The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-04-01, Page 6•PA4s'.Six
The St. Joseph's C.W.L., Kings=
bridgewish to thank the Lucknnw,
Sentinel for .excellent coverage oft
their meetings during the past
year, .>
I want to say' "thank you" to all
'`.the neighbours and friends who
sen a cardsand-letters while.'I
was hospitalized in the Greater Nia-
gara General Hospital.. I,really ap-
preciated your thoughtfulness in
remembering me.. ,; •
Betty Hamilton
Joe r Conley wishes to express
thanks for cards, 'visits and treats
while he was hospitalized. Thanks
also to Doctors McKim and Corrin
and nurses on. 2nd floor.' All was
greatly appreciated.
I .would like to take this opport-
unity to. thank the many friends and
neighbours who remembered me
with cards, ,gifts . and flowers 'dur-
in'g my stay in Wingham Hospital
and since returning home. All was
deeply .appreciated.
Flossie Ivers
Mark Dauphin wishes to express
— -thanks-to-all- who -remembered him.
with cards and gifts while he. was
'hospitalized following his accident
and . since coming home. It ' was
deeply appreciated.
I wish to express that to all
who remembered 'me' with cards,
T` etters; gifts, flowers and visits
_ awhile _a__patient--in__Wingham_and-
District Hospital. Special thanks to
Drs: Corrin, ' McKim, the hospital
staff' and our friends. who helped
- a ome 'during my illness.°
Wilda Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Stewart wish.
' to express. thanks for cards; let-
ters and gifts and to relatives and
friends. who helped to 'make their
M 50th Wedding Anniversary such : a
- llag oof Luckriow-aTh thank the
e Women's
. Vi
. Institute, the Presbyterian W.M.S.;
Dr. and Mrs. James Little, Mr.. and
Mrs. John Wraith, Mrs. Jardine,'
-Mr. and Mrs John D. Ross of Cay-
' uga, Mr. Joe Jefferey, London for
--e4- their beautiful .flowers; ---and-- -the
Rtuce._.South-District=Womens-I -
stitute for their greetings . and good
wishes. Many Thanks.:
1"41r4111.144.114-FIR'40 ...M1410.01*.
TIFFIN — . In' loving 'memory of
our dear father Reuben Tiffin, who
passed. away March, 30, .1942' and
our dear. mother,. Mrs: Mary Jane
Tiffin, who passed away January
25, 1964.
Loving memories never •die,
AS. year roll on: and days go by,
In-our-hearts'-a=memor is--kep.
Of . the . parents we love and will
never. forget.
Ever remembered by the family.
WEDNESDAY; APRIL 1$t, 1970 '
AIISecond�rySchools In BrueeWill.
Have Driver fduOaf on Next
.(•b.h1 t
longest route fo the province, fie.
Driver education will be avail- one•way; Tins" is prQ' a y t 1,e
*able'in all Bruee.County second-
ary 'schools in September it was
revealed at :the fast meeting of
the Bruce Board'of Education. •
Presently'orily three schools.,
Chesley 'Walgerton and Kincar-
dine,' are offering the course. •
Fees vary from. one school to
another;. In September all fees
t,. wi11. be-he'--same-th-raughou
There are seven secondary •
schools in the county and the -
course,will include classroom and
behind the wheel instruction.
J. McMinn . •superintendent of
transportation for .the county board
of education, outlined the; plan to
cut the costs of transportation in
the county. The board ; however ;,
decided not to ;niake any changes'
for at least another year, ' '
Mr .. McMinn' suggested using
larger buses with bigger routes'..
He stated it costs. $30 per pupil per
month to operate a five passenger
bus while it only costs $9.52 per
pupil per month for: a larger bus..
Roland R. Swanson,, superinten-
dent of .finance , said .the County
has: One route which is' 80, miles
CURRAN in loving memory of
a dear husband, daughter and. son,
Herbert C. Curran, who passed
away April 2nd; 1961; Alma, Febru-
ary 18th, 1956; Bertram. G., March
13th, 1966.
God takesthe best for reasons di-
But memories last till, the end of
No longer_ here our lives to.. share
But inour hearts they are always
Ever remembered by wife and
family. a
WEST -W: Treasured memories of
a dear. husband, father and grand
father, Jack Wit, who left us five
years ago, April 6, 1965.
But . oh,' forthetouch of a vanished
hand.• •
And the sound of a voice that is
atill.. .•
Lovingly ' remembered ; by his
wife, Mary and family.
We wish to express our sincere
thanks and ' appreciation . to rela-
".. :friends . ane n_eagbbmrs.._for_
floral tributes, messages' of sym-'.
pathy: and donations: to the heart
foundation. and . the Canadian Can-
cer Society. Special thanks : to Dr, .
J. W. Wallace, nursing staff and or-
derlies ' of 2nd west A. & M. Hos-
pital, :.Goderich, who so kindly car-
ed for a Ioving husband .and• father
for - so long. ‘Also, 'thanks., to the'
Stiles Funeral Home, Rev. R. Ray
mont and Rev. J. E..: Hummel and
U.C.W. ladies Trinity .United . Chur-.
The family., of the late Ervin Zinn
„VIII, W. Hogan wishes to express
.-thanks to all who remembered him ,
in various ways, while he was hos- ..
pitalized: Special thank. to_Dr M_,
H. 'Corrin;' Dr, McKenzie and nurs-
ing staff at':Winghann Hospital and
St. Joseph's, Landon. . • •
. Symes Bros...would like ' to ' ex-
press their thanks to the Lucknow
- Fire Department -and -others w
assisted at their.. fire Thursday.
The quick ,action was responsible
for saving our building.' •
tish_to_thank pr ----J. D. Hari lc=
ton, Hanover, . Dr. Marilyn McKag-
ue, nurses and staff in Unit 2 at the.
Bruce- County Hospital; Walkerton
for; care. and alnderstanding while I
was a patient there, Thanks to Rev.
Stump, Pastor Schult and • Rev.
Newstead---far---thee ==-To=tal.
who sent'cards, .letters and came to
visit me,' I hope• you know how
much this all means to me, Thanks.
also to my. family for their faithful
hope and. •thoughtfulness and the
Offs given us on our 29th Wedding
Anniversary, celebrated on March
22nd. All this. will be, long remem-
Mrs. Peter (Aileen) Carter!'
at: ger
ilcr Unloaders
Silage Conveyers
There are •200 routes wiih'.53 bus,
operators undkr:contraG.t. The '
board'decided not to make any
changes. John McLean questioned
the fact that larger buses would.'
be econorrrical on'e
count `Y's " narrow back roads. Ross •
leli -e-sta-tedLthe board -hard -food---
operators and, should ei deavor to
keep them,.
Trustees generally found'fault
with'a report that one bus route*,
was started. at ' 20 a'.. m. They
felt this was too early and left.
too long of a -waiting period •
before school is'opened:
The. board' reaffirmed. the exist-
ing policy which states a student
should not be required to walls
more than one-half a Mile:to
point of pick up.
TTotbntoTelegram Syndicate
With spring • seeding not in the.
too distant future,, we hope Crop'
Insurance' is 'something that ,could. •
be considered by•many farmers..
The ,main ;insurable cropsthat_
would concern Bruce County fare-
mers at' this. ' time are spring
grains,, forage and' .grain ,corn; .'.
White beans and soybeans can al-
be insured. There are crop in-
surance agents throughout Bruce
County. Adverse Weather • loans
were well availed of when; in et-
feet.: Now; '-adequate-er-op-incur.'
ance is available to cover crop
At thistime of year many farm-
ers will . be making, ' machinery '
purchases at auction sales. Also,
many farmers will be approached
by machinery. dealers with 'attrac-
tive new machines with attractive
purchase incentives'. However, it
seldom pays to buy a•tractor larg-
er than the ,present or near future',
requirements. As an .example, 30
extra horsepower,.' if not needed,,
will cost an additional $3500: Com;
°pounded at 8%, $3,500 willbring.
back ' nearly. $3,800; 10, years...
Thisrneans an -added cost of own-
ership of over $700:.per year . for
.something that is not needed,
WWhatdoes, one look. for when
buying a bull to breed for beef?
One=af-=-the •-things--is weight: at -
weaning (205 :days) which, should'
be, greater than 500 lbs. Yearling
• weight •(365 days) should be about .
-1,000 lbs.,, The most important
things -to look for as far as type
is concerned, are good leg§ and
` rfeet:. -Remember.that--a--bull as
considerable travelling. 'to breed
730 - 40 cows and.irti ss -feet• and
legs arebad be may fail to 'do so:
Tile,Drainage' One might an=
ticipate ; a .large :flow. of water.
• from the land during spring thaw.
Just prior to. and during seeding
is the. time ' .the . tile underdrains
are expected to. do •.the`job of re-
lieving the land of • -gravitational
. water; Make• sure „there are no ob-
structions at the' outlets and junc-
tionX@s."With-ffielaige`flow •of
Water.' in spring 'one can .get , a.
flushing of the tile -drainage: sys; making Sure there is no
debris or soil buildup at these out-
lets and junction boxes. .•
• Seed Sale Regulations. = The
Seeds, Act requires that. no .person
H 11-t tlirs i lodes -se ,
for sale; expose for sale) and seed
unless ,the "seed , conforms% to: the
prescribed standard and is mark-
ed 'and ;packed and the package
labelled as. prescribed. The. basic
standards' are, a . germination' test
and'a purity test on the seed.
The tests .are carried out by the
'Plant, Products Divi'sion, '.Canada.
Department. of Agriculture, 160
Springhur-st Avenue, Toronto 3,
The sample size and
cost of the
tests are determined by the kind
Of- seed, to be tested. Contact Ont-
nt-ario.• Department of 'Agriculture
and Food for further information. '
- - a---Robby---is-eight -months-gold--and-yo can te1t' from his,
expression that he's a charmer. He's a big boy with' reddish
blonde hair, -blue eyes andfair skin: That begtiiling smile is.
never far away. d .
Robby is_a Alextt_hah'X�,
, -v�-�:nte-r�stt�d=it�w•h-a-t-going...-; -•--
'on. He loves to be in the midst of Children's' games. His own
favorite plaything, is a spoon and' he. -likes toys oil_ w ee e
that hetan-push around. on the floor.
- Robby wears corrective boots attached by a bar to. '
correct a right club foot. They are doing their work well and:
he will he able to do Without_the_bar'=-bv the-Eilia h '
atk hen itt is expected}tis_ feet ‘v,1l'be normal: In the
meantime he gets around with considerable 'agility, by
Pulling ' himself along the ,floor or in -his walker. His general
health is excellent,
This winning little boy would be a real asset to a family
wanting a happy, lively. son. To inquire about adopting •
'ft.obby, please write to Today's Child, Departieni of, Social
and Family Services, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 182.''
, For general adoption' information ask your Children's Aid
Society. .
uuNmr «den
*** -
396.2408 KINCARDINE.