HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-02-25, Page 15WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY' 20hh 1970 .eft M onlay .For. �r-oss.;Counttr To DCINGANNON, NEIN On Monday Cary- Dauphin and: friend Roger Paiinabaker:of St., Helens left for. Qttawa on the first leg of their crgss country tour. :They plan on working, their way to•points in Canada as well as vis- iting such states as'Tex'as, Florida California and•Mexico..;,,7'h:€y_ to. be gone a year and use the • truck camper as their home World Day of Prayer will be observed in Dungannon United Church on Friday, March Gth at r 44• apwv-lub 5 irOu 175s"fri % ..dr./WSA *.'il'! ' y •:I11111i i►�sy� THE' •LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 2:309. The ,theme for• this year : • will.'be Take.•Courage and film will be shown entitled "The Day. T1tou .Gavest",.. All ladies are ,cordially invited••to attend. ., John Bereof Waterloo visited .' Y• with hi mother, Mrs, Mary !Jere and family on Friday evening and•.. Saturday Mr. Dav'di Itoulston, a• lay.. reader of oderich , supplied on Sunday for the United •Church services .'!As. well as the choir',, Mrs. Roulston a • Hoy favdured with .a duet, Mr. and .Mrs: Fran Huber and Loree Of Goderich visited ,on Sun: day eveningWith Mr...and' Mrs. Tom. Park, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Spry of Niagara Falls:visited on the week- end with Lorne,:l,Vers.• Mrs. Ivers is still.a patient iti Wingh•am hospital . She is coming along, _ve.ry•w•.e_11---butthe--cast .w4 -1 -1 -be --.•-:: on : for another week at least Mr, and Mrs `Roy Ashton and Marilyn of Coderich visited on Sunday with.Mr. and Mrs. Bial: Park and�farnily. WI .N.:,S:�P-Li-C.3-LI CSP-I,.� K ' INC C)ur co.ngratuiations are e3ctend- INSURANCE MEETING CONTINUED FROM PAGE I 'record of service of the.iire ent directors' of the company.. • • The retiring directorswere' called. on, Herson Irwin of •13eIgrave with 11 .years service • and, Brown Smyth of.Du'iiganiiorr with 13 years .service. Both',' expressed their; pleasure in •s.erv,iiig t fie.,_ye.a.rs. a.nd•-their ai preciation o.f the many f:irendsh•ips made.. N.otiiinat ions `were received for the director's ,position_ held' by Caiarles 'Anderson:of' Liicknow • en-a-rrtr t i-otiThy Frank I1,aiti't•i14.on ' \;r :Anderson was returned to 'Office for zi three year term by acclamation: iveiniiii1riotlsvere r'ecejyed gar tli .-:pos tia.na.f.dites:tor to fill t Alt' post hell] hy,c,eorge I'eagan"of ;Goderich.: Un .ti .• . toot ion••Iv Robert Sowerby and I+ruwn Stiivth, \1r.. leagaii was re elected f,y acclamation for a three yearten-1i '.' N.oininat.ion were then received for the:..iiosition of director for a three year teriu to fill •tile' vacancy caused. by the'ret•ireiiieut •of' 13r;owii •Siii•yth. • • M.tr. Stti,,'t1.i w,as•sa ;a:in'iioniinat- •1 • N• ed. hv.\`Frriii_tt-on':r•fid • l;dy hut declined to smolt Fred ?.'c°Oi il'lit'i v, *as, no•iiii,nttcd. h� FlroN l:aiidl.►w ,ind ;111:in`:'.• ;iilc r. C rdoii S.iiik•tli was . . rrro t rrrt t t eEi-l}� Ped h t;tl t i toi ici t t icl - loc' I'cir rii. 1n:ilie. electiOn• h twceir >lc"•cynilli•n and Cordoia. Siiivth 1:red ;\Ict)uilliti was trice esiful ' (:1at'encc iliiiini was atppointcd as:the coinpianv scrutineer',for the elec't'ion . w'itli' TedRedrnoild' acting as Mr. Sniyth's scrtitineer and Lorne Forst•.e'r as'\1r..N.1•cQliillin`s•, llie ballots were counted under the direction, -et secreta ry tre,1stir er Fr.anl7.Ih:onlpson A: flot•i(in followed .by Ri11 Wiggins and 13ert plcWhinney ,to -destroy the ha llots . ' • Anelection followed to fill • the position .of director for one year terra' left .vacant by: the resignation of 1lerson Irwin due to In health. • -Masan-Re b d- by Clarence •Chimney and, Albert • 13ieitiari . William Gow was nominated b, Williaii Seers and Everett: • Taylor ,• . Clarence ilanna acted•as • • company scruittiieer. ,13i11•irwin for Mr. Robinson and Nor.m'an N1cT)owell for. Mr, :cow . Secret- . ary teasurer Thompson directed • the ballot counting which saw Mason Robinson elected. A motion :followed by lPerson. • 1'rwiii and C1=trence tl'atina that . the ballots be destroyed. Other caked on were Rey',:TZ, • v t7, (ldenda'h1. Don 'I'honipscin •Jud Make, • •:\ .rlrt1tiO11,oi a.4ljc'iurn',ianj c•ariiiE', u,3 • from Austin Martin arae (,liarltis C,Qultes w • .• • eri to Miss .Kathy Culbert, 10 year. old •daughter of Mr. and'Mrs. Cecil Culbert on placing first Saturday afternoon in Luck•now in the,Legton' Public Speaking. Kathy Oso b'roug'ht our Community this. honour last year. Kathy's.topic is Peace and she'must nOW advance t:o•Stratford this Saturday; Best of luck ,to .Kathy- at Stratford. • SIGNS.' OF SPRING By all the, signs spring 'is, just • nd' Miss Eunice around the corner, in Dunga'irion . at -least.' Mrs,. Amy 'Wiggins. OD. ,M.onday,•saw aaflocg•of 30 t.o•35 geese flying south. 1 -ler husband; Bill also saw a crow. Mr.. and Mrs. 13ilt Park on. Wednesday were well,. awaie of.the skunks being out on parade, Shirley -:McFadden of•13ayfield: the junior -elementary school -Winn-et-at-the Legion Zone C'-1 speaking contest field at' Lucknow L'egiorl. Hall: oriaturday is shown recei.viitig her aiNtard from Ted Elliott. of 13ru•ssels , deputy zoiie • commander: On•th•e right is Lloyd Valiance of Brussels, the senior elementary school winner.. Photo by 'John Strong 4a PAGE FIFTEEN. Win n ..entar hop" Speaking • See our :'large selection o :SUNWORTHY WASHABLE e Le1- - gion' Zo 'REGULAR . PRICES $1.2;5 $1.40,1 1,70, $485 • r, UNT:1L. FEBRUARY ...2811 • ., �;;• ••. . •41=11.„ -,•-„ OM, ,..m,..•iii•g ..MIIH.IIMP. ALl 1'970 STOCK WALLPAPERS • �n o eg. Prices Of $1.1 9 :to N. \ \•N. • \ .\ \ \ N.. rice PER SINGLE RQLL HURRY DOWN, These. - won't last' long at 'this price. '. • • 1 ti r -N.:, 'N.. 'N• 1 T IPOUJGHTTTSPO ENTER HERE WE ARE GUARANTEED. A WINNER THURSDAY, -FEBRUARY. 26th • • • CARPETING YOUR COMPLETE . HOME DECORATING • •CENTRE DRAPERIES Lucktiow, Ontario, WALLPAPER AND C-I.L PAINTS Phone `°528.3434.