HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-03-11, Page 19t WEDNESDAY, MARCH lith, 1970. • ii7TFA ii.1.rt. ; > lea:,mit , : ., I n .: THE LUCK111OW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • DOES YOUR kUTOMOBILE r��Ea �a� oi� cNaHCE? nil Is The LAST WEEK To Get QUART OIL With An Oil' And 'Filter Change: • OFFER EXPIRES MARCH 14th • LUCKNOW.� PHONE 528-3430 .Enroll 8G'!s As Brownies. !at L4'CI4NOW •BROWNIEPAC1S • By.Barb.ara Cameron'. We began with fairy ring, 'followed by inspection,. Then we began the enrolment Entoled were Debbie Bolt, . Lorraine Little, Beverly Wilkins; , Nancy Thonipson Sharon 'Little , Tammie McDonald Debbie Wraith and Suzanne Corrin. •Norma Ivaclntyre received her Golden, Bar .We ended with chimes. xlveseve iffliffliliff Sfiffiliff COUflty:o.a.rd: okays- insurance for program PAGE NINETEEN Fractire'.,.ri1: In Fa.II At Arena LOCHALSH•NEWS' Simpson fractured Mrs. Dona 'her wrist•in a fall .at the Lucknow arena on.Monday of this .week, • . • Mr ,' and 'Mrs, Lorne Luther had as guests during .the past '• .week Blake Sanford of Kingville and Mr. and•Mrs. Lloyd Brien of .• Ridgetown, - Tom Farrellvisited in'Goderich'' recently with Mt. 'and Mrs. Murray McGill and'farrily.' ' Mrs. Emile MacLennan was hostess to the Ashfield W.M.S. meeting of Friday, . when they, joined in the: World.. Day of Prayer:Service. Miss Edna Cook of Owen Sound spent .a few days with Mi. and Mrs. Henry MacKenzie . Sympathy. is extended' to relatives in this community of Mrs.. Alex Hackett, :who passed',. away during the past',week. • Recent visitors• with the Gibson families were Mi•: and Mrs.. Chris:Brown of Brantford.. OLIVET Mr. and ,Mrs..Jack Bushell of R °Kincardine Township .visited on Sunday with Mr...ai d 'Mrs. • M.elvin'Colling.. Either Osbohe :4r and., '"Mrs:. ""Robert Osborne .. Joyce.,. Joan 'and Sheila .v,isited on' Sunday with' Mr, and's4rs..:Ray'Penningt.on :Murray and Elaine.of Teesw,a'ter.,: Among those attending the . World Day:, of Prayer .service in St. Andrew's church iri Ripley were:* Mrs. Melvin Colling Mrs.' Orvirie Pinlayson,; wtrs.' Elrne•r Osfborne , .Mrs . Robert.:Osborne , • 'Mrs; He.rb'Claytan, Mrs.,Walter Black and Mrs: Stanley., Blackwell FLORIDA lIOL1DAY' 'Sharon Coiling-spent'a week's:' holi• day in ,t lori a recent y The., Olivet Junior Choir. sang "'Grumblers"- on Sunday, with: Mary Anne dolling singing a solo part •. •Ruch White of Kincardine: spent Monday with her parents, Mr and Mrs da r Whire. ind 'May • The_ Olivet Messengers :held their meeting on Sunday after . noon." .Joyce Osharne read the Scripture arid an, E,.ast ory.• Mary Anne' Coiling offered firayer Plans .were discussed for the Rummage Sale., also a letter was .read from Lee Young Soon the Messengers' sponsored. • girl: in Korea. Harry and Ernie Colling attend- ed thefarni'show inLondon'last. week.' • • We Wish To Announce That We Have . Sold THE FLOOR COVERING AND ARPETING-DIVISION OF OUR BUSINESS TO .LUC�L�UW This includes The Franchisee For Harding -Carpets • • • .WE WOULD LIKE TO THANK THE 'PEOPLE OF 'LUCKNOW BUSINESS THEY HAVE. LEFT." AND DISTRICT FOR THE B�SEARS. .IN � FUTURE, WHEN WITH' US OVER THE PAST 20 Y YOU ARE IN NEED OF ,ANY TYPE OF' FLOOR COVERING SERVICE, WE WOULD: 'HIGHLY ';R•ECOMMEND THAT YOU 'CON7`ACT F•IN,LAY• DECO`RATORS., BOB WGIVE EFFICIENT, PERSONAL SERVICE. ON ANY OFYOUR F ilsL "YOU,FLOOR 'COVERING REQUIREMENTS. Mac:KENZIET. BOB MacKENZIE Huron • .County " Board • .of :duration• voted to provide .nsurancefor all studentstaking. mitt , in work : experience programs at . its regular meeting held Monday, March . '2, in �CCnton.. • D: • J. `Cochrane, Director of '. Education, stated that the board's. .insurance agent' had; estimated the cost of. covering. students taking part in the program, at $1.00i'per 'student during school hours. The work experience program, _is designedto supplement the. -occupational courses .given in -the schools.' .The coverage would ' insure pupils against' loss in . case they are accidently injured while, ) participating insuch . a program and include .'publicliability' insurance-to—insure-the-pupils .: ard-Jaga�in damage to ' the . ` person or property • of others while • the pupils are, participating 'in the program.. pproxim'ately '170 students are involved in such programs. The board also ; cleared . 'up, two conflicts in motions p.reviously. passed. •A, motion -which had "41ven•' the Transportation • Committee .authority to interview applicants. fo'r ' the position of Transportation Officer " was rescinded in •favor • of ,a later • motion giving the' committee --authority-4o-interview-applicants- for. --authority-to-in't-erview appl'icants= for the. • position: of. Transportation Officer and applicants forthe position of• Purchasing Agent. • Another •motion requesting . payment of the educatii'in levyy by municipalities on a quarterly —basis was -=rescinded in -:favor -o the motion passed at the last board meeting 'that the levy be .req Listed in twice-yearly .pairmentS.this-rear.-and-quarterl3r ,- • payments thereafter. • The board received aletter from', the Ontario Public School Trustees' Association requesting. • • thiel all :. boards.._.cnt,...doWn--on- -r- expenses by using classified' ,rather than display advertising • for: staff• requirements arid by reducing.' repetitive • advertising:• ' The hoard- -also-- announced - that Huron County "Secondary schools would be ,closed March 13 in order for . teachers to attend a regional educational . conference. ent Exchange re.at&. And. 'iar#Qn Schools • LAIyGSIDE NEWS In•an'exchange of Grade ,$ 'students of Hillcrest. Central School, Teeswater.anld Wiarton. School, Robert •Bregman spent• two days' at Wiarten,' • On return home,, he was accompan ied by :Paul Burt and .Bob Cranney of.Wiarton, who stayed at his .home .and attendedl'school With •him, Jim Thompson and Bernice Scheurw atec..were.-other' students from' this area in the exchange The Langside Y.P.S'.. enjoyed a sleigh. -riding party on Saturday afternoon atRussell Young's, The next meeting will be 'March g2 at the home of Mr.. and Mrs,•„Stewait MacGillivray. ' litia,iX''W'all attended a Scout Camp -put on •the week -end .on.. the 14th of Kinloss. The boys . u enjoyed the outing,' but the ' ~. weather was rather rough on . Saturday: night 'e Generously TO THE STER;'SEAL CAMPAIGN TO HELP SUCH CHILDREN'AS.. THESE r • The •Ontario ' Society for, .Crippled. Children will be.. opening their Easter Seal. Campaign, Thursday,' February ' 26, 1970.. This will . be sponsored by Lucknow and District Lions' Club. It is our hope that Your support . this year. will • be/given every consideration, as there ' are some 14,500 needy crippled :youngsters in Ontario, and through your gifts to Easter. Seals,these children can be :helped.. Our objective this year is $1350.' Your donations may be placed in envelopes as provided. Please print your name and• address under the flap . of envelope. Your.. donations m-ay-be--'marited, or. left aFfhe o .�f Jack McDonagh, Lucknow, or at the Bank of Montreal, Lucknow. For those living.in the Dungannon area, donations may be left at the :• home: of'Cecil and. Olive Blake, Dungannon. 0=0 Oil O t Lucknow and District` Lions Club is sponsoring the district campaign. because CrippledlChildreiLN ocso• 0=O ) Brought To You As A Public 'Service By f.15T01'VI:1, TRAN5P0 RT LiNES L ... TD.. Ontario's Silver & $lack • Fleet