HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-03-25, Page 13WEDNESDAY,. MARCH 25th, 1970 • Lind.a Jamies�n... •'Receives Award' ForPoem WHITECHtTRCH NEWS Co • ngratirlations.• from,the ccjn] . tnunity•to Linda.Jamieson who at last weeks a ssembly•.at'the 'high School, received froth Mr. Ritter '.a cheque froth Ryerson•Press for a poem "Why". Two other .girls also received cheques. 'The Press --•purchased--the-poe-nns for • publishing purposes, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Miller of Toronto spent the week end with their .relatives and at their. farm at 'Langside • We,are sorry to report that, George Currie had the misfortune •to fall at his home on;Wednesday • which is confining him to the house for a few days. Mr. and. Mrs: W. D. 'Campbell • of Moleswrorth were •Sunda callers, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson, •'.- • Charlie and Dennis,Wine.garden, Jim Canipbell and Gail.Mitro• of London.•are visiting this week with. Mr. and Mrs. George Currie,. -East W-aw-a-nos Holiday week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Garnet Farrier and Mrs .. Gibson Gillespie were•Mr. •.a and: Mrs Carman Farrier, .Brian., Colleen and Carol and Miss Winni- ••-fr-ed-F-a-r-rie all"' -of. -Long -Branch; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gillespie, • Barry and Lorraine of Sarnia and on Sunday •evening they„were joined by Mr.., and Mrs•. -,Russel • -Farrier. of. Wingham . Whitechurch U.C; W, regular meeting: will be held•.April 1st 2. p. m. at the home of Mrs. Russel Chapman.. Visitors on Saturday. with Mr. -r- and -Mrs ---A lbert-Cotrlre 'ete: and Mrs. Audrey Coultes of T.ober•• • . rnory, • .Mr . and Mrs':: Reuben Bryan; of Owen Sound; Alex:Craig, who is employed for .few` weeks at Chatham; --=spent the w'ee'k end ar his home here'. , ' 'Mr . and Mrs , Wilbert Schwich- tenberg and family of Port Elgin : and Mr. and. Mrs .. Alex Craig. were Sunday visitors with their parents_Mr and -Mrs .-Albert . Conites. Whitechurch Y.P.S: held" their meeting,on Sunday evening in the :United, Church.; The Call to Worship, Prayer and 'Scripture Readings Were given by :Charles Thompson.. The roll call was mfarst :•411.110.” WOOF OUNIndli Wit 1111101a THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, :LUCKNO, W,. ONTARIO answered by ten: members.. Paul Laidlaw received the offering..* The business followed whed many. plans for future meetings "were discussed.,' • SIGNS OF` SPRING • : • . Spring is fast aspproaching'in our village a's crows and'robins have been. seen; Snow• drops have"• appeared and are opening crocus and hyacinths hive their leaves: above the ground. • • Whitechurch Wornen's. Institute will hold their annuaLrneeting in the AfternoonApril 7 at t -he home-- d•f Mrs:. Johnston: Conn W.ingharo, Note change of date. • Sandra Currie and Cathy 'Chand ler, pupils. of Music teacher Miss Iva—Smith', tried their music exams at Stratford and passed their grade 5' with honors.. •Con- gratulations girls from the. comrnunity. .• 'Jim Robertson of London spent w the eek-end'with his parents. Mr and. Mrs. Alex Robertson. Mr. and Mrs. Tack Coultes and family?# Burlington are•visiting With her patents Mr. and Mrs'. Mervyn .Pape. of Brussels. Debbie Johnston of Clinton is visiting with her graridparents.Mr. and Mrs. G.ershom Johnston. Mr`. and Mrs. Ronald Coulees • and family.; visited Sunday, with•M'r' and Mrs.. Ray .Lewis' of 'Wingham'. Mrs.'A.. E.Purdon is now•visit- ing with her sisters Misses 'Agnes and Bertha MacKay of London.' Visitors on .the 'week end with :.. Mr. 'and Mrs -Don--RossTand: farrTily were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gaunt and. Janet ol Centralia and :Mr , arid ,M1s ='Ge= -Ga'unt�. of Exeter,.: On_ :. Sunday they,v� ere joined by M:r, , and Mrs: John 'Gaunt . Jim4iad his snowirnobile along: and all enjoyed the rides. Rev. Horace Braden of. London was accompanied on Sunday by..' his,moth:er. Mrs. Braden .of Holland Centre.' CongratUIatiansQn 82nd Birthdciy. Kfl' GSBRIDGE NEWS; Congratulations to Mrs, Eliza- beth Kelly who celebrated hex 2nd birthday ori St. Patrick's Day. Among the- many visitors: who called that .day were •her daughter• Mrs. Bridget Uod'gi'ns her granddaughter Eileen Kelly , of Sarhia.• , Lisa Fra ne . a •hter�.of:-M-r.-r and Mrs. Gene Grayne , Was • a • guest on Cartoon. House C. K. N, X. -T.V,'on Tuesday, March 10th. Weekend visitors with Mr.. and' Mrs. Jack Van Osch were Mr. and Mrs, John Van. Osch and Michael of Waterloo: • Mrs, Genevieve'Kinahan iv visit ing ber• farnily'in, London thits week. , : • Mr.. and Mrs. Albert Heffernan and sons of Brantford: were week- end visitors with Mr. 'and Mrs Ormond Heffernan, .. ' • Helen Courtney and friend, • Anne Keifer spent the weekend' in London. •. " • Mr, and Mrs: Jim.'Martin, Mr.. and Mrs. Vincent Austin and Lynn.. •attended a twenty-fifth wedding. anniversary surprise party at ' Bayfield on Saturday evening for • Mr. and Mrs:. Gordon. Hill of Varna.: Ted and Peter Martin of Hami-u; lton visited in :the area 'on the • -weekend. CardPa New Huron;: Home Economist'. Miss Catherine M Hunt was Tecentiy appointed to succeed. Mrs. Larrry Wheatley as Home 'Economist for Huron County... 1v]iss Hun received hei primary and, secondary school 'education in St. Thomas.: When .her family moved to Clinton, she completed her .Grade ,13 at the Central Huron .Secondary School. She is a 1968..: Horne Ecopomi9 (Textile major) graduate of the University of; Western ,Ontario.• Miss Hunt is interested in:work- ing with people and is .looking forward to her work with 4-H. ' Homemaking Club ,Members and leaders as well. aswith various; farm. and .home management • .activities in Huron. Maple Grove 1044 sponsored'a euchreparty in the Zion Hall on Monday. March 23rd: . There were nine tables in play with :hi-gh=p rrze•s` g rng-to• Ca rdi7_. K•ar.nitzschky and Bill Sproule: Low.; prizes went to Mrs. Margaret Sproule 'and Elva Ritchie (tied) and Alvin .Alton 'for the mien.' There will be another partyin two weeks.' • CRAWFORD MOTORS CHRYSLER - DODGE - PLYMOUTH e WINGHAM ONTARIO PHONE 357-3862 69 • CHRYSLER Newport .Convert._ ible, powerequipped and radio 69 CHRYSLER 4 door hardtop,• power: steering and brakes, with radio • • • 1 'A PAGE THIRTEEN. CANUTAN'T:RANSPORT COIIIIMISSION• • By its' Railway Transport Committee OF PUBLIC HER!NGS' In the matter of the application of -Canadian' National. Railways, to. discontinue' • passenger-t'rain•service between: • Area (Province of Ontario) Train No. Toronto. Palmerston 670, 671, 672 Palmerston -Owen Sound .670, 671, 672 Palmerston -Southampton 656; 668, 669 Stratford . ;-Kincardine : :662, 663, 664, 665, 666, 667:. •` ___ Stratford —Goderich 660, 661 II -Canadian Pacific Railway Company,. 'to dis: continue passenger -train service` between Toronto. and Owen Sound, in the, Province of Ontario, . provided by passenger trains4Jos. 302,. 30.6 :and 307; ..A• 'HI -Canadian National Railways, to discontinue.' that portion • of their " passenger -train service. between Toronto and Guelph, in. the Province. of.. Ontario, • provided' by passenger trains Nos: `986 and 987. • TAKE I OT1:CE that the Committee• has deter - _ Mined ,under its Order No, R-.6313 dated August 5, 1'969; that the amounts which;,constitute the actual --Dosses attributable ,to each. ,of the above . described passenger -train services in each of • the . •precribed accounting -Years are .as follows:•. I• (C.N.) II (C.P.) III (C.N,).. For.1966• $414;073 • $76,640 $126,955 For 1967 , 454,962 89,606 1 141,060 For 1968' 480,244 97,935 • • 147,313 TAKE NOTICE ALSO, that PUBLIC.:' HEARINGS .: of the .above APPLICATIONS 'will take place commencing at the hour ,,of 9:30 :a.m:'at : the folloviiin.g places and dates , GREY COUNTY COURT HOUSE; Commencing March 31 1 970 WELLINGTON ..COUNTY. COURT HOUSE, GUELPH Commencing April' 8, .1970. 'It. is the Committee's intention to consider the -m<=�-�apPNc-artier-t�f; C-�anadtan-Nato-rral-Rarl�nra"s-`�h�n iri ''I above as the first' order of business at the '` hearing in .Owen Sound commencing on :March. "31, and then to;consider'the application of Cana- dean Pacific Railway Company shown in II above "in' Owen Sound after the• completion of I:. The Committee intends to consider the application of Canadian National Railways shown in III above at the hearing in Guelph commencing .on April. 8: :..However., all persons Who wish to do so may• .present. their views'on the ,discontinuance of"any • passen'9er-train services listed above., during any of the two hearings and -in either place. • any of the above described f -or -Who --respecting pasenger-train ser- 'vices':rnay write to the Secretary, Railway Trans- port Committee, Canadian Transport Commission. 8(T 275 Slater'Street, Ottawa 4, Ontario. -Dated at ,Ottawa,.; Ontariq, this 26th dal of February, 1970. C. W: RUMP, Secretary, Railway Transport 'Committee. 66._.._�...PLYMOUTH, kor 8 automatic ,with.radio , ' . • . • 66' ` 'CORONET stationwagon, 8 art- omatic :with radio , 67: FORD 2 door, 6 automatic with radio . . 67 CHRYSLER 2 door hardtop, power steering arid' brakes, . with radio , 67 FORD 4 door sedan, 8 automatic with -radio • 66L_LYMO 4--door-har=dtop =-8 automatic and radio 66 CHRYSLER 4 door, power steer. ing and braked 65 ' CHEV 2 door, 6 automatic 65 CHEV, 4. door, 6' automatic. 64 RAMBLER, 8 Standard with radio r. BlakeSanford Is N.F.U.S:eaker , The monthly meeting of the Asltfzeld,aoca.l. 4l a*. -lanai 'Farm'er's Union Was held in the Lucknow Town Ball on March. Lith; The new President Jack Verhulst presided, • • The. guest speaker, Mr, Blake Sanford, from Leamington,, was introduced by :the ,Past President, Lorne Luther, Mr, SAA ford gave a very informative speech. \ He 'told, us that the t'nions' biggest �G G6RGa ata.-- r riff" woaavMu�•tia,ify,��.�� farmers" •. The uninterested farmers are a•big problem. The farmers are on the move and the N..F,.U'. is gathering pace and very fast across Canada., A. lively discussion period followed;.. The meeting was adjourned by the President and lunch served. •. '