The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-04-01, Page 12'PAGE TWELVE
yrs. ;S00 Gibson. Suffers fracture.:..
:Mrs Sam Gibson of Lucknow ,;
'formerly tbf .this community , had
the misfortune to. fall, breaking
her collar bone. • The G ibsons •
- have been holidaying in Florida. •
Betty Ann Simpson of Toronto.
spent the holidays with Mr . and
' Mrs. Donald Simpson.
.• Little Dean Gibson was .home
fromthe hospitalin London for
a few days.
Among those who' attended the
hockey game in London on Sun-
day were Jim Bradley and Neil.
Doris Wylds of" -Toronto spent the
. week end'with her parents:,. Mr.'
. and Mrs. Dan Wylds ;
Spending the holidays With Mr..
and Mrs Gordon Finlayson .were
its Mr and. Mrs. Paul Emberlin of.
Mr. and Mrs -' Bob Farrish of
'Kitchener were•recent visitors with
' Mr. and 'Mrs.. ' Irwin Campbell.'•
'Florence :MacLennan of London
and Mr. and•Mrs. Ian, Morton and.
family of Stratford 'were week end
visitors with Mr r-and-Mrs...Emile-
MacLennan. A .
Mr. and, Mrs. George Moncrief
were recent visitors' in Seaforth
with Mr: and'. Mrs., Rowcliffe.
Mrs. Rowcliffe'is now able to be
out of hospital..
-marrg-chose who -attended *the--
thyleadership training course at
Mitchell. were George Moncrief'
McCh—and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver
arles representing Ashfield
Township. The -.course is --offered,
eachyear by Conostoga. College
through' the Federation of Agri-
culture. '
. Preparatory. Se,rvices were held
'Fr`iday •at Ashfield Presbyterian
Church for'Communion .Services
which were conducted on Sun-
Ray MacKenzie of Toronto
spent the week end with Mr, and
A kitten for. Easier
-Soniebody--ought- to do = Sha had un, to act: a -trifle
. thing about Easter. It's ' much' odd, it's .true, prowling ' the
too flexible. 'It's supposed' to be house looking` for. the .most in
a time of rebirth and rejoicing. convenient possible place 'to:
But youcan't really be swept lay her . eggs. We caught her
away by , a feeling' : of ' rebirth . ' twice in the fireplace, casing
.and new life when there is still the ,joint:
:a •foot of snow on the ground But I thought; it was at least
— -Land-the-wind- cuts to -the mar- a week away. She wasso spry:
row. . When we put. • her out, she
Sometimes Easter is in would leap nimbly onto' a win- '
March, and • the . weather is • dow sill and et there glaring
beautiful.. Sometunes it's in malevolently at 'friendly tom=
. April. and the weather • is horri- cats • come to visit, or, 'alter
ble. I don't know how•.the. date • nately, at' us through the win- •
- •_ is determined, ,any more than -I -do . - •
know how: to fix base door • I got -hone -4or •., ki eh arom a
knobs,- how to get outboard: Saturday, bonspiel, and was
Motors going when they stop, - chatting with my 'wife in the
what to d o when.a woman living room, boring her with
'weeps,. or how to play ,Woman
'the shots I_ _had -almost• made,
to a cat '' Pip was sitting on the best •
I'_m not-=knocking—Easter; I chair-- i-nL-thew--room:--She-was
like it I love the sackcicsth and acting in a -rather, peculiar
• ashes feeling, and the gloomy fashion, stretching her legs : in
dirges of Good Friday; whenall directions.; I remarked on it.
even the ,pubs are closed, And ' My wife. agreed arid went over
there is a joy and (-triumph in tolook at her. BLAM!...Too-late,-
the easter. Sunday hymns that The. Water sac, or whatever,
can't be surpassed, • .1‘ think, had burst all . over the brocad-
even by the Christmas carols:, ed upholstery:
Easter is . also one of the 'With one , fell swoop, I,
days `that" keeps many of our snatched`. her up and deposited •
churches.' from . becoming exp het on a blanket, and bingo,
• tinct. Some primitive instinct she popped a kitt.eri some
brings out the wayward, the thing resembling a tiny, dead
fallen, the sinners;. and the ;dinosaur; Child -bride' though
Easter -Sunday collection is the she was, Pip's. instinct worked
best of the year, You meet old and she licked and licked until
church friends you haven't the infant's . heart began to '• '
seen for a° year. Andtwon't for beat
r.. Istr'tit remarkable how a ,cat
This' year,'we: were sent a• will clean up the entire mess,
Manifestation. No$ it Wasn't, leaving her offspring sleek and
from the Department of Na- shining? And isn't it amazing
• tional Revenue, . although it :is how.a mere chick ,of a kitten,
pretty/ good at providing such by . the .act. of g i v,i n g
things. • h, -turns -into• --a complacent;`
We had a birth•in the fami-- mild -eyed, 'smug' mother, nurs-.
ly;- arid were privilegedto wit- . ing by the hour with her motor•
ness the 'blessed event, an ex-. :going ori. all cylinders? .
perience .which must. convince We were as delighted as she
the:.. most -_.:harden_ nedcy i tit - Wasra -h a gimme,. of that
God does see, the little sparrow feeling grandparents must
• fall.. . ' • have when the 'first grandchild
Our kitten had a baby, '.This '-. arrives. What really shook 'me,
may seem • a contradiction in though, was my wife's reaction: •
terms,, but she is a bare adoles- Normally, if anyone drops so
cent, yet she managed to pro, much as a '
: crumb, a,bit of ash;
clue ith • 7...6 '. ..., ...,.;, : ; .op o cuff • i ri• er
pains,one tiny kitten, I didn't precious furniture, .all • hell
think cats had labor'pains, but , breaks . loose. And there's.- her
• she did. • good chair, with a great stain
Now, 'I • haven't any use for on it, and she tosses it 'off as
cats but I was fascinated . by nothing. •
the "whole .procedure We knew She became all soft and
..she was pregant, of course. But • motherly and was heating milk
lady eat,, just like lady worn-. and tucking in the kitten and
en,', are rather unpredictable lifting' it on her hand to leak,.
• about the enact day,or even with " the inevitable accident,
week, of thegreat.moment.
Mrs. Henry MacKenzie. t •
Gary MacKenzie of Conostoga
College spent the holidays with
Mr.,; and 'Mrs:' Jack. MacKenzie.
Mr, and Mrs. Don,A'insley •and '
family of Toronto spent_tlie_hol-_.
idaY Week ends With Ivlr, and. Mrs.
Frank MacLennan,.;
Mrs, .Daisy McCharles
,celebrated her 8:Ath birthday on
The suddensevere' snow storm
on Thursday evening was the
.cause of'many. cars ending up in
the•ditch. Many ,people in the
area had unexpected guests..'
ARDA Pasture. In,
Bruce.•Ups Income
Income. in Bruce County from
grazing fees received 'for the -
1969Pasture Season reached a
total of $20 657.30,, according
to a report from the. Pasture
'Treasurer , Bruce. Hodgins , -Rural ..
Development. Officer.,. A RDA
Branch , Markdale . This .is, the .
highest amount 'obtained to date
as th''e pasture is still being
-developed. .Sixty-five. farmers
each Glowed to graze a
maximum. of fifteen head., con-
tributed to the 918 head grazing
on thefarm during,: the past .
Pasture; fees, a -re -charged for at
the rate of 10 cents a pound of
•gainput on during the season. To
'obtain this igure,ali ofthe carte e
are weighed in 'and .out and
during .the weighing in )rocess
each .animal is -branded to perman-
ently identify; it. The 19691
average gain.;was"225 lbs :: per
animal.. This represents an
average, daily gain -oft: 5 lbsper
day..for •the'.150 day. grazing ' -
period .
The .average cost of grazing
for .the season was $22.50 per
$4.50 per month. This is
comparable . to grazing fees
charged by private owners.
With ;unfinished beef: selling
.at 3Q, cents per lb the value of
the gain after. the _gtaz nw.:fee
is paid averages $45:00 per
ani ilial . If each man had 15
cattle on .pasture'i is net profit
would be $675.00... This'repres -,
ents-sufficient-income to pay the
interest on the investment in.the
cattle, and• leaves the small.
farmer enough extra cash to pay:
mostof his taxes, an indication
that the ARDA Community
Pasture programis helping✓ sinall
farmers • . ..
A roof
over your head
doesn't cost
an arm
and a Ieg
any more
Plans 'for 1970include thcreas
ing the number'of animals .accep-
ted on pasture to 4.200. This is
Valleyfield Traditional -style bungalow. 3 cozy bedrooms, all, with .
built-in closets. Cheerful kitchen; charming living and dining room.
What's under an Alcan Universal. Home roof? ;A fully
• decorated and fully equipped home•ready for you to move
right in. You can even. choose a model with .alt'appliances
and furniture.
Alcan°Universa( Homes are• manufactured in a plant
under strict quality, control, using only the best .materials,.
such as kiln -dried lumber: Aluminum siding, soffits, fascia
and 'many items of trim keep the .exterior of ,your Alcan
Universal' Home beautiful for.years,
There ' are,'•exterior: designs and floor' plans to meet
every -need -and -taste -AI l-are-professronally de rrated in ,a •
variety of 'colour schemes.,
Most models :have a built-in range, refrigerator, •auto,.
uratic washer,and clothes dryer. Some models .even have a
dishwasher: All have fully carpeted living rooms and special' •
-cushioned vinyl flooring -in -the other .rooms..
Alcan Universal,: Homes. have.ahoi w_ater'_heatin -s s
J y
tem, acknowledged as the. most efficient in the industry,
withbaseboard type radiators:'These homes are insulated.
to electrical heating standards and. exceed National Build-
ing Code. requirements. Electrical circuits and .plumbing
systems areaII C S,A.:_apprroved before;they leave our plant: -
All our ponies have CMHC approval, and are eligible for
NWA. and. V, L.A. mortgages.
• Royal Bank NHA Pre -planned Mortgages are also avail
ableforthe convenient .financing of Alcan Universal.'Homes
in subdivisions,
So see these Alcan Universal Homes today..An.d get a
roof over your head that doesn'.t cost youan armand a leg.
possible due t� the .fact that an
additional 15.0 acres of the Pasture
Farm will be brought into
production.' • ' . • .
The,: only portions of the 1200
-amore f-a�n�--not f-ui�y�dev-e-loped�'�- .
now include••about •150' acres of .
ravines and steep 'Slopes whicli are
to be developed and about. 50
eo#t�sharad=sitlt -
that wilrnot be toughed,
The ,Bruce County Coniniunity
Pasture is a
ARDA Project,, Itis under the
direction of a local pasture coni
You can have en Alcan Universal•:Home put al-
most anywhere you•want
• 'On your own lot.
• On a'H.O,M.E. Plan lot;
• On V,LA. lot.
Hundreds of ‘h'omeowners have chosen this way
', of owning. then Alcan Universal Horne. And .the
choice is we .
Dobbinton , is Chairtnari . •Other
members of the Committee are
John 8pitzig,,Walkerton; John • -
MacKenzie Tive.rton; Cameron
McAuley, Ripley; and Stanley
Trask, Hepworth. Ronald Slade ,
Rural Development Counsellor •
Walkerton is Secretary and George
Gear , Agricultural:Representati
•'Walkerton is techhiCai advisor,,.
8 The Square, 'Goderich, Phone 524.9662:.
Representatives- " '
Oliver Glenn, Lucknow, 528-3723
•Gerrie Glenn, 'Dungannon, 529-7924 ,