HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-03-18, Page 10PAGE 'TEN Blokes 1J.C:W The Easter meeting of the Blakes,U,C,4V'. was.'lield at 2 p,rt; on March 10th at the home of Mrs.: Jerry Cranston. There were 8 • members present: The .program s. prepared -bytes; Rho- =1 • • Phillips around the them .of . • Easter with the ,thought for,the day, Father into Thy hands .I commend my spirit. ' . Mrs, JerryCranston read the, _ Scripture lesson. from Mark 15 ; 'verses 33 • 36, Hymn ,Sr..". Vas , sung, followed .by prayer'. Mrs, Chris Cooke gave the ;.reading, "Easter Everywhere". Mrs. Phillips' and .Mr's. Andrew gave two interesting papers on' - "Easter -Customs and Beliefs" •giv• 4• • ing an insight into how -manygf • ' • these.•originated and when. The -ladies enjoyed`.commenting• on - ° these. ideas .and adding to them. Mrs. William.Andrew contribut ea, the poem "Bofrowed" from Easter ideals .w.ific t calleeto.mind the tnanylinle's Jesus made use of b'orrow'ed articles throughout His life. The'crown that He wore and the cross that He bore 'we're .His ow -n, •but .rightly should have beer ours instead • •- -' The Me tlipers-'expressed their ple,asure''with the fellowship experienced at the 'World Day of _ .Prayer T.1rs. C Eris Cooke .took charge of the business.part 'of the 'meet- , ing, Plans were:made for the Bake Sale on March -28th in'the ' former 'Johnstone Resriiurant . Mrs. ra on a named Jerry C nsty w s n me to assist hits. 'L , Menary on the :Manse,C'ommittee. .Mrs. Phillips closed the Meeting •with prayer. ` Mrs. Chris Cooke condticted an . . interesting contest while the • hostesses, ..Mrs. Jerry Cranston and:_M:rs-:-�hh.i=1.l.ips-served lunch Dun:g'annor, : 'Explorers On March 10th the Dungannon • Explorers' held ;their meetingwith one mernbet :abse'nt . After the Opening. exercises we held crafts'' itt which we made "'soap dogs". '110 • THE 'LUCKNOW' SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO See Slides Of HoIyLcmd At Easter Meeting Fine River United Church Wom- en held their Easter meeting on Tuesday evening,''.arch tenth; GuestSpeaker On Childress Aid � �:: • 3:ra. D. A-, icet-t--alias tllvst . ess to t o Maref, meeting held in. the •base;..ent of Trinity•1.'nited Church., ".r. Ale:, 'Hackett called the meeting, tc order., . ' and s'.rs, .Warren Zinn..in charge' ofthe d. e< oric'nal• period , • opened the. meetin= with .the ladies singing "Blessed Asiirance' mallow. ed by :i" prayer Vie—theme' 'oh ' Self-`eeking • ‘N.1 taken by Mrs. Zinn with Mrs: Reg Broome and Mrs, Douglas Raynard reading There was an attendance of the scripture passages:' Theysing- fo --tr,-o Presi-dine-for the -meet -ring -o# }n?'n' ..\Iote yer.To•Thee.. ing were.Mrs. Robert Rutledge and O Christ" closed the devotional • Mrs. Leonard'Re. id., ,As it was an. Easter meeting the roll call. was° "An Easter thought"., . .After a hymn the worship' service followed,. ,Mrs, R. Rutledge, 'Mrs.: Perrin Lowry and Mrs. Donald Courtney gaye•Easter readings ,in .keeping with the Easter season, portraying the cruc- fiction'. After .pKayer by Mrs. Rutledge,'. a solo by Mrs. John' Elliott was accompanied .by Susan Elliott After the.-ded-ication-.af - February-m-eetrng-and=th-e-ro-11 the offering, the worship:serv,tc.•, call was answered this month by was ' close'd with a hymn 28 :Members , . with 1 'visitor and Floyd. Stanley; who has .travel- 4 children also •present . ' led extensively,, showed beautiful The ,guest speaker for. the • slides of Holland and. the Holy . ' • afternoon was Miss Clara. McGow•- Land .Fields' of lovely tulips : an from:.Goderich who spoke on • daffodils and other Spring'flowers -the .Ch'idren's` Aid Society and were used in the wonderful parade the duties it perr'fornls in'the • of 'the flowers in Holland. in - :_variotis needy places.. A speaker the Holy. Land •many places of • representing the Societe will be interest ,Orf • Biblical- times -were • • -appearing on aminters ieTw ton shown reminding •one .of so.many Television in the near future but incidents when Jesus Was here•'on the date is notcertain•.as of now. earth. Mrs Wm. Andrew thanked the .Mrs. Eldon Bradley thanked speaker for her very informative Mr. Stanley and presented him' . ` and interesting.talk.. With a gift. Our Society is invited April ' A delicious lunch was served in 14th to the St. Helen's Thank,, the Sunday School Room by the offering Meetin and 'to'St, • hostesses Mrs . Murdock :McDonald, g g Peter's Church, Lucknow,''April Mrs. Perrin Lowry, 'Mrs.. Donald 21st; for their Thankofferin Courtney and Mrs.. ,Leonard Reid. g 'Courtesy remarks were given • . meeting, fit was decided•,,Trinity Would plan their special -rne--e-ting-•from O t erby s, ay Wal en.; at „Ont. regular •o th. Followin lunch the C.G.i T: • g' girls::had a'sa,e'of candy in colour - Alex During the' Business period Mrs, Hackett read a letter from ful baskets and pretty 'Easter .Eggs • Westminster College; .London, .ga ily decorated, regarding ,anyone Wishing, to ttentf-the-rilerrngtfrere-ih `etld` W of 'May. This will: be discussed further at our April: sieeting.. Mrs; Frank Alton 'read thank. you notes front ,Mrs. George. Henry .';Ives.. • Alan 13arger, and,Mrs,.• • Frank Ritchie. The membersalso reported on. visits'nlade during the past. monthto shut-ins. Mrs. Allan Hackett reported on the , orders for cards. The Mission Festival being, held the week -end of May. 1, 2 and : rd .in, Lucknow United Church was explained by Trinity L'.C.. W,,•representative, . Ctrs:hen. Alton.: Our theme is "Christian \, ocations .. period.. A skit (based on ?he theme); ,follo'wed ; .with :vers. Hummel,. Mrs. Bert Altdn„ Mrs; .Harvey Ritchie and Mrs. Alvin Alton, acting but the parts.. • T1.o_re adings "He isatisea_ `by, Mrs . Jerry Cranston and. "The Master is Corning" by Mrs, Bob Helrn were enjoyed. In;the, absence of the secretary Mrs.. Frank Ritchie, Mrs. Allan '-Ritchie•read; the minutes of • Followingcrafts' we joined circle and:had the closing hymn and prayer. : investI11llt idea'for pople \vho'have a.11 t e msurance insurancethey want. Ftir'tUtl 11llor'•iilatit}'t .On the e it1itl•-lil keel local Sun 'Life. repre- • . ststlt,ttirt today, ' . • SUN. 1, ht.,' lTi ' CANAnA •I ipti *Pit lie 411 • 1• Mrs. <<=arren Zinn, read he' treas.urer's':report and Mrs. Donald ,Hackett reported'on ttie.•Supply work .,..and s,tiilts•which were , aterials were - _ ive:r o::t ,to be' sew n for bazaar work: The •firance committee was .:.e�d,to decide on a rice •. ,,, , _� . tri apron costes: is to be held at the ' ?rill .::eetin._ with the rte:tubers :c bring in. ire apron toe taken to :he FFa,11.bazaar,, . • LUCKN•OVW CHRISTIAN REFORMED. CHURCH J. W. Van Stempvoort Pastor Services 10:00 a.m. (English) 2:30"p.m. * (Dutch 2nd • and. 5th. Sundays) ` VISITORS WELCOME ,.Denominational- padio.... Broad- cast, "The Back. To God Hour", every Sunday: CJCS (Stratford) 2:.00 p.m.; CFOS (Owen Sound) — 6:00' p.m. ANGLICAN CHURCH. , 'LUCKNOW AREA PARIS$; The Rev.. R Qdendahl Rector MARCH 22nd • Palm Sunday., St. Paul's, Ripley- — 9:30 a.m.. Ascension, Kinlough 11 a.m. St. Peters, Luckuow —1:30 p.m.- Church School —' 10:15 a.m. St. Pauts;Dungannon 3 p.m. Alternating with, Christ Church, Port Albert WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18th, 1970 ,�LUCKNOW. UNITED,. CHURCH. Rev, -;Robert' Nicholls, -8& Minister MARCH 22nd Palm Sunday 10:00 a.m,.',Sunday School. 11:00. a.m..'Morning VNorabip; 'Gonfirmati0_ Holy Communion. 8:00 p.m, Youth Group Good 'Friday 8:00 p.m. Cantata "No Greater Love" POINT TO PONDER. The service you give is the rent you. pay` for the space you' oc- cupy on this' earth. j Lucknow • Presbyterian Church Rev. Glenn Noble, B.A. B.D. Minister Phone 528-2740 MARCH 22nd Palm Sunday • 10:00 a.m.: Sunday . School 1:00 am. Morning Service HOLD, POVERTY LUNCH C.W.L. Present Gift •Aubin To Mrs. Don On March' 9, 1970 in St. Joseph's ;School., Bt. Joseph's C.. W • L,.:held their. meeting, Mass.. was said by Father Cassano.:The meeting was -opened with prayer.. -E.i-gbtee:n--r-seraber-s-were--pr-ese-nt L - with Mis. Jolla Austin:pr.esidmg. .; Remember to say the League Prayer,. 'nine days for the sick of. the'parish. •• T h;eu4m etrrb-ershYp-e`onv eirorte a the regulations to ---the elections,,. which take place in April. Marion Villa Guild memberships are .on sale Mrs Carl Riegling showed clippings dealing with consumers' affairs and a discussion•,follow.ed. Mrs; John Howard:.and 'Mrs.. Pete Vogt are in charge of the Scout Father .and Son i3anquet in April. Nits. Frank.Riegling gave ' inf'or'mation and showed a plate so it was .de.c'ided. to: sell plates depicting the church. Mrs .,C:arl- Rieglrtrg-nti,ved that the •C W .L. sponsor a member of the Youth Club to attend a'convention in Windsor. . ' 1 m. .. - ina an' R.R. 2 Lucknow • 1 � PhoMr wi a m 494 1 NAME.'. .. 1 ADDRESS 1 1 i r .. •O rw ..: is r' r 'ill" _ ilk Ili lit • 12 rMrs Hac;e,t and Mrs. Hum ,.;dell '1. - ' ..ave the prayer:. Hvz .n • Have 1 T h ire Ow \r'av Lord was sung and the',::eetirt closed with pr aver Lunch Was served bv. • the hostess and Mrs.- P.m Nelson, Mrs. Andrew i itrhie and Mrs.' • Hunte • The, April:ne+etinl will 'be or the ,lith with Mrs. Russel l.vian ar gess. 1 1' 1• "Take Courage." was the theme o t e or s' Day of Prayer and a brief report was given by the• • Spiritual Convenor. The'.treasur er , correspondence and recording •_ secretaries gave their reports. - Mrs.John Austin and Mrs. Bob Howard are to visit the sick. On March 25th in the morning, the church is to be cleaned for Easter. Donations' for flowers will be c,o ecce • after Mass.. Nits., Reisiltenburg presented gi:ft•to Mrs, 'Don Aubin whd is leaving to reside south of Guelph A film might be,shown.during vac ti ons. I's. Mark Dalton teal an interesting letter of Mot Rev , C,, : Young concerning the role of the;.. Catholic Women in an organiza=+ "'Peale and Development. Easter v Kinlovgh .A.C..W.' KINLOUGH. NEWS The Anglican Church Women • meat on 'Thursday afternoon- at. the- home he "home of ,,Mrs. Bert Nicholson with a good attendance. The. President' •. Mrs. Gertrude Walsh was in .••• charge' and .the -'meeting •opened with the Litany followed by : pxa-}hers :-M-iss-'Tula: -Bo :le r ea,d •, Y. y. the-•- e iptur'e- - chapter 1.8. Mrs•.' Howard Thorilp- son read Ole. Easter Meditation prepared by Mrs, 'Roy Schneller., The Word_ for the roll call was. ,-2-resurrreetton" "Thank --you." letters were read for get, well cards.. •An.invitation was accept- ed from the, Lucknow Anglican Churchwomen to their Thank • offering meeting on April 21st, at 8.30, • : Plans were made fora wedding dinner with Mrs. Bert Nicholson, Mrs. Art Hal.denby and Miss Edna' Boyle a committee to arrange for it The meeting closed with prayer..' Grace 'was sung and delicious. refreshments were setved�•bytfie 'hostess . Mrs Russell Hewitt gave the courtesy.' rertiarks. " " During the afternoon a 'quilt was quilted. ,The April hostess • 'will• be Mrs. Howard Thompson. and 'will be a devotional meeting., tion.. 1.1rs Frank • Rie ling is to • ata-ke-t-fr. Father Cassano read .twelve humorous points on how to ruin an organization, which everyone enjoyed. Mrs-. Eldon Austin s., . . ..... Martin Hendriks were appointed : to the Nominating Committee. Firs.•Mark Dalton adjourned the meeting and Father Cassano closed with prayer; . Mrs. Antone Van.Osch 'won the mystery gift. A poverty lunch consisting of coffee was held and the money Collected will be sent to •aid