HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-03-18, Page 6,PAGE S.I. X /r THE° LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO: • CLASSIFIED ADS AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE AUCTION. SALE AUCTION SALE of Machinery, AUCTION SALE of hogs, machin Livestock and Hay will be held: for ery, hay and grain, will be held Ivan McFarlan,. lot 19, concession for ClarenceWy lds, . Lot. 21, . Coo - 11, Kinloss Township,- . 71, miles.' cession 4, Huron. Township, 21`1 u • north of L cknow and 2 mils east - miles south and: 111 miles west of rof . Kinlough on • Thursday, March Ripley, on Tuesday, April 7th at - ---26th at-1:30-p,m,-Terrns.;cash_Allan_ 1:30 p m, Terms -Cash. Faun -Sol McIntyre, auctioneer. Allan MacIntyre; Lucknow,: Aub. • AUCTION SALE toner AUCTION SALE of Real Estate,' AUCTION SALE Household Furniture, Livestock, AUCTION SALE of livestock, Machinery, Hay & 'Grain, will The machinery, hay and grain will be held for the,. Estate, of the late held for Howard Johnston, LOUT, Frank Lindsay, lot 46, con. ' 3 N.D; Concession 3, ' Ashfield Township, 1 R. Kincardine Twp., 11/4 miles north corner south and 2 corners west of and 4= mile west of Bervie on Mon- Dungannon, on Thursday, . .Alm dam, March 30th att1 30 p m. Terms tad at 1:30 pm. perms Cash, Farm Cash. Delmar Lindsay. ad -minis.. sold., Allan Maclntyre, Lucknow, trator. Allan McIntyre, auctioneer. Auer. AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE of livestock, machinery; hay and grain,, will be held for .Mrs. Victor Black, E.H. lot 8, concession 3, Ashfield Town- ship, 1 corner sodth and 2 ' miles west : of Dungannon ton Saturday, • 'March 21 at 1:30 p.m. Terms cash. Farm sold. Allan . Macrntyre, . auc- oneer. • AUCTION 'SALE. '`AUCTION SALE . of 107' beef cattle including 22 Hereford cows, all. with calf,, by. side; 42 ,closes springer cows . and .heifers; 18 —stocker heifers aiid teer-s; : 2 pure-: bred Polled Hereford balls;1 Char ahs: till; will be' heldfor .Cliff and Harvey. Livingston,, Lot 1,- Conces- sion 7,' Ashfield Township (former corners south and'4 • corners; west of Lucknow or 3 cor- ners east. of Highway 21 on Hur- on.County Road 20 Oil Thursday, March 19 at 2 p.m,. Terms 'cash. Allan Maclntyre; Auctioneer TENDERS WANTED TENDERS FOR TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELD 'TENDERS will be• : received by: the undersigned : until Monday, April 6th at 6 ' p. m., for the pur- , chase oa n w • on truck': -'Ten= •. • Ford 1h -ton- es -ton-as trade-in. Specifications : may.'be obtained from the • road superin- tendent. Lowest or any ,tender' not necessarily accepted. Joe Maclntyre, R.R.•3 Goderich. Road - Superintendent TENDERS. WANTED For, FLAIL TYPE MOWER Specificatidns &. tender • forms are available at the office of the Maitland : Valley 'Conserva- tion Authority in Wroxeter' or by 'writing .Box 760,' Listowel, Ontario. '. Sealed tenders clearly . marked as to'. contents' Will be received br. the Secretary -Treasurer, , Conser -ation•- Authority. Box. 760. Listowel; until -5:0 p,in.. Tuesday, April • 7..1970. AUCTION SALE • AUCTION ` SALE of beef cattle, machinery, ..hay ,end grain, ' house- hold furiutur'e' and antiques will be held for Clifford McPhee,; Lot 9, Concession 9, Colborne Township, (3'iiles west of Auburn or 3•miles east of Nile) on Tueaday,..March -24-Rt. 1;34 Terms-Cash',Allan._Ma. ntyre, Auctioneer, vucknow. AUCTION SALE _ of - Livestock and Machinery • Will. Be Held For • JOHN ASKES Lot- 26-27; Con: By Turnbe-rry Township 311 Miles West Of. Wingham On 86 Highway On TUESDAY, MI i CH 1st • At 1:30 p.m. Livestock: •„ 20 1Iiigh Grade. Holstein- cows, 3 Elbe time -Of -sire, 2' open, 6 retired, 9 fresh; 1 Holstein bull;,'.14 Yearling Holstein. heifers; 12 Calves:.• Dairy Equipment: :_... e - /. Woods vacuum pump; 2 Surge units, pipeline;' 6 can spray cooler. Machinery: 1968 David Brown tractor, model 880 diesel, 840 hrs:';. '3 furrow plow on rubber;' 'Oliver 3 point hitch plow; M. H.,_ nee ay_,disc:;...Cult- ivator; M. H. seed drill; John Deere 9Sp r, • Corn scuf fler; M. F. mower, 3 point hutch; 32 ft. elevator;; M. H. side' rake, 3 bar; Cockshutt swather;. Ford baler, 3 yr: old; Wagon: with .rack;. Allis Chalmers Combine,::no�.60• Hammer mill with 50 ft. `belt; Geo- rge • White . thresher' with' 100 ft. belt; , Many . other useful articles.. TERMS' CASH BRIAN RINTOUL, Auctioneer • Whitechurch NEWS • AND VIEWS ........ Nitrogen fertilizer ,shy nld. ap-. plied to. soil, broadcastin1 before seettukg 11 'nu* rises, Large =Omits of. Nitrogen being „used in mixed, fertilizers, .Over. 5o' • ibs',. • of 'Nitrogen aqd Potash units . combined glotild not be seeded with the grain. So get out the broadcaster for the Nitrogen. It: is quickly applied and a lot safer, The adhvrtisii i , urging bog ��*edera�-t4-u--abta- in -the warrations for pigs is very convincing. We think that in 'do - mg, so,. resistance to..antibiotics. is built *and when you do really need them to control•, disease` out- break, they--are..--not effective. "Hit- 'em hard, and then leave 'em .• alone," Weanling .pigs from cora- • munity ; sales or any area • not known to be disease-free may pro-. :fit from low-level.antibiotic feed- ing, but leave ,them out of grow-' ing rations when. you do not need them. Alternating 2different anti. -biotics is more effective than. one. Beware of•entering a sealed silo:' Whenany material is ensiled in a sealed' container, • the oxygen is all used up and, the atmosphere that remains .will . not support life if you must enter such .a silo, poti! niust_ o_one__• of -two things: (1) Open. the hatches - 'top, and bot- tom - and allow enough time for a `'complete exchange of air. The use of a blower ' will' help to 'speed ''i`hings up. 12). If .the silo atmos- phere is completely replaced, you 'should only enter the silo wearinj- •a self-contained breathing appar- atus -such: as--scuba-diving-equip-- went. „A gas mask must not be used in this situation. erimaking,plan$ to build any new farm structures, particularly .open -front „buildings, be sure to' consider the, effects 'of wind and snow on the new situation. Many farmers have been greatly (limp: pointed' with . an otherwise well planned. unit because. of windhcur= rents and snow drifts during win- ter operation. It is generally too' late to change'. things after the building is in place: Planning on erecting a new l'ive- 'stock building; or 'doing '.a major remodelling job on, an' existing building?—To • pro Or yourself bu. s reade from--complaints--which-night .. arise some' time in the . future as a resultof air.. pollution :(odours), you are strongly advised to obtain a "Certificate` of Approval” ' for your new unit from the Air Man- agement`Branch, Department of Energy , and Resources, through your Ag. ;Engineer: The 285 4-H Agricultural. Club members in Bruce County are part of . world wide ' movement found in 76 different countries. In Italy the name is . 3-P. In Kenya the name is '4-K. In Columbia the name is 4-S. In '.Argentina the name is ;4•M. In Haiti the name is, 4-C. But whatever. the label “the idea of learning; to do by doing is the same. ' ;. .At. the,. pr-escnt-. time, ---there-' is considerable ,talk of growing: Soy- beans as a home grown source of protein. Full fat beans •represent, 38-pereent--protein and ,18 percent ' oil 'for beef 'and ' dairycattle rations: Recent developments in heat treatment of. soybeans allows them to'be fully utilized` in swine and poultry feeds: The general, the ---recent SEed-- Fair at' Formosa is that soy beans are a premature crop for Bruce . County;. • Experience has shown that the present varieties tall not guarantee ati econm oic yield ' T • tzot' necessarily •accepted. MAITLAND VALLEY CONSERVATION AUTHORITY,' :1 Box 760. • Telephone: .Listowel. Ontario 335-3557 { TENDERS WANTED For HALF -TON TRUCK • Specifications & tender forms' :reice:-of the Maitland' t"alley. Conser- vation Authority in \Vroxeter• or . by Writing Box' 760. ,ListoWel, ario• • Sealed. tenders clearly Mark- ed as to contents Will be re- tie vet by the S&ci-etary-Treas= neer. Maitland Valley Conser— vation Authority. Box' 760. Lis- . towel until 5:00 . :rn , 'Tesda ', April 7, • 1970.• 3 LOwe`t or any tender. not tie esarily accepted • ; MA I T'L AN D .VALLEY CONSERVATION'AUTHORITY Box 160, : Telephone: Listowel, Ontario 335:3557 .:3, NEWS' RANCTE AGENCY ESTABLISHED —'1909 HGWAR--D AGNEEW- MARG AGNEW Lucknow, Ontario CK STREET OFFICE PHONE 528-2942 WEDNESDAY, MARCH. 10th, 1970; ecal Prices. ars imrncns. Sealy vow 1. 'xir, ;. 'eopmaster, a�#re��es acKENZIE FURNITURE Phone 52843? • DA1RY QUIPMENi MILKING PARLOURS. STANCHION PIPELINES BUCKET MILKERS • • VACUUM PUMPS STEP SAVERS BULK TANKS. .'WATER• CONDITIONING . :EQUIPMENT R:Lly Adger, Silo Unloaders Silage ; Conveyers ' unker.:_..Eeeder s .KEN MARTIN . 346-2408 KINCARDINE Read�rsWrite... Notice To Creditors NOTICE TO•CREDiTORS In•The Estate Of ANNIE HOWARD Late Of The Township. Of Ashfield In the County: Of Huron,Widow All • persons claiming against. thee:. above .Estate. are required to for- ward full particulars of • their claims to -- the undersigned. `.on or before -the -15th day of April, ,1970, after which date, the assets will be distributed: —DONNE-LLY: & MU•RPHY ;' 18 The Square' Goderich;: Ontario Solicitors For The Estate NOTICE.. TO •CREDITORS ° • In The Estate Of' RICHARD ALBERT'CAMPBELL -_ .__Deceased All. persons having claims again- st the Estate of. Richard Albert• • Campbell,. late of.the Village of Lucknow in ..the County of ..Bruce, Retired Farmer, deceased, • . who died on or about. the 16th day of February, -1970, are herebTy netif:. d-f-iilpart' claims to the undersigned Solicitor • for_ the' Executors, on or • before the 2nd. day of April, 1970, 'after .which • •. date the assets of the estate will be distributed .amongst those entitled thereto having regard-oln y. to the claims, that have then. been receiv- ed. .Dated :at ,Listowel, Ontario," this '12thday of March; 1970., R,W..ANDREW,. Listowel, Ontario' •' -Solicitor For. The Executors . . 19 Brant Ave.. • 'Port Credit , Ont Tlr, Editor , / The 'Lucknow Sentinel. Lucknow, Ont. bear, lion =c-ene• • 1ustoi} -at 4us-t1w- tit-te{-r - -}--40 z ood,- yea r'in your .work as Editor of VOtir papers,, . We look*forward t:t? rec.Cirin; our copy, but it r_gq io:ta=14y- tniue-•ii'3r • 30. bushels, per acre under Bruce County conditions: late. • The mails -at v otic end. must be` reaily nixed up. 'We ' had .a•fine Christmas and lsoxin.g. Par. Cut 1it, fa1y e• i�. together tin foxing, Il1v for the first trite in 'fourteen Fears, There were 'four teat of us to down n tC1)get11cr it certainly was. a :,-anti ox .ltnet aid v,t`,were' 71:1• tlt:tnkful, op 'titat,vou had a .good time i.,1;c7CVC7 ;t•Oi: and vour children Siitecrw 1 ; • . li�aerti Itrai'r, NOTICE TO,',CREDITORS In The Estate Of MURDENA MacLE.OD' .,Deceased ' All persons having claims against the- -Estate--of -- Murdene-MacLeod, • late of the Village of 'Lucknow, in the County of Bruce, Retired' School Teacher, deceased, who died on, or about the' 1st day of March, 1970. are . hereby notified' ' to , send full ,particulars .of their claims' to the undersigned Solicitor .for ' the . Ex- - ecutors, on or before the 2nd day, of April,. •1970," after which date• the • aSSetS-Eof"'y`tbe`-Fla%`"v► rYl`lze"""`_`a tributed amongst those entitled thereto having regard only to: the claims,. that have then • been.re- ceived. Dated at Listowel, Ontario, this 14th day of. March, 1970. • R. W. ANDREW,': Listowel, Ontario Solicitor for the Executor