HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-02-25, Page 5WEDNESDAY,FEBRUARY 25th, 1970. THE LUCKNOW .SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ...PAGE FIVE Mac.KENZIE, O.D. Optometrist • NOW IN RIPLEY • EVERY. WEDNESDAY Office Hours 10:00 mm. to 5:30 p,m, Phone Roy. MacKenzie Ripley 395-5154 for appointment • W. R. HAMILTON. - OPTOMETRIST NEXT TO LYCEUM THEATRE WINGHAM PHONE 3571361, JOHNSTONE'S FUNERAL HOME Modern and Convenient Lucknow, Phone .528-3013 Day or Night- Serving All Faiths • According to Their Wishes Moderate .Prices • Established', 1894 INSURANCE'—' FIRE-, W.IND,•CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE and ',LIFE TO. Protect Your Jack,' ' • Insure' With Jack Today. J.A. McDONAGH Lucknow; Phone' 528-3423• R, BRAY DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC 256. CENTREST., WINGHAM,' "PHONE 357-1224 FOR COMPLETE TIRE SALES & SERVICES Phone 529=7600 IKINTAIL GENERAL STORE QUALITY TIRES AT LOWEST PRICES ` , .Farm, Truck . & Pass. Tires • • • Wheel Balancing -and. Battery, Service • ROY A HAVENS. PLUMBING - HEATING WIRING. R. W. ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor `LISTOWE:L, ONTARIO 1N, .LU'CKN.OW Every Wednesday and Saturday Afternoon Office in the Joynt Block Telephone Lucknow 528-3116 • GAVILLER AND COMPANY •. '' • CHARTERED :ACCOUNTANTS WALKE'RTON .Phone 881-3.471 IMPERIAL OI,L • PRODUCTS: for prompt service, • and quality products,. Esso Heating: Equipment and Home Heat Service. Dealer' Lucknow Phone 528-3012 .. • CRAWFORD and MILL 1 4. 'H. C•RAWFORD, Q.C. ALAN R. MILL, B.A, L.L.B. WINGHAM •• • IN .LUCKNOW, •. EXEAYJ&EPNESDAY 10 a.m. to 12 noon Located in Breckles Block' Contact: Pl ' :.'GRANT CHI'SHOLM Phone. Collect Dungannon 529.7524 "Always. Look To Imperial .For Thea Best" IN RIPLEY EVERY FRIDAY •' In Ross Martyn B iiidin Phone Wingham „' Office 357.3630' -- Res. 3574330 WINGHAM MEMORIALS. GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING. .REASONABLE' PRICES,- • Bu o L.anaye LI LOST man's green duck over coat, with large key' ring for car and business in' 'pocket,, Taken. by •.mistake from Danny's Tavern last, •Saturday;. evening: , Leaving navy blue all weather coat. Please ,check your closet, return of keys would be much appreciated, .Phone 528-3433 or Mr. George' Keil 355- 3545 Gorrie. • UBBEBre■e l'E■BBRE BIU111 • •. ■ 145 ACRE. FARM ■ ■ • :Here is a, genuine:':farin and at■ .the right, price with a 140.work- !able' acres of clay loam.- good■ .productive soil. The ' barn„ mea-: •suring 32' x 50' and.`. 32' x 52' ■ ■conl'ains 20 cow tie-ups, balance:. m loose pens in good shaPe. The: . 1.? storey brick home has,. a ,full ■ ■. t,.wkitchen;._dining-room,. 'allying room, .3 large bedrooms: : and a bathroom. Owner retiring; ■ ■ come have a look and then make • us an offer: You will not be dis- s • appointed. • .. ■ ■ .- • ■ 100' ACRE' FARM ■ • Located 6 miles from Late %D. ■ ion' with 95 workable, level, .clay. :loam acres, A lovely -- 2._al9rey 4 ■ S.O:L.D.r:_ ■ bedroom brick home' with .modl.` Kinloss Township acreage to °ern. conveniences. Barn 40''x 48'.10 ; E Pearson;, Kitchener. sand 20'. X.16' contains' 14 tie-ups. 1 :balance ' in loose ` pens. ' 2 im_ 01 plementsheds.' Priced 'for • quick i WANTED . •` sale for spring possession.. • Cash buyer wants 10•or more acres,. a • ' ' E! river or creek, "hills and some FOR SALE PRIORI FOR QUICK' SALE Corner "farm, 100. acres with front- age :on paved road,' 93 • acres work- able, gently rolling" medium clay loam: ' Balance _'mixed bush. Four bedroom stuccohome, oil furnace, bathroom, built: in cupboards, '.art- ificial fire place, lovely hardwood floors. Barn 36'.x 70' and 30' x 36'., New drilled well . Full price $21,500. �..�, ,. 150 ACRE RETREAT Looking for,a spot to get -away -from it . all? This acreage has everything you ever dreamed of: Woods • ' for a peaceful: summer. walk, a river where you can relax while you fish. pike from . its depths, wide open spaces with ;hills andflats for 'those winter sports. If • you're interested in developing, this one is tops. Over half a mile of river frontage with excellent building sites: 120 acres. of maple and cedar; an excellent stand of 'timber. Full price $16,500. Down payment $5,000.. Balance... at. 8% interest per annum. • DAIRY FARM - 20 ACRE LAKE 350 acres, Kincardine township, 9 room cement block home; 4 pc. bath, . coal, stoker furnace,' excel- lent- condition, ' 300:. acres' workable lay -loam; level, tile--dr-ained • dr- l led well: Barn .50' . x 60' and 70' x, 30' steel stanchions, water bowls; silo 16' x 50', cement .and, pole barn 90' x 36'. Pipe limilker; 3 stall milking, parlor. 2 implement sheds. Full price $85,000. Down a3 n"e-nt-$2,900.=Int-e=re-st--r-rate-'on balance 6%. Steck and • machinery can, be purchased. p •G.B•BEBE•.E•BBB••EGN>' ' FORSALE. 3• BEDROOM ' HOME, close to: ; • school, 'with kitchen, living room dining room and three .piece bath.. • This house has a Iew''roof and has been redecorated recently: •Immed-• -- late possession at a very reason." able price, of $5,300. 100 ACRES OF LEVEL, productive: soil, close to Lucknow; 85 acres' workable, balance bush;: 4 bedroom • brick home, good road, immediate. possession at 'a very 'reasonable Price, 3 BEDROOM HOME,, well located, in Lucknow,° four blocks • from school, living room, dining room, kitchen, full basement, new oil furnace. Attractive insulated siding recently applied'. to the outside, makes this :a .comfortable home for. a family or _ for retirement. •Fula asking price $8,500. ' • 100. ACRE• 'DAIRY ..FARM, ' well ' drained, Harriston clay loam soil; 4. ' '! bedroom' home with all convenien- ces; large barn, new steel stanch- ion. stables for '28 dairy cows. If you are interested in a . family siz- ed dairy farm, 'see this property. • The owner'is is . willing to split the . -property►--ai d-sell-the-50=acres-=with--~•-- the buildings separately. 'Priced at $24.A.9- Mrs. .— : trees :.No swamp, $3,000 - $6,000 'YOU HAVE. SOMETHING' TO LL :OR BUY WE WILL BE AD TO DISCUSS. IT WITH YOU. ANY: TIME. . ■ ID AL :LOCATION , ■ I ■ A frame garage containing 2:; IF !bays' a. hoist,'and a supply! ; 'SE ■ ■room. Heating, is by a 3 year6V G L : old oil 'furnace Situated on a■ ; ilot measuring 82' 'x :132' Located; ',only 1 -block off the'main street: • Full asking price only, $6,500.00:. 1.■ ■ 100'. ACRE FARM . I . With. approxima .eiy 80 workable: ■acre • s balance bush A news • dairy barn measuring 26' x 64'. • with 34 tie-ups. No. ••2 barn 46' ■ ■-x 64' with' anew steel roof. Driv - ! ■ ing shed 30' x '16'. ' A 1'/2 storey ■ 1 ling bedroom modern home with a■ • I:full 'basementand'heating by an; rifted Mchitee: For—ThesePr-operti Pleaise' Contact • 290 ACRES of level ;cash cro land, choice 'Listowel' loam soil, especial- ly well suited for corn or beans; • near y all workable; lovely' 3 bed- 'room home with all conveniences; barn 36"x• 58. This property is well located and ;:mast be seen to . be .a i` s reciated. • WANTED . ,a 100 ACRES' :with a good .stream,'. .preferably for trout. fishing, . and 'a good` house. CALL WARREN . ZINN . Phone 529-7350 Wilfred Mc1flt,�6.' Co limited R OSALIND HODGIN$, *395.2337 or : • 2 Holyrood, Ont N . OW` FEATURIN.G NEW r DUTO•LISTING :SE'RVICE. •4r'• !Roil furnace. Highway location. ■ I SACT IMMEDIATELY., le ■ .■ • ■■ •. 81 Co.,Limited ■ WALKERTON' ■ Member of --the Grey'andBruce �_SO I' YOU -WANT -TO:. Multiple Listings Service Bus. Ph: 357.1910 •' Res.. Ph: 357-1.015- I , , Over 60 •Salesmen ■' CONTACT. US AT ` v;:. , Working. For. You ■..:.�.... ......s.•• • Dan Hoist • ■ ■ `hacKENZIE I: ■ MEMORIAL CHAPEL ,., Real Estate. Ltd. '. -FUNERAL, SERVICE .: ■ _ "' R W. BELL OPTOMETRIST GODERICH • The Square (Phone. JAckson 4-7661)- A. M..HARPER -GHA OUNTA.N.T: RT -E R -E D �-ADC 55 57 Sonth• Street, 'Goderich Telephone °5247562 • Services cdtiductedy according to your wishes' at your Home, your Church, or at our 'Mem- orial Chapel • at no additional charge. Lucknow, Phone • 528.3432 ' Day or Night , I REALTORS,._ ■ WINGHAM N ■ .i ■ .BLACI{ — • in. •loving .memory of ■' ■ 1 Eva Black ..who "passed away ten � = RuNal;`• Ontario Specralisfs . — � p ■ • years ago February 27th, '1960., • , i For best• results Photo list • i 1 The little_ things she -used to - do,- ■ your property with Don, Horst a The things she used to say ' ' :'' _ •• ; Come crowding back to. memory P .. • As We think of her to -day • • : •• BARRY McDONAGH - .•Rep.;, : Ever retnembered; and sadly mis- ■ Lucknow 528-3423 B sed by husband, song daughter-in- D:...COLLYER Registered Master Electrician 'ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Specializing In ■ law' grandchildren, brother and Rye �' 395'-5326.. , . ■ ■ Sisters. ." , it Anne Masterson Manager ■ IRWIN = in loving •.memory of Mr. • Winghem off, -3840, • i and Mrs. Wilson Irwin. Mr. Irwin ■ - - - . : passed•away'on January 16th, 1954, ■ Nothing- Irwin on Februar, . 25th,1968. ' : ,Clarence Sutcliffe —= Rep. Ele�etric.�wiring..........s� `� -can-ever, take away- ■ Mrs.r' `Elaetric �'Heatinij;-"`WitighaM 357.3840' r y� ' The love a heart' holds dear.. ■ Res.52461 35 3 ". .. and Repairs • ■ Rea. 39,2.6969' ■ Fond lday, ' "N..w peke Jutzi - Re ' • ilememb ante keeps them near. and g every a • AM Electrical Appliances ■ P :, Winghatn 357.1570 •■ Lovingly remembered by family, Lucknow -- Phone 528-5182 ■ • ■ ,grandchildren • and • great grand• - :..�ri...:�rs. i■tE■■KliliiliSi■atBNrBt�'a■MlErlii � children. .WALKERTON.. em,. er .a Grey and -Bruce Multiple Listings Service List M.L.S. ' Over .60 Salesmen Working For :You AGNEWS' GENCY STABLISHED 1909 ' "HOWARD AGNEW M'ARG TAGNEW • Lucknow, Ontario HAVELOCK .STREET. OFFICE PHONE 528.2942 0 F.