The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-04-01, Page 12'PAGE TWELVE THE LUCICNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO yrs. ;S00 Gibson. Suffers fracture.:.. LOCHALSHH NEWS :Mrs Sam Gibson of Lucknow ,; 'formerly tbf .this community , had the misfortune to. fall, breaking her collar bone. • The G ibsons • - have been holidaying in Florida. • Betty Ann Simpson of Toronto. spent the holidays with Mr . and ' Mrs. Donald Simpson. .• Little Dean Gibson was .home fromthe hospitalin London for a few days. Among those who' attended the hockey game in London on Sun- day were Jim Bradley and Neil. MacKenzie. Doris Wylds of" -Toronto spent the . week end'with her parents:,. Mr.' . and Mrs. Dan Wylds ; Spending the holidays With Mr.. and Mrs Gordon Finlayson .were its Mr and. Mrs. Paul Emberlin of. Toronto. Mr. and Mrs -' Bob Farrish of 'Kitchener were•recent visitors with ' Mr. and 'Mrs.. ' Irwin Campbell.'• 'Florence :MacLennan of London and Mr. and•Mrs. Ian, Morton and. family of Stratford 'were week end visitors with Mr r-and-Mrs...Emile- MacLennan. A . Mr. and, Mrs. George Moncrief were recent visitors' in Seaforth with Mr: and'. Mrs., Rowcliffe. Mrs. Rowcliffe'is now able to be out of hospital.. LEADERSHIP COURSE -marrg-chose who -attended *the-- leadership thyleadership training course at Mitchell. were George Moncrief' McCh—and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver arles representing Ashfield Township. The -.course is --offered, eachyear by Conostoga. College through' the Federation of Agri- culture. ' . Preparatory. Se,rvices were held 'Fr`iday •at Ashfield Presbyterian Church for'Communion .Services which were conducted on Sun- day, Ray MacKenzie of Toronto spent the week end with Mr, and A kitten for. Easier -Soniebody--ought- to do = Sha had un, to act: a -trifle . thing about Easter. It's ' much' odd, it's .true, prowling ' the too flexible. 'It's supposed' to be house looking` for. the .most in a time of rebirth and rejoicing. convenient possible place 'to: But youcan't really be swept lay her . eggs. We caught her away by , a feeling' : of ' rebirth . ' twice in the fireplace, casing .and new life when there is still the ,joint: :a •foot of snow on the ground But I thought; it was at least — -Land-the-wind- cuts to -the mar- a week away. She wasso spry: row. . When we put. • her out, she Sometimes Easter is in would leap nimbly onto' a win- ' March, and • the . weather is • dow sill and et there glaring beautiful.. Sometunes it's in malevolently at 'friendly tom= . April. and the weather • is horri- cats • come to visit, or, 'alter ble. I don't know how•.the. date • nately, at' us through the win- • - •_ is determined, ,any more than -I -do . - • know how: to fix base door • I got -hone -4or •., ki eh arom a knobs,- how to get outboard: Saturday, bonspiel, and was Motors going when they stop, - chatting with my 'wife in the what to d o when.a woman living room, boring her with 'weeps,. or how to play ,Woman 'the shots I_ _had -almost• made, to a cat '' Pip was sitting on the best • I'_m not-=knocking—Easter; I chair-- i-nL-thew--room:--She-was like it I love the sackcicsth and acting in a -rather, peculiar • ashes feeling, and the gloomy fashion, stretching her legs : in dirges of Good Friday; whenall directions.; I remarked on it. even the ,pubs are closed, And ' My wife. agreed arid went over there is a joy and (-triumph in tolook at her. BLAM!...Too-late,- the easter. Sunday hymns that The. Water sac, or whatever, can't be surpassed, • .1‘ think, had burst all . over the brocad- even by the Christmas carols:, ed upholstery: Easter is . also one of the 'With one , fell swoop, I, days `that" keeps many of our snatched`. her up and deposited • churches.' from . becoming exp het on a blanket, and bingo, • tinct. Some primitive instinct she popped a kitt.eri some brings out the wayward, the thing resembling a tiny, dead fallen, the sinners;. and the ;dinosaur; Child -bride' though Easter -Sunday collection is the she was, Pip's. instinct worked best of the year, You meet old and she licked and licked until church friends you haven't the infant's . heart began to '• ' seen for a° year. Andtwon't for beat r.. Istr'tit remarkable how a ,cat This' year,'we: were sent a• will clean up the entire mess, Manifestation. No$ it Wasn't, leaving her offspring sleek and from the Department of Na- shining? And isn't it amazing • tional Revenue, . although it :is how.a mere chick ,of a kitten, pretty/ good at providing such by . the .act. of g i v,i n g things. • h, -turns -into• --a complacent;` We had a birth•in the fami-- mild -eyed, 'smug' mother, nurs-. ly;- arid were privilegedto wit- . ing by the hour with her motor• ness the 'blessed event, an ex-. :going ori. all cylinders? . perience .which must. convince We were as delighted as she the:.. most -_.:harden_ nedcy i tit - Wasra -h a gimme,. of that God does see, the little sparrow feeling grandparents must • fall.. . ' • have when the 'first grandchild Our kitten had a baby, '.This '-. arrives. What really shook 'me, may seem • a contradiction in though, was my wife's reaction: • terms,, but she is a bare adoles- Normally, if anyone drops so • cent, yet she managed to pro, much as a ' : crumb, a,bit of ash; clue ith • 7...6 '. ..., ...,.;, : ; .op o cuff • i ri• er pains,one tiny kitten, I didn't precious furniture, .all • hell think cats had labor'pains, but , breaks . loose. And there's.- her • she did. • good chair, with a great stain Now, 'I • haven't any use for on it, and she tosses it 'off as cats but I was fascinated . by nothing. • the "whole .procedure We knew She became all soft and ..she was pregant, of course. But • motherly and was heating milk lady eat,, just like lady worn-. and tucking in the kitten and en,', are rather unpredictable lifting' it on her hand to leak,. • about the enact day,or even with " the inevitable accident, . week, of thegreat.moment. s Mrs. Henry MacKenzie. t • Gary MacKenzie of Conostoga College spent the holidays with Mr.,; and 'Mrs:' Jack. MacKenzie. Mr, and Mrs. Don,A'insley •and ' family of Toronto spent_tlie_hol-_. idaY Week ends With Ivlr, and. Mrs. Frank MacLennan,.; 84TH BIRTHDAY'• ° Mrs, .Daisy McCharles ,celebrated her 8:Ath birthday on Sunday. The suddensevere' snow storm on Thursday evening was the .cause of'many. cars ending up in the•ditch. Many ,people in the area had unexpected guests..' • ARDA Pasture. In, Bruce.•Ups Income Income. in Bruce County from grazing fees received 'for the - 1969Pasture Season reached a total of $20 657.30,, according to a report from the. Pasture 'Treasurer , Bruce. Hodgins , -Rural .. Development. Officer.,. A RDA Branch , Markdale . This .is, the . highest amount 'obtained to date as th''e pasture is still being -developed. .Sixty-five. farmers each Glowed to graze a maximum. of fifteen head., con- tributed to the 918 head grazing on thefarm during,: the past . summer. Pasture; fees, a -re -charged for at the rate of 10 cents a pound of •gainput on during the season. To 'obtain this igure,ali ofthe carte e are weighed in 'and .out and during .the weighing in )rocess each .animal is -branded to perman- ently identify; it. The 19691 average gain.;was"225 lbs :: per animal.. This represents an average, daily gain -oft: 5 lbsper day..for •the'.150 day. grazing ' - period . The .average cost of grazing for .the season was $22.50 per animalrw.hich--avera-ges-ctrl-at $4.50 per month. This is comparable . to grazing fees charged by private owners. With ;unfinished beef: selling .at 3Q, cents per lb the value of the gain after. the _gtaz nw.:fee is paid averages $45:00 per ani ilial . If each man had 15 cattle on .pasture'i is net profit would be $675.00... This'repres -, ents-sufficient-income to pay the interest on the investment in.the cattle, and• leaves the small. farmer enough extra cash to pay: mostof his taxes, an indication that the ARDA Community Pasture programis helping✓ sinall farmers • . .. T WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1st,- 1970 A roof over your head doesn't cost an arm and a Ieg any more UrSf011�fl Plans 'for 1970include thcreas ing the number'of animals .accep- ted on pasture to 4.200. This is 1 Valleyfield Traditional -style bungalow. 3 cozy bedrooms, all, with . built-in closets. Cheerful kitchen; charming living and dining room. What's under an Alcan Universal. Home roof? ;A fully • decorated and fully equipped home•ready for you to move right in. You can even. choose a model with .alt'appliances and furniture. Alcan°Universa( Homes are• manufactured in a plant under strict quality, control, using only the best .materials,. such as kiln -dried lumber: Aluminum siding, soffits, fascia and 'many items of trim keep the .exterior of ,your Alcan Universal' Home beautiful for.years, There ' are,'•exterior: designs and floor' plans to meet every -need -and -taste -AI l-are-professronally de rrated in ,a • variety of 'colour schemes., Most models :have a built-in range, refrigerator, •auto,. uratic washer,and clothes dryer. Some models .even have a dishwasher: All have fully carpeted living rooms and special' • -cushioned vinyl flooring -in -the other .rooms.. Alcan Universal,: Homes. have.ahoi w_ater'_heatin -s s J y tem, acknowledged as the. most efficient in the industry, withbaseboard type radiators:'These homes are insulated. to electrical heating standards and. exceed National Build- ing Code. requirements. Electrical circuits and .plumbing systems areaII C S,A.:_apprroved before;they leave our plant: - All our ponies have CMHC approval, and are eligible for NWA. and. V, L.A. mortgages. • Royal Bank NHA Pre -planned Mortgages are also avail ableforthe convenient .financing of Alcan Universal.'Homes in subdivisions, So see these Alcan Universal Homes today..An.d get a roof over your head that doesn'.t cost youan armand a leg. possible due t� the .fact that an additional 15.0 acres of the Pasture Farm will be brought into production.' • ' . • . The,: only portions of the 1200 -amore f-a�n�--not f-ui�y�dev-e-loped�'�- . now include••about •150' acres of . ravines and steep 'Slopes whicli are to be developed and about. 50 eo#t�sharad=sitlt - that wilrnot be toughed, The ,Bruce County Coniniunity Pasture is a Peder.al-Provihcial ARDA Project,, Itis under the direction of a local pasture coni You can have en Alcan Universal•:Home put al- most anywhere you•want • 'On your own lot. • On a'H.O,M.E. Plan lot; • On V,LA. lot. Hundreds of ‘h'omeowners have chosen this way ', of owning. then Alcan Universal Horne. And .the choice is yours.as we . Dobbinton , is Chairtnari . •Other members of the Committee are John 8pitzig,,Walkerton; John • - MacKenzie Tive.rton; Cameron McAuley, Ripley; and Stanley Trask, Hepworth. Ronald Slade , Rural Development Counsellor • Walkerton is Secretary and George Gear , Agricultural:Representati •'Walkerton is techhiCai advisor,,. nMsal JIIIIb,1 ALCAN UNCOAS1 ESTATES Ltd. 8 The Square, 'Goderich, Phone 524.9662:. Representatives- " ' Oliver Glenn, Lucknow, 528-3723 •Gerrie Glenn, 'Dungannon, 529-7924 ,