HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-03-25, Page 12PAIS' TWELVE ..
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!.asterCoiicert. J1t
941FOO:...AdOPted Chili
On Friday, 'March our school
° held a rehearsal for the Easter
Concert which was presented• for
the public On Sunday, March. 1:
ye of Over S0p epple•
Attended. The programme opened
with Alleluia. and. The. Lord is my
Shepherd, followed by two
numbers sung'by grade seven,,'
Church In the Wildwood and. Fair-
est Lord; Jesus. Grade:e.ight sang
Joshua Fought the 'Battle . of
Jericho; Battle Hymn of the Re
o public and Lonesome Valley.
Terry Gunter, Jackie Collinson,
, Bill Wilkins and Bob Gunter sang
• Kum Ba Ya.
Our guest speaker was Rev J.; G.
Roberts of Belgrave who spoke on
.the-History,.of 'Easter . ' Grade eight
presented two'numbers on•their
. recorders .They" were called
Juanita and Barcarolle. .The
programme' closed with two selec.-
=tions :by the-ehoir-S-ea-rlet Ribbons -=-
and The Old Rugged Cross,
Over ninety dollars was received
in the .collection which will be
used .to. support Victoria , our
adopted child,.
-•The- musical presentation -was ; •
und'er:the.direction of Don Cam-
eron ,'teacher at the school.
..An assembly with an Irish '
accent• was performed by room 9
on ivlarch'1'1, .with' Susan Irwin •
as chairlady for the programme.
'They opened with' "O 'Cana'da":
followed by the Bible reading and
arec_iaton-y_JQan; Iac�te_tt.
They sang the hymn "The Beauti-
ful Garden of..•Prayer"' and an '
accordian.solo was given by Shar-
on Young. The'boys called the
Irish 'Kobblers sang and performed •
�a.n�Irish_song�.calle_d'�.he Wearing.
:.. of the Green". Pats DeGraa.f and
Ji•m Whytoc k sang a . Dutch song
• called'. the "Little Old Mill".
Pohl' girls and four boys preformed
an 'Upside down Drill followed' by
a pantonine, called ."Cat Pie-. -
Then, the girls sang two songs.
called Venice and When Irish Eyes
are Smiling: •
Mr. MacLennan presented•
prizes•to the Winne. s of the public
speaking -contests. 'The 'assembly
wasclosed wi:h "God. Save the •
On. Friday , lvlarch 20 ,-=Roo•rp Fi
presented theft' Assernbl:y.. Nancy
Alton was chairlady. They •
opened with 0 Canada followed,
by the Scripture reading. The:•
', whole class sang When He,
Cometh, followed by the Lord's
Prayer. Some of the class did a
folk dance called Seven Jumps.
A comical skit calledthe Old . .
Gray Mare was enjoyed by all,
Sally Kerr perfo-med a dance •
Sai * 4or-npipe , T4+
girls sang Easter Parade modeling.
hats,made by Room 4, then they
Ong Parade of the Wooden Sold-
iers• with the boys as. 'the soldiers;.
A .pantonine called The Groom
was very humourous • A 'square
dance.came•next, The class sang
Peter Cottontail while' some girls••'
did the bunny hop.. A Danish kikdance,. "`Bingo":, was performed
while the class sang; the song.
The, ass: • bly closed with God.
Save the Queen.
•Mrs. Murray• Wilso' of R. R. #
2 Auburn. was .born in West Waw ,a -
nosh where. she •spent her early
years. „ She attended, S. S..#''7
East WawaiioSh School followed
by Wingha'm District High
School. She then advanced to
Sxratford, Teachers Collegeto
train as an elementary school • ,,
teacher'. She has three ,boys,
_c egory , ' Scott_a:ndiDatryl
:Gregory is in grade one .while
Scott and, Darryl. have .not started
school as ,yet. Mrs, • Wilson's
husband.Murray, farms, while :Mrs.
Wilson enjoys teaching grade ,
her_spar!•time Lsh-e.en-. ;
gages in some activities such as:,
:music a'ni"'sewing. This is Tier
Visitors with I`tr. and 'Mrs.
Peter, Cook and Mrs. Sam.Reid
last week -rid* were, on Friday
evening Mr. and Mrs. Charles
McDonald. of West Wawanosh , on
Sunday' Carman and' W nn.ifred;
Farrier of'Toronto and Mr. and
Mrs , Jaek •Gillespie of Sarnia On
Sunday evening, Iyer• and: Mrs. '
Gordon Struthers and Lois and -
Ivirs, George -Swan of Lucknow
visited at.the Cook home. •
John Ritchie and. Kenneth enter-
tained Mr. and Mrs. Roy Penning-
ton and ,family of Teeswater;,'`
Douglas Alton and Ron Oates,
both of Calgary and Marjory.
'Alton, who had just recently
returned from Australia . to dinner
at the Log Cabin Restaurant ..Luck+
now on Tuesday of this week..
• Kenneth Ritchie and Marjorie
Alton spent last week -end' •with,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pennington of
Teeswate?. _ • .
Mr -and Mrs. Ken Laidlaw were
visitors. last Saturday with Mr. and
Mrs Wm. G. Hunter.
A roof
over your head
doesn't cost
aro arm
and a leg
any more.
first Year at Brookside School, .
but has already taught for seven.
years. She previously -taught ai
East Wawanosh, West Wawanosh
Welcome, Mrs. Wilson , to
Brookside ,School..' We hope to
have youwith us• -for a while.
Mrs. Fisher asked the girls and
boys.of Room 4 to make Easter
borinets for their crafts; project.
A splendid display of colourful
hats Were judged 'by members'of
ThesTa"ffFirst`prize.went to •'e-
dge Feuf-vthers tied
for second•place - Ruth Alton;
Betty Errington, Cheryl Jardine ,
and Sharon Pollock. Another
worthy' of mention was made by. •
Brenda Br-indle-y.•
`Mr. and .Mrs. Lorne Webb of
Goderich, who have just, returned
from Florida were Sunday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs':''Harvey, Webb:•.;
- -Eleven tables -enjoyed -the
Shoot Party.in the St. Helen's Hall
on Thursday evening. High' prizes
Were on by Kathy Ducharme and
Lorne Forster with Second going t�
10s.: Alex PTirrves and Koji Taylor.
Russel Alton, Roy Taylor and Ken
Phillips were tied for: the;most
shoots with 'Ken winning the draw,'
The next shoot party will. be,April
__The._:annuaLrreeting_of . the W.I..
will beheld on Thursday, April
2nd in the hall at .12.30 SHARP.
A Poi Luck.dinner will 'be held.
before the meeting. •
.Mr .. and: Mrs. Ross Errington'and
fatrnil-y-a-r-e:•-spend-tng a -few ;days -i -n-
Toronto with, Mr., and Mrs. Ivan
For the Junior Red Cross of J
which Room 4 pupils are menThers
it .was decided' to fill' health kits.
Contents necessary for each of
these are; I towel, 1'6 x 24" 1
face cloth, 1 cake,,of soap, I tooth:
.brush, 1 tin.of tooth -powder, 1.
srna co _ = a;
• 11 orr%b,.l`sm 11 haid'kerchief
or purse -size kleenex. 1•pkg. of
band -adds, 1 card of safety pins
1 sa11.
If any - of the parents wish to
donatean.article rather, than
money, it would tw
be-appreciated'.returned END OF TERNfACTIVITIES
Hurray! Ori March 20th
Brookside School was' closed down
for ten days of Easter -Midwinter
�hollid ays- --TI te•-stude nt •w ere let—
.Henderson. Ross is 'attending'a
short course on Monday and Tues
'Mrs. Margaret Pannabecker
attended_ the Okrafka Paradis
wedding .in.Hespeleron .Saturday.
She visited on the week -end with
Mr. and••.Mrs, Ross Pannabecker.
and other•friends and relatives. •
Mr ;:a•nd Mrs: Wilfred McQuil-
lan.visited for fewdays with•
relatives in Toronto.•and Stratford.
out at :t.
o. p,.rri,.'for an hour and
a, half of:skating at Lucknow•
Arena; •
The oneS•wha did not •
participate went home fifteen
minutes' later when the buses
r. d . from the• arena. This
was the lasto . wee s .ating for.
Brookside school this'winter.
Many pupils enjoyed •.themselves
Immediately 'following 'the,.skating
the Black Hawks and Bruinsp'the
-school-two-top hoeke-y tea -ms --
battled it' out for the champion.
ship: Both: goal's for the -Black
Hawks were tallied by Gordon
Blc.k' :'The-gGal s -for the-Bru-ns
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were scored 'by Carey Purdon, •
and • Phillip. Chandler, A large
number of the skaters stayed. to
watch', the game which ended in a
2 2 tie. ,
Blues and the' Bruins'.fou
for one;hour with the B•1
g-;"3 es e
winntnto 1, 'Bradley Aitchison
tallied twice and Ricky Trwin
tallied once;:giving,the Blues their'.
three, goals, Allan Murray scored.'
the lone goal for the Bruins, This
was the first time the .t3ruins lost
a game and the first ,game the
'Blues won, • • '
ht it it out
'Valleyfield Traditional -style' bungalow. 3 cozy bedrooms, all with
• built-in closets. Cheerful kitchen, charming livinpiand dining room.
'What's under. an Alcan Universal Home •roof?'A. fully
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decorated and fully equipped home ready for you to, Move:
right in: You can even choose a model. with all appliances.
Alcan -Universal Hon s`are-trranafactured in. a plan!.
under .strict•quality control using only the best materials;
such as kiln -dried: lumber. Aluminum siding,'soffits, fascia
and many items of trim keep the exterior of Your. Alcan
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There are exterior :designs and .floor plans to'm _ et
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variety of colour schemes '
Most models have a built-in,'range, refrigerator, auto: •.
. matic washer and clothes dryer'., Some .models even have a
dishwasher: All have fully carpeted living•rooms and special
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;Alcan Universal Homes. have a hot_ water heating sys-
tem„ acknowledged as .the most efficient in. the -industry,
with baseboard type radiators. These 'homes are insulated
'to electrical heating standards and exceed National Build-
ing Code requirements, Electrical; circuits and plumbing
systems are'alI C.S.A. approved before they .leave .our plant.
All our homes have CMHC .approval, and are eligible for,
NHA and MLA. mortgage
Royal Bank NHA Pre -planned Mortgages are also avail=
-•able•for'the convenientfinancing ofAlcan Universal Homes
in subdivisions, ••
So see these Alcan Universal Homes today And get a
roof over you rhead that doesn't cost you an arm and a leg.
You can have an Alcan Universal, Home''Put ,al-
most anywhere you want. '
..On your ownjoti •
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Hundreds of homeowners have chosen this way
of ':owning their•. Alcan Universal Horne. And the
choice is yours as well;
8 The .Sq'uare, Goclerich,. Phone •524-9662
RepOlver�es.Glenn, Lucknow, ,
Gerrie Glenn, Dungannon, 52979244