HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-03-11, Page 23WEDNESDAY,' MARCH llth; 1970 THE LUCKPIOW SENTINEL,' LUCKNOW, ONTARIO i,ETTER. .TO THE..EDITOR - G. ONT,INUED. FRO,M.P 1GE 1 all my years of watching hockey-,,, seen .anything like.thts and hope never ,do again: If it :hadn't been, so pitiful.,. it would have. been funny... In thy,. first .place the two teams were pretty evenly matched, both were determined and werequt to win. .Ripley was. at a `lldv'antage with fewer • players and on the other team's home ice,; nonetheless this is • hockey, isn't ,it? 1 won't go unto the details'of the game asit would take too .' much space to name all penalties called for supposedly wrong doings. Ripley players. got away with nothing at all,. which is to be expected and the proper: way I .guess , but while they took one. penalty after the. ,other, the' Ripley platers' stip on the ice ".were being slashed, 'speared, tripped and .kicked' w ith the, blades' ofskate . w^ i n they were down. This was, 4 > 'allowed;. for 1 eustadt.anything was' allowed until the fans got ' too noisy and the officials called a, penalty on Neustadt once in a while;_ The Neustadt boys played rough,. theyplayed dirty but '. • they knew, they could get away with it,'so who could blame•them% 'They' were out, to win. These two officials ,//the-refer-ee-in=pa-rtid•ul-ar the linesman just'went:along. for. the ride ., did eyerything' for,the Neustadt team''butgut•the. puck in '. the net. Given a stick; no doubt they would have done that tot'. In the• last few minutes ' .• of play Ripley tied the score:.. A few seconds after, a, Neustadt player got another goal to make the score 10..- 9. This goal was' scored on the offside, • At. least.. onehu. ndred people• watched it and knew .the•goal wouldn't be counted.: " B'oth'officials were ddwn::'by the Ripley' net and..coulci. see the offside but didn't call it..__They .allOWed_.the..:goa-1„ One- of the Ripley coaches, a man who: has spent" the biggest part of his life involved in sports, had, one of the players summon the' referee• to the bench. :The • referee refusedand asked the boy. •if he thought'he was crazy . enough to go over there. Now. this seemed strange, as'both officials when they weren't having a father -son chat with one of the Neustadt 'players, arm over the lad's shoulder and alY, were draped over the Neus- radt.bench:/conversing with.the •coaches of that team., I wonder. • Could this all have been hockey. •businessthey discussed.'or was it monkey business. Anyway: with about' a minute arid a half left to play Ripley scored.. The: goal light went on (tate goal judge was: a Neustadt lady I believe). At least one half of,the spectator's were in a•positiion to'see the puck go over the -goal line and sit • for, a coup'1t#•seconds in: the-iret afore the goalie scooped . it out and 'shook his head.r.'.' The. referee, I take it; : couldn't:see this last goal as. Ripley was not credited .With ,it and the game ended 10 9 in -fa-vour-o -Neustadt parhaps- Ripiey co}ldn'Lhave b_eat_therri I'ts not the, .game' .thatc.on'cerns me, and so many other. +_peoplee,_but-the_tdot that these two beings saw only wh,at they '' wanted to see and the reit was to be ignored . As the old' saying .._ goes, It isn't whether you wiri or. lose ,..but how you play the•; game. Or is it? ; ' Now• this °is my" biggest compla int .. Like every other , -parent I have done my best.to. teach my children right from wrong :T have stressed the. fact. that it is better to fail a grade in schooLthan_to--gain-that grade by -- Cheating. They have been told that cheaters always lose and . come to no good, Now I ask you:,. is this the example' we want set for our children? Are they to be brought down for cheating when someone like this can demonstrate how you can win being a cheater? In an organization such• as the W O ; A . A . who would ever think anything like this would•be allowed to,happen?'. 'I defy. 'either• one -of these beings to deny anything I' have written, There isno need to name names', although they .will be ready available if need be. 'If this is the kind of -thing that is .to go on in these games I think, though it would break manya boy's heart, trophies should be doneawa`y with, and no reward offered,: I. know it is too' late r now to help the. Ripley team. • They are:. good ,•losers , they are: willing` to wait till next 'year :but rnaybe:;sorneone with a little bitof goodness -will —T -- two two buddies to hang up .their.' skates and stick to • watching'• T.V. hockey;. Thanks for the space Don, i . • MRS; MAE DORE • • 'LucknoW , ' Onta'f i , •M.arch 6', 1910.. Commuftit-y-Fetu-m-,• The Lucicno'w Sentinel, Lucknow , ;Ontario, rt Dear•Sir, The thoughts in last week's': Comrnunit:y Forum have made me SEE' THE DISPLAYS DURING THE GRAND OPENING; THIS WEEK •:1- ••M.u••N••'�•r1•M•�.•�1•MWtN•M•N•Nu• •• . 'L. f���+`R..�t• ♦.. •+.•r.•«�:>•w� ►_ : ' .• JUST VISIT THE .STORE -: PUT YOUR NAME IN THE TREASURE CHEST YOUCOULDBEAW1NNR1!! 3: $. •' i:: ries. ' •ii a.'• 4.• • 4.44+ w w w +. N �. L .s. 3�-s»� ...:».....-M-.....:. ' :»:»�� :-��€� :»� tip». ,+44tat The Factory Consultant, Mr. Neil Dillon, will be here. Friday and Saturday' to assist and answer ay q'estions PAGE TWENTY-THREE LUCKNOW ` PHONE 528-3009 C STOM-'SLAUGH IERINO— HOTSPO'T STORE" - 6 • . PORK :CHOPS---=-- --- 79c Y.B. T-BONE.STEAKS $1.05 LB. 'B'ACON' ENDS _ _ _ .._'63c I FRESH PICNIC SHOULDERS ' 54c -LB 4 STORE SLICED LEAN BACON: Fry Our H�memad� Pure • Pork Sausage See You I. At the Liens Ice Carnival Fruaay • '1F yOU WANT A LAUGH. 'SEE. THE OLDT-IMERS INACTION, rr" • think of one of My pet peeves •-• Spells'$ucc:e$$'`, and '"$cholas$ the idea that;a student should Make Dollar$":. If'a,slip o..f`pa'per stay in school and get his diplorna: is all that parents and 'students • so that he can, get a better' job • and authorities' want for our'�J *h , and earn more money.,;. Recently.;, then they deserve it if that's all I heard a high,school guidance they get,. ' teacher say„ The main thing a"•.' student should',try to. get.. out of '- .school is a•diploma",. Surely that teacher rneani, t'o'; say that students, ought to :work • towards the values represented by 'that slip of paper... I, was under , the impression that a,• teacher's job' was more than filling heads. .;with facts and .equipping people to'ea.rn money. .A computer' or trade school'cotild do that much. Of course !. They have' to • eatn money;, they can't Jive) without it: but a person who is yn- Fanonl. 'a. sklled�varknaa become a Wealthymental bankrupt.:I„.hope I am teaching 'students to think'aiid, appreciate and 'wonder: And , at, a time. when "the'average• Canadian • changes.his occupation four times or more in his life time, 1 hope I am teaching students h nge-. ran ly .. the • most valuable thing I learned in school 'was.''how and when to,'say ; "I don't' know ." I've been•'trying to do more than to.teach the' right answers; I want them to be able to.ask the. right questions. Am I wasting my time discussng'the value ' -of u,Ii. sJ. Shore concentrate more on teaching how to write cheques and add up a bank balance? • Surprisingly enough., that's all .most students Want too7 just to get this whole.dreary school routine over as a necessary prelirninary to. get outand earn. May -be we should put signs all over the use. saying, ,"Study But forgive me if.I still try to inspire. critical appreciation of fi-fe .and,-lien-ut --and- trut-h---i-n-yout• .. Someday,' I hope it will be• one. of my students who will tell: you • that; in spite of everyone's efforts to cheat and frustrate him in spite of the deadening influence ,of exams', ;and parental pressure ; in spite of the frantic race for a certificate, he still got an. , education - he learned not only how to earn money.. but, how to • think, to enjoy., to appreciate. to understand, to evaluate - to'` live! . yours' sincerely A FORMERHIGH SCHOOL I EAc:Ht.R. LadyResM�et Lady representatives from .Lucknow ,. Tara , Tiverton, :Kincardine, paisley and Ripley fly.. tut-a�Soc tI-fi11Ct; l\'ionday in St, Andrew's United . Church, .Ripley to hear ' t • reports from the Agricultural Societies Convention, which was held last week in 'Toronto, r aso conducted the meting and' ' called on delegates to•give reports on various sections „, A 'question and answer period' follow•' ed and man robleni plaguing •;yp .Fairs were talked over. ., The meeting began at.10 a :tn.. and 'closed at l p.,.m Speakers included tars. Russ Barclay of Tara:. p