HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-03-25, Page 4R PAs! POUR THE.-LUCKNOW SENTINEL,` LUCKNOW', ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2Sth, 1970 f• dtC/niM"yuae +274":1i? 47 'OYER aut. Wiinwe dla 19.,113:1E� I MAR MEC 1111110 CLER i7f7 Grata memll Agency. I/ W. fe 119507 N. • -111 n.e rn,�a.YA.."4- NA• -tent {u w a I {r,:o,• ro 2'442 rnlo out11 {hrni 11d DISPLAY Man 1WIMow1/ ow. D/*, .ANKH' 7Mh Das; I'9190110.1a.nl te•t'OO Aole Ae1,ny'' CIV $I2 GRADS. 10 t7M if4e dr( II 1141111E9 C �S �C q!Q1 E�III Ac, I!I W ma u 2 to DI$P nlihIn,'" • . itit14,1„::!AAAIY 111Y; .1.01-11A 1.4•1424- ,n;n roe ••.t od Y }41...m41.41GON 't7 ,tl.o� - a 4104.1 WWI 111.. aacN o 0y, SIA aGENCV, y6u.E C(INTACT •Aoenli: SY E VtMU 'S•lb/ CASHIER CHECKER'•' LY . H 1n CLERICALS.ACCTG f.'0.85 CLERKH YNNt.#1,tl11 QIT I:' )6ER,t*. M .44409I •4• n AiL" 477., )•A CLA.AyI Eue lY ClC�». ' - .•'` 2 C07faa. SN y 1409 I3.• #I nor -nun ' atria, 412 St 1,4.0 « .5,52.•444;AVE f NV(' iron S_I'NVC 1I. A42 tt. 4p u- •, SO910 747]1' D •E'G NNER•�R' EE! /wo 41m.f�f! a+tr tT. rQAtallt ur gark4rt 4.44 ova n'o.f57 41114 uro yiWTSrMi'tA' NA :STl AN U•t,Vfi(UR0 AS .• - • • Sm! • FOR SALE FOR. SALE- McQlary 22" pro- pane-stove, ro-pane stove,A-1shape; phone .529- 791,2. . STABLE CLEANING moving manure piles' and loading manure, phone Symes' Bros. • . at LudknOW FOR SALE 1 Holstein . heifer, 3 week, six can spray -. P y Ey FOR SALE 15C3 .bales of, wheat ' milk cooler, . 15 milk cans: Ron straw and a, � of • e eats .Br004. R, R• 3 Lucknow, phone , aid 'barley krzaw, phone 529-79M. COMETwyr,nERfix) ,a .330, THE T"n.ESW ATER NEWS .- is Wig. ,) p ' ganders; ter_available at The Lucknow Sentinel, hoc Per copy you are interested. �"� angers, �'�@'• bin, '�''�' ia' the news of Teeswater and Dts-• rods and acc .ores. George Mes :wager, arm representative, RR. 1 triet- pick. up a copy. SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE - 4,000 bales of excel- SINGER SERVICE'. tient- dairy ha , 20 1 -Mas ey`Har-- Repairs,foal'--makes•'arid']trodels; rispower. lift Seed' drilland tenSales and.Service on new' products; foot Cockshutt wheel disc. Phone . . SINGER CO. OF CANADA Donald Murray, 528-6130, . Phone 357-3730 after 6 'p.m: Ripley, Phone 396-2 Smith Roles 'Ltd., London,. Saskatoon. Try Comet` 'before you buy. CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING :.. .Every Tuesday and Thursday . Pigs and Cattle, Tuesday,, Cattle nly, `Thtir"sday in by 1 p.m. BILL'S MEAT, MARKET • DISEASE '• FREE • Weaner Pigs for sale, approximately :70. 'Dave. Todd, Amberley 395-2355. : ' VACUUM CLEANERS . Sales and Service -for- all makes: R. ' K; . Peck,- Varna, Phone 262- $748: DEA•D STOGIE' ' Fresh dead'' coWs over 1,000 pounds, $12,00' each;, dead horses, $20.00 each;'•over :.500 pounds ac- • cording to size., LORENZ REMOVAL DURHAM.` . • Call , Collect SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED , ' Vacuum • 'cleaning. and pumping of •Septic tanks, .Ronald Forster,. oiucknow, • phone 5281.346, ,manu- facturer of Cement septic' tanks . and veil' tale !fat t t i.! ANDERSONS Fertiliser ' and Atrazine Direct From. Ohio CALL VINCENT AUSTIN Phone 529=7240 . - .FARMERS-- be-ready,-get-your-- Black e-ready'get-you-Black leg .:Bacterin NOW :Elmer Umbach, Pharmacy. FOR SALE -: three Jersey' cows,. du soon 'Clarence. a Letz grain grinder. ,'Apply to Clarence. Ritchie, 395-2806. BERG STABL'E EQUI-RMENT Contact Lloyd . Johnston,' R,R, '.3 Holyrood, phone 355=5390. FOR:. SALE - •No. 1 trefoil seed.' Phone, 528-6296, W;A. Graham: FOR SALE' - I David Brown . 8880 diesel. . tractor, power : steering, heavy duty loader, hydraulic ,buc- ket, only 'used 300 hours. Will take. older tractor on trade-in or will sell reasonably. Warren Zinn, R: R, 2 Lucknow; phone 529-7350. } • FOR SALE, - seed ,oats, grown from • registered- : stormont seed. Price $1.40 per bushel. John Collins, R.R. 3 Ripley, 12th concession of. Huron, 395-2A41... WHY BE BOTHERED? ' • HY be bothered by nerves and rus ra ions. or ess t an • 5c a •day, you May get help.. Elmer Un- bath ' Pharmacy`., Hereford and Holstein. Alex . Far- riaR; R.R. r • Lucknow;' phone S__ ..y- «." .., 4444. L....✓w.r...r :..«.r - - :. • FC�t; SALE tine ftr BEAGLES' FOR SALE 4 female !slab. dor with hardware, size beagle pups, will make .good pets; x 2' "Y: '' one white enamel also one male beagle and one toile And tank. 'l'7 •5g-2040. female beagle dog. Mrs; Worden; :... _.LutkilOW .phone' 525-2391 SILO-. AND- ROOF EXTENSIONS Afritk wish* ro have eaten- FOR SALE -'700 bales, inixed hay. stens on their siic*• or roofs, plea. Phone '.' r•2?G14.' tRA?i or w.. Tht.• n: be .Nc, • -` o CRYSTAL LAKE t1.earae Wraithrite; Bret�x q Gadedonerinocch. `c1R ti.ALE - Beatty •automatic 1: t? fie nee 524-70C.2 orShop and manure handling equip -'I MOBILE HOME SALE: 2445111.' . ; • . . menr, .srahljng and pressure syr tee. t`1ntact Beatty- Farm Ser- FOR SALE - • 1 Hereford bull', • 2 years old-, Duncan Farrish;, AR:R. 3 Lucknow, phone 395-2728. BEAVER HOMES For Sale COMING EVENTS: • SUPER CASH BINGO • ,egion --Hall ~ Lueknowj -ever ►- Thursday, 8:45. p.m. Pot of Gold game. - winner take all. 14 reg- ular games, $10' each. 2 Share. the Wealth games.. A $30 Special. 'Jack- pot Game for $115.00 on 58 calls or $25 consolation prize:444:4-- - DANCE. Everyone is welcome' • to , ,the, Dance in the Wingham Legion Halla on Saturday; April 4th, sponsored by the Huron County Federation of .Agriculture. Dancing '9 to 1 to the music of The Northern Gentlemen. Lunch will 'be Served': Admittance restricted to •persons' 21 years and over. 1 SAVE UP TO $2,000 'CHOOSE . FROM 40 DESIGNS For, Details : Contact: f BEAVER LUMBER: Wingham 357-2551 p• or ' ' JIM.KI-NG 3:35 -3 -143 -=- HEAR' REV. HUM.BARD Anyone' wishing to go on the bus to Owen Sound : on the evening of _Monday, -April ---6th to -hear --Rev-.,• Rex Humbard, please contact 528- 6541. DANCE • Pine. River 'Scouts' and Cubs will sponsor a dance 'in Reids Corners. 'Hall ou,'Wednesday, March 25th at 9 p.m. Boyd's , Orchestra.. Admis- sion-$-1-:00;students-50c:Free lunch 'Come out and support 'your cubs and' scouts.. TRAILERS FOR :SALE -TRAVEL-- TENT' TRUCK CAMPERS ON ' DISPLAY 'IN. - INDOOR, SHOWROOM APPLICATIONS APPLICATIONS For--T-hla-Position-of--'Caretaker. At. Lucknow Presbyterian Church " will be -received bythe undersigned on or. before April 25th,, 1970., Dut- ies to commence May 1st, 1970. Tony Johnstone, Treasurer Lucknow Presbyterian Church • -EASTER' CANTATA The . Lucknow ! United . Church Choir and members of other choirs in the local churches, • under , the direction of 'Mrs. Gordon Montgom- ery, *ill ° present the Cantata "No Greater, Love" by .John W. Peter- =son; on -Good -Friday-evening at 8:00 p.m. in the ' Lucknow. United Church..,'Every,•.one is invited to .•at- tend, A free-will offering will be re- ceived for an interdenominational Christian project. • DANTCE' AT LE'GION /': 1 • 1'• 1 a 1 Lucknow, Ontario WANTED WORK ' WANTED -- all kinds of carpenter work; kitchen cupboards, tile ceilings and wall panelling, free "Y'_ estimates. Roy :Schneller, Kinlough, phone Ripley 395-2221. • ' . • `FEMALE HELP -WANTED',. LET. AVON TAKE 'YOU' :ON ' A ' - VACATION ' !' A few ' hours each week selling ✓ AVON . COSMETICS •'• navy -could .g Mean • a__ holiday in_s�yle -later-_on Call now - COLLECT 376.8368 • MRS, B. HOUWEL'IN j ' OR' 4444 __.- WRITE',BOX511 OWEN SOUND WANTED : summer ' home .on, farm . for • two Toronto ' childreln, a` boy age 7 and a 'girl age 9. Please reply to Box O, % The Lucknow Sentinel: WANTED meat :rabbits''4 to 6 lbs. For further 'information call 528-6296 after: 6 p, m.. • . WANTED .-.pasture. for 25 small. cattle., Phone:529-7312.. a• " Sales and' Rentals • WALKERTON $$1-0406 Open _Saturdays . and Sundays THE : L:t:'t:l.:NOW • \'TL 'EL ;= is i+ce• -Centre.. -Clinton 4$51.. >fOr ale at Mel.'.tanley's €I+ert in' L}t2a w Pi& to an an extra spy FOR. SALE Wheel rim • and tire ttor .?del '. • •for: •1116' Ford.: tun pick-up. ?ilex 44:41... _. Mcit:ttsch' :�:it2i. FC'R M.L -- mattress 6 • x At • •, THE 'MENESET- • MOBILE . HOME COURT AIRPORT' ROAD,' GODERICH. Agents For. BRIAN.. RINTOUL ' • , • ,�, ., Luck -now. tilta�rte . GLE\DALE 'MOBILE "HOMES .LIc.'E.ti:'LEl� At`C`TIt�\"EER WHITECHtRCH PHONE ,-y;4o.' GOLD' FALCO TRAVEL :.� ter ; Ani. _ • TRAILERS �.\'D i7e rapt t� .,.�' o.t ie.r' • thyme > :i FCR SALE-- Two addle bred • or u-ri 't` I tall , Ecnioncl„, `'t `� . black horse colt, 1 i- old , TRi. C K CAMPER. ties i groy reign mare: 1 y'. ores rr Phone 524-6038 or 5 4-45.45 Oec it t,.. - nbel.: T e -t2 n., Ontario DUMONT ALUMINUM , ' 1 Phcnc 368-7216 • CRL1- rte`. . MATTEL TOY CENTRE ost mari" 0.311 Clt `+ . ,• y� `'� - 11l�fyi�1\, W17-2'7i`r . ['tl��, DollsIce ?I" L dealerand INol: Clt thing ' LUCkNOW' DISTRICT • PLAYING CARDS ! n now Legion Hall, 'Saturday, April . 4, to music by "The' Twylites". Per- sona 21 and over are welcome.,; Ad- mission $1.25. Sponsored' by. Luck :now District Lions and Royal Can adiaj egion •Branch•'•309. Proceeds. for Minor Hockey: BAKE SALE Blakes U.CW are holding a bake sale in the former Noble Johnston restaurant on , Saturday, ' 'March. , 28th at 2 p.m. SOthANNIVERSARY Mr. and :Mrs. Philip'; Stewart will celebrate their Golden °'Wedding Anniversary on , .,Sunday,-, March 29th., Open House will be held at their home .on Stauffer 'Street from 2r 5 and7 - 9 p.m: Gifts gratefully • declined. HELP WANTED. i , 1 p. mill, evenings or Saturday ::5 hours 'weekly., Contact : Jack' Treleaven, ; phone 528-3000. 91 4 WANTED. • IMMEDI-ATELY' Man or woman to'supply con'sun - ers with , Rawleigh . .Products. Can earn $50 weekly part' time -- $100 and :up full'time Write -' . RAWLEIGH CO. LTD. , Dept. ABC -271.336, 4005 Richelieu St., Montreal -207, ' Que. • •'t B44, ILE HOMES' ` Xy ,O tr• .?t• ri`tit' • >a1� i s".* ' TIVINKINI' + GF A MOBIL HOME re:,tYTx>• .' OR RECREATIC?:NAL. VEHICLE? �- 1,r ,N.,' 1-`` ` r,`,1�• - i � t.. A\. k . t 'A � l•��r) .. :4144 ,r:_..T _...__.__.....__ ' " „ =--. `.___.` 442* et „c 2 . 2 .0 • t••i. 0. •yam ,i . l`, • L, . , i:i"1L Ktiv�i 1'11"1. �a�` hog ra.'Qi �rre c`I:NAr?i'r. ":ii i't,4-c' $41, .4.7-.9.if?6 'Ars. hoz eSz zap:".;e t is cis •r Uiiil 1 v i i `st 'Yl !r,k'Za�.ek 'cast i•�'4t�r '11.4 1r+ "k IV A r i wi It:''h... \ tX.tti•is .1PAV Size, 'i '"$1',4•ArIC• Al'. sz,i. h4 `: l ii`,'r',.1lt'tN,,..r ti• ".: wt`6. , { ';i lsh\:uYYttor Vt ♦''-'s.v„, .�V•Jet l,y 4 1ACyovi A a'\'N:`Ue, iNhA1t t. . :+tip's ELLIOTT'S SEER -LUCKNOW . • 'hone 5.25-3500 WANTED MALE HELP WANTED FARMING EXPERIENCE' We need men. with farming ex- .perience a good' farmer , who wants ' t� earn extra . money. If you have the farming • experience, AGE -IS NO PROBLEM Many of 0 AA.'s• top enrollers' and commission earners are mat -, to retirement 'or are retired. This is. part orfull-tiine dignified work for men, of all ages For inform- ation nformation ,without. obligation, - apply to • ED BAU E R 129 PATRICK STREET, WINGHAM, PHONE 357.3805' HELP WANTED - capable, woman for -household -duties -2 -days 'a, w orseveral' hours' daily 4 to 5 days weekly. If interested' phone Luck- . now 528-3012. AS a rapidly -expanding company ;in the agricultural industry we ,of- fer 'jou an excellent .part-time pos- ition': AS a Crop Service Represent- ative you will earn extra money:, learn the newest farming methods, f7"07.1*. : . 37 A tvet.i: ` 5e'. , .}:40'"` ' Rl STON MOBILE 140MtS LTi). PL41ti'S Rb. 'EAST EI,AL,INC0TON • Tet , tbde ' * r BEATTY FARM, AND FEEDLOT EQUIPMENT INST.ALLIlG DEALERS 7 NEEDED_A_' ONCE .SEED GRAIN FERTILIZER CLOVER AND GRASSsSEEDS 'MAN! - A \ Order yam Cleaned asii5' `fora ted T' ttci.ir crease your earnings. and .position. If yyou're an experienced farmer "l1u"re the right man. '• / For a , personal ai interview.' write ., me: ' E. V. Palmer, Canadian Sales Mgi-., N a-Chu+t•s Plant Food Co, l C anad'a 1 Ltd. Sox 841 ,London, Ontario North «ectern Part Of Huron. • County •• . G d discount and Salo: volume allc}V� ani. " , Salt; help and'supervisioi prc'ided EATTY, rY, CLINTON 4W-9561 Collect •