HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-03-25, Page 19WEDNESDAY',. MARCH 25th, 1970 `! irpgrR'. it t a:: !!!`iii � . atilt Ai 1R THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, .;ONTARIO ,Q` pang Seeding Prcr�ran� . DROPIN TO YOUR .CQ -.OP NOW WHERE QUALITY 'AND SERVICE ARE; THE MOST . IMPORTANT COMMODITIES. THAT• 15 WHY IT PAYS TO SEE YOUR CO.OP FIRST. Lucknow District Co-op Pippin 528=2125 Vice-chai�-rnan wrong way r� -ebbed byedit�r ------Vice--chairman of the Huron • County Board of Education.Rob- ert Rob-ert 'Elliott tookpublic•excep- tion at Monday evening's board meeting•:to a few comments in- -c-luded--i-nnthe=-First 'Column' of ., thes:J:intnn News.Record two: weeks ago. News -Record Editor Keith Roulston, who covered the last regular meeting of the, board:: .in the aibsent�e f�e_regu] porter, noted in the cglucnn that the'' meeting was short (just 55 minutes). Mr. ,•Elliott indi- cated the editor left the impres- sion with his readers that the 44444, •p Kincardine ,, March" 9th,, 197.0';' Mr. Donald Thoipson While in:attendance. at the Luck- now Fall Fair; ;1969, r lost my prescription sun -glasses.. They ° were returned to me while 1 was. a.patlent in the Toronto General: Hospital and I am. Most grateful to the persons responsille . Would you please see that the enclosed small donation reaches the proper source with my sincere thanks. Always enjoy Lucknow Fair and hope 1 will be able"to attend -this.' year, The picture of thegroup from Kinlough which you showed in an issue of recent date; recalled' many memories . M iss Elizabeth Young was, a cousin of my Mother andL,have a picture of her , •, m faily'1 Elizabeth married Robert Hamilton of the Holyrood� area and liv,ed for many years in Wingh am . They•.were the parents of. Ross - Hamilton ofC.K.N.X. M; :editor 'referred, the board spent two and a half hours in •com mittee: of the whole: As well, some .rt iembers spent an hour, . driving to the:rneeting and an- other hour driving home. ' "It (the editor's comment) rubs. a little ,the wrong way; " said' Elliott...• "Next they will say that we. ,are getting'well,paid for it, ar re- commented.- Elliott, "Anyonel__ thinking of making it a career. had better :have a:rich aunt with` as •much dedication to him as he. has. Q. ation. "' Huron Board was not too active While Mr: Elliott insisted he was not critical of the editor, or his observations, he felt Mr. Routs -ton was not toxo familiar' with the method by which the • board operates: Mr,--Elliott-said each -hoard member as well 'as each regular press reporter, receivesa copy of She agenda; of tbe-rt eeti two or three days in advance of the meeting. In these reports.most of the topics• to, be discus-• sed at the meeting are covered in detail in mimeogra • hed hack -up Material" which is in- tended to be•digested prior to the, meeting. This saves time " at the re'ular meetin's a .d CULROSS, CORNERS Cpl..John and•Mrs..Stewart and family of Camp Borden spent the weekend:with his parents Mr, and :Mrs. Tom Stewart.. .• • • _ Mrs;--Tom'-Ste-wa-r-t--and Er e--st•-;-. Cpl. and Mrs. John Stewart and family and Mrs. Ian MacPherson and • iris attend.ed .a dinner on Sunday :evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Stanley of kin - loss who celebrated their eight=•: eenth wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. George Barrell ndfamily oi' Toron o•spent the weekend with Mr. 'and Mrs. James Haldenby and girls. .Mr. and Mrs. Bill Haldenby day afternoon visiting with Mr. .and .Mrs. James Haldenby and girls., Also at this same.home• were Mary Bender of Listbwel and David Haldenb of Culross owns up . Mrs. Agnes' Hodgins of.Kincar- dine spent Thursday With Mrs. Bertha Haldenby. eaves more time or discussion, of.certain items • Mr Elliott also noted,tI at • during the period February 23 to .March 21, the board or a 'corn- rnittee 1,4 nights and eight"days. In ad- dition, several members of the" board attended regional meet.. ings throughout the province,. "This is not exceptionally out of the ordinary. stated Mr. Elliott. . He also,pointd out that be- fore and after that 5.5 minute meeting to. which the 'Clinton We have w or d." of the death of 'a .cousin in Collingwood,' Mrs,. R. J. Morrison. Her ;grand -parents' John Stephenson and lvlary Pierce lived for many years at Port Albert.in a house opposite the Anglican .: Church. I do not think that •there _ are any of the Stephensons. living Mrs: Don.M.cCosh and Dick during in that area now; and I am the 'the week. • nearest descendant of the Pierce • family, in Bruce County: • CARD PARTY AND DANCE. • A 'card party and dance :Was We enjoy reading your paper • held at the community centre on each week throughthe kindness of Friday. evening.. Winners for the, • a neighbour,' Mrs. ,Arghie Court- highest 'euchre scores were Mrs'.. ney. Many of the old friends Don`M5Cosh and Don Pobertson.. are gone and many of 'the names Lucky draw ,went to Cathie. Dore in the news arenot familiar liut and Don McCosh. Music for we always find something of inter the dance was supplied by. gest in your columns. We hope • Margaret •Harkness . Aurel :that:the Sentinel,. the Sepoys. and . strong. Walter Collins. Jack many other traditions of Lucknow Peterbaugh and Don Robertson. will continue for many years: ;Square dance .caller was John ,Had.'.arc},ar with rainero,A ;,a Mc.Murchy. A good time was had :Kathleen MacDonald also I4r. and .Mrs. Ernest Ackert on Sunday nite at the'Sunset Restaurant. So glad to see all of them. PAGE . NINITIEN: • rig Improves Land Workability; Improves ,Crop Yield Serves You. Year After Year. . `Drainage Tile Your Extra' Hand O. O O O O, O O OVO0,0,0,0„0„0„.4.4 O .0_0_0_0_0-O 0-0 O 0 O O O O O CO O BRUCE BRICK STILE CO. MFRS. CLAY DRAINAGE TILE POBOX 30 TEESWATER, ONTARIO Phone 392-6929 Purple Grove.• Mrs. Morford Mac Kay Mrs. Burton Collins, Mrs.. Gertrude, Walsh, "Mrs'. Don Gillies Jack.Farrell., Mrs. George -Hark ness ;. •Mrs. Norval Stanley ,_:Mrs Cee.il: Sutton., . Mrs. Howard ' • Thompson,' Mrs. Harvey Nichol- son , Mr and Mrs.. Dori Johnston, Mark and Susan of Clarkson and and_ Mrs_Eiank_Calwell. of 'Kincardine visited with Mr. and I'hope 'to be :able to make a personal call soon. • George Edward•: Harrison. by all.. • Congratulations to Mr. and' Mrs. Judson Maillette (Janet 'Forster) , who were, married, on Saturday.. Tcrnong those whoattend.ed .tile wedding from thisarea were, Mr. and ' Mrs Gordon Patterson 'and. Raymond, Mr „and`Mrs . Don McCosh , Mrs., -Herb 'Farrell,. Mx . and Mrs. Atdill Mason and Mrs. Howard 'Thompson. The Maillettes are flying to•his home in Prince Edward Island on their honeymoon Mt an Mrs: Ralph Hill visited last week with Mr. and Mrs, Claude bore Sr. 'of, Bervie•. Some from here attended the, dance at the high school in. Ripley on Friday evening; also the last,. hockey fame of the season sponsor- ed by-theLegion-witIrthe-public school boys in action. .., . Home for the Maillette =Forster wedding -were Mr'. • a 1 : Don, Johnston, Mark and. Susan of Clarkson, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Robinson, 'Darryl and 'Lisa of. • Oakville , Mr: and -Mrs. Bob Forster and John of Kitchener and Barbara Forsterof Toronto. AL • Mr.. and Mrs. Victor Gawley attended the funeral 'of 'a cousin Jim Courtney in Kincardine on Saturday., Sympathy is extended to the••relatives of Mr. Courtney.. . ' Mr. and Mrs._ Don McCosh. and Dick were dinner guests on Sunday evening of Mr. . and Mrs, Don Dore and family. Manyof the ladies from here attended tfe:bridal shower held for Judy Sard::at .the home: of::_ ....:_ Mrs. Al Irwin in Lucknow on. Saturday. afternoon. Cathie. Dore spent a few days last week. in Teeswater with Dianne Dore • 4 WIC A Tune-up From LUCKNOW PHONE • .:528-3430