HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-03-11, Page 22PAGE TWENTY-TWO THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO r ., Il!IIlIIIIIUIIRII!!!1111111 G • Are Y�u.;.PICtthlng No Matter What Your Preference In Siding We Can Supply It Siding Adds Beauty And. Comfort To. Your Home And Greatly increases Its Value, For .A Very Reasonable Cost J. M. ASBESTOS SIDING ROCKSPAN ROCKSHAKES � — �: COLORLOK X 90 SIDING ALUMINUM SIDIN • um WOOD :SIDING BRICK :JRI1LL. OPEN EVERY WEEKDAY- ATURDAY AFTERNOON PHONE 528-3118 LUCKNOW Let Warble Fly awanosh Council . for the Township of West Wawanosh,met in regular, session on Tuesday ;,.\Iarch 3rd, at the Clerk's .home' ..with all; members in - attendance:; The minutes Of the :February. • session were .read. and, after correction, were, addpie'd, . The error occurred in. reporting the '. acceptance of Ontario Culvert's tender for the multi plate culvert which should have read. "not erected"..rather than "erected'', \ prion. to.-asLopt Was made b/ Councillgls McDonald The tenders and applications rec'ei'ved for 'the 1970 Warble Fly Campaign were. opened at this point. • On motion of Councillors McDonald and Foran. the (1) ap•Iication of Omar Brooks as •Inspector; (:2) tender of Murray 'Reid of Londesboro for.rid0 pounds of warbicide at i 5.25 pet ; 15 1b bag; (3j -th_e-t-ender of 1< -en We-ber- of, Brussels for spraying cattle for warbles for the lump sum price, of $1100;00 were accepted:. and (4) the 'rate of 20c per he per spray to be charged for spra_yi ` �. 70 Motion byCouncillors McDon- ald, and Ruterford "'That the • • .and 'Rutherford ,rtOn. motion:.of Councillors Rutherford: and McDonald , the • Road Superinten tint and •Reeve were u oriz - • . • • • • ly fur the ., .annual subsf:dy on 1069 road .ex= ' pendiitures on:an amount of approximately '$60.. 000 , 00 . B 1aW #.5 , 19/0; authorizing read Xpe t lit-rts°tn 1910 in. West, • .Wawariosh to the maximum of 368,00,0.00 ,,was ,given third,. ading and finally passed on motion of Councillors' A itchison and. Foran. • the Engineer on the• Murray. Drainage, Works. Gamsby, , of Guelph, together.... with Council, met four of.the owners in the ,N.Iurray Drainage Works: with .regard to questions ,concerningthe drain.. Those in.: • attendance were Frank NicQuilliri; 3.D; and 'Ross :DUrnin, and William Purdon. • The toad accounts were • ordered paid on motion of Councillors Foran and Aitchison. • The following :general. accounts e--pa-ssed--for-payhent ei motion of Councillors Aitchison and •Foran: • Huron County Soil and,Crop' zrapr-o: P c:iation grant:, 15,00; Joan. Armstrong: part salary : 200 , 00; Welfare accounts 1492.30; Receiver (7eneral, postage stamps • ';r. , 00 A ROAD •A CCOUNTS WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11th, 1110 - EDITORS:. • Gail. Lock, Jean McTavish, Robert Rooney .R • ' PHOTOGRAPHERS:, :Mary"Mac-111Bruen Attken WIND-UP BONSPIEL The wind-up bonspiel for the high school curlers was held last 'week, Each team played a game after school. either Tuesday, • Wednesday, or Thursday night. -On--Saturday.'they each. played 2. games. "There were 72 curlers on three draws. • The trophy went to John D.,. Lolling and his team; Robert Rooney, vice, Gayle Huston.:. second, . and Marsha Humphrey, lead... They had 3 wins +:1.3. Each 'received• a small trophy .. and a gift certificate; Taking ° seco,nc„, place was. John Collins, skip, Glen. Wylds , vice Gertrude Lee Walden.., second;'and.•Kathy Farrell,, lead : They weren:t, far • behind John b. with 3 W + 10. • Third prize went to Charles, Liddle, Terry Elliott,' Jamie Farre'11,. and Dorinda Forester,with, 2 W + 12 Right behind°"them.;. with 2. W +;.9;"was Paul Walden, Dianne Kempton', Dou'W Coultes , Marianne MacDonald. Consola•-•'. tion'was won.by Kerry Farrell, ° Mary; ,McCr'eath , Joan Ferguson.' and. Steve:Henry wh:o had Although everyone i nit. recti v.e-a-pr'i-ze. ;the -y enj-ay.ed •µ Ltd. , Culvert design a•:nd, plans, 404..60; D. .R. M . Co.' Ltd . Circle parts:- grader„ 23.64; Imperial Oil --Ltd fuel and tax, 356.95;, Thos. H.a'ckett and • Sons, chain saw ,.2a. 00; ,Harvey, •Culbert , 0 :G . R. A . Convention allowance, 55.00; O.G.R. , Association, Road School, 50.00;‘Bank of Commerce, C. • P: P. and income tat-,. 111.33; Receiver General Insurance, 20.40 . ;Council ,adjourned to :meet , A pri1. 7 , at the Clerk's• borne, :themselves and many very close games were played. i We Would especially like to thank the ladies for the delicious meal which they serS'ed at noo.11 and for the lunch., at. suppertinte. Thanks also to Jim Elliott and,, Don•h1acLay for helping tis. Much credit for making • this such a' good bon;piel should'. be given to Danny MacDonald He worked hard and spent most of his` time last week; .at --the curling urink. ' PUBLIC SPEAKING Bryan Boyle of Grade. Eleven. • did.extremely well in Public Speaking. ! Last,Saturday he Went -to Toronto and placed. Second: .He is now out• of -the : ;. provincial competirion but everyone•here is very proud.of him. He won several districts and second, is a very $o"od placing.' We're proud of you Bart! THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK Statistics are'fine.and very interesting but when somebody ' tries to iirove-a-ppoint-with-the . I ani rerninded: of that old saying-. -''Figures can lie ,. and' liars. can fi'gure"•. • •- Lo'gan Bentley. • P>s !PSO.1NAL1TI S OF THE' WEEK • DONALD. MARTIN - more commonly known as Moe.: Be is' Ripley's own dirty old rnan. His rakish good 'looks .are accepted by a French -style moustache. He moves with the lithe grace of. a Bengal tiger. Fathers keep a Oose watch on their daughters when. he on the prowl. MARY MacCHARLES - This demure .young lovely is the Juliet to Donald's: Romeo 'or, more aptly, the .' S itt.ung oBulLL his Custer. Her crystal clear photo • •graphy, canoften be seen in the -• school. :A very talented young. lady. at 8:00 p, m : JOAN ARMSTRONG; CLERK; F�rm�r.St.iHeI�ns, Resident.,Passes.. . STANLEY 'TODD' Andrew Stanley Todd of Southampton, formerly of St.. , Helens, passed away i:n Saugeen Mernorial Hospital, Southampton on Sunday: March lit' 1.n• his 68th year.` He was a ion of_David and Jennie Todd and was born at Si; Helens on January 23rd 1003: On.June 24. 1939 , ' he married Hazel Ann'Young of '•. Goderich F9l1owing their marriage they r.esided•at 'St. Helens for a,time and Borne years ago moved td•Southarnpton.. Besi e s fids w i e' e is survive by one son John Andrew. Todd of ` Montreal; one :sister Mrs. Vera Maclntosh.vf St Cathax acs and g one brother i ee y Ladd of Stratford The funeral service was'• conducted at the Johnstone Funeral Movie, Luck ow on Les:•. a vvhen:y�. gallons o iasolinebr diesel fuel Road' Superintendent advertise in the Daily Commercial Newson lvlar h.. 20th; for .gravel tenders • for 10,.000 Cu, yds. gravel, . crushed' and hauled; 'plus• 2 , 000 crushed, to, be spread on new eonstructiOn and a stockpile •of 1,000 cu. yds', G , Hurf.pire . ' operator .•1.1cDonald , wingrnan... 24t .2:,; R, Phillips wingman, 14 15; Roy. Hardy plowing snow. •;••••2,50:' Norrnan.Mc Don- ald , _plowing snow., .t•-•;•'!0•••00:.• George Smyth , plow and wing . repairs, 4'7.00; Yundt Bros ,' sand 26.96;,G Humphrey, hydro allowance, 25.00; B. M. Ross James Hummel of Sr, Helens United Church'. was minister, Pallbearers were Jim Leishirnrin, Gordon ' MacPherson'• Eric Rice; Alex Smith, Donald Wilson and Frank Wilson • Ternporary entombment was'•at Sbuth.Kinloss Mausoleum with final resting place' Greenhill Cemetery, • Stay dry in the fields andd save $7.00 too; Get: One, of • chloride) waterproof rain suits that are made '• to, really last. Pants have wide attached suspenders With elastic insert. Jacket has • k g" UggetIVIastic by torrs� $9-3! for quick; .easy fastening, (With purchase of 100 gals. sure protection against the• CO-0Pgasoline/DieseI fuel). weather. Yellow only., in • Sizes. 'Come in and discuss your gasoline or diesel requirements 8nd.see this top value'rain suit . J.JBI_e.g_ular .. value You U Save Phone :5282125 Petroleutp F .rodu.cts..