HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-03-18, Page 17• WEDNESDAY, MARC1 18th, 1970, "
. _ .�... _ 14114.10.4.4)WSENTINEL, ,LUCKN
EDITORSk Cat1.Lock, ie#n McTavi$11, lobert , Rooney
PHOTOGRAPHERS: Mary MacCharles, Bruce
On Friday, the fast class •was a
. French Assembly -put on by some
of the 'students who take French.
It was opened by singing "Au .
Clair de' la ,Lune" , Mrs Collins
was the chairlady. A small skit
was acted out by'Judy Hodge and'.
Margo Nicholson. This was a
scene "A, la gare". which was toy'
show that young :people are the
Same everywhere.. Following
thisckie Johnston .sang a solo,
"Dominique". A group of students
then acted "Doric je me leve" and.
"La maison que'Jaques a. Katie':..'
(The house that 'Jack built.) Grade
12 students then acted out:•a skit ..
' which .showed how exaggerated .a
rurnour can become in. a .short.
time:- Their teacher was
late for class one.day..and the)
ended •up crying'because; they
thought tilt. he had died
'theend,. the teachers walked into.
the classroom to'the surprise of all.
Mr. Turvill was called 'behind
rhe sce:nes'and was on stage.when
the curtains opened. To his,
surprise, "Happy Birthday" as
sung. in French andhewas,presen.t
ed';with ai gift. _
.. For thee- rest -of tli'e" assembly;
a movie, was shown.about two boys,
living in Montreal. ' -
The assmbly as a success
even though at times some had
trouble in understanding parts.
}}• A• great deal of the credit goes to
Mrs. •Co.11ins for arranging and '
directing this assembly.. •
Gail Lock has rejoined our
scholarly"ranks''at:RDHS. She
• endured. a long bout of illness and.
is now applying herself again to
:Schoolwork.' All .'the Ri'p1e,y
eats�)•.oi r� iri; w e-lc.oaaa-i ng-h,er
hbac- 4 m .
`Silver Lake W *1.
• Mrs: A.l. Hed•leey was hostess for '
the Tvlarch :meeting of the..Silver-
' lake Wornen:s Institute. ''Mrs.
'John Hodgins and 'Mrs Liatold
Bannerman were •in charge. of the
.. 'meeting.. •
The roll call was 'famous
Canadian: I would like to'meet..
• Mrs. Ray Stanley read .the scrip
Lure . Mrs,. Clem faldenby, was
the Citizenship convener' and 'gave
the motto "A different -.world.
ea -snot betma-de by. rndiffe-rent.
The topic on " Whats•,your
beef...proved hu nofous:with
members taking.part, Reports
were given by.the•standing coni'-
mittee-donveners.'• '
w It w<as_declded.to ha.ve:.-a-social
evening at the Kinloss Commun.-
ity Centre. The' cornittee to
make the. plans are.' Fir's:: Harold
"KERRY FARRELL ., "The Terror .
of the Halls•", Beneath her de- •
ceptiv'ely'sweer and kind outer
disposition, lurks the biggest -bully,
Of the school. She is•constaitly .
torr-rrent.ing-gentle souls like . G T1
Courtney and Marilyn Peterbaugh;.
Well,, we all have our little faults.
PAUL WALDEN - "Wallace",
".Wally -Gator:" , "Wally" and
'numerous other aliases. He. is .
definitely the aristocrat of Grade
12. :."''"•Wa'lly is a true gentleman •
of the old school; refined, of
impeccable taste, and Cultured
Speech.' , He is often seen severely
puffing on a pipe. A roan for all _.
of us to admire.
.Mrs. Glen HaIdenby, and Mcs•.
(E) Jim Lizmore.'
The nominating committee to
bring in the new slate of officers
t -floe -a ton
Let T.er.ders At
Ashfield Meting
Ashfield; Council 'met on March.
'3rd with all me'mbers'presen.
Eugene Frayne.,nd Lorne Cook'
were appointed to represen•t.Ash-
field on M.O,D.A.
The By• -Law restricting all lots.
in proposed sub -division lot 44 LR,
to one single dwelling was given
two. readings.
Four tenders were received yin
the.gr-avel contract. The -lowest -
tender of Sandy. Contracting Co,,.
78 cents per yard.., gravel taken
from Township pit; .93 cents if
taken from. Sandy pit was
accepted • .
The tender of Benson Shackle-
ton •for spraying cattle for; Warble
Fly'.Control was accepted at 12 •
cents per head each spray.
Tlie application of. Bert McWhinr
ney for Warble Fly inspector was -
accepted ..at a.salary. Of $2.25 -'per •
Thi tender of Harvey Kilpatrick.
for supplying Warbicide powder
at $5:75 per 15^ lb: bag was
accepted. ' •
The tender Of British Petroleuru,.
for supplying .diesel fuel oil,
was accepted•at 20; cents per gal .:
Road Expenditure sy-.Law for
1970, for an expenditure of •
$105 , 000 was passed'and forward-
ed to 'Department of Highways.
"-The Clerk was instructed to call.
tenders. for a new ,pick -.up truck,:
- . The -tender -of -Ontario -Culvert
Co. for supplying, a'seven foot,,
corrugated pipe for lot 4, con.
10 E.D. was accepted at a price
of $2',325.99 subject to approval'
of Department of High- ways.
Permission was given to the
road superintendent toattend a
school in Guelph -for four•days.
Council adjourned.to meet
April 7th at 1.30 p.•tn. Road
accounts of $7,9$8.40 and
general accounts of $6,368.37' •
were approved for payment.
There were twelve. tables: 9f
Progressive .Euchre played on
Friday; March 13th sponsored by,
the. St,: Augustine C.W L °"
Mrs. 0.'. Heffernan won the ,•
ladies high score and Lloyd
Phillips won the mens' .high. Miss
Elva. Kearney .had the low, score
:for the ladies ,..•and the low' score
for the men was won by Theodore
Redmond , '
The door-prize-was•-worr-by-Mr
Stuart, Chamney..•
Card Part
• A card party, . sponsored' by
Maple Grove L.O,L. was held at
the Zion Hall on Monday, March
9th with five rabies in play. .
High prizes went to Mrs, Al'
Irwin and Gordon Carter, Conso-
lation prizes went to Mrs. 'Frances
Wilkins and 13i11 Sproul. The 'next
card party will be in two weeks,
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The meeting closed with the,
"Queen" and "Grace". Lunch •
was served by the hostess 'and her
committee;. Mrs'.' Harold Banner-
, '.man and Mrs. ilay. Stalnley.
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