HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-03-11, Page 11. 1
Rev', Glenn Noble further
discussed the topic. :Pat
Sparks led in a song service. The
programme was planned by Mary.
. Mac-KiTrnr•,and`W31hia•m Dickie .
•and lunch was served by Pat
Sparks. and Brian Keith.
The next meeting will be at
the home of Mr, and 'Mrs...
-.Fraser I Iackinnon'.on March 29th
Mrs; Millan Moore
ls GiestSpeaker
Calvin -Brick United Church, .
Women held their Day of Prayer
March .6 at the home of 'Mrs . .
Lloyd Whytock with a71 attendance
of 12. Taking part as leaders
for.Praise, assurance meditation'.
'In'tercession•and Affirmation were
Mrs. Ken Mason, Mrs. Gordon
McBurney, Mrs.. Alex Robertson
Mrs. Bob, Gordon and Mrs.. Dona
DOW. .
The guest speaker was Mrs.
Millan Moore whose subject Haas
"Take Courage". • •;
Mrs. BertAIt�'n Is
Guest Speaker At
.This year's 'World Day .of
Prayer Service was held',in St..
Mary's Roman .Catholic Church
Lucknow withM.rs;PeterMacDo
--aid--as�key. Woman. R
Qther__women participating -in
the'service were, Mrs. Vernon
Hunter from Lucknow United
Church; Mrs. C'1i€f-aRoulston from
St • Peter's Anglican Church; ' •
Mrs. James Little from. Lucknow
Presbyterian Church; Mrs.. Ben
Maldaifrom Lucknow Christian
Reforrn'ed Church; Mrs. Alex ,
Hackett from Ashfield Trinity
Church; 'Mrs. Harry Levis from
South Kinloss Presbyterian
The guest :speaker was Mrs. •
Bert Alton of Ashfield,'. who gave
a vefy•interestin¢talk on::.this .ti
year's theme "Take Courage" ;•.
Mrs Tom Pritchard presided, at
•the organ throughout •the service •
and accompanied Mrs. Eunice
Dunsmuir for aher .•solo, "Te.ach•
Me to Pray"
WEDNESDAY', MARCH 1�11rh, 1.9.70.
�I► ;ih!�. a i4�''',ij,�'itf �"a:.*! � ...:�i:�'. �;i1i�'�!�,�► r!�'
Observe WOlds
The World's,. Day of Prayer waste.
held March in Chalmer's
Presbyterian Church and were •
joined by the members of the
United Church Women. Mrs.
Wallace Conn, W M . S president. ;
welcomed all and presided' for
the first part of the p, rogram.
The assurance part was taken
by Mrs. 'Garnet Farrier. ,Slides..
.on Bolivia were shown by
Mrs, ,Farrier with Mrs.,George
Thompson giving the comment-
ary. Mrs..Dawson, Craig presided
for the. Meditation.. . .
The Intercession was led by
• Mrs., Fred •Tiffin. Special. music
,was given by Mrs. Garnet Farrier
on the piano and Mrs. Ezra
'Scholtz on the..autoharp playing.
Sweet Hourfof prayer. The
offering was, received by. Mrs.
W. Purdon and Mrs.. Wesley
Mrs. Russel Ross was leader for
. Affirmation. .Mrs. Conn •
gave the. 'Key Women's .report.,
appointed Key: woman is
Mrs Russel Ross.," ftere were 1.8
in attendance.
��ave T�Ik On:
Summer: Camping
South Kinloss young people
Met. Sunday evening at. the home
of Mr: 'and Mrs. Evan Keith.
Anne Graham who has attended.;
many. summer camps and .will
be a Carrip Counsellorthis yeas,
gave a, talk• on the experiences
This years Collection,,.
amounted .to $54 00. and.,was''
sent to the Wom.en:s. Inter -Church
Council of Canada at • `
Toronto to be used for Mission
Projects throughout the world:.
Luc now.. Unit .1
The'March meelt ng„of Unit 1
of Lucknow United ChurchWomen,.
was held.On March 3. a't 2:50:.
•_p. m . in the' Church Parlour with
Mrs. N. J . • M4cKenzie as Hostess:, '
Mrs. Mel King.opened the a
)meeting with 'a Lenten Meditation
using "Joy" as its; theme, .followed
by a hymn and prayer. Fifteen '
members. and one visitor answered
the roll call witlia verse from the
bible with the word ''J,oy"'
in it.
Mernbers1w;ere rerriinded.of the
World Day .01Prayer on March 6
and the' Easter'Thankoffering
on.Apri1 lst at the church at
8 p.m. Mrs, N. J. MacKenzie
reported on: plans for the Mission
Festival to'be held, in Lucknow
'Unitedi Church in May,. Mrs: H.•
Curran reported for the sick and
visiting committee.. 'and Mrs. W..,
Wherry reported for Supply:and. •
Social Action emphasizing the
;need of children's clothing new
and: used -' foi. the bale, to be '
packed in June., ' •Mrs N.. J. '.
MacKenzie made arrangements
for•three social functions that.. • ..
will take place before thenext
meeting.. .
The devotions included a
Bible reading by Mrs. W: Alton
and prayer by Mrs. M. King.
Joanne Thompson favoured the
group with a,delightful piano •
MacKenzie then presented the
study as. prepared by. Mrs..kobt.
Nicholls "Reconciliation"
betw eery -the -rich -and the -poor .
This included:Bible passages'with
thought Provoking rt?sponses read
by twelve members.' In conclu
sion emphasis was on the need of
others and that seven people
starve to death every minute . ,:A
silent prayer for those that „suffer
Mrs..E..J. Thom read an
article Who was 'St Patrick?'
Mrs. Eunice Dunsinuir sang.a
cha•l1en _ging solo "' .lie aticfied._.
with You" and Mrs.., E. Thom
conducted an Easter Quiz which
concluded the•pro.ramme. After
singing a closing hymn and'
the Mizpah benediction a social'
time was enjoyed with Mrs.
W . 'Alton, Mrs. 'H.. Barger ,and
Mrs. E. Thom assisting the
h stess:;
There were just, as niMiy care-
less driv rs sixty years ago:,::but,
the horses had ,more sense
69 CHRYSLER Newport .Convert-
ible,_Power_equ ,pec nd-rad'
CHRYSLER 4 door hardtop,.
wer steerin and brakes�'with
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Springtime' puts the squeeze :on everything,
Your time; your money and your patience: You.
• remember what it s'like... Th'e waiting lineups;
:the slower deliveries, the delays: Everything ..
eating up your time at:a time when you ,should
have .been on the field.
This year; . take some of the squeeze out of.`
Spring.. Plan your crop program..and order -:,your
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,what: you want, wherevyoti i.vant-i-t-,. When' you
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ung prices •at the time t,f" delivery so you.
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There' really; isn't a .single reeson ,why you.
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LUCknow Unif i '
The March rrieeting of Unit 3 .
of Lucknow United Church •
...la/ orn e.n was -held -at -the -home of
Mrs. Harvey Houston on March
3rd' with, an attendance':of .16
members and 1 Visitor.-
Mrs. Gordon Ritchie opened
the meeting with a .reading and a.
hymn was sung.; Tlie"roll..ca11._
Was; answered by an Easter .verse'..
Mrs. James Ritchie reported
on visiting and Friendship, '
Mrs. Clarence. Greer on Social
Functions/and Mrs. James
Wraith .on supply. and 'welfare
• :Mrs. AtifWin read an arttcle. on _
Citii•enship and Mrs:' Walter
Dexter, on Stewardship,,,A .Nobby
.-sale is to.bc' l e d— J-tn-e--tid a.
66 PLYMOUTH, 4 door, 8 automatic
Hoid:World: Day;
Of Prayer Service
The Worlds Day of Prayer
service of worship was used et•
the WM.S, rneet'ingat the home:
of Mrs. Emile-Maelennan. with an
attendance . of:elevens,
Mrs. Warren Wylds was in .
charge of the program, assisted
by'Mrs.' Jim West and Mrs. Don •
Simpson..- Mrs. Ross
gave the meditation Qn
;Prayer and rolrl ea1-1__wac an veered
by.a verse on .Faith: Mrs • Wyfds
Bread a poem .''My Gard•eri
March" .•
[viissi`on Festival early in May.
M.rs ..Kenneth Murdie took the
chair for the program. A hymn
was sung and;scripture lesson, was
read by'Airs... A1' Irwin. follot�;,ed by
prayer by Mrs. Fred Horton. The
meditation prepared by 'Iv4rs.
Nicholls .was, read by Mrs: Kenneth
Murdie.... ••.-
66 CORONET stationwagon, 8 aut-
omatic with. radio
• 65 • CHEV 2 door, `6 autoinatic
lV, 4 door, automatic
radio . b • •
7 CHRYSLER 2 door hardtop,
power steering and brakes, with
FORD 4 door sedan, 8 automatic
with radio
64 RAMBLER, 8 standard with
radio, w '
64 • PLYMOUTH,, 4 automatic
64 VALIANT, 2 door hardtop
62 FORD 4 door sedan, 6 cylinder
with radio
The topic was the Church, the .
Word and 'ou "What: dol
contribute to the World"? How
'has'Science improved' our world'.
•'How is th
vticern5entaffecting our funds
answer period regarding i
population; how to help and better ..
e world of .scientific
'" .Mrs. Ewan MacLean:co,nducted '
the' business. .The Ripley W . M•. S,.
sent an invitation 'to •a Thank -
offering meetirigato beheld iti
;Ripley_ on Tuesday ev
Mrs MacPherson. of Kincardine
will be the speaker.
• The hostess and_committee.
served tach
conditions arn.r flip lndiansnd
and morals": Does our society
put:a great'deal of pressure'on
the individual person and what
do oiir cities contribute to the
life of the world
Nets „Harvey Harvey Hpuston 'favored
with a lovely instru'tnental Ills
Ada 'Webster.gave an interesting
talk on 1\.1iSsiotis anmong'the
Indians conducting a question and
contributions Indians have 'made.
Mrs. Wes (Ritchie rendered
a lovely instrumental, 'A-1rs: •R,
H. Thotnpson gave aft amusing
Irish reading. •
The meeting closed by=singing
hymn followed by the Mizpah
Benediction. •
Lunch was served by Mrs.
1ia'rvey Houston,' Mrs. Al Irwin
and Mrs" Kenneth N1urelie: