HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-03-18, Page 18, •
ed . by nagging, bullying,
ea s and -bribes', atong with
their own fee,litiv 'a ,g1,1ilt..
They often. beeolue emotionally.
;disturbed, or pretty •on
• • the surface: .. . • ,
But. there's- • one' thi4g
etas muSt: do !her niUst: StPR:
trying to .1.tirough^tlieir
kids, esPecially when the-laft-iir
are .old enough to •work, to
marry. and to live their:
()RKpresidetzt.r -elected own . • •
It was a close squeak, .but I
retained my position. as Presi- -
dent of PORK (Parents •Of Rot -
Kids). at the annual elec-
tion of officers • held in my
study recently. • , •
I was given the honor of
•leading, • once again, this
progressive and -widespread or.
• ganization, with members in
••• every town and. city in Canada,
because my daughter quit
versity afterpne term. •
We .now have:the situation
of our: son, who dropped :out
tivo years ago, and dropped
ha& in this Year, urging his
kid .sistet not to 'be a slob,.a
ninny,. ,a quitter, a' lazy bum,just as we urged*him when he
• did it.
•• The reason for Kim's deci,
• • . Sion is rathet fuzzy in our eyes,
. „ as. she wasn't••failing, and even
• • seemed to like, some aspects of •
• • ' • it. But I 'think the main reason •
• was that, after .13 years , of
school and .piano lessons, she•
• had'simply' hid enough, and
wanted. to find mit what real
life is all, about. . .•
I haVen't figures (but I'll bet
they're shocking) of the num-
ber—of bright young people --
who quit. college •in their first
• year. the reasons are obvious.
• It is boriijt doesn't livp np
expectations,. or ,they •
can't stand •the new. freedom
•. and fall behind, hopelessly,. in
their•work.• , • '• .•
. It's a bitter blow for, parents
with high 'hopes, especially. for
•.those who.. Couldn't afford it
• themselves .-and want. some--
thing 'better' for their children.
• There are tears and .exhorti-
tions and •beating of breasts.
• • '
... •
• 1
- .
There is the rational approach,.
the plaintive approach; *the
• But. You might as well try to •
reason with John Calvin or an
• oak stump as with 'a stubborn
18 -year-old who has made up
his or her mind about some-
thing. The favorite expression
is 'that they want to "find"
themselves, to learn to live in
• a world , that is not • cotton -
wrapped jr institutionalized.
This • argument brings, ulcers,
• apoplexy and .fallen .arches •of
the soul to parents.
And .I •have some sympathy •
forthe•kids. As long as they're
•iiot my own, They want • to get
• out ••of •the ratrace of •.
gages, taxes and •striving, for.
security in wlikh fthey •see.
their. grey faced • parents en
• .system with a ..stick • at one end
• and a' carrot, in •the, form of• a
piece:of paper, at the other.
FOr. some kids, the system is
fine:* And I especially admire
• -those whO,T withoUt Aqo much
• nd-pra cti ca Hy-
• no money, ,„hatil, themselves
through.,schtior-by their boot-
• , Parents should do .thesame
— live their own lives.They .
• should go . on loving their
• •offspring, • if • poisible. They
gaged •
help. But they shbuld • stop.
• trying to manipulate them,. to
mold them into a design they
,think is the right one,
Please don't think: Vin de-
' fending all -dropouts. Some of
them are lazy bums, •and quit-
ters. But I can't help wonder-
ing what.' should do, if I were
18 today. •'
When 1 went to university, it
was a way' of getting, off •the
trealrni1l, 01 escaping a •dull.'
job and a litnited 'future, and a
life .of diapers, and .boiled cab;
band hamburg fthir tures
• a Week, and ..never ••: enough
• nioneY. • . • •
••Today's affluent kids . are
getting ojf another' type • of
treadmil • in ;a different way.,,
• .The have my • sympathy, but
•my heart bleeds' for, those, who
won't 'make it, and discover,
too • late; that they have ex-
changed ••• a treadmill for a
squirrel cage.
• straps, op plain hard work.
• For others, a. ,minority,•
•-•SysteM---is -r-Otten;_, and taSo
• extent .I agree with them. They
• want a simpler, cleaner way of
life. • • • • .
It's -a • tough decision for
them. ' Often, It' takes more
.conrage to quit. than to con-
• form. They hate to hurt their
• baffled-p-arent's. They are -71a:: ••
belled as • lazy .punks and .drop-
outs. They •are told •they can't.
face reality. They .are confront-
• '•4 X.,:
,• .
• 4 • ,
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Judith Angela Esplen of Port.
Elgin became the bide of Murray
Melvin Hackett Of London in • Tot-
h* • Memorial • Presbytetian
Church, Port Elgin, Friday, Jan-
uary 23 at seven o'clock •:&n the
• Rev. Maurice McNabb off kiated:
Mrs.• Evelyn • MaitSween• was ' Or-
ganist and Mrs. Keith Welsh sang.
The- chtirch wal-decOrITeil
• Pith
standards of pink and white car -
O nations ,and' •the wedding • vows
were heard • by pink 0 candlelight.
• The bride is the daughter of
Plen and .the groOm's parents are
'Alt. and Mrs. Melville Hackett,
l''°Ther given in marriage -'
. her father, . wore • a long 7 .ivhife
dress Of ,irixported Gerrnan
vet with the skirt extending into
a train. The dress was enhanced
with long Sleeves With an invert-
ed (pleat. and"featured an attach-
ed- hood lined with pinfi
She carried a Bible and snowball
of pink ic...)Inbidiurn Orchids and
miniature pink carnations hung
from the wrist with white' velvet
cs..41,a,ril. • 10 e e e
bride,, Was maid a ,honour and
Miss DianiTe Dickison, cousin of
the bride, was •bridesmaid. They.
wore ho<S;ded dresses the sane
styles as the brides butof royal
purple iinported German' silk •ve1
vet with pink Satin. They earried
white fur Muffs with white and
pink carnations hanging from the
Wrist .with pink velvet ritibon,
Two 'really -good reasons to specify "the best";
—Shur -Gain Milk ReplaCer.•
Anderson Flax
Products Limited
•LUCKNOW ' PHONE 528.2026
• .4
tihoteLbY ThornbUrn „
Miss Sally Penton, friend of the
bride, was junior bridesmaid. Her
dress was identical • to, the bride's ••
•'and . she carried a white, fur, Muff
-and small snOwilaall---61, -
whitej carnations.. .
• Mr. Thomas. Chisholm,. Toronto, •
friend Of the groom was best Man
and Mr. •Roger Don Belli London,.
alS9 a friend' of the .groom, and
Jams Esplen, fort Elgin, eousin
ALtheivide were ushers.' .•
• Immediately following the wed- •
ding/ 'a reception and dinner was
held in the Virginia Room of the
Traveller's Restaurant, T h e
bride's • mother 'rtzeived the •
guests wearing a dress, of green
flowered Metallic • brocade With
matching green stole, shoes. and •
bag and she earned a white 9r -
chid. lmrse co ,
rsage. • .
• The ' groom's • Mother assisted
wearing a. light. Pink tvvoiece
brocade siiit with Silver accessor-
corsage. 0••
The bride's going away costume
was a robin egg 'blue velvet pant •
Suit- With sirVir, •accessorieS.
• 0 -tests were present from. To-
ronto London Markham, Acton,
Lucknow,Teeswater, Mississau-
ga, Paisley., Owen Sound and Port •
Elvin. •
5.5 —.I— 1— _ n •
• -The couple will live in London,