HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-02-25, Page 6PAGE SI,c ' a THE 'LU.CKNOW SENTINEL.,_LUCKNOW, ONTARIO AUCTION S • 4 . Notice To Creditgrs DATES CLASSIFIED ADS TENDERS WANTED AUCTION SALE ',TENDERS' AUCTION SALE.. • TENDERS will be. received , by AUCTION 'SALE of 36 head of undersigned until Saturday, Febru fresh and springing Holstein cows. ary 28th, 1970 for supplying diesel and heifers, 300' gal, bulk -tank,. 2 fuel, and greases for the Twp. of De Laval milker "pails,' will be held' Ashfield for the years 1970 & 1971. for •Rod, Johnston;: Lot 8;,Concession. Lowest or any tender not, necessary_ 3 Goderich Township. (1 mile south ily ' accepted; c of, Sunset • Drive -In. Theatre), on Joe McIntyre, Thursday, Februarjt 26 at '2: p.m. R.R. 3; Goderich Trms'cLucknow MacIntyre, Auc- e: TENDERS • TENDERS WANTED for Garb- age collection by the Township of -Huron for the collection of garbage • from the summer cottages' for 1970. Tenders shall be in, a lump sum for the complete job 4 and on tender forms which may be obtained from the :. Clerk and specifying equip- ment to be used. Tenders to be in by 11'a.m., March,`2nd, Lowest or any „tender not ' necessarily :accept-` ed Earl Tout, Township Clerk . TENDERS`• • ,WARBLE FLY INSPECTOR • wanted: by the Township of Heron " for the .1970. Warble Fly Inspection: • 71M -riders to be -in by' 11 a.m. March- • 2nd and in a .lump sum for the com= plete job. Lowest er any tender not . 'necessarily accepted. . • ' • , Earl ' Tout,, Township- Clerk , • TENDERS: TOWNSHIP -OF P-O,F WEST WAWANOSH. -TENDERS will be received . for the supplying of approximately. 600 pounds warble • `fly powder, • to be delivered under The supervision .of the Warble :Fly Inspector. , TENDERS will be received for the spraying of cattle under the Warble Fly Act,' stating lump sum price. or 'price per head :for each spray. Tenderers supply necessary equipment and help, Township sup dies warbicide: . PLICATIONS *for the position" arble Fly Inspector at•.the 'rate f $1.75 per hour will ,'be • received. Inspector' ta. provide: own transport • ation , and collect spraying charges. All ende s and a plications.seal-1 +ed and plainly marked. will'. be re-' .ceived by the undersigned `.lip to • 12:00 p.in., Tuesday.' March 3rd, 1970.. Mrs.. Joan C. 'Arinstrong;' • Clerk,-Townshipef. West-Wa a i -st • RA: 2,. Lucknow, Ontario• Purp'Ie Grave • , 4.4 •_ : 4•...,.1,.4.4.,,,. µ.0,Y,.x, AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE of household •fur niture; and . appliances: will 'be held for ' the estate . of ,the late Mrs. Howard Beirnes at the residence on --- Havelock St, -----Havelock.St, in the village of Luck NOTICE TO CREDITORS now . on Saturday, February 28 at , n The' Estate Of 1:30: Offering includes a Leonard LEITHA MORRISON refrigerators with large . freezer Deceased, (bought new3 months ago),,electtic, ALL• persons' -having-- claims a stove, washing machine, dining gainst theestate of Leitha Morri rgom table• and chairs, buffet, son, late of,the Village of 'Lucknow, china cabinet, • chesterfield and in the County of Bruce, Widow, de- chair, Marconi. T.V. set, 2 radios, ceased,/ who died on or about the pole lamp, vacuum cleaner, Singer 2ndday. of January, 1970, arehere-. portable sewing machine, (new); by notified tosend full particulars- toaster, articularstoaster:, electric. fry pan, 'Hall tree,• of :their claimsto the undersigned. writing desk, electric ironer, lamps, Solicitor for . the Administrator, ori fan, 2 bedrooms suites, single. bed, or before the 27th day of February- dressers, Kenwood blankets new, '1970, after which date the assets of dishes, 'garden' tools, good,: lawn the estate will be distributed a - power' mower, cnumerous small. Mongst those entitled; thereto, hav- articles: Sale held inside the house, ing regard only to theclaims, that. TERMS • CASH have then.been•received Allan Maclntyre,• Auctioneer • Dated at Listowel, Ontario,. this Lucknow' 5thday of -Fe ruary 1970: R: W. ANDREW,: l . Listowel, Ontario Solicitor for the Administrator WEDNESDAY; FEBRUARY 25t1.1, NOTICE°TO CREDITORS In the Estate Of MARY ANNE ELIZABETH. • • DURNIN • • ALL'PERSONS, ` having claims. against the . estate of the above mentianed, late of the Towpship' • of West Wawanosh, in the • County of. Huron; Housekeeper, ;Who died on January 24th, 1970 are requiredto file proof of same with the under- signed or, or before the 2nd day of March, 1970. Afterthat date the Executor will proceed to' distribute- the estate h'wing regard, only ,to the. claims of which they 'shall then havehad,, notice. . ' • DATED at Wingham, Ontario this :3rd day of February, 'A.D. 1970. CRAWFORD AND MILL Wingham, Ontario. Solicitors For The Executor ' . AUCTION- SALE. AUCTION• SALE of livestock, machinery, hay . and grain wilt be held—for •the- es to , ' •'�e ' tate- _ George Henry,' -Lot 8, Caincess one Estate Of' 10, Ashfield Township,' 3 miles WILLIAM HOWARD BE'IRNES. South and 2 :miles. west of Lucknow ; : and on. Thursday, March 5 at 1;30. ELIZABETH' CATHERINE.. ,. TERMS BEIRNES ALLAN Mac1;NTYRE AuctioneerDeceased • .•Lucknow; . • • ALL persons having • claims a- gainst the Estate of 'William • How- .IAUCTION SALE ':': and Beirnes, Retired.. Railwayman,' AUCTION SALE of. household. who died on or aboutahe 29th. day furniture appliances, and antiques, of January, • 1970, :.and: -•-against• the 5.50 Diesel ,Oliver 'tractor, 1963 Chev- Estate or Elizabeth Catherine •Ber- rolet truck will be held for James nes, widow, who .died on. or, about Rutter., Lot' 18; Concession S. hin- •the 3rd .day' of February, 1970, both loss. Township, 212 miles north and, of the Village . of Lucknow; in the 3•• gales east: of Lucknow;' on Satur-,. ouniy • of Bruce' are':hereby'. notif-• day,. March 7 at .1 30.' Offering >ln- ied to send, full particulars of their eludes • Kelvinator refrigerator; claims to ;the undersigned Solicitor Frigidaire refrigerator: • RCA . 21 for ' the Executors of• the said. Es ft. deep freezer': :,Kelvinator.' ' auto-'tates, on :or before the 27th day of uratic 4.burtcr stove Beatty Kash- Febrliary1970, after which . date' =in - twaehine, '2'. • ciil' stoves ,d -the -Estates' will`. be distributed -a taank : antique. china: cabinet: ant tnongst those entitled thereto, hav iclue chairs:' walnut. extension Mg. regard only'.to the •claims 'of 'table and 6. chairs: oak round ex -,which the 'Executors shall then tensir.�n• table chesterfield andIhave notice, :ch;lir: '..t ... lamps; T.\': set Dated at Listowel. Ontario, .this: radio: '•act um.itcr: • Viking 6th day " of February.. 1970. ,•elOthcs dryer. new.. 2 buffets; rock- s•R. W. ANDREW elm' oi'lanips,; 4. beds . Listowel, Ontario atid tll ltd"t"C'ssi`J, 2 ,are' a'm;, • WashS.olicitor. for .the' Executors• 'st a:i:''. this es:.:'et . .Also .iiia car N•30 ''l Le.sCi "ral tov with .loader;', .1N13. C fle t ro4 ; 'ton .' kc' truck: milk y,, all . . �.. a ac.' I1'4• l:a'I't�l1J. �nia taa:$ . CREDITORS TERMS.0A'SH F-ARM':SOLD' Owr4er'has bought a furnished house SALE INSIDE HOUSE ALLAN :Mad 'NTYRE". .Auctioneer" Lucknow AMBERLEY 'r, ...-••••-•:.:" • • 41,4 i • MONUMENTS • 7 • ::"a. WALK RTON MORD Pa.t O•'t:tari, Pip'.. `wt W:1 :Le L er tins F6 lfi N E • ON'T k10 t' -• • ,. • • Thursday; February 26th :Rod .Jahnston, Goderich Town - :Ship; Dairy Sale. • Saturday, February 28th Beirnes. Estate, . Havelock St., Lucknow; Household Sale. Thursday, March 5fh, George Henry Estate, Concession 10 Ashfield 'Township; • Livestock and Implements. , Saturday, March 7th: James• Rutter;, Concession 3, Kinloss .Township; ' Tractor, truck and household; sale..• Saturday, March 21st Mrs. Victor Black, Ashfield Township; Livestock sale. Tuesday, March 24th Clifford . McPhee, .0 o 1 b o u. r"' n e Township; Livestock % and, Imple- ments. • Thursday, March 26th Ivan : MacFarlan, Concession 12, Kinloss -Township.; --Livestock_and Implements. Monday, ' March .:30th Frank: Lindsay Estate, ' Kincar- dine Township; Livestock, Real Es- tate,,..Implements, Thursday, April 2nd Howard '.Johnston, Ashfield Town. ship; Livestock; Implements: •- aclntre AII�fl;M y ,AUCTIONEER parents, �`L-1fGKN'OW \1rs Doris Scott' and fainilv 1970. ,Fractures Hid In ,Fail At Hospital ZION NEWS I\rs; }Alan [tifchie's father,,. Tom Culbert is`a patient if'1 .St.. Joseph's hospital, London 'as a.'. result of a fall he had in .Wing-' harp hospital, where he suffered: • a' frac.tured:.hp;. , .: 'Sympathy of the community is extended to the •family of the late George rlenry in his sudden passing: Allan Ritchie:Was admitted to, Wingham •liospital on Saturday. • Mr. and •\1rs. Eldon Ritchie and fa rnil,y visited on Sunday with'`lri, 'and Mrs., Melvin Bogie of .God- 'erich. 1)onald and. Jim Ritchie' • enjoyed. soine snowmobile 'rides; at the Agricultural Park at the (...3•oderich winteyc•arriival. The sudden rise in,:tewperature'almost; diminished the snow there, and'-'trs':•rt3i-11-Flu nt-er. .lirtd ; visit its; tem ai'i Tuesday. N1r, and \i.rs:`11.;ottie Gardner .of .W ltlhanl, •. Mr. rrnd "1rs:.: Rov. Keane of:, Stratford were week eiid visitors. with her parents \1r,. and\firs; 1J iIunter.. ,.1, aflda• l!tinter 6f Windsor t'tii4 et;.Ity ,and I)ontl•a. R2tc.hie,of •West - ern .University , .L,otidon are spend. ,ing'this "st'itdy"week with their'. HITECHURCH • \'r. and `lrs •1.10yd°1Vhvtpclt ;tnd family visited Sundt' With,...,,. 1;ier prents "r.' and \1rs•: itoh tlel,a� of ashfteld.. • r• and NIrs,.l:Elwood: ('rockortli • spent' the week -end with her. mother Mrs. Ilagg, \tr. and t1•r :, •Paul Grbskurth and family ?.'r. and \•tri . 11.erf. Porter and,faniily. all of .Tdronto, ' • h1rs',;•Walter''_A'rscott is visiti'tb..• •With relatives in Toronto .With • some i•mprovern nt. 1 11 :ealth; Jack Aitchison..of tiurbnvie•w Clinton visited aiid .; Tuesday. with friends in \Vhit'e- c.hurch. of Teeswaterc'alled. on and.. • Mrs .• ,loin Hunter or `Stinda.v. (Too late for' la r w t k) till r 4 ida v F'vt't'tint.;., . in .thf' Sr iLill,. there 11 t:%felt 0 i ,tt•al` ' •. Na-V1or4 .iuci-1.14.q 1'oraui_,,. 'for tl'1e.1i' h .;,C'ta ,, I or•111 1do11 ti d.';i-\% . • e•-11.1;1 tlo.v'lc won it' t',•' ladit'�`• t`il'd,. 1,o % 'seer e.• .• • IIFColin f?hi�.t�olri: a_nd I:l'�,� h-1 :1 w of the 1u1 forthe t:'. 1'ad.icr Th.c poo: prize •N‘•9•11 h1•'• will' he held in tNs0-w.eeks: SMOKED-,PICNIC•SHOULDERS 63c' ''SMOKEOE COTTAGEEROLL ave19C Ib. 79c I ' FRESH.' GROUND BEEF, Save 20c 16.. • 2 lbs. x'1.19, e..****.oioim.•440.4.0.30-0.40o • • • • • We.. specializ• e In t�omema Sig WE HAVE FRESH CAPONS ON $ALE' - •.. ,411 . titiaidw . • WE LELIVE: • CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING