HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-03-11, Page 2• H llt 'TWO THE LUC,KNOW SENTINEL,. LUCKNYInr, wmisw PAGE , The LUCKNOW SENTINELU • F- a k"�pCeSS mule w . igh one , ears old. • N,l,i i 1�I . I probablyhave 'Own rtt �, • • NOW ONTAR . L C � !ThN. Sapoy Town" —•On the Huron.Bruce Boundary . , Second ,'Class Mail Registration Number .08,47. ' .. .. , Pub. _ _ Wednesday,: ei'.. •. Estabbshed 1873:— lisped Each Wednesday MOO* . - ...-• Member, of tJtf, C.W.N.A: and OW.N.A " r• Subscri tion: Rate.pp p, . �$,Oa a year in advance -- to, the U.S,A., �? •• °.•:• • • •, J . , Donald C. Thompson, Publisher • • �' `-Nicholls' , Noble Thoughts , " • ;A,RKIIV AI`1GLE, P / ' the 'ntere t.of safer In. __ --. t .. s protection for 'Motorist pe estrans in our village 'should be • • • y and and , angle The., and:Notia>�is �an ' le p a kin 'ehan,;tn g P � b • � would ma�Ce .'t Safer t A much E?etter to etiforce•parall'el both sides of the p1.in.'would street • parking •,.*'' ,but tl�ts Lei �` -be. • on and '` .41p bodily as -much as l ever will;, l learn, something new each ,�y It may In o e' .. not • • What Is Hing < Surely. leie's Yost memorizin someone els; g . thought and:•writings:, ,..Surely the way to learn is by .. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11th, 1970 parking•abolished. ',dangers of•this ractice are .'.. g P . provide off-street parking close to tures, This would" cut down t hinking; and as a man thinketh, , rso is he.. We would still he ' @. • • particularly obvious in the winter- time ._ Snow banks along the .upon-. .'4 - t � ; a'�way-„� on the number of cars which could' be parked on the main street ; but --a m-uc driving oxen if someone did not t:ivi do some thinkingand act . -it and:othErs�w•o--came.�along ::>: "" ` ''•'” . , ,There .. �...,. ,,,. � : :L• , '4 �' • 1 � f ` �' , ' rr , r HEA�_IGS.. N <:::: •�;:,>:>::::,:::..:.::::: • � ' ::":�:::< titi•. - as....� - -- •backs • . I . drivers fromparkingtheir cars . close to the curbs,. thus limiting• , highway. s ace• and seriousl . P y � ham erin g safe travel for two . P g ~'the. lanesof traffic,. When a driver ' •. f c,' � , , out into traffic ,' the stearin on his windows, the angle of the ' g cars: next to him , and bad : 'weather conditions, prevent .him from seeing on coming: traffic and he tillable to back in_t-o -would -On provide — • safer thoroughfare .for raffic are several empty lots to the south 'of the :highway behind. stores which could be develop•, ed into parking lots, Parking cars here would still'allow people to be close to the business section of town and .avoid the dangerous street . on theWhat congestionmain In� ou � fact• , people w ld probably beto closer to the stores froth there than , stated to`think how they could improve on it, Once they. thought if you travelled 'over so any miles'an hour in a . rriov g. machine , it would kill. �-. . y Someone must have tried;,, ou, it out and found out you did not die.,. • . ?: ' 'should: is fear No one sho 1 ever be .afraid t what ' .speak they feel is true and j ust, •We - • . •. _ Hearings will .•held in the next Guelph regarding the application Sound and regarding • "Railway •to,-disconttnue .the passenger Kincardine._ run, passing'tbrough'•Lucknow, r This is only one •of several C.N: and:C.P.. of unecononucal passenger few train, applications, lines _ weeks in by the service •• for .discontinuance. in this the cities. Canadian on:•the finiimediate.area. Stratford ,t _--._ .._w of Owen, National _ byaccidents'occurring a mov.in ; cac:_ _Even w.h_en.... S , the weather is good , . a• driver s _ .' vision: is still blocked by other •; parked cars and by the back brace. of his own car so •he cannot move:into traffic with ease' and safety., Coupled with this problem is a .:.: they. would be if they were to -. park in the lots p rovided when •shop at the Yorkdale `Plaza' they. 'in Toronto ;ora large plaza in. • ndon.' f • I have: not heard o any in Lucknow" which haveame; because of alb should .possess the fear wtli what I say or think hurt or wrong myneighbor".,. or the 'fear "if .I do this, can Ttee what the end might be„ . , To day .Sau almost require a permit or license "to think�> .• A , • , • ' , " •• The proposal is not a new one.: Had it not been: for public protest, ' .This ,. ".. • municipal .outcry and political influence, the passenger• lines in this ori ositioned centre line.. .. po Y P.. .. .. .. ,white line 'has been ainteti P the an le Arkin Perlia s that is:. 8 �' parking... • .Perhaps P because 1 have ,not: been here A S ENIOR CITIZEN • area 'would' have ceased to operate many years ago. Were This your •business'or ours, we would have long age determined that•it could• no :,, . longer afford to operate, at: an• annual loss of: several thousand. dollars.. 'But the railway -is a publicly owned and financed utility in our in• the centre between 'the =two.' , . sidewalks, instead, of in the centre',far of.the road which is available. after allowance is. rade for • long'.enou h`. •: But 1 .believe• it is better to act before a serious, especially.. accident occurs,Feels when we •kiiow an •' ' Hockey . Team • area and this automatically lessens the chances' of it operating in the • _ . , that train --route to angle parking on' one Beide and' - : .. the other.: unsafe situation' exists ; `than to .r ... fair l,y Treatea , manner-: -most -other -businesses-=do:--Give.-the--same- �` parallel -parking- on: .. d . soethi� about' itftei it . ,� xr i • ,�•� �- -a -private compariy;'-whet% it was having -its -better d aya, and � perhaps : the story today might be ,different. • ;ire . ••:If rhe town insists , • . ha e.ns . � � • �• RP. , Dear Don , •• .. • l was a spectator at a'hockey • P �_ -�—, :----- --, owever,--'it-will-�-now 'b m nicipahtie'sT • ... _ _.... •i 'bn Thursd:a•y-rrl' rc' _ •_ , : • • politipians to protest the discontinuance : of rail :passenger service in ..this area. The same arguments used ten•••years ago will be used once ••~V.�:fifth ' again. But las rail service in the 'past ten years really meant much ,'to'the travelling publicn.e ? When was the last time• youtravelled out of 'Lucknow by train'? Whei was the last time you met' the train to greet: the arrival of a visitor to your house? M il'd ray y Arena , It was the : • : ' game in. a .best of'five series . betweethNeustadt and e • • Ripley Midgets. ,1 have •never in :. CONTINUED ON .. .... .. ,. ,....::::,•::.:.:,:,::.>::� ::.:::.:•.:--•::::..:-.- .. ,....�... � ...... PAGE :2 • • There are. tome People, who do. not have access to ,automobiles .: who do use the train on 'occasion. But percentagewise, their numbers. are very small Continuance of passenger service can hardly ,be • just- ' Wed in' sound business ,practice• for the small percentage who: might i(g wish to use it. But then again, its a .publicly •. owned system .and you, as a'traveller, might feel that you .deserve the choice of'whether you tisavel'by train or not. .,, . . . •,�Iv1 Through the- m C.1 R�- Eontrlbuted�ta -their- owii loss pas `L g Soma Young PnnIA , �+g �tafie Ideas...could' Lucknow :Ontario , : ; >- our. weekends itsis always good Y g for a. laugh: We have a su esrinri t'o make:' the. i �g,ators, of these •lane stories:, ase • just stop and think,, . signed: > .WING HA NI FIRM ' . . COi`1TINUEp FROM PAGE 1 , aved road willcost about p •••• $500;000. Work will start tai • ay ay and is scheduled for c om'•le= m.• ,e , of • ! : y •.ser•'vices Februa-ry-2;Y ; : 1911.0 eller: ' MI a senger revenue o t ine by their neglect . of .the. simple and , M •facilities which would: make people• want to travel,by train: In recent •The years, when talk of 'discontinuance • arose and:. the were told that im- y proved 'facilities 'would..,mean increased, •business, they did make•:an .Lucknow ►' , °` p. . effort to modernize the,service'on this line. Des ire this:,• and what the e: • ' mumc' al delegations have •told them in the past, people o not trayeL `i,ucknow Sentinel , Can'rpbeh Street , , Ontario. " Dear Editor � ` p. S We'a .e' riot trying in to be .`. ' ' y . b,ell'igerert or critical of our' " '• • • superiors., We are•simply stating our position`.and defending 'our g n1 be The new access .. 4 ,1 miles long, • ° d. i • will extend .from 'Hi g hwa '21.•to ...' g Y the Bruce'site and is located: • four n between ' e_ •• • •n Concessi:o .•s' fr . .. • • .. y train• today in large numbers', nor willthey likely in the 'immediate future. . • - , . We.: •sor me of the teenagers of, ' re•putat . r 'ons. ` , • ,. It-r�- 13 ..1 1/4 miles north of the present 1 :I now, on the . . ` • .. We would hate to see' passenger' service eliminated•throu gh Luck=' : but we also. find g t hard to justify any: reason for its continuance basis of its present public use; ,. ,g . o ..:oo. o vo oma:® v a® . •. .. . , Lucknow ; would like :to verif y our position and ,reputation in.our fair ' FUN CITY'` There are numerous ,rumors .running: the ` • ra evine in Lucknow concernin P . our morality or as rumour "wouldg . Y ., .have. i•t ; iinmorality. This letter is statement o 1 a four .• R. .R. 'No. 3 , `Lucknow Ontario, 7 �`.:57 • March , 1 0. Community FOrutri . Noble- Thoughts and Nicholls'' .Notions. •• � . Y access road c'o Douglas. Point nuclear power station' and the Bruce heavy water plant a'nd • auxiliary steam` plant being built . • by Atomic Energy of Canada • • Limited :. Clearing of the Bruce site is _ most a complete :,.Grubbing 1 d � � • . , , • ,•.: position. ,We•are,the future : • adults, although some may not, :. approve,• It seems that'we'are • ` Dea� Sirs, "I read you�articleGrQ the,Sentinel and as you.asked' for- • operations are underway:in , • • preparationfor'site grading . and'powerhouse excavating in• , ... ; � � w every thin from nudists to Y � � alcoholics and. acid ,.head " :. . s comments or ideas, I am.going g g •June•. ' • ' • From' Wiarton Echo: • F , (drug addicts). It seems we have ' • •T,he pattern is the same -in. . he has drained e thlast town, he : ,each„ town. He •Inakes• a recon,..:' y• ..is ready to move anywa naissahce. to• check on the„bene- n` Big and strong,. quite able to violence 'of. , the :peopl-e. After ; do more work than the people ceck n . and findin out the • h,,.__ g g _ ,,,11e makes: suckerSAout of, .this._._ with which we have purchased . ourselves a "nice little farm : It is a'C'our farm where we engage ' � � ln:. our. various hobs (orgies.. mot. partieLa:ndsorig rerrn hinges) t•UCKNOW PUBLIC' SCHOOL ' AUDITORjLIM eo le aregenuine and . ore than °. • 'people kind of man, will not turn. a hand. 'This • • Willing •to help 'a fami1 in' Why g P need, should he? Suckers are . Y as most people are, the ,next, • boy very minute, and the world• , • ,� v to to find a to” li ' e is 1 1e • is rather amusing to us . considering our financial situation is always rather pwoor. Now isn't..L;� _ Mnrirh- � Y ,• C ,, -- R: �-, --lace- of ons ectin eo P _.:.. _ ,_ ._, _ usp g _p _F . _. p' thi-5=-lust'-a.litiae t1'`r7���1�ittli�Tile - 'i _ in.. Once 'these things are taken ready to help. Es eciall when Y care of he will move to the town theAt from appeal co essomeonQ intends to the stu- id'These„, and• p stories area damaging to the .supposed. osed. btt da g g PP `9 8.15 .tin. `� P .. - • l Vie,:; :;. • , he. take to clean= who Ade_ has m_ a profes5ton out ers. Having moved in. and secur- -. of begging these 'peopleknow'a�ll ea 'h n l airing Q q there ief roster the angles. A good Hiring person. Ministerial. he will ap eal'to Wthe do .,a stand -T ban , .1. '.- •� • intelligence and of our. integrity adults. We seem to have •�..... in .our midst ; . o ,� �• \�� d°'' , �� (s ' YTS— 1NIONOL SK OCUES ' ..+,...q, i %�,, ,• J:•,',,k • • •:. - • ssoc �r on. or any or .: 1 of • e like this. • You are donating help clubs and •organizations or lust • before you realize. . , anyone Sucker enough to give : Watch for this .person and don't •him .a handout. 'This pays- oftgive him the time of. day. •big as tlOst o •theS eo le • g p P all together he tar better. off :are onl too will` _ to help.�'• y utg ..than :you tit most cases. Anyway It takes two or three months we have enough able bodied men ._IEmWJ:dYM1Y.1•. .tel l,J.99.IiY/5 . ,,af3 J" _ dope in •a bass•'drnm, •Isn't this b "'IP'� also a it •far fetched . .; It seems that the teenagers are e wil• riot th ' l • ones in . Y y L'uckrfo with nothingto do someone of. some people have - • M.O....R C.. Hl alt �::.� �I !s .1• Yj•f� . Awl.....- '`!'!'i' ,� � AND • : �° ..•�. �1, •` ;�: `� ' ACRaOBATIC N MB RS NUMBERS for The honest ,living. people th who are too useless to work= -as cac h. a.. ...y.... ... • and by that time he rias' long as they 'can get relief for surveyed ttte next tornr,andsince themselves a,nd their . families. ' spent a lot of tune filling up our idle hours. • every Mond'a r . •• . mornin,.c we find out how we spent: p . SPONSORED.BY LUCKNOW AGRICULTIiRAL SOCIETY.. _ ,.., _ , .. ... ,.. • , "”' 1i _ • :. 1..1161 Ilitn i a..Wili — L.&,. .i'i.I1ilY ti, , ii.– -..: ..t .. ...........:... . .... • ' .. M .. '. . •. W + .... .