HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-02-25, Page 9WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY. iSth, 1970 •.' THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • ' • • . be sure of your spring fertilizer '• Don't make the mistake of waiting until siiring to buy • your fertilizer ... that's • 'when everyone e,Ise does. . . - . . • Thaes-wheri-supplies-can • • run low too, even in the • save too. •WHITECHURCH and DISTRICT 1r. andMrs; Berl McClenaghan visited Sunday With Einfier.:Woods and M. Lra.McNeii1 of St. • . • Mr. and Mrs.. Paul'Geiger'of Waterloo were week end visitors• , •with. Ni.r. and' Mrs. Carl MeClen-- ' Visitors on Sunday with Mr. .and Nirs..•Carl Weber and farnilywere Mr. and Mrs. Carl Barman of "Palmerston, Mt; and Mr'. Jim -Moe-k, CA-theri-ne-,-Catol-and• kOl of Ilarrision. . • Mrs. Ross Proctor -of Belgrave • :vicinity was a Monday caller"pn . • were in„Wingharn -at thehone of .his2parents; qvir; and Mrs:" G..... •Simmoni•on'Friday.evening to celebrate'tlie occasion of. Simmonsbirthday,. They also k visited with. Mr. Ezra Scholtz. • Joan Laidlaw Of London accompanied Mr. and Mrs. • • Simmons and Lonnie and and Nit's. Howa'rd L'ong from • '" London and spent the week end with her parents, me,. and Ell*QT-ta#11- ••• • Rev...Horace f3raden of London was a. dinner guest on Sunday with and Mrs'. 1-1. D. MacDonald • • . • PAG!---itiltilk-- T.-•- - . • . , WINGHAM'. opi0t4E 30-1636 SHOW TIMES Friday and ;Saturdays at '7:15 and 9:15. All other days, one show at 8:00, •except" where noted on the prograni.. Mrs. Victor Emerson. The ladies. and Mrs. Frank Coulter. a•ncl Mrs. Bill Evans visited • .on Sunday.with Mr. and, Mrs, Chester. Meagan of Cloderich and viewed the ships and ice at the dock. Wallace Goon and Jim Boyle • were•at Montreal last week from Tuesday.to. Thursday and Mr. and Mrs. Doug Conley and Jason of, .Wingham stayed with Ms. Conn till Wallace's return. .Mr. and iMrs. Don Dirstein and son of ?ijaxwent ;on Friday'frorn fewciays with his parent's; Mr. and Mrs. Dirstein of Ilanover. . Wilmer. Taylor of Hamilton •• visited cort,the week end•with" Mr.. and Mrs 'Lawerence Taylor and Mr.„ and Nit -S. Charle's Ta lor On his•return to Hamilton Ile was accompanied by his brother.' John Ta.Y1c5r:, nur51ng linib en- •'• cased in a ait, w.1ich. cai b.' 'r:trnoved this cdtrfing,-weelt -end.. • Grant:Carrie of London•spenr.the week end with his pafrents:,:'Mr. and Mrs. Ken 'Currie'. • Congratulations •to:, Mason Robin- son and Fred IvIcQuillin who were • elected directors On Friday at the Dunga•rindri meeting for West 'Wawanosh Fireinsurance, Company. Mason Robinsci.t-akes the: place of Heron Irwin alid Fred MCQnillin fills, the place of Brown Smyth; became acquainted while recent • patients at,Wingliain Hospital. Mr:• and Mrs, Gershom Johnston: of Winghani-were dinner guests • with Mr, and Mrs'. Clarence Rit- • chie on Thursday to celebrate ::4aryA.ii' sid4okn&toiis • birthdays, • • • CLASS A NIECHANIC: • .• • Congratulations to Jim Nlorrison • who" recently Eeceived• a .certifi.c - ' • ate for a Class A Mechanic.: The Ford Motor Co, has courses at B.rarnley and Coldwater, Ohio Buy yourCO-OP fertilizer . -cT now and ,You'll 'enjoy worth- • which Jim attendr while early 'delivery sayings. .NICYr HER PASSES d • Pi .The cornniunjty extends their• • sympathy to N1r,and Mrs: John Jamieson and family in the pass• •i,ng bn Sunday of his 'mother, Sata-h-A-n-ri in West 'Hill at the -age-- 'she leaVei to .n4ouri-i her of -best--"itcicked Wareho• usei. That's when you should be a pplyirig, not buying. Make ..•- •sure-•yoy-:haVe your-ppring suSptyof ci c-.Qp*. fertilizer in time... order: now • • Early Delivery and Cash Discoun• ts• loss George'of Orangeyille.,•Niary • , . • , , • and Norman of;Connecticut . - , — ;•••••-:---H---LCS,,-.-A-..-a-n ", '44,-G1:f W•blii._-klitirch• L . .. ,,,,.---. -, . ....The kin er ha al ,pi smdanti Wiselsloiol eksidnai . Russel • usselc: • . after tfie *store in the absence' of '1 0 • .•• and Mrs. John Jamieson and may. • -Mrs.•Russel Chapman accomp- : *Registered Trade Ph Mark . ' : : ' one 528-2125 ' '. . .1`1..,.Mrs. anied r and John Janie - • son and family to West Hill on , Sunday and is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Smith and family.. • . 'Sharon Rintotil of London. spent , thek'Week end,with her parents. Mr. And Mrs'. Bili Rintoul. ' r..Ni and visited •uriaay evening with her nio'ther.,‘ Mx's. George •: . Quality controlled for your satisfaction --Mensi. 9 •Clarence C";r1.-•er is top 1owler7' with hit.Th of 261 . • • ' ind high triple: of 73.1. • • Bill 'Stewart's Oitlinobiles• Clarence C•reer's' Dodges 2; • Walter Arnold's N1uStaiNs'7. • Keith Black's BuiCks 0; Btister Whitby's Fords ,. 13il1 Buttons Pontiac< 2 ..••••MMO • ie .„... • Kay Crawford tolled the- high single and.high",triple with scores 272 and t1SS. • • -a roes prayed; Tillie Wilson:s OrangeS•'2..•13arb Helni's Bananas. Caldwell at the home .o,f and .X1rs. MackCardiff of East •• Wawanosh-. • ' - land NIrS Cameron ' •Sininions and Lonnie; Mr.: and • Nlrs. libward Long of LonOon ;•• n . . .Bey ThOmpson's Apples 0.,•. .Me 's p.m Carol Atkinson 's Peaches 7, Maeg 'Geor.ge Stanley took tdp•scores Hackett's Strawberries :Mary for .bcith high single and triple Lon: Ba Lizgrs CriAp : • • • . , . -v. .. • , • . ' , • . ' • • triple. • • • , of 24, •• ) And • and Ca).1:e------77--• -rrmmwls 7,, Cardinals 2, • Clarence Greer. 2t1, 2-•-)p., Rov • , Fi [Aaron. 239• Bill SteWart: •C ":10 Char es Anck,r,- •'son 12-T2 , Johri.:41itherford1;••,• • • Stuart Jamicsott 23.7., Reg Jones t •,'• linSter 230; • Jack Caesar , . . . rezt a.i . •.Pontiacs 77, 01(Ismol)iles•7;i, • Fords i7.. ,stanclingi. ()ranges - •,,he . • Spencer 232; Barb Sanderson 201, . \'ultures.0, Ilawks • (<4q: CrawfOrd „ - Teamstandiiigs:' Owls 10.ri,. . • • • (4a-F1iFh+ls•-4:1-7--1Lii It Fifes -1:1-7-„941-14-s----- Lirida Rathwell 200. • ••• . • . . • Ruth Jrdine 21.1., 207, Evelyn Sister .200, • Merle Filiot 212, Muriel Ritchie La dies 6:3 •.• • 4; TFiirTen erself „ n' On „Friday' ev,ening Ctirrie's • SchoorEuchre club held their • Eudhre party at the Belgrave Arena assembly Hall with. 9 tables in play.' Those,w inning prizes tir******* Ttivg., FRI., SAT:, MON., TUES., WED.,. , FEB. 26,27, 28 MAR. 2, 3, 4 SPECIAL —( 6 DAYS) • • Czn ineascopezeolour-- -Starring: Barbra Streisand, -Omar Sharif • • Barbra Streisand's' unique talent as singer and actress glowingly re-creates the per- sonality of Fannie Brice. Ad- vanced admission prices are _ADULTS $1.754_STUDENTS $1.25k CHILDREN 75�. There will be one show each 'evening starting at 8:00 o'clock.' • ....arid 'Jason of Winghain Were.Sun- ' • day intors, witTlvIr: and Mrs. Russel Ross arid Doris:, Mr. and- N1rs . Bob N•loWbray ande"-.NSikadaIrs;HYarvr1Tirpicrh:cbowiuthrnNei&f: Goderfefi. •••••:• • • Mr. and Mrs.. -Wallace Agar of' ia WingEarn:visited:last Thursday . evening with Mr. an Mrs. Albert Coultes. • • •.• • Nlr. and 1\irs. Gordon Moffat of Oakvillc visited Saturday with • N1r. . "and Mrs. Russel Gaunt: arid Donald Gannt and Mary Pnidon • of Nitehener., who. were alio " • • visiting there. • • • Russel Gaunt returned home .• ,from Victoria Hospital on Thurs- .day• .' , • ' Sunday visitors with-'Nlr. and w'ere; high lady, Mrs. Jim Curtfel'' lOwiady, Mrs. Bob Galbraith; high Man. 'Ed Smyth; low man, ' Bob Gordon.; travelling prizes. • Mrs, Alex Robertson and Jim Currie. ,The sp,onsors Mr. and Mrs.. Lawerence -Taylor and and Mrs. George. k.Zalker served linich. Those Sibonsor•ing• the next party are Mr. and Mrs. lierry Paulson and Mx'. and Mrs. Di ck Nir. and Mrs, Elwood Groskorth • , Moore.- -• •' • - • Mr and Mrs DOucrlas COnleV and Mrs. Eric Cone•and family • ' • - ••• • of BurliliF,Tton, N"rs. Charles Tiffin of ‘Ving- • harn visited Sunday with Mr. •Arid Einerson. Rusk. Ritchie. and Nlr ., a nd•Mrs I Fred • • • •', • HOLIDA.1* I:N. FLORIDA : left o'n Frida for ,a-holida'in • .,. • • 'PO • Cameron 'tied for tlic high single • ganie with 1.77 and Nlildryd took' tlie high- triple .of • • ' . • • .1. • . cam•eron 202, 27,7, Ena 11elide•r- son 277. Kathleen Mae:Donald •jean ilii11ips 22-1, 211 • :(1:1' (.7tall1iSS 20'3, Grace Elliott 214... Trudy Foran•213, 210, Arnie " fitirney:',2-Ao Andre,/ 2t;:;,. TeaTh Points: C•atlierine Andre' s .AMets Ilazel web- ter's Rose's -2;•(---race klliott".s • Daisies' 5, ..Trudy Forati- :Pansies • .. 2; Marion Camphell'g , Isabel Niiller's . Tea iti Sta ndings:'1a isfes: tdt , Violets ,61,. Roset;. 80, Lilacs Pansies '77., Asters kW. • • . • ' GODERICH ,(),Tfik.,ScitJARE PHONE -524:7811' AIRCONDITIONED STARTING T011AY .FOR .10 DAYS THURSDAY; '.FEB. 26 to SATURDAY, 'MARCH 7 DIRECT FROM • ITS LONG,RUN -10ADS110 coiLue•A PiCTURES and RASTAR PRODUCTIONS pawl: BARBRA 0.. • STREISAND S I .•Th.VVILLIAM llYLER• RAY STARK*44.•• ENGAGEMENTS! • One Complete At *00 p.m, • • TEGiNICOLOP:',PANAV401" J)SATURbAV MATINEES F-eb1•-23-and Marc AAt 2.00 p.m, MA, )NE —Admissions for "FUlini Girl" -- EVENING, $1.50 — ADULTS' — $1.75 $1.25 — Students Under 18 Years of Age • .75 • — Children Under 12 Years of Age — as.