HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-02-25, Page 11.i"1111i!+arialw' ', W , r�/+y fA 1111r1WY:Tr'.1.1111.6"10"111.,„,,,.,, WED°NESDAY,; FEBRUARY 2Sth, 1970 LUCI I LUCKNW• ONTARIO ....,_.-_.. -r ... m LO .THE NQII SENTINE, , .. _ -... - Bruce Presbytery Mie AtPt a.: Bruce.Presb" te.r ; •.of .the Y y Church of. Canada.• met In E rn United' Church •On•T,uesda• J .. •g' ,February:l7, Presbyter ,.chair- pian Rev.. Vic` Wilki on cardi'ne Conten e Presb . _� and led the Court through `" ' business. g The. Communications Commit= tee ,reported trhat the 'Rey. gII : " ,United' Part, • '• of"Kan- • er y its . GeQrge ' • t1•' ,THE O Q --..%' A.AIANGETrS`' ,�p • ® TIyEF/'+�TER ®® �• liECOUL !� • :.�.S14 BQr _ ., � �;. � -• � ®•„ . .: � ` � RI xageesse rsOID-T/tilE, • WHITFCHURCIFNEWS. a n lvr 13r,i. ; C - c1t •Messen" ers met in the church on;'Sunday, with>. Lorna Mason leader and. Marilyn Robertgo •ia P n.ist, . • •� Tee scripture was read. by Marian. McGee. Jean S�hiells led'• in prayer. .The collection •w• s . �. .. : • received b' Janet Whyt'ock and'•• Y'' Doreen Tayfor:. � y or •," .The• H'e ra ld Report .was given by Helett. -Chandler.. '' "• , ,' Mrs., Llnyd WhytQck gave the • RIPLEwY ABATTOIR y M1 . �• l9 Ing Srin _ ng ,, Custom Butchering --,C'uri . and • oki Cutting and Wrapping — Sause.ge Making Fast Freezing HOGS AND: CATTLE ON 140610 YS •' ;- • •CATTLE ONLY ON WEDN�I?BDA'YS ; -L With Two Big' Coolers", We Are Able To, slang; Your Beef From .•' 1 .179..1 .weeks -- Whatever" YourlRequrements Are • � .: For .Homed Freezers. We Sell 'Choice 'Home Killed. Beef,, Pork and Lamb In Any Quantity At• Lowest: Marketing Prices .• AL'L : ARE 60W MEATSER l E• NT INSPECTED FOR YOUR P.____ROLE CT `` n , , ERT • ' -Wrirght400f 'Mourn Forest --has been. elected` as Chairman of Singtime Board of Directors, •singtime is the • wee. kly'TV p>oduction'of the ' C1nit.ed, .Church over •CK.NX -TV Channel'B.,,-Winghanl at•5.:30 p: m, Sundays. Herbert L: I•ferso'tn, of Niagara- on the -Lake,, Chairman of the. • ° ' ' l Iamilton Conference. Ca Cor orationaddre-ssed=the court P "' f,ttle g g P • Corporatian.. tie. ur ged he:y presbytery, to• have confidence in the:Corpora tion a§ it' planned for.• the,,future 'of Camping iii the Conference and the develop.rlient ofsites:. '•The Presbytery •responded w -iii --a•-• ' -stoiy. after whIch-a-ll went -to their classes for Sunday School. • CHAS... HOOIS OP ° MA, PR • ABATTOIR 39S-2905. STORE: 395-2961 ° •J .. , Calvin -Brick _oQ U...',February • Purple WHITECHURCH NEWS' was aloin Brick United. Church � . at' Wome�a held their meeting on. •- , Purple Gr ve, W.I.on The meenng of the Grove Women,'s Institute,ei held' on Friday.. February•Gt,h . the home of Mrs. Harvey George Newbold Shows STo, • • Sociefy Nlembers. _ _ . , . . ._ ....__.. Needh a Wednesday Februar 1S at. •the ' home Y (ve ' . of Mrs. Ro Dawson with ' . Wa a 1•1 member• s, .,3 children• and • 1 " Roll call visitor present. , . original Mrs, Gordon McBurne o en.ed..,. y P espondence the •rneet.rng with two poems Ash secretary Wed,ne.sday and Lenten Thoughts . • ' ' o NIrs, Richard •Moore ,read the •. The e fest ei�t 9r Int.:•'Th• p "rd , .Iv , ' • tion presided'. Mrs." The Lueknow and'District .o iXon read the scripture.' Horticultural Society held. their .. was answered with an meetirig in the Legion Hall on '. Valentine's verse,. Corr- February 16 with 31 'form'er •was read by the • and.4 new members. in attendance, . Mrs..; Don McCosh-. • • The rnpet,in.g.,was opened by .. District Director's meet- sin in 0 Canada" ac•.com anied'•b .singingP Y • ' • { LUCKNOW PHONE' 548-34 0 " ' • - - t.u're ° in r to be held at •Reid's : Mrs. 7. W. Jo nt. The res.ident',. ��;, P ,. y P r ' Bible Sttid.y wwas conducted by ' Corners on March 17..• Mrs. Alex And:rew', welcomed Mrs. Richard Mooreand. rs .A•readin; 'on household hints '' thos 'resent after which the • - M e Gordon McBurney, (�lxestions 'was given: by Mrs,.. Norval.. minutes of the last meeting •were handed.'out ,and, the answers Sta'nle Two contests were read;'and business -matters . were found in chapter.13 of Lu e:° ••condu t•ed b the convene•e.-rs.` 'discussed. The •'for.. k .. Y. e• membership .. •seri motion .of support for•ehe Ca'rtip .Corporation... T' e Ironic �•tissrons C laamrttee •were reported that';again this stin•i•mer' 4,wo--stude-nts•w'ill work. in the r' . ac,ation "Resort: Areas within'. t T 1 j' R ���`�• �•/ 1)Pn14 � Chalmers W.A .S. Mrs.. Itiha.rd`Moore led in pray er. George l i tress.. •Mrs. Don• ^. 1970 is 101.• 1 D-ar-lene_ Whytock-and--CCelia---- -_-Gillies* a-ve-a-d-emonstrat:ion•on -- _- • Y s. g The. ro' ramme was in Chandler, rece•tved•the offering :': • tatting. P g.charge• , which was de.dicated.b M'rs.: �� ., of George_ Newbold and Norman : �' • '. •y Wi'iners in the Valentine. Taylor„ John Henderson played. . -- ' Wfil'CI:C:II'IiRC !i 1vCWS' • (palmers .W,.\1•.S., held their : ' Februi ry •n`ieet'i.ng on Th'i:irsdav, I'ehrii rN•'111 it 2''p•,.nt;:'at the,horn ;this Pres:h 'ter, •. • One, will •work •,' •y 111 the Upper Peni'nsula region and the:other.`a.t-south' Sa'uble .each ,3,. COmmu.nr'ty Church.. -, y,,, ; ' Lt was announce chat Dr° E;•.E, ...Hallman, foil -er F,U B.:C.onfer-;Newbold: ence• Superint;en ant and k,• •.Man, presently. a Home Missions • Su eri•nte-ndant<;..asof:Ju.ly 1., 1970 P• •res.i,ded will become the .Executive. ,}Secr'etar of the Hamilton Confer,. y •appointed. ence of the United Cklurcl :The work of the `( '�urch across `the world will bepresented • :'P;raye;r thrOugk_Mi•ssion re tiivals Lty� • . • - ' Port Elgin a.nd Lucknow United • ,' 1' Ch;u•rches. Port Elgin s •.re Festival will be. 1`larch; 14• - 15• 'Will be. May -:3 a'i,1d .Lucknow's w 11 .... May 1 . .-', . '`• .';. 'Offen.' Mrs': Don a beau' fUl,piano• .instrumental.. .' ':. Mrs: J,:.L. Currie gave a " McCosh•.with a jello dessert' • The audience also enjoyed .the' reading, A 'Black `'1an''S p • osition and.Mrs. Howard,Tho•mpso•n with fine slides•shown by George.', in Canada .and discussion followed' a cake';•• The pictures were on discrimination of the Black" .. Two: accordian' num:beis given ,'taken last:sumrrler while.Yie.and°' • Lois. Needham `w'ere • en jo ed' by y. his family' a motor.,iirip.• M.rs, ken Mason resident., .-:. : --.- P_._ by_all'_. • , .._-. t.o:the-:-W-es�(�oast,'--�r'iews,af the for the business ° P +Roc'kie,s Banff and the .Butchart.'• Mrs. Ronald. Coultes w'as ' • • . Mrs. George Harkness gave the. . • Gardens were very interestin to .rent the. Odd• Fellows courtesy remarks•and'•the meet- J ' g . I, "and pleasing,'not only to.those' "Hall,' Wingham for a. bake sale: .: '•ing was closed by singing: the • ,, who have .visited the West Coat •-• ¥ Mrs .' Llo d Wh' ock offered her.. Queen and Grace , y, but als'o'�to those who, have never' ,., home for the World's Da of The:d•electabie conrest•des.s'erts.: o •.e� y had ape opportuni>Ey, On behalf • 1vlarch 6. A•.letter was were served for.l'unch: ' of all' •r-es.ent • the': read; fron >i a d -'rectors of Camp . - .4 President thanked john Henderson Menesetung near' Coder•ich Newbold for the 'fine.. • of V,rs.'.itobt-'rr :Ross;,,.::The"presid. - .ei)i. '•.'rs.., Wallace Conn welcomed • all to: tlic '.Iiletting apd gave 'the ` • call to Worship, '. The scripture reading and ineditatio.n was given ' h,y ,,:rs, t�es1Ey.Tiffin,. \1rs,. Robert MowbrayYa`ve:a reading.' d g •t, • ".\ recipe for:,a:Happy. New 'Year'.. ',The readiu.g,'Thoughtful'ness. was ' � i.ve15 by \Irs,'F9awso.n f raid, i\1'r's.., '13i11.•1 yaps led'• in prayer:. Mrs'.:, y• Rtisel.l •Ross .gave a. reading by ,llelen h�lla;r'on the ":�1i,racle ' Worker , rhe roll call was '••• answered h i'Q-giving 4t. verse w ith;•w'ord Lo c '' The'minutes were read :by thc.secreta.ry • ' Mrs. 1)lwson Craig. Art- t 'rttcnts were° in11•1•de 'for••thc. and Geor a regarding a donation.•.' ' , • • g g fi. Clinton. •Forms were handed ,progra•m:• r 1, •.. Reports were given by ]�; rs.; ,. for anyone wishing to' go to • An ersons•wishin. to join the,: lam 1 A Lrl� a �,ordo' .. is Bur e 3u3 n y ; 1:rs : °Keri Gane P ,Horticultural ,S-ociety--coul,d Mason,a.itd Mrs. Peter Chandler, - Mason closed t hers: Ken' he co.ntaet Miss°Ada• Webster- immed- dele ates' to .the•Presh ter meeting with ra er'. g . v lal , prayer., lately: . ,j.,• •.•• �1 . . r+ ' + I } World .Pay of. I ra. E'I .tq he h • in Outliners Pree.byteri:au•Church on`March• lith atN., 0 111 .. .. . p' Airs., Rohe.r os•s t;1\ e the tope . '. 'Clic. Sec"re't`of •.1 (.rlf'n1 and ('i'cie'r•. cCi fE'"„• •,promote ' •.' l lyinns were'sting .: Mrs ' 1V.alla�ce .Conn the closiit�, „gave • 7 )� 'a r . .' '1 he'L 'dies Aid meet was •leen held 1 h' •_fiiirtnc fat state- 1fent given •:1'nd the Collection .�� r.. �. � 'The Presbytery went 'on ... ' •' ri'cord. as • approving tiie. ,Lc: nte.n..: ' Appeal ••rc.C)ne' IZay:s Pay and cficottra:g s local churches:to • - • this in co-operation . with other deilonlinatlo•tis who ire •t�l,tahi.N similar appeals. ' The• .• lU 3Up,m-V• da:CPC-TV production "M'an Alive" .will he I • fc�iturilil; this concern 111 the t1E4lr ftrtWV,• . , ,-.: • � ' '.• . CRA FORD r CHRYSLER - DODGE - OTORS - PLYMOUTH b • W M NTA RI0 '� ., 'Tlie hostess ;\'••rs, Ross 'hen. • ser��pu lunch. ..... _ t. ,u 21 - 2 :'1,:r.7() will see Al st• :� C'alia4lian Cole cess onI:vaniel'-. isnl Belo in'Ctt,awa. Rev,. C. i3: „. -' - ry �angsi a YPS LA h'C SI F -ws • ..-. tel I The• I,an 'side Youn e' le'� _ g�.._ urlq- g -QP P'IONE C HRYS LER i ' rt Convert-••_ 5 3 7-3862• . , , 6 CORONBT ` 8u t , 'd Ti ,ars o' 1 'Ord Was. noniiiiated'. to. attend this Cons�r.ess as the representative of Bruce. Presh�=tett' . . -New i 1 •wet equipped and radio. e, _ _ . .� :.. stat><onvva on t ai di •tea .-,. — _ .G Cr. -P ii-s-1e.:y - .Po 69 CRY5LER 4 :door hardtop, • •. • , power'steering-a>nd brakes, with • 'radio : •• 65', CHEV .2 door, 6 automatic ® , .. . , . 65 CHE�II, fi tcyluidewith slut • E , - octety•thet on.Sund1 Y. evening. it the h ' n1 _ borne o.f M.r,,,•and•Mrs, • I'cter deBoet'. Doug 'Wall resided P ----Re-- -0 -f Llattetl C'hurcll -well retire, the'. ;. - end b./June ifyin upon,eonlpleting`. forty years of.servtce .fn the• ; - : C<(lrtstian NI s jird-rrrt}.1e devar . n.. tcr�e , I' N' r•a$ read by 'Robert Bregnian and tile. meditation "'Whose'Neigh=. •boilrs are we`'. by John del3oer.• t'arolyn t�iacGillivray led. in pryer The offering Was iv-ed,., �.,.., �a..e� , �; A .Plans were ade for a sleigh- rrl g riding party on 1�1arch 7 at 2 p.m. at Russell Young's, ' t , t .._ .:., 67 • FORD • 2 door, 6 autOnatic with • . ' r 67 ....CHRYSLER LER 2 door hardtop,,; ower steerin and .brake With radio P.. $. s, 5 • . CHEV,"4 door,: 6. automatic : • 64 RAMBL R, 8 standard .with radio . • c :� A • • . told about' th•e Morn:ion religion illi :r r show f �we�_ n o ' 6.7 FORD' 4 door. sedan, $ automatic • with radiowith .6Z FORD 4 door. sedan, 6•c "Tinder radia , ' _Sora temples and nonunlents in Salt lake e `"t Utah, The 'meeting' L k City, . f� closed with prayer, . • recitation, tonatwisters 66 PLYMOUTH,4 dr8 automatic .For were repeated. • 1\irsadetlOer'and y • j Nanc served -lunch ° Donald moved. a vote of thanks to and Mrs deBoer for having• the rneetinA,, thh: ,r,. wrao,JJJ l .. 66 VALIANT 4 door, 6 automatic r with radio r' �:: � ..:,_.. _ , . TRUCK>, '' 63 CH -V. ton E 1 inn unce ent•w s[rn. that a '(`i5 lrnrrittnlcrttlis class. , 'would begin on March 12 at •'Scott 1Nhitechurcla ° Nancy deRnor and rvlrfi _ Wall. •