HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-04-08, Page 3'WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8th, 1970 "m IMP."1.11P41141wM *AI wdeumur;o•iiiii.,11004,,,,' THE LUC'KNOW SENTINEL, ,LUCKPIOW,._ ONTARIO. PAGE THREE' BEST BUY! - Save 4c'! ' REGULAR - BEST BUY! T Saxe"40c� -FRE �E DRIFD i Insbflt: Coffee BEST BUY! Pr`e,Priced 89e, 'INNERS. WINNERS LAST W: EEK, MRS. KEN CAMERON — CHAIR. MRS. GORDON: JO.HNSTONE ELECTRIC COFFEE POT PREVIOUS IOUS WINNERS MRS. STUART REAVIE — CAMERA 5.0-I.t• poll 12 . Orange Crystals BESTS BUY!- GRANULATED to, poly pack 10-Lb.. Bag P.E.L -'POTATOES 25 4B. BAS' 1.1 CANADA PACKERS MRS. DONALD CURRAN = CHAIR Sweet Pickled -Cryovac Halves COTTAGEROLLS. ------ BOZO FRENCH FRIES 24 oz. 39 FROZO Peas 2 lb. ora 430, Redeem. this coupon for ONE FAMOUS ART REPRODUCTION With any purchase of$5.00 or more TH VALID:, ONLY WEEK •. Apr. 6. fhru Apr.:11 LIMIT ONE COUPON PER. FAMI'LY E BEST BUY! - Save 1Oc,! - CREAMED PURE'WHItE CLOVER 2-Lb.'Tub : MIX OR 'MATCH FEATURE! - CHOICE QUALITY 19 -Oz. Tins , CREAM STYLE CORN CULVER IQU'S�E GREEN PEAS. S R BEST BUY!---: Save --5c_!.. SH'ORT' ?ff;RN - . NTY RICE F:B:•I`. BRAN D.,. Orcinge J.uice 32 -Oz. -. •(fr`om concentrate) or 48 -Oz. - PURE BrookJdeVi.ns Championship Of Inter -School House League Hockey •.2. ?.. i . .....i .. Jnr ^ Nhnhirhr• money raised. They also thanked' us-for-our,co--operation, ion.- On` Saturday ,, March 21 the hockey playoffs •started with Brook-' side, defeating Luc'know •I1 7 to 0'.' .Glenn •Robb anis, Allan Murray' • scored two goals each. 'Eddie NOG1e , Ralph Morrison an' 'Roger Morrison'. each •score°d.one. ,On the following Saturday we . played the championship g ame Y g aga nst a ffOW 1. Although, the score was `tied l 1, 2 - 2 and ' Local and General 3.3 aydifferent.tirnes. Brook .sidefa ly• won 6 to. 3. • Glenn Robb tallied three goals while Ian MacKenzie, Dennis Jurjens' and. David Drennan each scored 'once, •/ • Members'of the Brookside- Sch6o1 team are: Goal Bob Over - hold; defence Phillip Black, • captain; Glenn Ro• • , Donnie Farrish, Larry :Hackett, Bill Mole. Forwards, Stewart Caesar, lan MacKenzie, Eddie Noble-, Roger and Ralph Morrison, .Allan Murray, r. an. yr . Isaac Nihon o Belfast visited with her sister Mrs.. Orville Welsh of Wingharn bn Sunday;• hApril 22nd know returned home on Harry Gill of, Luc from ham and District Hospital,.. where he had been forthe past ten. months. '• Let s . Meet The Teacher hursday �t�rm• 'as Winter's -Worst AMBERLEY NEWS • The storm;'on Thursday of last Mrs. Gary. Ciurtney o.LR _R . wee1 _way-th ^r- he w-irnter, #1 Ripley mas born at Kincardine . Cars and schoolbuses were. where she received; her high:. school. education She then ad=' vanced to Stratford Teachers' College to:train as an elementary. with Mrs. Charles M Donald .of SL. Helens: M -r. -and -Mrs. Peter Cook -:spent sciool teacher. Her husband Thursday night with. Mr, and Mrs: Gary, farms .on the. 2nd of . Bruce Holland of Clinton. They Huron Township in Bruce County: spent ,the remaining week -end This is Mrs•; Courtney's first year ixha{Ir, and London. Visitors with Mr:. and Mrs. . Frank Ritchie were Mr. and Mrs. Chris Brown, Heather and Lee Anne of Brantford on Saturday , roo si•e w ere s e tear es grade four in room 5_... She prev- iously taught for three years at Clinton. She enjoys sewing in her spare time. : .Ja: I,4-Dr.ent a_ „lle nisJutiens .; _�...Welcome„Mrs., C : Brookside.. We hope you 'enjoy, your stay „here. Paul Drennan, RED CROSS . Earlier; this year our school con= tributed $75.'00 to the Red Cross Youth..! This week we received a Tetter from Mr.' W. I -i. I<nisley who is Assistant Superintendent of Schools. In this letter they gave us some facts 'on.the amount Of 0 ZION Mrs. Sam'Ieid,• who has been making her•home for the past year�:r with h dau bter Mrs. Peter $ .. Cook, is spending. a short time. •of 'Ripley on Sunday." ' Mr. and Mrs. Roy Keane of Stratford called on their parents, • after attending the funeral of the late Ewart Taylor .on Sunday. '• Almost one million young people belong to the Canadian ".Red Cross Youth. istranded'in snow banks. Students were taken frorn.buses, where they .were waiting for snowplows. ,It is reported ,that twenty five stud en-rs,-were given supper-by-� . -...:- :arid 'Mrs... Bob Courtney.. At Pine River Central School, teachers and students were fortunate to ravefood brotigh in 'Mr. and' Y by Mrs. Leonard ;Reid, who..also provided•trans"�or tion with ski- p .P .� ski—does.. Don and Gary Courtney with their snowplow.hel ped to P release t e Ripley High School, bus. • d lA -Residents. of Afnberley also pe ned=t-heiHtez R clech motorists. Bob MacNay was also busy accomodating people all 'dayand wife Mary assisted by making • sandwiches and keeping folks comfortable.' In all it was ger, a snow plow from Kincardine .arrived, at 11.30 Friday morning. Mr. And Mrs. Ken McMichael' of Wingharn were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs, Bill Kempton of Aniberley. Mr, and Mrs. W. L, Oliver and Keith "of Ashfield' Township spent the Easter week end with relatives in,Toronto, A