., 'Mike Sanderson,takes high single honour with -3267- . Keith 131ack's Buicks 4, Bill Stewart's Oldsrrtobiles 3; Buster. Whitby's Fords 7,,• Bill Button's • 'Pontiacs 0; Clarence Greer`s `�. » • Dodges 5•, Walter Arnold's. Mus- tangs 2. ;• .' • • Games of 225 -and oar: • ''. Clarence Greer 301, . Bill Nelson k.;. 238, Harold Londry 230; Howard •Agnew 240; Mike Sanderson 326,, • Bill. Hunter 256, Ro.y, Finlayson 230 242, Cam MacDonald 239, Fred Young 2'32,•238,',Bi.1L,McPherson • 239, 229., Gordon Brooks 239, Buster Whitby 245, '247,• Jack • Caesar 286., 239, 226.. , Play -,off standings:. Fords 23,• '' 'O1dsniobiles..15 ; Dodges 14, Pon tiacs 12, t3uicks 111., 'Mustangs' 9. • .Mens 7 .p.m. Ron Stanley captured .both high.. • single, and triple with scores of 309 single and 747 triple.,. • t.ai es_d_yer 3 5• Af, i�torton 241, George. Stanley '24::T; :Ron Sta tileY M);,- . . • Team points: Owls 5,:Cardinals' 7, Vultures 2, Hawks 0'.` .Standings: Owls 12/ Cardin▪ als' 7, 'Vultures -0, Hawks 0, Lucknow� Dungannon The week,of March 25'and 26 found the'Lucknow;Dungannoi • lea4gue teams bowling in wintery., • �w;eather. H4,41.of the week 'were Kath. - leen 18'1acl)oni1d with a'•244`single and Ruth Jardine 'a••641 tri.le', , Shirley' I lawthorne'rolled a 233 • ga rine For the Men • Bi.11 Button was 'high with. a, 325 s,inizle and 7 1 • triple., • Bill`'fitewart•:hdwled :i 2;n1, Gord B'rCiOi;s 25- , 3'nd Jack' Caes- ar' 2 .. ' These Limes' left the 'group standings as• follows. • A': group - \1.o1v erines It Tree -s-3 Cubs :12; Gopher•• Zc liras 10, and Beau•ers C r otrp ' eons '1 , Fo1e s (, ar16, 1i' 'cu r,el. lions end: • :.0 '.',c '1•1 E:. -. '?i• C ti<, ry• o,' w' 7 . �.: 1c'C ,.;.'.`. ▪ I;C.r V „V•i1 .`i1S�r.i •4 .�iti!.. ...... :'. ,'4: • 4S . • 1/4rC:, t4 . ..r4L •4.•:•••••-s ,.z 1, , '';t •14.• 4 e": 4 !0 ,!?e. ,' ` r' ti• ."lvir ��'.ti6i'ti� :'4, Poli.• h:':•ti;i.. SquiS"eis l: .':ngy,`. w 1:: • ": , L lltfi: :tr11K • tt sI e•ve-8'. ne ;lits woO 'will •fe11 the t,;te' Juniors ' , The',Juniors finished their •play offs this week with the. Swallows, having top pinfail of 5406., Bobolinks had 5329, Canaries •:5323,'Robins 525,2,, Oriol ,s 5179,. `and Blue ..Birds 4842, Charles Thompson Was champ ion of hie week for the boys with a 214 stir -ie ; a'nd8., , g Judy Jamieson bowled the high, single of 192 for .the girls and Zena Garniss 322 triple..' See you all at the Banquet on April 17 at 5.3Q at the allies. Town and Country. Y.In spite of very stormy weather wehad full t.earns• again this week wi:th•Isabel Tiffin and ,Harry. Lavis once more champions. Isabel had a 198 single•and a 341 double and Harry hada 215 single. and' 367 double. • • Team P 'oints won Turnips 2'; P. Potatoes`3;.Carrots 5 and Lettuce• `" 0,,. Tearn, standingsi-Carrbts 58, Potatoes • 57 , Lettuce 47 ,. ;and f'utn.ips 39.. With next weekthe last of the schedule, someones • sure to come up a winner., • • Asters and Roses Vie...f�rTop.Spot In 6:30 PIay-offs Marion. MacKinnon was„again. our top bowler on Monday evening with a:high single of 286 and a high triple of 742. Good bowling Marion., • • • Games of, 200 and over; Marion MacKinnon 258 286, Bernice Henry 254, Fern MacDonald 206, Mildred Cameron 209, 282; 208, Trudy Four -3i; K ollye.-213-, Anne Purney229 ",J Phil.l ips' 218. . Team Points; Hazel' Webster's Roses 7, Marion Carnpbe11's Lilacs 0; :Grace Elliott's Daisies 5, Trudy Foran's;Pansies 2;'lsobel Miller's Violets 4, Catherine Andrew's Asters 3. . • ' Team:standings: Asters 19,. Roses 19,'Violets•13, Daisies 13, Pansies 10,; Lilacs 10. Next week will tell the•'tale. Ladies 9 p.m. Anna Johnstone rolledthe high single of 2.74' and' Anne- Wiss•er the, high triple :of 645. • .Games ,played:. Carol. Atkinson s, Peaches. a;, Tillie. Wilson's Oran- • ges 2; Bev Thompson's Apples '7•, Mary Lou. Barger's Grapes 0; Marg,, Hackett's Strawberries. 7, Barb •• Helm's Bananas Q. Garnes.200 and over: Shirley L WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8th, 1970: N.a cT, avish Rink Win,001[Trophyt RIPLEY CURLING NEWS Wednesday night was thegrand finale for the men's draw,„ with • the John Bell Trophy, being'presen= ted to Don MacTavish's •rink of Bob. Lyons, Ralph Hunter and John Colling. Ron Funston skipped the runner-up team', ,with Grant • .. _MacDonald ,Z Clarence Pollock: anc. Morgan. Johnston making up his foursome. The ,MacT:avish rink. , competes in Owen Sound. on Sunday. Unfortunately Ralph. 4 Hunter is being replaced by, Grant MacDonald, as a resuit.of Ralph's. unfortunate injury. ' Top winner in the Jitney Satur- day night was Midge Funston. She and Jim Elliott stayed , together for the three games, sty Jint'was•the, top man. Harry Col- ling ; Ev Coiling ; Jim MacDon ,Cook.212, Barb Landry 256, Carol al, Gladys Funston, Ju4y,Coling and Carl Funston rounded.out the winners and .'.Har ld ort wu'n• tIre door prize:. • The Annual'' meetig of the Curl ing Club' will be held, on. Friday, • April 1.0 at;8;15 : Pr•esident••Jim and' his executive -'hope as many• 'as possible will turn. out to hear'-"' the financial statement and' make. plans for the next season, Ripley Girls Win (urling Title • Atkinson 206, Dianne Carter 203 ; r Tillie Wilson 213,.•Eunice Curining- han ' :22$ ; Joy Dennis •200 , 208, Anna.Johnsione.27.4,;,'Anne •Wisser 249 295, Evelyn Sisler 204 , . 271,`• 1 1atg Hackett 222,, Eileen•Lavis 232; Joan Maize 22,2; • • Team standing: Apples 1J Strawberries 14, Peaches 10 • Ba.nanas'10 , Oranges 6,, • ' Grapes 4. A rink from the Ripley District High School came home with the. ,top'prize•from the CWQSSA girls, curling bonspiel .held recently, in - • Owen Sound.. ' ..To win the coveted honour', the tink of skip, lea n::McTavish , vice Marilyn'Peterbaugh ,:,second. Gail .Courtney and lead Kerry Farrell took'three games. ' In :their first match.they enc.oun tered Nita ford 'and.alt:alt.ihent, a 19-1 blow. ' Later they canie up against West Hill. of Oweii Sound ,nd.trounced them 0-5. in their final, game it was OSCVI of Owen Sound that ,went under to a-12,7 tally. 'There•were 24 rinks:entered• in the bonspiel including entries from centres•st'iclt'as Galt/ • Ki:tehener., :•l3rartt ford'and Gve1pl.t . The •four`riuks co,'ritpetinf front• Bruce.County were•Chesley, Port Elgin , Wthrrroir-a. nxi ' t yl e -y . y .� • :ass' your son is rom week gives him persona! instruction from NHL Hockey Players .: • f What an opportunity! What 'a challenge! Whether your son is a • beginner or an advanced player, he can't help but benefit from,time•: spent at an NHL Players Hockey School. Ea•c.h. school- Is under the'direcfion OH -an N -Ht prayer. He will be , on the ice with the youngsters and will direct every'phase of the students' instruction and activity: asses:wili be lirinited to a maximum o a • Each student will receive 6 hours instruction,per day,.5 days .,per'. week, 'Plus a sixty -minute game on Saturdays. Boys may attend as many weeks as they wish, and go to more • than one''school.; Z � p`pi-rcat-i-o n -h -o n-o-c�'red -t -n rrst--co-m-e-''-1 a�srs • Enroll your son early. . There's a NAL Players Hockey School near you.. 4444 • NHL' PLAYERS HOCKEY SCHOOL c/d LeiaureSpor.ts Prornbtions Ltd. 80 Richmond St. West, Suite 1905 Toronto, Ontario Ni'ease send me enrollment application(s) and toormation •on the NHL Players Hockey. School you will be operating in my area. • (PI•ease print) • NAME ADDRESS PROVING _. •ter r..r ..,..i..i-, •.f�.0 ..fir ^ru vial...: tiL:Vi i� ii J.....� w:6 � r : r.i rw .r"1, �r ".r w i:.i0 f �. 1111 -011M14111111111- 111111.60--• •