HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-03-04, Page 17isiA►u 'liJRf ii; r.. •O W . lir!" WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4th,,.IW0 THE LUCiENOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW°, ONTARIO Got a, heap of washday- ?woes ;r ,,,-GET . , . = '•. . . ,FAST: HELP•.• , 0 • • . • c r� WITH,A Supertwin• .. SpinDry _ 14%111 io®moi• ®/® ,..p. . . . .. . -. Washer. , GY14f1TOR HI-7oiie fla nee 1v' ide .1 ani+. full :.>lli dcT•1'ee. -'cta-ler --111-lrn'rk tom Sf. the .tuh; tilt%' :.: • .. • , • . WASHING ACTION. SUPE.R..' E;FFI IE.NT„ , $PLN- hi,'e action Si s. 'NTNG. • 'Y u . c•.+ 1 spin . d.r telt I..ibrit. for. a.. Inde . . I ,"v, ecli'• tht•ou ell- -.a aIIJLNI -a'II ih-e. 1Va lel` '.l'•: _. thor11114illy. r '11 SiSIPL.E' uve,d. ' •- nli• 'TION. I�itn "1casures' ' .t'I 107,11 lnn‘rl • gurranteed ' het ter , •. :')l:H' - . • . ' - a til he, ynn v'jnl a\.tracii>ri. riuicit• . . -; • • - Prigli P h`nt= • 1 i¢ht ,lihto Wehp ft N`r : ', *1. .hnth ih•F plash 1014 al the si•mie' 1inie. >. twn cel>,,�r,�ie 'con= A ,. a� SAFE •-PRA.'CTI Toll. Conor I•, an 1• 'ad .,,nil toll- SPARKLING t,�lnlinnoil; Spray tlns,e . until d'r•ain u,l- .• "A\iJr•adn'oI••'H.Iran>:I .extra. a•NI11:(h'I INSTALLATION', (Hitt.. jir'unilnnQ x"e''--".aC`N-D.,' The SiMPLiC'i•I'Y Y• Quality n% el' 5O for Io hash 197n WITH FILTER. • r';i11 tiff' .101V Ilrtli milk... regwii>d • T r A` YE-R_W:AS: ible.lthe of and 4pii;}i,�y Ih cl gpetateri.�l Irol� .., SIlVtfttE� • CAL CONTROLS - .' ,wimple. easy' P1 AtP•,,• COMPL' ETE. FRESH. • RINSI.NG -F loll :•itin ing •1,h1le , .Pinning Ivy l oI11P.t •(•iedh. ,Avallahlrl •111 Gold- 10,00 S A i S I- A C Super,+ • uh 14.1 +.LI SI i- ' stanci,,rd -> le.t••� 'Ail. .kers • huil.t. hetli•r :11d)1)1':1', a.. • , • _ .ST2 ; LUCKNOW L. ■ ' . .. PHONE' 528-3112 PortAther Dies In Hospital Mc WITINN'EY ''David'Lloyd•McWhinney of R.R. 1, Port Albert: .passed away iii"Alexandra Marine Hospital on Friday, f elru,ary :20th , following a short illness. •He was 70. • m'• He was born in Ashfield Town ship op June 25th 1893. a son of. r; •.4Japies.McWhiliney and :tilary Ann ]ohnstOn . Mr..Mc'Vliiiiney was a farmer rrd life-loirg resident of Asllfi'e1d T.ow nsh ip . . • ,He is ,survived by his Wife, the former Hazel Carr; three , daughters and two sons,' Mrs. • G i en 4(. 0,E a)-•:Rc bInson,-o f a � Frobisher i3ay, , Mrs. Albert (Lois) Nevill of Vienn , Mrs Gordon'. (1•rene :S roill of West Wawanosh L� Hacrii • Ashfield Township, He was ,predeceased by one brother and one sister.. • ' • .Funeral service was held' at ' McCallum Funeral Horne, God• erich on Tuesday, February 24th with interment at Dungannon., Rev, Glenn 'Noble of Duirgannon r Presberian Church was .minister. ---Prallbeare-r-s-=were-1;inter°B T'k Jack Pentland , I3ry`an lidek, Ross Fleilry',, Thigh NIC'Whitii y,. 13ert McWhinney, „ Flower begets were I'm ilaydeii 13i11 Hayden, both nephews of the. deceased . • fractures ris InHockeyGame a • Honor Thorburns On 3OthAnnivers�ry: A MI:3ERLEY NEWS 1\41r and-?'1rs launcai Thorbtirn- were honoured •oDthe occasion of their thirtieth Wedging anniversary. whose actual date was February twenty-eigi.lth-. •As they were contemplating; a trip.tQ visit relatives in California'tlie'hapPy occasion was celebrated.a •week a t i� C r olfi S d nd �t.y.;"_i el at u .iry twenty-second. ' 'Present for the dinner, which • was held at the Loi; Cabin Restaurant in'Lucknow, were. Mr. and Mrs . Cliff Crawford of Luck- I•now, Nrr; and Mrs. 13111 Wilton of Galt; Mr, and Mr's, Wayne Nixon., Darlene I3radleo "and Larry of Ripley; I\1r. and \Irs. David Thompsatn of s.luelph and ' Judy rItorhurn of Aittberre}:.— '•A fter a delicious dinner.; the :guests•were invited to. the ' fiolne'of•Mr•.: and Mrs. Cliff Craw ford', where I3uncan and Kay•were;.presented with .a beau.tifiil wall Mirror.' I3est' wishes of .their friends are extended to them f r many, nlore•happy. anniversaries. ., PURPLE GROVE NEWS Many from this area attended the Midget hockey games held i.n Mildmay.on Wednesday and Saturday evenings only to see .. . Ripleydowned by Newstadt. It, was during the game on'Saturday that Jim Farrell,°:son of Mr..4and Mrs.,Jack Farrell had the Misfortune; of breaking his left wrist:. Jim .nada cast applied Saturday evening and spent tlat night it • kincardine 'hospital. It ' is .hoped he will have a. speedy recovery. Grade eight•students of Ripley Leintf oal, enjo'ye.:d--an-afte e noon of skiing a(Walkertoii on Friday. ,`l'hey were accompanied. by teachers Iv1r. Stanley and.Mrs. PURPLE 'GROVE ;�1rs t�arvey Thorn pson--a-Rd-4,1-r-s. .Con .Dore spent ''Friday in'.London Leaks_ PAGE SEVENTEEN. Members Of The Conimunity ' Are Invited To RIPLE1 NIGHTS.CHOOL TO BE HELD AT , RIPLEY AND DISTRICT •HIGH SCHOOL • THURSDAY, MARCH 5th' THE PROGRAM WILL INCLUDE ,DISPLAYS, FASHION SHOW AND A PRE,SENTA`il°ION FROM THE .CONVERSATIONAL ' FRENCH CLASS. • .� • '11• At 8 p.>a. who isa patient in Victoria. Hospital. Best wishes for a speedy, recovery are ::e tended .hirn and h1rs: Alex'Percyof Kiniough,i who is also a patie•n i`n •that hospita'1•. • Mr: and. Mrs. Don Robertson and Mrs. 'Goldie Huston were guests rec'ently'of Mr. -and Mrs. Wallace Rtbey of Underwood, r, s� ae11 where rhey visited Claude ;Dore ,• a .larilh in these parts an • wa, S in the five day week. .If Monday . ware Day One and w e missed • T uese}ay . Wednesday would—he flay Two. VOLLEYBALL GAMES Oi Thursday. Febru'ary 26,the .volleyhall tea ris'rnet Kingsbridge a ga iia -a t -Ki ngs br: id ge , . Brookside , suffered two bad losses The •• -girls .P1y d-f1Tsra1 d we lost 15=2 -- and and L5 _ . In the boys' .mated KiniLsbr..idge'wdn _15 - 9 and.15 - • 12., Better lucknext time . Brookside. Minsirei.Show Presented :Ai Assembly By A Grade 8 Class -On Friday . February 27, . Room of otrr•school presented' their assembly with the theme The :Minstrel Show, Joanne Thompson was chairlady for the programme The o ened their assem.b;y with 0 Canada. -followed by the. Bible' reading; read by Marlene. McGee. Debbie Olson• and Bonnie Humphrey . Charlene, Adams: read a brief hi t Nlinstre.1 Show . Larry Hawkins .as M•r. Interlocutor ,• introduced' the band and'then the four..• 'endn.ien; Ricky Barger as Boney. Melvin Ritchie ie as Tania o, :Murry T`honlpson as. Honey Boy and Brad N1acKelizie as Slow Poke. •They sang'a fe'W souks and'told sonie jokes. The fotir endnieii• each ,sang •a couple of son.gs.and`this was followed• by. two numbers bpi their band featuring_Roddy • 'MacLennan on the drums_ •Th did a:short skitcalled "Laugh it Up":and then closed their programme with 'a • song .entitled Snowflake.: MORE HOLIDAYS On Friday, February 20 and again 'on.Wednesday , .F•ebruary. '4 we had holidays. These • were due'to'stormy weather.. This:does not mean we inist a• day of rotary classes as; we did FRIDAY SKATING :Many.of the' students, frotn ' •Brookside Public School go :skating at the L°uckriow arena. ever' second •F. ridgy: .The school • buses carry the pupils, who are going skating to• the arena and., the' pupils findtheir own ride.' home. The skating starts at. 3: 0 and ends at 4:30. The last Friday March 20. • HOCKEY . Tuesday.. February 24:the k I Taw k-plate-dhe 11�p�c ' Leafs in _a hockey game .. The •. . Black Hawksca'rn out victorious 5 t� 4,. This victory gave the Black Haw•tks; ,morale a 'boost The top tearn is,thie Bruins.._, followed b.y the Maple, Leafs.- ..the eafs.-:theBlack Hawks and the Blues. • CRAWFORD MOTORS CHRYSL[R - DODGE - PLYMOUTH WINGHAM ONTARIO ,yn. , Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Don McCosh and Dick last Week were* Mr. and Mrs °,,I,Albert Colwe'11°, Mr• arid Mrs. Don Robertson and N41r.. and Mrs. George Harkness, -)utiiiie t1t1 dude . Mrs. George Emerson and Mrs, Ab ,Wyldes visited with their mothers ,in Marton on Sunday , Visiting last week with and Nits. Cecil Suttciti and,boys w6re Mr: and .Mrs, Wilburt 1iodgins of: Wingliain, 1v1rs. Bessie r trreil a ltd. boys and 'Mr M. and Mrs. Prrincis .Moyle and family, ?PHONE 3S7-3862 &9__ CH.RYS.L-ER-•-..,N.ewpor-t---Gonver� 6.�f •-•---�LY_AIOLrTH,-4 cir,.>cnate= • ible� power equipped and radio with radio • ° . . 69 CHRYSLER 4 door fiardtoPt power steering and brakes, with • , radio r t''ORD 2 •door, 6 automatic with • radio 67 CHRYSLER 2 door hardtop, power steering -and brakes, with radio , 67 FORD 4 door sedan, 8 automati with radio 6 CORONET stations a on, :8 gutk ()mak with radio • 65 oOrjuktit uratic_ • 65 , CHEVY II,,6 cylinder with shift 65 ; CHEV, 4 door,. 6 automatic;.' 64._ RAMBLER, t,standard with. radio 64 PLYMOUTH, 6 automatic 62 FORD 4 door sedan, 6 cylinder with ra • io • °