HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-02-25, Page 14•
AmberleyDative �' Gives; Informatiofl Tai
Died !.n'76th Year
Outdoor Drying Indoors
• Frigidaire "Flowing Heat" dryer With. an ozone lamp
gives your clothes that "out-of-doors"` .freshness.
• Electronic Dryness' Control' •
knows when your .wash -it -dry
and automatically.,'shuts off •
Lint screen .placed hanaily on.
door •1.00% childproof with
Safety Start Button. •
Richard Albert Campbell of,
Lucknow passed away on Monday,
February ltith;at• Winghana and
District Hospital following a
'stroke.... [le was' in hits 7Gth..
He was. a son of Peter Campbell
and Eliza Anne E;rt1 ey" n s,
'b in Huron Township on April
• The' Ripley and District.' • spoke brtefly.91 the Flowering',
Iiorticulttlral,Socic'ty held -their • Dogwood, .ttie provineia1' flows
rnEeting at the home of Mrs.. ,cif British Columbia•.
Bert lrwrtr pry Tuesday February Alis'' R, J'., Moor.e.gav,e �t
i•7• ,1t,H;uti•p.j71, .informative ta•1,k on gardeniO
-„The iTeetiug opened with 0, .touching•on cuttings, forcing
Canada .'Ind•tl•te Lord s Pxay r, .bulbs for indoor flowering, pest.
Twenty nien.bers answered the control and a srartttnary ,of the
roll ca11•wh•ich; •was " sonitth,iug varlet` es this year, 'She- c011.(11.1.L! -
that i1•appened lit February iti • e'ch With a poem•on.the .Legend.
your -lifetime"... Of the Dogwoaci..
'born Our two .winter. projects were
discussed:. Recipes were'collect-
1S lS4) ed for the recipe book .project .
•On,May'l2th. 1913 be married Any .further recipes tobe t•u to ,
•Ktabel Johnstone sof Ashfiel Mrs. David Elphick imn3ediately.
Township. . •
A rnbrley, area . He, also. farmed:
•for' a tim'eon the:12th Concession.
'Ashfield at hemlock City,
before moving to Lueknow in 19t1U.
• PHONE 52$-3112
Couple Marr. :ed'
At Bride's Horne
G.RAFl.A1\1 =
The hone ofMr, and Mrs.
ph. Cameron; R. R..'l, Luck
now . was -the setting on
Saturday 'February,l4th at 3 p.m.
for the .marriage 'of their daughter
Sandra Jean of Stratford to Mr.' •
William Hugh'Graha'ril. son of.
NIr.' and Mrs. Joe Graham of
• St., Mary's...'
Rev. •Gordon Kaiser of Lpndon . '
formerly: of Lucknow , offteiated •
at the double ring; ceremony.. '.
Given. in marriage by. her •
Mother and father. bride chose
a gown of white satin Velvet, '
high nechll'ine and long puffy.
sleeves with • wide cuffs: Her"
headpiece: was a c\ tier Veil held
by.:a earl Tierra. "She carried'
cad.P•. of redloses .
Lynda;Carneron of Scar.borough,,,
sister of the bride was maid 'of
horiouc_ he wore .,a dress of 'red
satin velvet. high nec1 Tine and
long puffy ileeves with wide
cuffs. She carried a
cascade of white•murris and
headpiece wag a
" 'e n—sl`iv`er
Grdornsrnan was Joe '
G'raharn and ringbearet was.Bruce,
Grahai-n, both of St :aryl and
__ brther�afxitt5ort;.
Janie Snell of Londesboro,
cousin o'f.the bride was pianist
and supplied miosis before the
ceremony. She also accompanied
Doug and Jack Cameron,
Mrs. Howard' I3ennett and Son
Howard of Toronto Visited during
:the week with her parents;Mr.•
and Mrs Art Halderiby..
The March hostesses for. the
Holyrood Wonlen s Institute
rneetirig:•on'March 5th w.i11 be:
Mrs.. Alex. Percy and •tiers, Lorne
Eadie. Roll Call,- Bring a news-''
paper: clipping of new of inorher
country', Topic.- :Women in rhe
news'. Motto Pie handclasp'''. .
offer of friendship: is stronger than
tiny peace •treaty; i ctcfi ineniber
'bring an aj'ticle of. groceries"from
:another conntrry to -be, 4'i.tic.t ioned:,
Directors;.- Ivlrs',• Frank.Nlaulden,
>.lrs.'•1"1lwood E11'iott.
. The• World Days of Prayer is -
Friday ,
s•Friday, iiarch Oth, The"Se.rvice.
for. this dist.cict will be held in
the .Anglic:iin Church at
.._.11'ladies are, atttitd
this service.. • ' •
Mira. Gertrude w;alsh and
Mt. and Mrs..liow,ard;Thortlpsori.
visited Sunday with Edna and
May Boyle. ,
Lars.: Elden 'EcketiswHier , wlio
has been .a patient. in the Kin:
•cardine•and District hospital:;.• .
war btrtb return llothe .
Mr, and Mirs , Lovell icduire`
and family of Brantford Mr.; and
Mr r' B .Smnith and DetDbiie f .
North Bay visited. on Sunday with
;`,'r. and Mrs George Haldenhi.
The quilt project was also
discussed, It .will feature the
Flower -of -the Alonth in liquid
Mrs. •John W.yldS •was•the
convener -for -thee; meet jag_ . __Sate_
Surviving besides his wife are
cwo soils, William J. of:,
Kincardine and Jan•ies Reginald of
Downsview; 'four•grandc'hildrel
fourteen great grandchildren
•and one sister Miss Agnes
Campbell of Detroit; Alilri;ala..
was predeceased by a son
Ly:i11 inT1952;.,also four brothers, .
and twb sisters; Johne,. Jim, Peter..
Robert, Grace and Margaret.
:Funeral serf ice was held' Fat the
Johnstone Funeral home ,
Lucknow.on Thursday", Febriiary
;19th.•• Rey. .Glenn _-Nobl.e•,minis
'ter of Lucknow Presbyterian
Church, •of.whicl' Mr. Campbell
Temporary entombment w•ts-iii-
Ripley 1\lau:oleuti1'with final
resting•place Ripley Cemetery..
Pallbearers werO.Gordoil'John-
stone. Gordon Rohh Alvin Rohh ;
Albert:C.tni isle W111iani Rose
G ant R1acI)onald:
L'inda Bbyle Speaks
At Kairshea Wf
Linda .Bell•,• repress tsativc to •
the National -1-11 .CoPert'uee: •
spoke •to the nicinhers of hair•slaca
Wonle.1:r:SInstitute as•t ieir rcgu.ar...'
February nieetii at the Rollie of
1\lrs,' 1Iarvey.1louston. •.Linda
onc".of the fourteen' 1-11, nieinhtrs•
front, 0i tario to attend the week of
events to. liouor :1-I 1' c'rs Iro•rti all •
over Canada. '.'Ditriii th'e ciiiifer-
t nce , these 'youth 'attended.:
discussion groups on Unity;
Citizenship,. Vottitg .ag.e and also.
visited places of historical iriterest
Ott'a'wa, Niac ira Falls •and•
r• i e C'CF d'11 rC IICL
to.havt one of our local• iris he '
•awarded tliis.honor. ,
sleeves and kl itr•=.'rose'corsa e.
L . •l Il
as a.lxuet ;'W'edding Prayer." . .
before,the ceren•ony and ''How.
(teat Thoti Art" during the
signing 'of the register.
. ;. rec•eprion followed at the
brid'e's home.
Mrs'. Fr -it Diek-i-e•-pregit ed -acrd'
:Gordon Wall conducted` the
busin'ess. • Donations. were made to
the Canadian Cancer Society and
43rue= Lea -raven: Au
-Eldon Welsh conducted a contest
on Pollution; Current Events •
were given by.i trs,. •Ted Collyer,
This was the International
meeting and the roll.ca.11'Irow to -
cornbattaCial discrimination'. ".
bSl.•frl.me• team !Y!m[®!ll:all'6Bs,fla.,••••tl
white crepe pant dres.
Followinz a wedding trip to •
Niagara. Fails and Toronto the
couple will rc side` in Stratford
Prior ro he :-a-r-rli-aA;e--t4ie hr -ids
was 'honoured at- a. community
shower held in Trinity United
was well answered, Mrs, Harvey
floustorr presentedan informative
'talk on A . W . w: She showed
several souvenirs .from A•ssociiited
.ountry oinC l 0. t le
'World•,countries and told of
'conferences that site had attended
The hymn of -All hatiorls wit: sung
The bride s mother wore a two. Church As lfield' . The shower was
planned• by ' tit. 1)onald.l1ackett
and white rose cors'ake, T. ;e and '..".rs.: Algin Alton aitd a'ttract-
groolY) ? T .other chose ;[ellow K-elv arraT ed witlyVale,.tine
piece double knit gold suit
I\1rs.. Jim -Burt and -Mrs, Fldcsn.
Welsh, diwrectors,.. assisted the
hostess in serving lunch. The
;."arch m,eetine, will he held tit
the home of Mrs. Roy Piiilayori
:with :1 dessert luncheon at 1 p , in
crepe dress w:th 'Ion:, pleat`'' 'on ;.".arch 11.
*41,* 6111110 *vai Te ti+ . r/ Iitr
M'rs, W: J..MacKay t avE} tll.
courtesy remarks.,' Mr.'s. Earl
Lobnes kindly offered her hoit:k
for.th;e'next meeting on 1arch
-The. Meeting cl.dsed with tliR.
.Queeir•and'Gra.ce. A logit°Iy .
lunch was :served by the hosti
atld. her lunch. committee of '.
-Dan Gillies Sr. and
._,ErnestPolloc k ;
RangeOf Beautiful ;Colours
rich MatchingfageTrumT�"
Surfaces You Select For Your Kitchen, Bathroom, Den or Living '
Room;' Will Be Just As .Fresh; Just As Colourful, Just As . Easy
. •To Clean, Years From Now. ` "'r•
• Look For •The
GENUINE �,...,
Trade Mark
On Every Panel,
• - . AND_. •
T B,dtIGHTEN- A`N 17 OOME: •
• Pulls, 'Knobs, BackPiates.
PHONE 528-]118