HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-03-04, Page 1.4•
• !rIFW,410 "_s e• ,
$5.00. A Year In Advance — $2.00 Extra; To U.S.A. UC KNOW, ONTARiIO
WEDNESDAY,MARCH 4th,• 1.9701'.
ingl# Copy 15c 20 Pays
The community.was shoclked
and saddened last week when .
word was, received of the sudden'
and tragic death of Baroid Austin
of Lucknow. Baroid who'was
55 years of age, ..was instantly.
killed. on Wednesday night of•'•
ia•st week about 11 p. n1 • in an
accident on the:
•Lochalsh area..
An emp,toyee of •N.1'ontgorne(y
• Motors of Lucknow , he was on.
a •wrecker earl at the time and
•was removing the car of Lorne
Wail:•from' the ditch when the'
aeeident happened. Mr. Wall•,
•who resides .east: cif Luc know , had
beconte'stuck in the ditch near.
w .
ride to. Lucknow i1 a passing
auto. Mr. Wall had summoned
Harold Austin and returiled with
him to the.scene while Mrs .Wall
and Robert remained at \1o►ltf;o•rtl-
cr,y's Garage.
The car was beirng removed
froiii the south ditch with the
,Wrecker on the south side of the
roid _The ..headl1gbts were
failing into the eastbound traffic
lane, the warning flashers.were
,going on the wrecker. At that
time, a .car driven'by Mark T
11cAuley, 1S, son of Mr. and
•'\;1rs,` Cameron McAuley of R."
R. 4 Ripley, :approacheJ the
wrecker and Wall car. "lite,
t arili o ' ou1; . artyn,C. . . ` \1c.Aul'ey car, was procecd1I1g ..
Lochalsh-. • lie and \1':r ..Will „
and se?n Robert , had 'se:c:tared za.• . 4 C;ONTINUI D ON. P.\i.1: 1') ,IiAROLi) AUSTfiN...
�,,� . > � � .�. �: �. �,. � �. �. �. �. _�. � � � �. � �, � �. �. � � �. ti �. � �, ��: �, �: � J�JJ�J��J�J3J• �: � j`.�>.J �'�•.� }J`h>;J• �.:�. j, J J. �.
earin.a-rch 'Anil
AppIicationio-DiscontinueUneconomica1M :ala �LnTh._.. ,
Les . isimme. er-Ar:.ea: --L:
t. i t
data filed hvthe railways last
Nove rliher uti'der the new costinh.
I'Ii fir:.t puhlie, heartrtg•on
•At,til.W;t�. ;tppiicatlons,'for.;the
. discontinuance of uneconomic
paissetiger -tn.sera ice under
procedure set c utiti alae National
T &n Act ri11 open•
• at O•wcii-Sound .March. iI, the.' '
,,Canadian.Tr.insport Co:ninrissioii
• has,annoiinced,.
This h.ea•riiig.'and
suhsc:•quent one at .Gu:elph'
:beg' nnii1%z \ pri 1 'will deal,'wit.ti
aC:NR. and C. P. Rail a•p_plications• •...
• E'ne'
:Vrili:T seven passenger -train\
' Servic,es Within a Wtste•rn'Ontairio
triangleforniied by Toronto.
•Goderich 'and Owen Sound. •
:Sell •Farm And
Buy Village.Homf
\1r. and \Ir,s, hi•ll.liuniphrey:
have sold. their farm on the: both
COlice'ssioh Of West Wawanosli to.
Jitn. itc itson o t 11e ens., Tie.
1 i,umphrey, fa rnily have been there'
for the pastsi•xteen years. 'The::
sale was Conlpiet'ed• by William
S . Reed Real Estate. of Winghan7 .:
/Under the National Tralispotta-
• tion •`Act..the•C:oninlission may
order the.railways to continue to
operatethose uneconomic
services—ft deern� nE.c-e ,a-ry lin
•the public interest.: In su.cll:t'.1Ses,
the federal treasury may pay tip to
80.per ..cent of the actual.loss:• •
At the' .sine time , .the CTC
reported its• findiltgs on the •i" tua11
fosse iric•tirred'i11 ti.re seuen
These were dctcril`tirrcd
by'tlic.C:oer1i)1i'sS 1\•st4---1-i o•V-c to the-1->Oi-1%-its Apii-1.' 13i-11-••=
Mr ,..and Mrs: Humphrey have.
purchased .the hortie of Mrs'. .
G.eorQe liu.nter.on .Stauffer Street
in Lticknow. 'Mrs. Eunice •
Du 1i -c --thin i ty1-a s-he-e-t� tes-i din -4z -i n
p;i rt •of',thC house and Mr. and ,N1fs..
Rohe rt \1offait haveheen:in the°
other lidif of thc'.doubre.lionte ,..'
salts < . C
he 11 ll. ♦ 11 let
•I he It of t o c ti. � or ,p
'e(1 by Warren -Zinn. .:ti dent. for `
'. ked �.l ea- c a e
ltillfr d . 1clntecR 1 T',t t
\er., and \tr,s', 1luniphrC' plan to.
• ' °after'exam•in'ing financiat'1 •'is employed by Bud 'llantilton.
:Miss Catherine'N1acGregdr of
ic::.linw w -ill b rz ,cr- fi lr a
h'rthda . on'I'hursda; March ,t)tlr.,,
when open hoose, is i)eing'1 elci for
relatives and friends to call.
Miss MacGregor is a daughter
Li t c D. N. ki-ac-t 3 r e ar-and-
Jessie,l`laeKenzie of Cape Breton,.
where she was born.• Clatlierilie
''Carne to Ashfield as a:cl.lild with
her parents but has been a
resident of Lucknow for over
fr_yi yes i ir._tiaany yet
her services as a seainstress.'
were 'touch in demand,
She enjoys fairly, good health
.and is alert. and -interested in
tl'i e a,ff�i i r s -o f th e-c•d ma y lu-tasty . ____ •
Miss'lvracGregor is lovingly cared
for by. E'er sister, Mrs. George
CMae).S,tuart ; who has, resided
with her. si'nee 106l when she Mid
her husband, the late C;eor e
Stuart , moved to Lucknow from
the.St,` tleieras area,
O.Idtimers Game
Feature 0# Lions
Ice Carnival..
A feature of the Lucknow-and '
District Lions Club ice carnival •
scheduled for Friday„ March 13th,
will be a hockey ga me between
a couple .•of teams fromthe. past ,
A former Bantam hockey team
of years ago is being rounded
together..'for. the••occasion'to play
an Iilter,rnediate•team of even
longer ago. 'Some of•the,narrtes .
of those -participating -are to�be F;
found in the.carn.i.val •ad in this
issue.: Look' it over and you. wail
be sure to want to see this game.`
Besides, this . the ustia•1 lineup of
costuntc,pr,i"res and' races will he'.
. .
The Lucknow .Novice team, will.
,pay a •hockey game against-
�--"th�:, r„iitotlrer. B unds-l-rkre ftrn
• filled evening.which will' end: ”.
with the Lions:Club dr}•iw for a'' ..
colon red T'....• T i:c kz:'ts . are •
:preCeiirt\' on stile.
ineRiver Chemo and"Buttef-Co=op
Bryanr�a�le Wins
Sjiking Contest
Bryan Boyle ,. '16. son of Mr..
atid-.1-1.r-s:..=Fr ne.is= ao-y1..P of H i iron' , .. y
Township; took a further step up •
the public, speaking.. ladder on
Saturday whenhe placed first in
the senior• .secon•dary school. •
division ,of the Royal .Canad'ian
t R
publicspeaking contest at
Sh�wRecord :Production Int Past -Year
11C--tlrirl \ -'fust•>a 111111ati 1lteetrn •
oaf Piite. Riper'Clic se ,\• Butter:.. • •
Skiathon To Be
HeId Saturday
The. exec'uthe of•the Ltael:l ow
S1.i C.lrih „ rtieei ing recently
at the notate .of J 1'. \•lac f)onaid
decided to'hold "Skiatholt" cif.
t1iCe •Lue,knoav Ski 011111 0ii atwda):.
Nlarch.7th'as: a nteans.of cle'aril't• .•
Each participating Skier will' •
seek' sponsors who will,pay,,1).
for each run of the hill.tlie�.y"are
able to.coniplet'e;.in an now. The
-riia-x-i rrt i r ►trerrH•eee-t-ed from i ri 'a
sponsor is not tdexceed£••s
New. Churck
Members. Received -
New members were received
into the 'I:rickiihw Pre,shyteriart •
Church al the i:oinniltnion servitbe
On. :Through t.ransftr of
certificate front'lirussels•were'
.and \lrs Ron \`acl'ian; front•
1: ita alit . British ,Colirrtibia
Lois •Noble •
\'•r. and .\lrs.. Lloyd Moffat:.
Slia•tefl anti,f1.eorge Were received
by Certificate from Langside
( o-optraEi-' TT`c-'llttd I1 Rri:i,l '
'Corlle'r (:on I!•Itinity 11111 on
Frid'a\>l ehr :aa•i \• tit •. Le•onaird.
Reid and .l)onaald Courtney. were.
'appointed' chaii•iii:in.:Ind secretary
for the meeting: Thomas I?llai•r,
chariered <'ccotitatant, pre.entod
.the auditor s report.
Glenn i'ir.rell, .:president of the
Cd-operitt.,vc .Outlined the years
httsitiess siatiiig..tli-at.record •
clte�st proditc.tio11 h id .been
reached• this past 'year., • Retail
sales•had;in.creased again' result'-
ing.iii a yery.. facourable yde.ar
finandlally. C)tie� million,
hundred and forty-tw.o,•thousand '
pounds of cheese were .made and
approxit-nptely one hundred and •
Injured Fri
Snowmobile Fall
.hits. Ernest Button of alytil.°
fornierl.y of `Lucknow . wa-s
ted ind bistrict'.
1tosppital'late.,Stind.r'• afte"rnoott.
February.."fc llc�wtn�>ai'11 acc.iderit
in.which she fell from .a 1110ving
sn•owniohile. The .rnislap occur--
red 'on the farm of Jaili:es- Leddv`
:On. the o.th' concession of \Vest
1:;xamination disc`loeci spina]
'injt,ri ' . 1 re . .
h, Tin , ma ;rade, ele'en student
• i, Ripley j`Ltrlri 11i 17 cbo
was the Riple\'.'1 2io11 entry in
the: Zona. t -1 •c: ont;'est held at �l
Laic kiiow cltt i -.e hrilary`L'1...::I3;y'
�, tile 0.1 fths first place Win at`.
Luchtiow I,i.e atit' ;i.nced; to the •
J tstri:cr C Filial, at Stratford said.
olfilpe3te ar zein t-t117ree other
udt•t_tt, `frog: zones 2 and 4.
• The next .step is on Saturday of
This•1ve-h at 'i3 e'tltillnear.
1'ororiro N: hen. he W i11 compete 111
•t'he arcae:finals'
Died At Her H ome
:Miss Dean hla.cLe od of Lucknow.
`passed away at her hojne..on •
.,S•unday. March 1st.
Funeral service:was conducted
at MacKenzie Memorial Chapel., •
Lucknow ori Tuesday ..March 3rd
with, temporary entombment at
South, Kinloss r;ausoleun7.'
Died In 89th Year
r, ire (S.itidi) 11.ickett of.
Lucl<lioi♦ c �. a�."Til p in alTi:' v � _h
and.pi>i trfc.' inn.- tt.al ci11 \londa
March:Aid In her' tli year', •
.1'itnt ran service Will be conduct-.
ed a:t Johitsto'ne l iuiera•I [Tonle •
Lucknow .0.11 tti'.edtiesday . March'
l•th a;t. '2:' e 1 ' p:. 111 .
Tenlporary entonihnient will
,r" 1t' S4t11111__Kiiilo - 14t ole i
In Ccr-5nowm.obiIe
ccident In Dungannon
An accident Aarurdiry evening,
oil the •ltlt concession of Ashfield •
on,.the river Hill sent a Dungannon
area youth to St ; loseph';e .
1•Iospfri-1 ill L-'Ond-oti
1:7 -:year -old .MAI:1...I •a.ta•p1t•iaa, ,sea
of lvir, and Mrs. Joe Dauphin.
'Of the Dungannon area was
travelling West on the 4th on a
snow'mObile when he came in
collisio.i7 with'a ear travelling
East 'driven bv. Rosemary 1 ed.v
7—year—old—d'a'ughter Of hit
Nits, Ross Eedy of
A passenger on the • nowinohile
et-ry->va-f-ra-mbOise-net- Rotie i a r;,
sought help . t the, nearby 'honk'
of Mr., and lNlrs.•'1001 Park .•••
Park went to the scene of the'
accident with terry and
flagged dowel a passing 'ear'
driven by Gary Sproule who
.r>; tito\cd'Ma'rk and Terry to
Goderiell '1•iOspitJt1,
Mark wtis'taken by ambulance.
to London, Latest reports
indicate hid;, injuries, consist 6f a •
broken ;jaw,, badly lac'crated face`
loss of several teeth, out in,
the. groin and badly bruised knees,
Surgery was performed' '
Satirrtay,rtlt;ht to wire the jaw
with anot'he uper.ation scheduled
for 1\ionday, morning..